Chapter Nighty-Nine: Space Elevator
Luna's Pov
Me and the others were in the common area, either working or just talking.
Soon dad walked in and looked at all of us.
"Heads up, we got a visitor coming" Dad said.
Adam gasped as he walked towards dad.
"Is it a government agent, coming to take us away?" Adam asked in worry.
We all gave him weird looks as Chase sighed in exasperation.
"Our secrets been out for a year. Why would they take us away now?" Chase asked.
"Let's just say, I've done some things" Adam said.
"Do I even want to know what he means by that?" Alexis asked while turning to me.
"No, no you don't" I sighed.
Chase chuckled and nodded as he wrapped an arm around my waist.
"It's my chief scientist, Dr. Ryan. He is by far the smartest man I have ever worked with" Dad grinned.
Oh yeah, I know Dr. Ryan.
He sometimes babysat me whenever dad had to leave town for business trips.
Really nice guy, weird, but really nice and funny too.
Chase glared at dad and pointedly cleared his throat.
"Ahem!" Chase yelled at him.
Dad turned to look at him and nodded in realization.
"Oh, you are right. I'm sorry. I am the smartest man I have ever worked with" Dad grinned.
Chase glared at him more, while I sighed and shook my head.
"Dr. Ryan was head of his class at MIT. And he's been Davenport Industries' employee of the month twice! That's never happened" Dad explained.
"Wait for it" I whispered to Alexis and Bree.
"Well, except, of course for me" Dad smirked.
"Told you" I whispered again, causing both girls to giggle.
"You named yourself employee of the month at your own company?" Leo asked.
Dad grinned and nodded.
"I think you love you a little too much" Nick said.
"No kidding" Alexis scoffed.
"It's not because I love myself. It's because I'm better than everyone else" Dad smirked.
I glared at him and smacked him upside the head.
He winced and glared at me while rolling his eyes.
Soon the hydraloop comes up and the doors open.
Dr. Ryan then steps out and walks over to us with a huge smile on his face.
"Hey, hey! Wassup, dudes" Dr. Ryan grinned, looking at the boys.
Then he looked at me, Alexis and Bree and nodded.
"Lady dudes" Dr. Ryan nodded.
I sighed and shook my head but smiled either way.
"Good to see you again Dr. Ryan" I smiled.
"Good to see you too kiddo" Dr. Ryan smiled.
He walked up to me and gave me a side hug, one that I returned.
When we pulled away he ruffled my hair, making me glare at him as I smacked his hand away.
"And employee of the month. Got the parking space and everything. I don't drive, but my mom uses it when she picks me up. That's right, twenty-eight, still living rent-free in my parent's basement" Dr. Ryan said.
The others gave him weird looks while I sighed and shook my head.
"Jealous?" Dr. Ryan asked with a smirk.
"No" Bree deadpanned as she walked away.
"Not even close" Alexis scoffed as she walked over to Adam and clung onto his arm.
"Dr. Ryan is here to construct and test Davenport Industries new space elevator" Dad grinned.
Chase's eyes widened as he turned to dad, looking shocked and angry.
"Space elevator?" Chase asked.
"You see, this why people are out of shape. You should be building space stairs" Adam said as he leaned down and placed his head on top of Alexis's.
"It's a highly advanced transport that climbs a tether all the way to our space stations. Since it's held up by gravity. we can resupply without ever using a rocket" Dr. Ryan explained.
I turned my head, only to see Chase huffing in anger as his entire face was red.
Dr. Ryan noticed it too and let a small smile appear on his face.
"Chase, you look confused an/or constipated. Do you have a question?" Dr. Ryan asked.
"Yes!" Chase yelled, making all of us jump considering he yelled that a bit too loudly.
Oh boy, angry Chase is coming out.
"Why is he working on this? The space elevator was my project. I've been working on it for years" Chase asked.
"Yes, but I had to pass it off so you could focus on being a mentor" Dad said.
I nodded since it was true, dad did tell me about it before.
"Don't worry, Dr. Ryan's been working off your research" Dad said.
"You gave him my research?!" Chase angrily asked.
I could tell that he was really close to bursting at any moment.
So I quickly stood by his side, slid my hand onto his and held his hand with my other hand.
"Calm down bubba, calm down" I whispered softly into his ear.
This seemed to calm him down as he took a few deep breaths and leaned into my touch.
I smiled softly at him and kissed his cheek as I held onto his arm.
"Yes, and it's been very helpful. It's always good to know what's wrong so you can find out what's right" Dr. Ryan grinned.
Once Chase seemed calm enough he turned to dad and shook his head.
"Oh, no. Mr. Davenport, you can't let him do this" Chase said.
"Check his résumé, Chase. He's one of the greatest minds of our time" Dad said.
"I just designed a photo app that puts your face on a dog's butt" Dr. Ryan grinned.
He took out his phone and showed it to us.
The others looked a bit impressed while I looked a bit weirded out.
"Oh! No argument here, this guy is a genius" Adam grinned.
The others nodded while Chase glared at him and I sighed while shaking my head.
In The Mentor Headquarters
I was in the mentor headquarters with dad, Dr. Ryan and Chase.
Dad and Dr. Ryan were discussing the space elevator project and where they want to place it.
"So that'll be the launch pad for the space elevator. What do you think?" Dad asked.
Dad and Dr. Ryan walked over to me and Chase.
"I'll have to do some calculations, but...sounds legit" Dr. Ryan said.
"I already did the calculations. In my head. They're totally legit" Chase grinned.
"Well, then if you'll excuse me, I need to get to work" Dr. Ryan said.
Then all of a sudden he starts playing an air guitar.
I giggled a bit, knowing that he would always do this whenever he was babysitting me.
"What is he doing?" Chase asked.
"Shh. It's his process" Dad said and I nodded.
"This isn't fair. You can't let him build my elevator without me" Chase said in annoyance.
I sighed and nodded and held onto his hand.
"Yeah dad. As much as I like Dr. Ryan, since he was my babysitter, but this was Chase's project. You can't hand it over to him without letting Chase help" I said.
Hey, as much as I like Dr. Ryan, Chase is my boyfriend.
And I will defend my boyfriend and help him as much as I can.
Chase sent me a grateful smile and kissed my temple, making me smile.
"You know what? You both are right. Dr. Ryan?" Dad asked as he turned to him.
"I'm in the bridge, I'm in the bridge" Dr. Ryan sang, still doing the air guitar.
Dad nodded and waved his hand, telling him to continue.
Dr. Ryan smiled at him and nodded and went back to singing and doing his air guitar.
We all look at him a bit weirdly, well me and Chase were looking at him weirdly, dad was just smiling at him.
When he was done he walked over to us and started clapping.
"Thank you, thank you" Dr. Ryan smiled.
Dad smiled and clapped for him while I shook my head.
"Proceed" Dr. Ryan said.
"Oh...I want Chase to join you on the project" Dad said.
"Thank you" Chase scoffed while rolling his eyes.
I glared at him and smacked his arm.
"As your assistant" Dad said.
Mine and Chase's eyes widened as we looked at him in shock.
"What?!" me and Chase yelled.
"This guy is a joke. I bet he doesn't know anything about tensor equations" Chase said.
I lightly glared at him.
I may be on his side, but Dr. Ryan was my babysitter and is my friend, one of my best friends.
Sorry, but Ian will always be my number one best friend.
"Not much, just that...Tensors are used to represent correspondences between sets of geometric vectors for applications in Newtonian physics" Dr. Ryan explained.
"Roughly" Chase scoffed.
"Come on, Chase. You guys are gonna make a terrific team" Dad said.
"I highly doubt that" I sighed while shaking my head.
"Don't worry, assistant dude. I'll make sure you're very involved in the process. I'll even let you play air drums" Dr. Ryan smiled.
He then starts playing air drums.
"Quick, catch my sticks!" Dr. Ryan yelled as he threw him the invisible sticks.
Chase catches the invisible sticks in shock while I jumped back just a bit.
We both turned to see dad and Dr. Ryan playing air instruments.
Me and Chase look at each other before turning back to them and giving them weird and annoyed looks.
Chase then throws the invisible sticks to the ground and walks away.
I sighed and followed him out of the room.
Once we were out of the room Chase stopped walking, turned to face me and let out an annoyed groan.
"I still can't believe Mr. Davenport is making him do my space elevator. That's just unfair" Chase angrily said.
I gave him a look of pity and sighed.
Then an idea popped into my head, making me smirk.
Chase noticed my smirk and raised an eyebrow at me.
But before he could ask me anything I immediately press my lips onto his.
His eyes widened in shock but he quickly gets over it and wraps his arms around my waist.
We kiss for about a minute before pulling away.
We were panting heavily and our lips were slightly swollen.
I smirked and leaned in closer to his ear.
"How about we take this to my room? I'll make you feel better after what happened" I seductively whispered in his ear.
I felt Chase shiver and smirked even more and moved away from his ear.
His entire face was red but there was still a small smirk on his face.
I winked at him before grabbing his hand and dragging him to my room.
A Few Minutes Later
In The Training Area
After mine and Chase's passionate moment together in my room I was now in the training area with Alexis, Adam, Bree, Leo, Nick and dad.
We were giving students new color shirts today since they're all passing and moving up new levels.
Even Leo.
"As we come to the end of our first scholastic term here at the Honorable Donald Davenport World Famous Bionic Academy--" Dad started but Bree cut him off.
"Pretty sure that's not the name" Alexis said.
Me, Adam, Bree, Leo Nick nodded.
This made dad turn to glare at us in annoyance.
"Pretty sure you didn't pay for it" Dad said.
I turned to glare at him as I placed my hands on my hips.
"Pretty sure you didn't come up with the idea in the first place" I said in annoyance.
Dad nervously smiled and nodded at me before turning back to the students.
"After reviewing all your performances, I'm happy to say that you will all be moving up a color level" Dad smiled.
All the students smiled and started cheering and clapping.
Perry smiled and handed the students their new shirts.
"And Leo will be moving up two color levels" I smiled.
We all cheered and clapped more.
I turned to him and smiled and gave him a side hug, making him chuckle and hug me back.
We pulled away from each other as Perry handed him his new shirt.
"Thank you, thank you. You know, as a young boy, I never dreamed I'd--" Leo started but dad cut him off.
"Oh, just put the shirt on" Dad sighed in annoyance.
Leo rolled his eyes and nodded and put the shirt on.
However, the shirt looked a bit big and oversized.
"It's a bit big, don't you think?" Leo asked as he turned to Perry.
"Oh, my bad. Got cold last night so I wore it to bed. I must've stretched it in my sleep" Perry shrugged.
"Why didn't you get a blanket?" Nick asked.
"Cause I wanted to stretch your shirt" Perry scoffed.
She then started dragging Leo out the room by his shirt.
Nick sighed and followed them out of the room, most likely to keep Leo company so he won't be alone with Perry.
That's a good best friend.
While the students were changing into their new shirts dad pulled me, Alexis, Adam and Bree aside.
"Guys, I didn't want to say this in front of the other students, but not everyone passed" Dad said.
My eyes widened along with Alexis and Bree.
While Adam sighed and shook his head.
"I've been expecting this. And I've already written my letter of resignation" Adam said as he took out an envelope.
We gave him weird looks while dad rolled his eyes at him.
"Not you. There's still one student stuck at the lowest level, yellow" Dad said.
"Who?" Bree asked.
We heard footsteps and turned around to see Bob coming in.
"Yellow!" Bob yelled as he walked over to a few students nearby.
My eyes widened in realization as I looked at dad.
Dad smiled sadly at me and nodded.
The others caught on and they looked at him and he nodded.
"Wait, Bob is failing? But he tries so hard" Alexis said in worry.
"Yeah, but he's just not tough enough. I'm worried he doesn't have the fight it takes to become a bionic hero" Dad said.
"How come?" I asked.
"Watch this" Dad said.
He then turned to the other students.
"Guys, we're under attack!" Dad yelled.
All the students quickly got into fighting stances.
While Bob started screaming and ran out of the room in fear.
"Well, there's our answer" I sighed and the others nodded.
At The Beach
I was speaking with Dr. Ryan while he worked on the space elevator.
We were joking around, talking and laughing.
I missed this, I missed him babysitting me but he stopped when I turned 13.
Makes sense, I am older now and I can most certainly take care of myself.
"It's really nice to see you again Dr. Ryan, it's been a while since we last saw each other" I smiled.
"It's good to see you too, Luna. But you know you can call me by my name. I don't mind" Dr. Ryan said.
"Yeah I know, but I've just gotten used to calling you Dr. Ryan" I shrugged.
He chuckled and shook his head and continued working on the space elevator.
"So tell me, how long have you and that annoying smart dude been together?" Dr. Ryan asked.
I smiled and let out a pleasured sigh and crossed my arms.
"Me and Chase have been together for three years. Nearly four, our fourth year anniversary is coming up" I said.
"You know I'm honestly surprised you've gotten yourself into a relationship. I remember when I babysat you, you always told me you were fine being alone" Dr. Ryan chuckled.
I giggled and shook my head.
"Yeah I know, but ever since I met Chase I felt this connection with him. He's different than most of the guys I've known back in high school. He's just so amazing. Everything about him is the reason why I love him" I smiled.
No matter what, Chase is the only guy for me.
No matter what we go through in life, it's always going to be him.
Nobody else but him.
"Well I'm happy for you kiddo. Though, you could've done better, just saying" Dr. Ryan shrugged.
I glared at him and smacked him upside the head.
We heard footsteps and turned around to see Chase walking towards us.
"Look at this mess. Don't you know how to clean up after yourself?" Chase asked.
Oh great, here we go.
Dr. Ryan stopped what he was doing and walked over to him.
I sighed and followed behind him.
"Chase, geniuses can't be bothered with little things like cleaning and uh...personal hygiene" Dr. Ryan said.
"Really? 'Cause I have no problem cleaning up after myself" Chase said.
"It's true" I said.
"And that's what makes you a good assistant" Dr. Ryan smiled.
"I am not your assistant! I'm a genius! I am!" Chase yelled, stomping his foot on the ground like a child.
I sighed and shook my head.
"Right. Aren't you like a really smart robot? Which button do I push to make you go away?" Dr. Ryan asked.
He tapped Chase on the shoulder, making him glare at him and shove his hand away.
"I am not a robot! But you are pushing my buttons" Chase yelled in anger.
"Oh, okay. You wanna go? Come on. I take karate classes every Saturday at the mall!" Dr. Ryan yelled, getting into a fighting stance.
"Oh, yeah? Karate, huh? What, does you mommy drive you to that too?" Chase asked in a mocking tone.
"No! I ride my bike" Dr. Ryan defended.
"Oh, you ride your bike? With its training wheels?" Chase asked, once again in a mocking tone.
"No! They're not training wheels, they're horizontal stabilizers" Dr. Ryan yelled.
"Back up!" Chase yelled, getting into a fighting stance himself.
They were about to fight when Leo ran in and got in between them.
I sighed in relief and ran to stand next to him.
"Guys, enough, break it up!" I yelled and Leo nodded.
"Big D sent me down here to help you out. So you guys need to both set aside your differences and work together" Leo sternly said.
I smiled at him before looking at the guys and nodded.
"Whatever" Dr. Ryan scoffed.
"Fine" Chase scoffed.
I sighed and shook my head while Leo groaned.
"I'll run some algorithms for the tether gravity test. And Chase, you can go over to that support column and screw in the lug nuts" Dr. Ryan said.
Chase glared at him and went to open his mouth but I stopped him.
"Or...Chase could use his bionic intelligence to work on the algorithm" I suggested.
Chase smiled at me and nodded before looking at Dr. Ryan with a smirk.
"Yeah, I can do that while you screw in the lug nuts" Chase smugly said.
Dr. Ryan snorted and shook his head and picked up a screwdriver.
"You know, I would, but Davenport said you work for me. So...lug it up, Robotron" Dr. Ryan smirked.
He handed the screwdriver to him before walking away, making some really weird noises.
Chase glared at the direction he walked away in, as Leo started laughing while I sighed and shook my head.
Those two seriously will never get along, will they?
A Few Hours Later
Finally after a while Dr. Ryan and Chase were done with the space elevator.
Some of the students were here to watch it being launched.
Nick and Alexis were here while Adam and Bree were dealing with Bob, trying to come up with a plan to get him to pass.
"Looks like we are ready for launch" Dr. Ryan grinned.
I looked at Alexis and Nick and smiled, making them smile back at me.
Then all of a sudden we heard running and turned around to see Chase running towards us.
"Hold it! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I thought I told you guys not to start without me" Chase huffed in annoyance.
"Oh, Chase, geniuses can't be bothered--" Dr. Ryan started but Chase cut him off.
"I am a genius! Stop telling me what geniuses do!" Chase angrily snapped at him.
"Are they always like that?" Alexis asked.
"Sadly" I sighed while shaking my head.
"I'm very impressed, you guys. Because of you two, we're about to make history" Dad grinned.
"Yes, thanks to my expert engineering. And if it wasn't for Chase, the lug nuts would still be in a tin can" Dr. Ryan said.
Chase glared at him and pointed towards Leo.
"I didn't do the lug nuts. Leo did" Chase said.
"And I did them well" Leo said while high-fiving Nick.
Dad chuckled and shook his head before walking and away and turning to the students.
"Behold, ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at the world's first space elevator, and my new haircut. Which one is more impressive, only time will tell" Dad grinned.
The students smiled and started clapping and cheering.
I smiled and side hugged Alexis, making her side hug me back.
We pulled away and walked over to the others.
Alexis walked over to Leo and Nick.
While I walked over to Chase and Dr. Ryan.
"Don't you think I should do a microscopic scan with my bionic eye first just to make sure--" Chase started but Dr. Ryan cut him off.
"Tut! Tut! Tut! Trust me. My work is flawless. I graduated college when I was fourteen" Dr. Ryan scoffed.
"It's true" I nodded.
He smiled at me while Chase looked at him in annoyance.
"Oh, yeah? Well...I went to high school for a year and a half" Chase said.
Dr. Ryan smirked and shook his head while I sighed.
I grabbed his arm and dragged him over to the others.
"You showed him" Nick sarcastically said while rolling his eyes.
I glared at him as Alexis smacked him upside the head.
"I'm gonna do the scan anyway" Chase said.
"Of course you are" Leo and Alexis sighed.
I glared at them before turning to Chase and nodded as he walked over to the space elevator.
He pressed his fingers against his temple and started scanning the elevator.
Not even a second later he removed his fingers from his temple, an excited and smug look on his face.
"A-ha! There's a design flaw in the breaking system. He won't be able to stop" Chase grinned.
My eyes widened in shock, along with the others.
"You serious?" Alexis asked and Chase nodded.
"Yeah" Chase said.
"We have to tell Dr. Ryan" Leo said and we all nodded.
But before any of us could go and tell him Chase stopped us.
"No! Wait. What if we don't? He'll humiliated in front of everyone and Mr. Davenport will--" Chase started and Leo continued for him.
"Send him packing and reassign you to head of the project" Leo said.
Chase smirked and nodded while Nick looked at him, looking a tad bit impressed.
"That's a brilliant plan. Shady, but brilliant" Nick said and Alexis nodded.
I bit my lip, getting a bit nervous.
This isn't a good idea.
What if something bad happens and someone gets hurt?
"Thank you. Now just one more thing. I need one of you" Chase said.
He opened the box and took out the test dummy.
"To strap in the test dummy" Chase grinned.
Me and the others glared at him but Chase continued to grin.
Alexis sighed and took the dummy from him and made a move to put it in the space elevator.
Dad walked over to us and waved his hand at us.
"Oh, you won't be needing that. I will be taking the inaugural ride myself" Dad smiled.
This made all of our eyes widen as we stared at him in shock.
He can't be serious right now.
"Aah!" Chase yelled in a high-pitched tone.
"No, you can't" Nick said as Alexis dropped the dummy to the ground.
"Yes, I can. Watch me" Dad grinned.
He got inside the space elevator, making all of us more nervous then before.
We quickly ran towards the window as Chase and Alexis began banging on it.
"Stop! You're gonna die!" Chase yelled.
Dad furrowed his eyebrows at him and shook his head.
"The capsule's soundproof. I can't hear you. But I read lips. Say it again" Dad said, though it was a tad bit muffled.
I sighed and moved to the front so I could yell loud enough for him to hear.
"You're gonna die! Get your ass out here right now!" I yelled, my yelling being louder than Chase's.
"Oh, I guess I can't read lips. It looks like you're saying I'm gonna die" Dad smiled as he started laughing.
I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself.
I turn to Chase and smack his arm.
"Go tell Dr. Ryan about what's happening and try and find a way to get in contact with dad!" I yelled.
Chase nodded and quickly ran over to Dr. Ryan.
Alexis stood next to me and the both of us continued banging on the window, trying our best to get dad out of the damn space elevator.
"Dad, dad, dad come on get out! Get out of this damn thing now!" I yelled.
"Come on old man, get out!" Alexis yelled.
Nick ran over to us and started banging as well, trying to help us get dad out.
Dad looked at us confused yet amused as he smiled at us and shook his head.
I heard the others chanting something, but I was lost in thought to listen.
Then my eyes widened in realization.
I can just freaking geo-leap and get him out.
Ok seriously, why the hell do I always forget I can geo-leap?
"I'm going in" I said to Alexis and Nick.
Alexis nodded and took a few steps back.
Nick looked a bit worried and unsure but nodded either way and took a few steps back.
I turned and closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths.
I then prepared myself to geo-leap inside and get dad out when I hear some sort of noise.
I opened my eyes, only for the space elevator to immediately launch into the air.
Due to how high it went up, the massive wind blew my way and made me stumble back a bit, but luckily Nick was quick to catch me before I could fall.
I groaned in slight pain as Nick held me up while Alexis checked on me to make sure I was alright.
Chase, Leo and Dr. Ryan ran towards us when they saw that I nearly fell.
"You ok?" Nick asked as he looked down at me in worry.
I sighed and looked up at him and nodded.
He sighed in relief and nodded before helping me stand back up.
Chase made his way to me and scanned me up and down before wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head.
I wrapped my arms around him and sighed.
But that didn't stop me from being worried when my dads life is in danger.
A Few Minutes Later
We were all still trying to come up with a plan to get dad back down safely while the students were watching the space elevator.
"Whoa...I gotta say, people, from down here, it looks like my launch was on point" Dr. Ryan said, looking up at the sky.
We all turned to him and gave him annoyed looks.
"Really?" Alexis sarcastically asked.
Once the elevator reaches the end of the tether, Mr. Davenport will be floating in space with no way back!" Chase yelled.
Dr. Ryan looked nervous and looked at the both of them.
"I won't say anything if you don't" Dr. Ryan said.
Alexis glared at him, along with Chase.
She made a move to attack him but Nick quickly held her back and pulled her away.
"Guys! The elevator speed keeps increasing! I wonder if Big D even knows how fast he's going" Leo said.
I sighed in worry and pulled at my hair.
What the hell are we going to do?
I'm not even sure it's safe for me to geo-leap all the way up there.
What if something not only happens to dad but me too?
Ugh, this is so damn hard and confusing.
"I think I know how to stop it. What if we--" Chase started but Dr. Ryan cut him off.
"No!" Dr. Ryan yelled.
We all gave him confused and annoyed looks.
"He didn't even say anything!" Nick yelled and Chase nodded.
"He didn't have to. I know it's gonna be wrong" Dr. Ryan scoffed.
Chase glared at him while I sighed in annoyance and tugged at my hair even more.
"Hey, wait a minute. Isn't the elevator propelled by magnets?" Alexis asked.
We all turned to her, a bit confused as to why she was telling us this.
"Yeah" me, Nick and Leo said.
"Duh" Chase and Dr. Ryan scoffed.
"So, if we reverse the polarity, won't it send Mr. Davenport back down?" Alexis asked.
All of our eyes widened as we turned to look at Chase and Dr. Ryan.
"She's right" Chase said.
Of course she is, she's my sister after all.
"I know. What do we do? I've never been corrected before" Dr. Ryan asked, looking a bit shocked.
Chase turned to him and gave him an angry glare.
"Oh, and I have?" Chase asked.
Me, Alexis, Leo and Nick all looked at each other and facepalmed.
We then looked back at the two of them and gave them sarcastic smiles.
"Congratulations, you are the dumbest geniuses I know, now fix this" Leo scoffed.
Dr. Ryan sighed and nodded and went to work on his tablet.
He started typing a few things and then pressed one final thing on it.
"Here" Dr. Ryan said and we heard some beeping coming from his tablet.
"What was that?" Nick asked.
"This should reverse the direction of the magnetic current" Dr. Ryan said.
Chase quickly ran over to the machine and started typing as fast as he could.
I ran over to him with Alexis and Nick following.
"Okay. Done" Chase said.
We all looked up, desperately hoping and praying that it worked and that the space elevator would come back down.
Then our eyes widened in shock and relief when we saw that it was indeed coming back down.
"It worked. It's coming back down" Alexis smiled.
Dr. Ryan and Chase both grinned before they started jumping up and down.
"I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it!" both of them cheered together.
Alexis and Nick rolled their eyes at them when realization hit me.
I looked at Leo to see that he was the same as me, we both then turned to look at the others.
"Guys. There's still no way to stop it" Leo said and I nodded.
"Yeah, and the elevator is coming down ten times faster" I said, looking more worried and scared.
Dr. Ryan and Chase stopped cheering and the smiles from Alexis and Nick were wiped away.
It was silent for a few seconds before Dr. Ryan and Chase pointed at each other.
"He did it" both of them said.
I sighed in annoyance and resisted the urge to lunge at both of them.
A Few Minutes Later
Literally only a few minutes have passed but the space elevator would soon be coming down and there's no telling if dad would live or not.
We've been trying to come up with plans to get it to stop and get dad out safely, but so far we've come up with nothing.
Oh god, please don't tell me I'm going to lose my dad like this.
I can't lose him, I just can't.
"Twenty seconds to impact! What do we do?!" Chase asked, completely worried and panicked like the rest of us.
"Look away?" Dr. Ryan weakly suggested.
I glared at him and smacked his arm.
"That's my dad you dumbo! We're not going to just look away when his damn life is in danger!" I yelled.
I nervously tugged at my hair, not knowing what to do and feeling utterly useless.
Alexis walked over and brought me into a side hug, trying to comfort me.
While it did work, I was still nervous and anxious.
"Forget it, I'll save him" Leo said.
"We're going to save him" Nick said.
Both him and Leo nodded at each other before getting on top of the launch pad.
All of us looked at each other before looking back at them and giving them looks of disbelief.
Are they fucking crazy?
They will fucking die!
"No! Leo, Nick, get off that thing. The elevator will crush you" Chase sternly yet worriedly said.
"My bionic arm is strong enough to stop it" Leo said.
"And my super-strength will be enough as well to stop it" Nick said.
Me and Alexis both stared at them as if they had completely lost their minds.
"At that speed, the impact will carry all the way through your bodies" Dr. Ryan said in worry as he clutched his tablet.
"My arm also absorbs energy. Maybe it'll withstand the impact" Leo said.
"Nick you don't have a bionic ability that will help you, so get off right now!" Alexis yelled at him, clearly worried and anxious.
"It's fine sis, I can take it" Nick sternly said.
"It's too risky" Chase said and I nodded.
"I hate to say it, but Chase is right" Dr. Ryan said.
I clenched my fist at my sides and glared at both Leo and Nick.
"I swear on everything you two get off of that thing right now!" I yelled at them in anger.
"We can't, Luna, this is the only chance we've got" Leo said and Nick nodded.
"You know what, that's fucking it, I'm geo-leaping and getting Mr. Davenport out myself!" Alexis yelled.
I nodded and was about to join her before we heard a loud noise from above.
We looked up and our eyes widened when we saw that it was the space elevator.
"It's coming!" Chase yelled.
"We don't have a choice!" Leo yelled and Nick nodded.
Me and Alexis quickly stood by each others side and held hands, praying with everything that nothing bad will happen to either of the boys.
Soon the elevator came all the way down and we all braced for impact.
Then as soon as it was down, Leo and Nick both stopped it.
Leo was using his bionic arm while Nick was using both of his arms with his super-strength.
I can tell that Nick was struggling just a bit because of hos hard he was gritting his teeth and his face was all red.
But other then that, I think they actually managed to stop it.
"We did it! We're ok!" Leo yelled and Nick nodded.
We all sighed in relief as me and Alexis side hugged each other, clearly happy that they were alright.
Then the elevator started moving a tad bit, causing both of them to slowly kneel down.
"And it's heavy!" Nick yelled.
Just before me and Alexis could geo-leap inside to get dad out, we heard footsteps nearby.
We all turned around, only for our eyes to widen in shock when we saw dad walking towards us.
He was covered in some tree branches along with foliage, not only that but he had a parachute in one hand.
All of us were staring at him with a mixture of shock, disbelief and confusion.
"Dad!" I yelled.
"Mr. Davenport? How'd you get out of the elevator?" Chase asked.
"I ejected using the parachute I brought with me. You don't think I trust my life to some technology built by a couple of kids and an air guitarist, do you?" Dad asked.
Me, Alexis and Chase looked at each other before nodding.
"Hey, Leo, Nick" Dad said, not looking at them.
"What the-- You're not even in there?!" Leo yelled.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now!" Nick yelled.
Both of them looked at each other and slowly, slowly, tried to get out from underneath the elevator while trying to carefully remove their hands.
Just when they were both out, the elevator came down and crushed Leo's leg, keeping him where he was.
While Nick had managed to get free he fell to the ground and was immediately knocked unconscious.
The students, Dr. Ryan and Chase screamed in fear.
Dad turned around and his eyes widened when he saw the state Leo and Nick were in.
"Nick!" Alexis yelled in worry.
She quickly ran towards him and crouched down next to him, bringing his unconscious body onto her lap as she scanned him up and down for any injuries.
"Leo!" I yelled in worry, seeing the state one of my best friends, my brother, was in.
"It's okay. If I don't look, it won't hurt as much" Leo said, trying to reassure us.
We didn't look that convinced.
But then Leo turned around before turning back around with wide eyes.
"I looked! I looked! I looked!" Leo yelled.
Me, Chase and Dr. Ryan immediately ran towards him and tried coming up with ways to get him to calm down and to get his leg unstuck.
Late At Night
In The Common Area
After we managed to get Leo's leg unstuck from the space elevator dad took him and Nick to the hospital.
He called us and said that Nick was fine and just needed some rest, but that they would be home late because they still needed more time with Leo.
So we were all in the common area, waiting for them to return.
We heard footsteps and turned around to see dad, Leo and Nick walking in.
"Nick!" Alexis and Bree yelled as they ran towards him.
"Leo, you're okay!" I yelled.
I ran up to him and hugged him and he hugged me back.
We pulled away a few seconds later and dad spoke up.
"The doctor said that his femur and tibia bones were broken so badly, he'd need a titanium rod put in" Dad said.
"Then Big D said 'that sounds expensive' and wheeled me right out of the hospital" Leo said.
This made all of us laugh while dad glared at him.
"That's not what really happened. I was just worried he wouldn't be able to go on missions anymore. So I did the procedure myself. Now he has a bionic leg" Dad explained, smiling nervously.
Leo smiled nervously too and pointed at his leg.
We all gave him looks of disbelief.
Are you kidding me right now?
"Wait, so, thanks to you, Leo got injured and now has another bionic limb?" Bree asked.
"You know what, I am beginning to question your parenting skills" Alexis said and Bree nodded.
Dad glared at them and rolled his eyes.
He sighed and walked up to Dr. Ryan and Chase and gave them both a disappointed look.
"You two are my brightest minds. What happened out there?" Dad asked.
"We got so caught up in proving to each other how smart we are, that we did something really stupid" Chase sighed.
"I guess I need to learn how to work with others. It just ain't my thang" Dr. Ryan sighed.
Chase looked at him and nodded.
"Yeah. Neither is proper English" Chase said, making me giggle slightly.
Dr. Ryan slightly glared at him but nodded.
Chase shook his head and led him towards the hydraloop so he could head home.
Me and dad walked over to the others to see Leo sitting down on a stool.
"Hey, Big D, are you sure this worked? My leg doesn't feel any different" Leo asked.
"Well, it may take a little while for the bionics to kick in" Dad said.
We all shrugged and nodded.
Leo then kicked the basketball that Adam was holding with such great force.
All our eyes were wide in shock and we stared at him as dad chuckled and nodded.
"Whoa! Good thing my reflexes--" Dad started, but was cut off by the basketball coming back and hitting him from behind.
Dad groaned and stumbled as he tried grabbing onto something, but that failed and he ended up falling to the ground.
"Looks like it worked to me" Adam grinned, wrapping an arm around Alexis's shoulder.
We all just looked at each other and started laughing while nodding.
Today was a crazy day, I'll say that.
But the most important thing is that we all survive and nobody is dead.
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