Chapter Eighty-Seven: Bionic Rebellion: Part One

Luna's Pov

We were all in the training area training with our students.

I was with my students as I was training with Julian and Lily.

"Alright you two, attack me" I said.

They both nodded as Lily superspeeded towards me to try and push me to the ground, but I acted fast.

I geo-leaped away from her and appeared behind her as I kicked her to the ground as she fell and groaned in pain.

Julian tried to use his heat vision on me but I quickly backflipped away to avoid getting hit.

He ran at me and managed to knee me in the stomach.

I groaned in pain but recovered and grabbed his arm, turned around and threw him over my shoulder.

He landed hard on the ground and groaned in pain while I smirked and crossed my arms.

The rest of my students all clapped for me and some were staring at me in awe at my skills.

"I'll admit you two were good, you've been taking my advice and corrected your mistakes from last time" I smiled.

I helped both of them off the ground and gently patted them on their backs.

"Thanks Luna, but we'll never be as good as you" Lily said with a small sigh.

I smiled softly at her and wrapped my arms around both her and Julian's shoulder and pulled them both into tight side hugs.

"Never ever say that. Don't doubt yourselves because if you doubt yourself it doesn't get you anywhere. That goes for all of you" I said while looking at the rest of my students.

They all smiled at me and nodded as I looked back at Julian and Lily.

"Just keep on training and remember what I always say" I said.

"Don't give up, keep going until you're finally there" Julian and Lily both said with smiles on their faces.

"Exactly" I smiled as I ruffled both of their hairs before they walked back to the others so they can train together.

Alexis walked over to me with a small smile on her face as she playfully punched my shoulder.

"I've gotta admit, you're an awesome mentor" Alexis smiled.

"Thanks Alexis" I smiled back at her.

"I don't know how you do it but my siblings love you, everyone of them look up to you. They think you're kind, caring, compassionate and badass" Alexis said.

This made me laugh as I shook my head at her.

"I just do what I do best. I mean it's my skill" I smirked as I flipped my hair.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes at me but I saw a small smirk on her face.

We then decided to walk over to Bree and her students to see their training.

When we got there we saw that Bree was training with Lexi.

"Okay, Lexi, when you're under attack, use your superspeed as a distraction to catch your enemy--" Bree started but was cut off by Lexi superspeeding to Bree and pushed her.

Bree fell to the ground with a loud thud, causing me and Alexis to cringe while she groaned in pain.

"Off-guard" Bree groaned.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Lexi asked as she extended her hand for her and pulled her up.

"Yeah. Tomorrow we'll cover timing" Bree said with a nod as she walked away, still wincing in pain.

I narrowed my eyes at Lexi in confusion. Lexi is one of Bree's best students.

How the hell did she mess that up? Did she do it on purpose?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Alexis placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Luna, you alright?" Alexis asked in slight worry.

"Oh, sorry about that. I'm fine don't worry" I reassured her with a small smile.

"Good, now come on. I wanna see my man train with my brothers" Alexis smiled as she linked her arm with mine.

I rolled my eyes at her but smirked as we made our way over to Adam and his students.

We stopped and stood there watching them with our arms still linked together.

"Okay, guys, this is called Bionic Arm Wrestling. Now, it's not really training, but it's fun. So we're doin' it" Adam grinned.

I sighed and shook my head at him while Alexis smiled.

Adam then placed his hand on top of the table and nodded at Tank.

"All right Tank, you're up first. Go!" Adam yelled.

Tank placed his hand on top of the table as the two of them started arm wrestling with the other boys cheering them on.

To my surprise Tank was actually beating Adam, nobody has ever beaten Adam before.

Well, except me of course.

And Chase but that was only because he licked his hand and Adam lost focus.

"Okay, Tank, you can let go now!" Adam yelled.

Tank continued to bend his hand down and because of his strength he was bending down the table too.

But I didn't care about the table I cared about my brother because he was in pain and he was starting to turn red.

I was getting worried and so was Alexis.

"Let go!!!" Adam yelled more loudly this time.

"Tank let him go, you're hurting him!" I yelled.

Tank finally let him go as Adam moved away from him just a bit and clutched onto his hand that was now red.

He took a few deep breaths before looking back at his students.

"Uh, since you guys have never arm wrestled before, let me explain what just happened. I won" Adam said.

They looked at him weirdly while I sighed in annoyance yet relief.

Alexis unliked her arm from mine and walked up to Tank and smacked him upside the head.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You could've hurt him you dumbass!" Alexis yelled at him.

Adam quickly recovered and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her away from him.

"Baby, baby, relax. I'm ok, it was just an accident" Adam reassured her.

"But he was hurting you and didn't let go at first, you were in pain" Alexis said as she glared at Tank.

Adam chuckled and gently pecked her on the lips and pressed his forehead with hers.

"It was an accident baby. And don't worry because I'm fine, I promise" Adam softly said.

Alexis stared at him for a few seconds before sighing as she rested her head into his chest.

"Fine, but don't ever scare me like that again you hear me" Alexis said.

Adam chuckled and nodded as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head.

"I promise" Adam smiled.

I smiled softly with my arms crossed as I watched the two of them.

Ever since those two finally became a couple on their date 4 days ago they've been doing really well.

I've never seen Adam this happy before, usually he's happy when using Chase as his punching bag or messing around with Bob.

But when he's with Alexis he seems happier, and when he's around her he acts a bit more mature.

The same with Alexis, it's like he knows when to make her smile or laugh even over the smallest things.

I honestly love them together, Alexis is good for Adam and Adam is good for Alexis.

I then walked over to Sebastian and Chase as I wrapped an arm around Chase's waist and kissed his cheek.

He smiled at me and kissed my temple.

"Wow. Looks like we've all learned a lot from you guys" Sebastian smiled.

"Got that right" I smirked, causing Chase to chuckle.

"Pretty soon I might even be smarter than you" Sebastian smiled while looking at Chase.

Chase looked at him and chuckled as he placed his hand on his shoulder and glared darkly at him.

"Don't ever say that again" Chase said.

Sebastian looked at him weirdly while I pulled him away from him as we walked towards Adam and Bree.

Those three started talking as I made my way over to Spin and Bob, when I got to them Leo walked in.

"Good morning, everyone" Leo smiled.

"Not for me. Bob kept me up all night with his snoring" Spin said in annoyance.

"It's not my fault. You try breathing with this thing. I've got a Spin-sized nose on a Bob-sized body" Bob defended.

Me and Leo both looked at him weirdly but shrugged it off.

Dad then walked in with a smile on his face.

"Greetings, everyone. I hath returneth from the mainland" Dad smiled as he threw his arms up in the air, but accidentally hit Leo with his hand.

Leo groaned in pain and glared at him.

"And no one careth" Leo said as he threw his hands up in the air and smacked dad the same way he did to him.

I giggled as Bob and Spin laughed while dad looked at us in annoyance.

"Aw, come on. No fanfare? No balloons? No rousing round of applause?" Dad asked.

"I didn't even know you were gone" Bob said.

"And last time I checked it ain't your birthday old man" I smirked as I held out my hand as Spin high-fived me with a smirk on his face.

Dad glared at both me and Bob when Spin decided to speak up.

"If you're looking for applause, try adding a couple more bathrooms in the student dorm. Maybe just one exclusively for Bob" Spin said while pointing at Bob.

"I gotta agree. It ain't pretty in there" Bob nodded.

This made me, dad and Leo cringed in disgust as dad nodded.

"I'm gonna take your word for it. Guys?" Dad said as he gestures for me, the trio and Leo to follow behind him.

We do but then I also see that Alexis, Nick and Sebastian are also following behind us as well.

"So, how have things been going here without me?" Dad asked as we're now all in the commona area.

"Amazing!" Bree grinned, causing dad to whip around and narrow her eyes at her.

"I mean, uh...we miss you!" Bree grinned as she made a heart shape with her hands.

Dad glared at her while rolling his eyes as Sebsatian, Alexis and Nick took this opportunity to speak.

"Don't worry, Mr. Davenport. Adam, Bree, Chase and Luna have been doing a great job. They're amazing mentors" Sebastian smiled.

"Yeah, they're amazing and teach us everything we need to know" Alexis smiled as she held onto Adam's hand.

"I ain't got nothing bad to say about them because they're amazing, especially Luna" Nick smiled as he ruffled my hair.

I playfully glared at him and shoved his hand away with a small smile on my face.

"Well, good. Maybe I can cut my trip short and head back to the mainland tomorrow" Dad said.

"Cool. He finally got the hint" Adam chuckled, causing dad to glare at him as his eyes widened when he realized what he said.

"I mean, 'She loves you!'" Adam said as he tried to do a heart shape with his hands.

Then Perry walked in while holding some small notepad in her hands.

"Not so fast, Donnie Come Lately. Things around here aren't as peachy as the droid babies say they are" Perry said.

"Really? Name one problem, Sergeant Short Set" Leo said while glaring at her.

"Well, for starters, they've been littering in the hallways" Perry said.

"That was you" me and Bree said.

"Making rude gestures to passing Coast" Perry said.

"Also you" Adam nodded.

Perry ignored him as she walked over to where me, Chase and Sebastian were.

"And sneaking extra dessert from the cafeteria" Perry said while glaring at the three of us.

"Seriously? You're wearing the evidence" Chase said while pointing at the small piece of a granola bar on her shirt.

"No. That was from a different stolen meal" Perry said as she wiped it off her shirt and ate it.

"Great. You're my head of security and you're the one breaking all of the rules" Dad said in annoyance.

"Well, I know I didn't steal a set of key cards from my own security office, so it had to be one of your students" Perry said as she glared at Sebastian, Alexis and Nick.

"Alright sim it Terry Perry. Don't go accusing them of something they didn't do" I said while crossing my arms.

Dad nodded and walked towards Perry and glared at her.

"These kids would not steal your key cards. Knowing you, you probably lost them" Dad said.

"Hey! I will not have my employees talk to me like that!" Perry yelled.

"You work for me!" Dad yelled at her in annoyance but all she did was smirk.

"Keep telling yourself that, boss man" Perry smirked.

Dad groaned and rolled his eyes at her as we all just decided to ignore her and walk away.

"Don't walk away! There's something sketchy going on!" Perry yelled as she tried catching up to us but we just continued walking.

I seriously don't understand why Perry is accusing my siblings of stealing the card keys.

I know them and I trust them, they would never do something like that.

In The Mentor Headquarters

Dad had showed me and the trio our new mentor headquarters and it's honestly so beautiful.

The colors were nice, everything was all set up perfectly, there was a kitchen and there was a fucking pool too.

I mean I may not sleep in the room with them since I don't need a capsule but luckily my room is right next to this one so that's fine.

"I love 'em! We went from a dingy basement to paradise" Bree smiled, causing dad to chuckle.

"It's like we won the lottery" I said, causing Bree to smile and nod before looking at dad.

"Or finally got a parent who cares about us" Bree said, causing me to giggle and for dad to glare at her.

"Yeah, I mean, people would pay to stay here" Adam smiled.

"Wait what?" I asked while looking at dad who looked angry.

"Oh, that reminds me. I rented the place to an Australian family for the month of August. Hope that's cool" Adam said.

Dad glared at him while both me and Bree giggled.

"But dad what does confuse me is why are there four capsules? I thought you said that I didn't need to sleep in one" I said.

"You don't, but this capsule is for you so that whenever you and the others go on missions you can change inside that instead of going back and forth to your room and change" Dad explained.

"Oh ok" I nodded.

"That or if you ever get lonely you can try and sleep in there if you'd like" Dad shrugged.

I giggled and shook my head at him.

"Guys, you're forgetting the best part. You finally get to share a room with me! Isn't that awesome?" Leo asked with a huge grin.

Me, Bree, Adam and Chase all looked at each other before looking back at dad.

"Wait. So, this is like a permanent thing?" Bree asked.

"Leo, we only let you sleep on the couch because you threw a tantrum when you were assigned to live in the student dorm" Chase said.

I walked over to him and nodded while holding onto his hand.

"I do not throw tantrums. I just express my passion loudly through tears" Leo defended as he placed his blanket on the couch.

"Still a tantrum you dumbass" I scoffed, causing Chase to chuckle and for Leo to glare at me.

The doors opened and we turned around to see Sebastian, Spin, Bob, Alexis and Nick walking in.

"Hey dudes" Bob smiled before turning to Bree.

"Sup, boo" Bob smiled but Bree didn't look at him but the look on her face can show that she was annoyed.

"No, Bob" Bree deadpanned.

"I love you, too" Bob nodded as he walked away from her.

"Hey, guys, what's going on?" Dad asked as he walked towards Sebsatian, Nick and Chase.

"Just came to say hi, see how you guys are doin', make sure everything's okay" Sebastian smiled as he wrapped his arm around dad's shoulder.

"I had nothing else to do so I thought I'd come for a small visit" Nick shrugged as he took a small glance at Bree before turning away.

"I just came to check on my amazing boyfriend" Alexis smiled as she sat down on Adam's lap and buried her face into his neck.

Adam chuckled and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

Me, the trio, dad, Leo and Bob smiled at the two of them.

While Sebastian, Nick and Spin were glaring at Adam.

"I'm here to see how the mentors live" Spin said as he started walking around and looking at the place.

"Ocean view, that a swimming pool?" Spin asked while pointing at the swimming pool.

"Wow! I've never seen one before" Bob said before turning to Bree with a smile on his face.

"Maybe you should throw on a bikini and show me how it works" Bob smiled.

This made all of us look at him weirdly while Bree looked disgusted and close to throwing up.

"All right, tour's over" Bree said, causing me to giggle and move towards dad.

"Hey. If Leo's a student, how come he gets to live in the mentor quarters?" Spin asked as he crossed his arms.

"Because I'm more than a student. I'm family. Which is another way of saying...adiós" Leo smirked as he patted him on the head.

"He threw a dumb tantrum if we didn't let him sleep here with us" I scoffed.

This made the others laugh, with Spin being the loudest, as Leo glared at me but all I did was smirk and shrug.

"You know, this place is pretty great. I might just bunk in here with you myself" Dad smiled.

Me and the trio all looked at each other as we were quick to answer.

"No, that's okay" Chase said.

"Yeah, we're good" Adam said.

"Please get out" Bree said.

Adam, Alexis and Bree shoved dad out of the room while I rolled my eyes and left the room with Spin, Bob, Nick and Leo following behind me.

The Next Day

It was the next day, meaning another day of training.

Me and the trio all walked into the training area to see all the students in there stretching.

Once we were there they all stopped what they were doing and walked towards us so we could begin teaching.

"All right, everybody, listen up. Today we're going to take you step-by-step through a real-life mission where we had to shut down a particle collider" Chase grinned.

Before we could speak Leo grinned and held up his hand as he walked towards us.

"I was there! I was also on that mission. In fact, I had to rush in there to push these guys out of harm's way" Leo grinned.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"That's right-- I mentored the mentors" Leo said.

We all looked at him weirdly as Spin rolled his eyes and glared at him.

"Liar. You weren't there" Spin said but Bree shook her head.

"Actually, he was. He saved our butts" Bree said.

"And the only reason he was there was because he snuck on when he wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place" I said.

This made the students laugh while Leo gave me the 'really' look but I just shrugged.

I mean, I wasn't lying.

"Yes, he did. And it was then I realized that he and I would be friends for the rest of...that year" Adam grinned while patting Leo on the back.

Leo looked at him weirdly before sighing and shaking his head.

"I don't even know why I'm in the same group with these amateurs. They're the ones that need to learn, not me" Leo scoffed.

"Leo" I said in a warning tone but Spin beat me to it.

"You know what I don't need to learn? How to kick your butt!" Spin yelled.

"Can you even reach that high?" Leo asked in a mocking tone.

"Oh, you're about to find out!" Spin yelled as the two of them started tussling.

I groaned in annoyance and made my way to them and shoved them away from each other.

"Alright ladies that's enough, you're both pretty but don't fight about it" I said in annoyance.

They both glared at each other before Spin rolled his eyes and turned to look at me.

"I don't want to hear any boring stories about Leo. How about you tell us stories about yourself Luna?" Spin suggested with a huge smile on his face.

This made the trio smile while I looked at him in shock.

"Me?" I asked while pointing at myself.

"Yeah, I wanna hear about what you did on your first mission Luna. You've never really told us about that" Bob nodded.

Soon all the students started agreeing with Spin and Bob as they all huddled around me with smiles on their faces.

"Yeah come on. We wanna hear some cool stories about you. Especailly where you were on missions" Julian nodded.

Everyone nodded with huge smiles on their faces while I looked at them in shock and slightly flustered.

I looked at the trio to see them smiling and nodding, gesturing for me to tell them.

"Well...uh my first mission was when I had to go with Adam, Chase and dad to stop a five-alarm fire at a chemical plant" I said.

Everyone got more interested as they gestured for me to continue, making me giggle just a bit.

"I used my superspeed to create a vortex and put out the fire. I also geo-leaped to multiple places to get people out of there safe and sound. And of course I did" I smiled.

Everyone was staring at me awe, Spin and Bob smiling brightly at me.

"Tell us another. Please" Spin begged.

I wanted to say no and maybe tell them another time but he started using his puppy dog eyes on me.

I groaned because I know I could never say no to those eyes.

"Alright fine. Another time was when me and dad went to save people because a fire started in a nearby building. I had managed to geo-leap all over the place and get everyone that was still trapped outside. I went back in when this couple told me that their daughter was still inside. I managed to get her out in time, even when I was still injured" I explained.

Everyone's eyes were wide as they were all staring at me in awe.

Spin grinned as he hugged me by the waist, causing me to giggle and hug him back.

"You're awesome you know that right" Spin grinned while hugging me tighter.

"I know" I smirked while giggling as I kissed his head.

We pulled away and once we did Perry walked in.

"I need to see you four. Outside" Perry said as she walked into the common area.

"Uh, Leo, we'll be right back. You lead the class" Adam said as him and the trio walked away.

"Got it" Leo grinned.

"Fill free to kick his ass if he gets too annoying Spin!" I yelled while walking away.

"Hey!" Leo yelled.

"Thanks Luna!" Spin yelled.

I giggled while shaking my head as I walked towards the others as dad walked in.

"What's going on?" Dad asked.

"Someone stole explosives from the weapons area" Perry said, making mine and dad's eyes go wide.

"What?" me and dad asked in worry.

"No worries. All we have to do is wait for someone to explode, and boom! That's our guy" Adam grinned.

We all looked at him weirdly while I sighed and smacked him upside the head.

"Oh, I already know who did it" Perry said, making me furrow my eyebrows at her.

"Who?" Bree asked.

"The creepy-looking guy. You know, dark hair, whiney voice, always making googly eyes at you" Perry said.

Bree gave her a weird look before she turned around and leaned to dad.

"So right there we know he's messed up in the head" Perry said, making Adam chuckle while I rolled my eyes.

"Wait. Sebastian? No, he wouldn't do that. He's my best friend" Chase said.

We all looked at him with furrowed eyebrows as he shrugged and crossed his arms.

"We talked about it. We're official now" Chase said, making all of us look at him weirdly before looking back at Perry.

"Why do you think Sebastian stole the explosives?" I asked while crossing my arms.

"Well, I scanned the surveillance tape, and he's the only one that was in that area. It all adds up. First, he stole the swipe cards. Then, he broke into the weapons area" Perry explained.

We all looked at her, trying to figure out whether or not we believe her.

" Now, if I were a criminal, which I'm not, because community service cleared my record, I'd say that his next move is to blow this place to smithereens!" Perry yelled.

"Look, you can't just go around accusing students without any proof" Dad said and I nodded.

"And last time I checked, hoarding feral cats in a Winnebago does not count as community service" I scoffed in annoyance.

"It does it you're dating an animal control officer" Perry defended.

I just scoffed and rolled my eyes at her as I turned around to see Sebastian walking in with a few other students as they were talking.

"There's the perp right there! Hey!" Perry yelled as she walked over to him with the rest of us following behind her.

"Where ya headed, Sebbie? Out for a stroll? Little break between classes?" Perry asked while glaring at him.

Sebastian looked at her weirdly and looked at us for a bit before looking back at her.

"Give me those explosives!" Perry yelled as she tried attacking him but dad and Adam held her back as Sebastian moved away.

"What's she talking about?" Sebastian asked.

"She thinks that you stole explosives from the weapons area" Bree scoffed.

"What?! Why would I do that?" Sebastian asked in confusion.

"Don't play coy with me. I'll find those explosives. I have the nasal cavity of a bomb-sniffing dog" Perry said while glaring at him before turning to us.

"Literally. That's what I get for saving a few bucks on a nose job in New Guinea" Perry said while pointing at her nose.

"Look, let's just all go down to the weapons area and figure out what's going on" Dad suggested and we all nodded.

"Suit yourself. I'm more interested in Perry's dog nose" Adam said as touches her nose with his fingers.

"Ooh. It's cold-- you're healthy" Adam smiled.

Perry growls at him as he pulls his figners away from her nose, but Adam glares at her and growls back.

We all just sighed and shook our heads before walking away to head to the weapons area.

In The Weapons Area

We all started walking inside the weapons area with Perry being in front.

"See? What'd I tell ya? The explosives are--" Perry started but stopped as her eyes widened in shock.

We all stopped and turned to see that the explosives were right where they've always been.

"Exactly where they're supposed to be" Dad sighed in annoyance.

"But it's impossible. They were gone!" Perry said while walking towards the explosives.

"Yep, and so were the dinosaurs. But through the magic of cinema, we can see them again" Bree sarcastically said.

Perry glared at her while I giggled and shook my head.

"This is fishy. Somebody took these and put them back" Perry said.

"Well, we are in the middle of the ocean. Maybe it was a mermaid" Chase sarcastically said.

"Yeah, or a dolphin" Adam chuckled, causing Chase to turn to him and look at him weirdly.

"That doesn't even make sense" Chase said.

"And a mermaid does?" Adam asked while crossing his arms at him.

"At least they have arms" Chase said.

"Mermaids don't have arms. Now mermen, their arms are--" Adam started but I cut him off.

"Stop talking!" I yelled while smacking both of them upside their heads.

Dad chuckled at my antics before walking to Perry and crossed his arms at her.

"Look, I appreciate you trying to do a good job, but I think you're being a bit overzealous. This isn't Mission Creek High where every student is guilty until proven more guilty. Understood?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, I understand" Perry muttered under her breath.

"Understood?!" Dad yelled.

"Yes, Don!" Perry yelled back at him.

"And another thing: My name is not Don. You call me Mr. Davenport" Dad said.

"Sorry, Don!" Perry yelled as she walked out of the room with dad following behind her.

"All right..." Dad sighed in annoyance as he left the room with the rest of us following behind them.

In The Mentor Headquarters

I was in the mentor headquarters with Bree as we were sitting on the couch.

"I've really gotta hand it to you Luna, you and Mr. Davenport did an amazing job with this island" Bree smiled.

"Thanks sis, I'm really proud of how it turned out too" I smiled.

"Well maybe whenever we have a free day we can go shopping together, like back in Mission Creek" Bree said.

"That's a good idea. Maybe we can invite Alexis, that way she can be more familiar with the real world" I said.

"Awesome idea Luna. We can make it a 'sister day' just the three of us" Bree smiled.

"Let's do it!" I yelled while high-fiving Bree.

We both giggled together before Bree sighed and got up from the couch.

"Well I need to go and teach my students, I'll see you later though" Bree said.

"Of course sis" I smiled.

She smiled back and nodded before leaving the room, leaving me alone.

I sighed at the peace and quiet, it was really relaxing and just so calm that I was literally about to take a nap.

But I was startled awake when I heard a loud noise coming nearby.

"Hello? Bree, is that you?" I asked while standing up.

I walked towards the entrance door to the mentor headquarters to see if anyone had walked by or anything.

When I got there I looked both ways but nobody was there.

I just shrugged, thinking I was being a bit too paranoid.

Sighing I turned back around, only to jump in surprise when I saw Sebastian standing a few feet away from me.

"Holy shit Sebastian, you scared the crap out of me" I gasped while placing a hand on my chest.

"Sorry about that, didn't mean to scare you" Sebastian said.

"It's fine, but do you mind telling me what you're doing here?" I asked while taking a few steps towards him.

Sebastian just smirked, making me stop, feeling a tad bit scared.

"I just want you to know that you, along with your family are going to pay for what you did" Sebastian said.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about? What exactly did we do?" I asked.

Sebastian walked more towards me, so he was standing in front of me.

"You know what you did, don't act like you don't know" Sebastian said while glaring at me in full anger and hatred.

"Sebastian I really don't know what you're talking about. What's going on? Why are you acting so weird?" I asked.

I was getting worried and a bit scared, I didn't know what to do.

I started to take out my phone, very quietly and discreetly so that he wouldn't see.

Hopefully I could text dad or Chase and warn them about how Sebastian is acting and geo-leap my way out of here.

"Don't worry, you'll find out soon" Sebastian smirked.

I narrowed my eyes at him in confusion.

But before I could speak Sebastian struck me across the face, really hard, causing me to fall to the ground.

My body roughly hit the ground as my phone fell out of my hands and landed a few feet away from me.

I groaned in pain as I tried getting up but damn that punch was strong as hell.

I started losing consciousness and the last thing I saw was Sebsatian standing above me with an evil smirk on his face.

I blacked out as soon as my eyes closed.

A Few Hours Later

My eyes fluttered open, trying to get myself to fully wake up as I was still a bit weak.

Finally I managed to fully open them and picked up my head while groaning in pain.

When my vision was finally clear I took in my surroundings and realized that I was handcuffed to a chair.

I was in the weapons area, but the explosives from earlier were gone, well some of them were gone.

I tried getting free using my bionics, but it was no use, the handcuffs disable bionics so I can't do anything.

"Well, well, well, it's about time you woke up."

I turned around to see Sebastian leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and with an evil smirk on his face.

"Sebastian?" I asked in confusion.

"That would be me" Sebastian smirked.

"What's going on? How long was I knocked out for?" I asked while looking around.

"You were knocked out for 2 hours. I mean I knew I hit you hard but I didn't expect it to have been that hard, and I didn't use my super-strength" Sebastian shrugged.

"What the hell is going on? Why the hell did you knock me out in the first place?" I asked.

"For revenge" Sebastian said while glaring at me.

"Revenge for what?" I asked.

"Revenge for getting rid of my father!" Sebastian yelled.

This made my heart drop as my eyes widened as my jaw dropped to the ground.

How the fuck does he know about Krane?

"What...what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Don't pretend like you don't know. I'm talking about my father, Victor Krane" Sebastian said as he pushed himself off the wall.

I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it.

"Actually wait no let me rephrase that. I'm talking about our father" Sebastian smirked.

As soon as he said that my blood boiled in complete anger and rage as I glared at him.

"Don't fucking call that bastard my father you piece of shit! He's dead to me!" I yelled at him.

"I'm just stating facts" Sebastian shrugged with that stupid smirk still on his face.

"That's besides the point, how the hell do you even know about Krane?" I asked, trying my best to get out of these handcuffs.

"Your precious boyfriend Chase told me everything. He told me that him along with Adam and Bree took out my father, and he told me that you're actually his biological daughter and our half sister" Sebastian said.

I closed my eyes and let out a loud annoyed and angry groan.

Chase Davenport I seriously am going to kill you later.

"Sebastian you need to understand that he was insane. He wanted to take over the world, he was going to control everyone with the triton app and kill anyone that would stand in his way" I said.

"My father fought for what he believed, he did what he thought was right and you friends and boyfriend took him out!" Sebastian yelled.

"Why does it even fucking matter now? The son of a bitch is dead and never coming back" I growled in anger.

Sebastian just smirked and chuckled.

"I'm doing all of this for revenge. Everything that Perry said was happening, the key card going missing and the explosives too was all me" Sebastian smirked.

My eyes widened in realization as I stared at him in shock.

I never thought the day would come where I would actually say these words.

Terry Perry was right.

"Sebastian don't you dare hurt my family, or so help me I will get rid of you myself" I growled.

"Oh Luna, what can you do? Huh? You're handcuffed to a chair and you can't even use your bionics to get out, as far as I'm concerned you're trapped" Sebastian smirked.

I glared and growled at him but he just kept smirking.

"I have to get going, otherwise the others will be suspicious" Sebastian said as he walked towards the door.

"Don't you dare hurt them!" I yelled.

He turned back around to look at me and smirked.

"Awwww don't worry Luna, I'm not going to hurt them just yet. You see, there's a reason why you're in here. You'll find out soon enough" Sebastian smirked.

I growled at him but he just left the room, making sure to lock the door.

I tried getting out of these handcuffs, I tried moving around and other things but nothing was working.

Fuck, I can't even contact the others to warn them about him because my phone is back in the mentor headquarters.

And I can't use my damn bionics either.

I let out a frustrated groan and threw my head back.

But what worries me is what Sebastian is planning on doing to the others.

And why the hell did he trap me in here?

What is he planning on doing to me?

In The Common Area
Nobody's Pov

Chase quickly ran into the common room when Adam had called him to tell him that there was a situation.

"What's going on?" Chase asked as he walked over to his siblings.

"There was an explosion in the hydraloop tunnel" Bree said.

"No, there was a situation in the hydraloop tunnel" Adam said while rolling his eyes at her.

This made Bree glare at him while Chase just sighed and nodded.

"Perry must have been right about somebody stealing the explosives" Bree sighed.

"Okay. Bree, go check the weapons area to see if anything's missing" Chase said and Bree nodded as she superspeeded out of the room.

"Adam, we need to put this place on lockdown until we figure out what's going on. Where's Mr. Davenport?" Chase asked.

"He went back the mainland" Adam said.

"Well, get him on the phone and tell him what happened" Chase said.

Adam nodded and took out his phone and was about to walk away when Chase stopped him.

"Have you seen Luna? I couldn't find her anywhere" Chase asked.

"I'm not sure, I think Bree was the last one to see her" Adam shrugged before walking away.

Chase frowned, wondering what happened to Luna before sighing as he quickly went to the consoles.

He pressed a button and started talking over the intercoms.

"Attention, students. Remain where you are. The academy is on lockdown. I repeat: the academy is on lockdown. This is not a drill" Chase sternly said.

He let go of the button and turned around to see all the doors being closed.

Bree superspeeded back into the room looking really worried.

"I couldn't get into the weapons area, the door was locked and when I tried looking for the key they were nowhere to be found" Bree said as Adam walked back over to them.

"Yeah, Mr. Davenport's not answering" Adam said.

"Bree have you seen Luna?" Chase asked.

"The last time I saw her was in the mentor headquarters, I haven't seen her since" Bree said as she crossed her arms.

Chase let out a loud groan and ran his hand through his hair.

"This is crazy! Do you really think that one of our own students would blow up the hydraloop tunnel" Chase said.

"I'm gonna go with yes" Sebastian said.

The three of them turned around to see Sebastian standing across them from the other side of the room while glaring at them.

"Sebastian? What are you doing?" Chase asked in confusion.

"Is it not clear? I'm turning on you" Sebastian smirked.

"It was clear to me" Adam shrugged while looking at his siblings.

Bree and Chase looked at him weirdly as his eyes widened in realization as he looked back at Sebastian.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Adam asked.

"I'm taking my family back" Sebastian said as he took a few steps towards them.

"I thought we were your family" Chase said but Sebastian shook his head at him.

"No. Families fight together for what's right. At least that's what my father believed before you took him out" Sebastian said, still glaring at them.

Adam and Bree's eyes widened in shock while Chase remained silent, already knowing where this was going.

"Your father? Wait, how does he know about Krane?" Bree asked Chase.

Chase didn't look at her or say anything as Sebastian smirked and let out a small chuckle.

"Well, my buddy Chase told me all about him. He told me all sorts of things" Sebastian smirked.

Adam and Bree both looked at Chase in disbelief as Chase still refused to look at them.

"Oh, great. Did you also tell him I've been wearing his shoes?" Adam asked while glaring at his brother.

Chase looked at him and just gave him an annoyed look while Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"I always wondered where we came from. Luckily, Chase put the pieces together for me" Sebastian said.

"Sebastian, Krane was--" Chase started but Sebastian cut him off.

"My father fought for what he believed: that bionic humans are superior. And when his beliefs were challenged by a non-bionic human like Davenport, he fought back" Sebastian said while glaring at the three of them.

"Yeah, well, he lost" Adam scoffed but this just made Sebastian smirk.

"And that's why I'm gonna carry on his legacy. See, you took away our leader and tried to pretend like nothing ever happened. I think it's time for a little payback" Sebastian said.

"Look" Adam said while glaring at him.

This made Sebastian glare back at him and raise an eyebrow at him.

"If this is really about the shoes, you can have 'em back" Adam said.

This made his siblings give him annoyed looks while Sebastian just rolled his eyes.

Then he pressed a button on his watch and the big screen turned on.

Adam, Bree and Chase turned around and their eyes widened when they saw Davenport and Perry inside the hydraloop.

"Mr. Davenport!" Bree yelled in worry.

"You destroyed my father. Now you get to watch me destroy yours" Sebastian smirked.

Sebastian presses another button on his watch as the trio watch the other end of the hydraloop tunnels explode.

"No!" Bree yelled, her eyes wide in shock.

"I just blew up the other end of the hydraloop tunnel...which means they should be out of oxygen in about thirty minutes" Sebastian smirked.

The trio's eyes widened in shock and worry as Sebastian raised his eyebrow and shrugged.

"Nah, maybe less. That sweaty one's a heavy breather" Sebastian said.

"Guys, we have to go save them!" Bree yelled.

Adam and Chase nodded but before any of them could do anything Sebastian tapped a button the earpiece he wore.

"Now!" Sebastian yelled.

Then Lexi and Tank geo-leap into the common area and stand next to Sebastian as the trio stare at them in shock.

"You're not going anywhere" Lexi said while glaring at them.

"Lexi?" Bree asked while staring at her in shock.

"Hey, teach" Lexi smirked as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Tank, you're with him too?" Adam asked while staring at him in shock.

Tank nods and cracks his neck with his fist, making Adam glare at him.

"Oh, yeah? Well, two can make that noise" Adam said as he cracks his neck with his fist, but ended up hurting himself.

"Ah!" Adam yelled in pain.

Chase rolled his eyes before turning to glare at Sebastian, Tank and Lexi.

"We took down Krane. What makes you think we can't take down the three of you?" Chase asked.

"We were already the most powerful students here. Now that you've taught us your secrets, we know all of your weaknesses" Sebastian smirked while turning to Lexi and Tank.

The both of them smirked and nodded as Sebastian turned back around to look at the trio.

"It's time for the school the teachers. The rebellion has begun" Sebastian smirked.

Sebastian, Tank and Lexi all stood at their side glaring at them as Adam, Bree and Chase stood at their side and glared back at them.

The Bionic Rebellion begins now.

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