Chapter 31 | L solves
Up on the wall of the office was a clock shaped like a cat, and it's tail swung in time with the hands of the clock face as it ticked. L looked up at it mesmerised and gently rocked back and fourth in time with it.
"Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock..." he muttered in time with the clock.
Finally the door opened and officer Matsuda walked in.
"Sorry for the wait! Meeting ran late" he said, heading quickly to his desk.
"Don't worry about it, we've only been here a few minuets" you said.
"4 minutes and 27 seconds... tick, tock..." L muttered.
Matsuda looked over at L, who was still rocking in time with the clock. A little confused, he raised an eyebrow.
"He's picked up some strange habits on that AI of his" you said.
"I see. He's pretty cute though" Matsuda replied.
"Isn't he just? He makes me laugh sometimes"
Matsuda logged into his computer, pulling up the latest files on the case. He'd actually called you and L in, he wanted to ask you something about the case.
"Ok... so after seeing you last time it got me thinking. L is way more powerful than any program we have here, so maybe he can help us with something" Matsuda began.
That got L's attention and he turned away from the clock to come sit with you. Even though there was a chair right next to you, he choose to sit in your lap. You snickered and rolled your eyes, of course he wanted to sit with you.
"L can help investigate?" He asked.
"You probably can. We have some tips since we put the composite sketch out, so there's been a development. Several people who go through the red light district have reported seeing someone like the suspect in the area, and all of them say it was in the more uh... sketchy area" Matsuda explained.
"Not surprising a criminal would frequent that area" you said.
"The catch is, there's tons of security cameras in that area, since business are obviously trying to stay safe. So there's every chance this same person has been captured on CCTV and we can trace where he frequents from that. There's so much footage to go through though, it'd take months to watch it all. Unless, L can scan it"
Now that was something L could do. He documented faces he saw so he could remember who was who, he'd collect information and save it into his memory. That's how he can tell who you are compared to everyone else. He scanned your face, paired it with your name and other information about you and saved it into his hard drive. He could never forget you.
So since he'd seen the suspect in person, he could run through all the CCTV footage and look for a match.
"L can scan for matching faces. But... L does make chords go bang sometimes..." L said.
"Uhh..." Matsuda muttered, unsure if plugging him into work computers was a good idea.
"That's only when people are trying to crack your code. You can run a scan on these computers fine" you assured.
L lit up, pulling his chord from his ear dock and handing it to Matsuda to plug him in.
"L can scan!" He smiled.
Matsuda plugged him into the computer, and pulled up the file containing all the footage collected from the CCTV in the area.
"Thank you L, they're all in this file so you shouldn't miss anything if you stick to this file" Matsuda replied.
"Ready to scan?"
"Commencing scan" L stated.
He shifted into scan mode, sitting calmly in your lap with a blank expression as he ran through all the footage looking for a match. Matsuda watched for a moment, fascinated by how many things L could do, it was like he could do anything.
"How much would a persacom like him cost?" He asked you.
"Since he's custom made, he's up in the several hundred thousands. A standard full size one is around $1000-$2000, the smaller ones are only a few hundred. It depends on what you want a persacoms for really" you explained.
Matsuda a eyes almost popped out of his head hearing his much L would cost. He knew they could be expensive for the really fancy ones, but that much? Wow.
"It'd be nice to have a full size one to help out with daily tasks and work, although I definitely couldn't afford one like him" Matsuda said.
"I got lucky finding him, I couldn't afford him brand new either. But I'm glad I found him even if it was a handful to get working at the start"
Matsuda had always liked persacoms, they were so cool. They could do almost anything, they could be customised to look however you like and they're good company to have. But even was his salary as a cop he definitely couldn't afford one of the super fancy ones.
"Is it cheaper to buy or to make one from scratch?" He asked.
"Depends on how custom you want it. You could get the tools to make a basic one for cheaper than you could buy one. But if you wasn't it ultra customised you'd be paying a lot" you replied.
Thanks to Near and Watari, you'd learnt a lot about persacoms. You knew almost nothing when you found L, but now you knew how to maintain a chobit. Matsuda was really starting to consider saving up for one, after seeing how much L could do and his cute he was. He might not be able to have a chobit, but he could definitely get a good persacom if he saved up.
"Match found" L announced, coming out of his scan mode.
"Wow, that fast?!" Matsuda replied in awe.
"Video 67. July 12th at 4:32pm, suspect enters building and leaves 3 hours later. Same suspect enters and exits the same building a total of 31 times over the course of the entire file of footage"
Matsuda quickly pulled up the video, slipping to the time L pointed out and sure enough, a person who looked the exact same as the suspect was seen in full view. This time without the hat, in full daylight. He looked exactly as they'd thought, this was definitely him.
"He's going into... ugh, a peep room. That's the one that was ceased a few months back actually..." Matsuda said.
"Hang on! A peep room? Which one?" You jumped in.
That sounded all too familiar to you...
You leaned over the desk to look at the footage and the second you saw the building you almost had a heart attack.
"That's the same one! The one L was kidnapped and taken to before I tracked him down and called the cops!" You exclaimed.
"Woah what? That was you guys in that case?" Matsuda replied.
He quickly pulled up the case files from the arrest, and sure enough your name was on it as well as Misa's as you two were the ones that called police and got the guy busted.
Did the intruder work for the same people who ran the peep room?
L didn't like the peep room now he knew what it was and the fact he'd been kidnapped to it. At the time he was still new to the world having to re-learn everything and he didn't really understand. Now he knows it's a bad place where sketchy people go, and sketchy people run it. Not to mention it made you panic when you knew L could be in trouble. L didn't like when you were upset...
"That's the place with the fucking creep right?" L asked, way too innocently.
"Y-yes, but don't repeat my phrasing. I called him a fucking creep in anger, he is a creep but... look just don't swear when we're in a police station ok?" You replied.
"Ok. No fuck in police station!"
Matsuda snickered, it was funny hearing L swear in such a sweet tone of voice. You'd admit it was a bit funny too.
Amusingness aside, L had just found the next lead and proved that persacoms would make very good investigators. He was proud of himself for becoming a better detective, and Matsuda was seriously thinking about bringing L back for more help.
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