Prologue: from elite knight to swordsman

A/n: hey guys here is the prologue of this story now before this begins I forgot to add one more girl in the bio 

so Gladys is in the harem along with Motaire's groupie's Aristera and Droit also Emeralia and princess Luceria these women are in the harem along with ones in the harem now let the story begin

3rd pov

our story begins with  young man with h/c hair making his way to the knight academy to receive his graduation certificate as we was on time for the ceremony but with some time to spare this person is Y/n L/n he was in the top 10 of elite knights but to him it was nothing special as he was walking pass the academy gates he sees two girls along with the one person he never liked

????: yoo hoo~ Master Motaire

????2: master Motaire~ wait for me~

Y/n' thoughts: oh great if it isn't mister dick face or was it Motprick I don't know nor do I care I don't know why those two girls are being lovey dovey to him

as he thought this he sees the two famous dancers Known as Aristera and Droit they were mainly known from their bust but Y/n sees them as beautiful women not some toys

Motaire: hahaha you two can't you give me a little more space when you walk?

Aristera: oh you know you want us this close

Droit: yeah you want us this close

the two girls then pressed their breast on Motaire as he enjoys the attention while Y/n just give a disappointed look and disgust 

Motaire: hahahaha you two if you keep that up you're going to make me excited

Aristera: well that's why we're doing it

Droit: yeah that's why

as they continue to press their breast Motaire and Y/n made eye contact with one another which made Motaire have a not so happy look while Y/n didn't care as he had a smirk on his

Y/n: well if it isn't shit face

Motaire: it's Motaire you vulgar fool why are you here seeing you is here is certainly unpleasant

Y/n: like I care about remembering your name as to why I'm here is for the graduation ceremony why don't tell me your still salty about me beating you when it come to sparring in class

this made Motaire a little mad but kept his cool during sparring class Motaire would try to beat Y/n to prove he is better than him but Y/n always beat Motaire easily as Y/n barely using his full skill and techniques

Droit: oh and who is this?

Aristera: a friend of master Motaire's?

Y/n: no not at all ladies just a fellow classmate of his isn't that right Motaire?

Motaire: yes he's right just a fellow classmate with a unique rivalry 

Droit: oh but he's wearing a unique looking armor that makes him look like a knight but also an assassin

Y/n: oh that's because I'm one of the ten "elite" knights to graduate the royal knight academy like Motaire here but I've been leading more to be a wondering swordsman than a knight to be honest plus I like the look of this armor

Aristera: oh but why would you do that if your one of the top ten wouldn't that be a waste of your skills to be a wondering swordsman

Y/n: meh never really thought of myself as a knight anyways I'll be on my way I like to walk around the academy before my last moments here

with that Y/n walks away from the three as Y/n impressed the two ladies by his honesty while Motaire just glared at him as Y/n made it to the front doors of the academy he sees the two guards stationed at the doors

Y/n: good day gentlemen

Guard1: um who are you?

Y/n: oh right *removes the hood* remember me now?

guard2: oh the tenth! elite sorry sir if we didn't recognizes you sir

Y/n: easy it's alright non of that sir or elite stuff just Y/n is fine so how are your days going

guards 1&2: good sir

Y/n: that's nice

guard2: but why are you here so early if you don't mind me asking?

Y/n: it's fine just taking a walk around the academy before the graduation is all

????: what's going on here?

as the three men look to see a blonde female knight coming up to them Y/n smiles to see it's another one of his classmates that he loved to be around and his closest friend Isis

guard1: ah lady Isis nothing wrong just having a chat with Y/n

Y/n: hello Isis nice day we're having how are you?

Isis: *smiles at Y/n* I'm good how about you Y/n and I see your here early

Y/n: *smiles* I'm good and I'm here early so I can walk around the academy before the ceremony care to join me?

Isis: I would love too

the two then went in the academy not before Y/n saying goodbye to the two guards Y/n and Isis walked around the halls of the academy as they chat with one another

Y/n: man can't believe that we're graduating it was like only yesterday that we were only just starting

Isis: *giggles* your being dramatic but that's what I like about you *mutters* and love about you

Y/n: you say something?

Isis: *blushes slightly* nothing

Y/n: anyways how is your "relationship" to Motprick?

Isis: it's Motaire Y/n why do you keep on calling him that or other things related to that

Y/n: cause he is an asshole if you ask me

Isis: anyways it's somewhat find it's just...

Y/n: yeah I don't buy it he is an abusive asshole to you if you ask me you deserve someone better and before you ask no I'm not saying that I would be a better choice what I am saying is that a Relationship should be based on some one you deeply care about someone you know you and that person would be happy

as those words came out of Y/n's mouth Isis felt her heart moved as she smiles at him during their time in the academy Isis always had a crush on Y/n but was never able to tell him now she was engaged to Motaire as she tries her damnedest to make their relationship work but she can't deny her feeling for Y/n

Isis: those are nice words Y/n if you ask me any woman would be happy to have a man like you

Y/n: *nervous chuckle and slight blush* thanks Isis

Isis: anyway where are you going to be stationed once the ceremony is over and the start of your knightly duties?

Y/n: oh well... that's something I have to tell you...

Isis: *slightly concerned* tell me what?

Y/n: well I'm not going to be a knight

Isis: *shocked* what!? why I thought being a knight was going to be your dream

Y/n: well it was in the past but ever sense then I feel like being a knight is not me you now how adventurous I can be and how I like to travel

Isis: yeah but what are you going to be if not a knight?

Y/n: well I'm going to be a wondering swordsman so I can travel to places to help people in towns or villages and admire beautiful locations

Isis: I see...

Y/n: but hey your still my closest friend Isis I'll help you if you need me no matter what I'll be their

Isis: *smiles* thanks Y/n well I'll be going see you at the ceremony *walks away and in her thoughts* no matter what Y/n I still have feelings for you I just wish I told you how I feel about you

as Y/n is left on is lonesome he goes to the garden of the academy he then sits on the soft grass then enjoy the lovely view of the garden as he doesn't notice two individuals approaching behind him as one of the got close to Y/n tapping his shoulder gaining his attention as he look behind him to see two lovely women

young girl: hi are you enjoying the view of the garden?

Y/n: ah yes I am sorry if I didn't notice you two

mature woman: it's quite alright mister L/n but it surprises me that you don't recognize who's in front of you

Y/n: I'm sorry but who is in front of me miss Emeralia?

Emeralia: the young lady in front of you is Princess Luceria young man

Y/n: *shocked* oh! s sorry Princess if I didn't recognize you it's just you never get to see a Princess everyday let alone talk to one in person please accept my apologies *bows*

Luceria: *giggles* it's quite alright I actually liked it the you talk to me as a normal person and not royalty 

Y/n: I see *chuckles* well how are you lady Emeralia?

Emeralia: *smiles* I'm good mister L/n anyways you should head to the ceremony cause it's about to start soon

Y/n: *gets up* right well have a good day ladies

as Y/n makes his way to the ceremony he spots the fat ass of a prince known as Prince Bobon who tried to frame Y/n by saying he pushed him down but with no evidence Y/n was in the clear to which Y/n hates Bobon and purposely misspelled his name just to tick him offas Y/n made it to the ceremony location Y/n takes a seat 

Y/n's pov

after a couple of the other graduates had been called and received their certificate by the generals who handed them out then they landed on me

General Zant: now can the tenth elite Y/n L/n come up please

I then got up from my seat and head to the three generals that I have met on some occasions like running earns for one of them or some private lessons and studies from them like sparing with General Felzen once I made it up to them I bowed respectfully to them

General Schlamm: mister L/n you are by one of the best students we have this year and proud to let you know that you will receive your certificate as a Knight

General Zant: do you have anything to say young man?

Y/n: yeas sirs if it's not too much trouble I would like not to be a knight sir

as those words left my mouth I heard some gasp from the other graduates and I see each general faces two of them have surprised looks while Felzen has a curious look

General Felzen: interesting why don't you want to be a knight especially with your level of skill

Y/n: well in the past being a knight was a dream of mind but I want expand my horizons see the different places and help people on my travels

General Felzen: I see...

General Schlamm: then why did you join the royal knoghts academy if you don't want to be a knight?

Y/n: to train and hone my skills for my travels and make some friends along the way

General Zant: okay if this is what you wish then what should we do with your certificate then?

Y/n: how ever you see fit the future is not always set and stoned who know maybe I'll comeback as a knight after my travels who knows

General Zant: *chuckles* the wonders of youth alright me and the generals will discuss this later go what your heart feels is right Y/n

I nod to him and made my leave from the academy as I got my gear ready and my sword crissaegrim and other necessary things for the long adventure ahead of me I then put my hood on and began my journey as the wondering swordsman

to be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys like this prologue now in the next chapter will be a lemon with the succubus Shamsiel so be expecting to see that and I'll see you guys in the next one          

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