Chapter 5: Isis' confession and the duel between swordsmen
A/n: Hello, my lovely readers! Here is the next chapter to this story, now I will let you know the lemon for this chapter will be somewhat short, but there will be more down the line. Also the reader (you) won't treat Gladys as a prisoner after the duel, but you'll see how it will end after this chapter. Now let the chapter begin!
Y/n's pov
I was in the briefing room, with Roxanne, Isis, Shamsiel who is invisible watching and the other Generals. We have been informed that Gladys wants to face me in single combat, through the means of swords with the winner getting to choose the fate of the loser and their army.
Zant: I can understand of challenging Gladys in single combat, but winner gets to choose the fate of the loser and their army is rather worrisome.
Schlamm: Gladys is not only a sword master, but is also a master in chess. So it is fortunate that sword play is chosen, cause I'm not very sure how well Y/n could play it, no offense.
Y/n: None taken, I have played a bit of chess. But I wouldn't last too long against someone who knows a lot of ways to win in chess.
Wang Quan: I must agree, though rumors of the rebel side say that Gladys herself wants to know the rumors of Y/n's skill first hand. If Gladys loses, her forces will surrender to us.
A/n: Yeah, that's his actual name, though being called Wang Coin or Wan Coan get's in his nerves
Felzen: And if Y/n loses, he will most likely be executed by Gladys and we surrender. Wang Coin! I don't supposed you orchestrated this single combat on purpose?
Wang: It's Wang Quan! I was merely acting under orders from the crown!
Y/n: Everyone, calm down, squabbling over it won't fix anything. Besides, if Gladys wants see my sword play first hand, *smiles* then who am I to disappoint.
Roxanne: *n a worried tone* Y/n...
Felzen: So you plan on facing her. I know your skilled, since your time in the Royal Knights Academy. But this is actual combat.
Y/n: True, but during my time traveling, I was able to hone my blade and my techniques. But in the mean time, I believe Wang Quan wasn't being very truthful to us.
Wang Quan: *gets nervous* W, what do you mean?
Y/n: You were lying about receiving this order from the crown.
Wang Quan: Do you still believe the lie, that I infiltrated?
Y/n: I believe you bumped into a traveler when it happen, didn't you? That was me.
This shocks Wang Quan, while the Generals and Isis looks at the man who lied about receiving orders from the King, I had Isis take Wang Quan to the dungeon and leave the punishment to the Generals. Though I did give them a little idea on giving Wang Quan a punishment of lying, but also taking the King's crown into his lies.
3rd pov
In the dungeons, Wang Quan is behind bars with a knight in front of him and seem to pass the guard a small bag.
Wang Quan: Have Y/n swallow this.
The knight nods and takes the small bag and leaves the dungeons, not knowing that a certain pink haired succubus was watching them, while being invisible and follows the knight into the kitchen and places it on the counter. Once the knight leaves the kitchen, Shamsiel lowers down and allows herself to be visible once again, and looks at the small bag with a smile.
Shamsiel: I won't let my and Roxanne's darling drink nasty poison. *takes the bag off the counter and switches with another bag* This might help Isis be a little more honest with her feelings to Y/n.
-time skip brought to you by chibi Shamsiel and chibi Roxanne playing tug of war with chibi Y/n, while chibi Isis was feeling jealous around a corner-
Inside of Y/n's and Roxanne's room, Isis joins Y/n and Roxanne to some dinner while hopping to talk Y/n out of fighting Gladys tomorrow.
Isis: Are you seriously going to fight Gladys tomorrow?
Y/n: That's the plan.
Isis: You know, there's a chance that you will die?
Y/n: True, but I'm pretty confident that it will work out.
Roxanne: I wonder, if you do win, Y/n. What will you do with Gladys and her forces?
Y/n: Her forces, I will give them a choice.
Isis/Roxanne: A choice?
Y/n: Yes, you see some of them probably have families that they would love to see again, I'll give them a choice to either walk away and return to their families.
Isis: I can understand that, but why?
Y/n: Life is short, one day you will day by any means, either by natural causes or by someone. What best way to live your life is spending it with your loved ones.
Roxanne: And the other choice?
Y/n: They can, join with me and reclaim their honor. That way, people can see some people can change and that their skills don't go to waste.
This brings smiles to both Isis and Roxanne, seeing that you can show such kindness to others even your enemy, but then Isis brings up one person.
Isis: But what about Gladys?
Y/n: that, I will discuss alone with her.
Once their food and drinks arrived, Isis was the first one to take a cup of wine, while Y/n and Roxanne set up their plates and Shamsiel's plate, before Isis takes a sip she catches the smell of the wine.
Isis: What an odd smell.
She then takes a sip of the win, and begins to get reactions both in her lower regions and her heart, this catches Y/n's and Roxanne's attention while Y/n is worried that something is wrong with Isis, while Roxanne just has a light smile knowing what's about to happen.
Y/n: Isis? You alright?
Isis: I... just feel weird.
Shamsiel then becomes visible in the same room as the three humans are in, and turns to Roxanne with her usual smile.
Shamisel: looks like it's working.
Roxanne: It, seems so.
Y/n: What are you two talking about?
Shamisel: Please, don't be angry, Y/n. We are actually helping Isis.
Y/n: Helping her? Was the drink poisoned?
Shamsiel: No, but Wang Quan did try to poison you with a help of a single guard. What I put in is a special ingredient to help her become more honest with her feelings, though.... It might have a slight aphrodisiac effect once consumed.
Y/n: Okay, but why did you put something like that in Isis' drink?
Roxanne: Well, it's obviously that she-
Isis: Please, lady Roxanne... Let it be from my own mouth.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Isis, builds up her courage and with the help of the ingredient to help her being more honest, but also is suffering with the slight effect of becoming aroused.
Isis: You see Y/n... I have been hiding my true feelings for you, originally I planned on confessing my feelings for you during our academy days. But Motaire asked me out on a date first and from that day forward, He wanted to marry me.
Y/n: *sighs* Even just mentioning that prick, just wants to make me find him and punch him straight in the face.
Isis: I wouldn't blame you. But recently he's just been an abusive prick to me.
Once those words came out, Y/n froze and the room went completely silent that you can cut it with a dagger, Y/n's magic aura starts to rise with a face that looks like he is ready to kill someone in the brutalist ways.
A/n: Insert any pissed off face.
Y/n: He's been what.
Isis: He's been abusive not just to me, but his two groupies. His abuse to me is mainly him mocking me from not taking missions that previous parties went off too, but are never heard from again. While the groupies Aristera and Droit he is a bit more physical.
Y/n: Then, how come no one has noticed any bruses?
Isis: They hide them, with make up and hide under a false smile as to not make him worse. I wanted to break off the engagement, but I-
She gets cut off by Y/n kissing her on the lips and wrap his arms around her, while Isis was surprised at first but leans into the kiss and wraps her arms around him while letting out happy tears, while both Roxanne and Shamsiel look on with warm smiles and winked to one another.
Shamsiel: *whispers to Roxanne* And that's another girl in Y/n's love harem.
Roxanne: *giggles and whispers back* I believe so.
Y/n: *separates from Isis' lips* I'll have a little moment with you two later, while... *looks to Isis* Why don't we make that wish of breaking off the engagement come true.
Isis: *blushes and smiles* Yes please.
A/n: Attention all readers, all female pokemon are now in heat mating mode due to the lemon. So... *takes his Gardevoir, Salazzle, Zoroark, female mewtwo and Cinderace into a portal* Have fun.~
-lemon activated-
As Y/n and Isis began to have a heated make out session, while taking off their clothes and making their way to the bed, Y/n kisses and moves his hand to Isis' pussy and rubbing his fingers against it. Which gets a moan from the female knight, as both Roxanne and Shamsiel both make out with each other and pleasing the other from watching Y/n and Isis having sex. Then once both Y/n and Isis were at the bed, Y/n lays her down gently and was about to move down to her pussy, but Isis stops him by placing a hand on his face.
Isis: Let's skip that part, I want the main course.~
Y/n: Are you sure?
Isis: Of course, I always to have my first time with you.
Y/n nods and moves to be above Isis, then aims his dick to Isis' pussy and look into her eyes as he slowly inserts his dick into her, while Isis moans slightly from having a man's dick inside her and once Y/n's dick hits her obstacle. Y/n then leans in and kisses Isis again with the said girl doing the same, Y/n then pushes his dick through the obstacle making Isis moan form pain in the kiss.
But with Y/n kissing her, the pain was fading away from Y/n's gentle kisses and touch of his hands that are messaging her breasts, once the pain has passed it was quickly replaced with pleasure. While both Roxanne and Shamsiel are having their own moment, with pleasing the other and playing with their breasts, then Y/n slowly picks up his pace with his thrusts in and out of Isis making the said girl moan from the feeling.
Isis: *moans* Y/n, I have *moans* always wanted to do this with *moans* you one day.
Y/n: I aim *grunts* to please.~
As time went on, Y/n was now thrusting faster into Isis as the said girl has her legs wrapped around Y/n, while for Roxanne and Shamsiel were now naked and licking the others pussy which both are close to their release. Not before long Y/n and Isis were reaching their climax as well, which Isis can feel Y/n's dick tense up and doesn't unwrap her legs around Y/n, which Y/n give one final thrust and releases his seed into Isis making her moan along with Roxanne and Shamsiel releasing their jucies.
Isis: This is a dream come true.~
Y/n: *smiles* Glad I can make it a reality.~
Shamsiel: *giggles* That's out Y/n!
Roxanne: *giggles* You can say that again.
Y/n: *looks at Roxanne and Shamsiel with a smirk* Don't think I forgot about you two.~
-lemon over
-with Gladys at her forte-
Gladys is seen outside at night, within the walls of her forte looking at the night sky with the moon at it's full moon sight.
Gladys: Tomorrow will if those rumors about you are true, Y/n.
-time skip to the next day brought to you by Wang Quan getting brutally executed by the generals-
At Gladys' forte in bright daylight, both the said woman and Y/n are standing in front of each other, while some of Gladys' troops watch alongside with the Generals, Roxanne, Isis and Shamsiel who is invisible watching above them. Gladys has a confident smile, to see that Y/n was facing her.
Gladys: I commend you for not retreating.
Y/n: I'm never one for running, I would rather face things head on.
Gladys: I'm glad to hear that.
Both Gladys and Y/n draw their swords, while Gladys points her sword at Y/n while the said man holds his sword with both hands with the blade pointed at the ground, then both warriors circle the other waiting for one of them to make the first move. Then both Y/n and Gladys charged at one another, clashing their blades together and trying to get the upper hand on the other and both warriors entered a blade lock. The two then push the other away giving both of them distance, Gladys moves faster and charges at Y/n swinging her sword at him forcing him to take the defense, but this was part of Y/n's plan and General Felzen can see what Y/n is doing druing the fight.
Isis: What is Y/n doing? Why isn't he trying to get on the offensive?
Felzen: That's simple, look at his eyes.
Isis does what he says and sees Y/n's eyes glancing at Gladys' sword, every time he either blocked or deflected the blade, now knowing what the General meant and seeing that Y/n was reading Gladys moves ant trying to find an opening. Then Gladys goes for a over head swing and seeing this as an opening, Y/n deflects the blade and leaving Gladys wide open which Y/n goes for a low swing. But Gladys jumps back narrowly avoiding the blade just by her chin, once she avoided the sword Gladys rubs her chin from almost getting a cut, she then smirks from the moment.
Gladys: Not bad, your skilled that much is true. But why don't you come at me more seriously, show me your true techniques.
Y/n: Alright, *imbues his sword with fire magic* time to take this to the next level.
Once everyone see his sword in flames, Gladys' men were taken by surprised from the sight of magic imbued the sword, while General Felzen smiles knowing things are going to get interesting. Y/n then charges at Gladys and begins to swing his sword, making Gladys try her best to deflect to make an opening for her, but due to Y/n's sword having flames along the blade heats up her sword every time it makes contact with Y/n's sword.
Then both Y/n and Gladys got into a blade lock, looking directly into the other eyes and both trying to break the others defense and win the fight, then Y/n noticed that Gladys' blade was heating up and puts more strength into his to break the blade lock. In one quick motion Y/n pushes his blade up, forcing Gladys' blade up creating an opening for himself along with breaking Gladys' sword in the process. This surprises Gladys and in attempt to jump back, but her footing was off causing her to nearly fall to the ground, Y/n on the other hand rushed towards her and distinguish the flame on his blade.
Once Y/n was close enough he wrapped his free arm around Gladys' midsection preventing her from falling to the ground, Gladys was caught off guard from his sudden action and was then met with his sword near her neck.
Y/n: Will you concede?
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next chapter.
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