Chapter 2: guarding the Prefect's "wife" and uncovering a devious plot

A/n: hey guys here is the next chapter for this story now let the chapter begin

Y/n's pov

as I was beginning to open my eyes from the eventful night that I had after a brief moment my eyes were wide open I then turned to my right to see the smiling face of Shamesiel

Shamesiel: good morning

Y/n: *smiles* good morning Shamesiel *sits up and stretches* so how was last nights event for you

Shamesiel: it was wonderful it was the first time that a human was able to make me cum like that it was the most thrilling feeling I've ever experience!

Y/n: *chuckles* well I'm glad you enjoyed it well Shamesiel lets get dressed since I was here to help with a succubus problem

Shamesiel: of course Y/n any thing for my new handsome master!

I chuckled at her enthusiasm I then got off my bed and redressed into my clothes and armor and put my sword back on my belt as I see Shamesiel readjust her clothes we then exit the room heading for the Prefect's office along the way Shamesiel was holding on to my arm with a happy smile on her face I notice that some of the guards saw her with a surprised look after sometime of walking and getting surprised looks from either guards or towns people reporting in some problems that they had also getting surprised but also somewhat scared looks from them but we made it to the Prefect's office as we entered both Prefect Irboyne and Madoise also getting surprised looks upon looking at Shamesiel

Y/n: gentlemen I have handled your succubus problem

Irboyne: is this really the succubus that has killed twelve men?

Y/n: yes as you see after Madoise took me to my room last night she waited my room where I would be alone during my time last night I ushered a bet with her

Irboyne: what kind of bet?

Y/n: well if she won I would have been Shamesiel's personal sex slave to protect the towns people but if I won she would be my familiar *looks at Shamesiel with a soft smile* where I managed to win the bet and gained a companion

Irboyne: I see usually I don't trust the word of a demon...

Shamesiel: what a foul mouthed human... I'll eat you up!

she then opened her mouth showing her fangs scaring Madoise while Irboyne getting a worried look which was kinda funny but I put my hand on her head calming her down

Y/n: I know that demons are not always the most trusty of beings but during my travels I can tell if someone is lying to me if they don't look at me directly in the eyes which she look directly at them so she wasn't lying so is there anything else that you'll need my help?

Madoise then begin to whisper into the Prefect's ear about something which I can't help but get a bad feeling about I took a glance at Shamesiel and she had narrowed her eyes

Irboyne: well there is one thing you can do I want someone as skilled as you to be my wife's bodyguard

Y/n: come again?

Irboyne: she is departing soon and I don't want to have her go unprotected incase a bandit or any other devious individual to kidnap her or worse usually I would have one of my guards do so but I think you would be a better candidate

I nod to him as Madoise took me to the stables where I was setting up a horse for me and Roxanne while Shamesiel turned herself invisible as I was setting up Madoise was briefing me on my role as bodyguard

Madoise: I trust that you'll take good care of her. she has been celibate for a while, so we'll need you to take care of THAT as well

Y/n: wait what why me?

Madoise: well let's just say it's womanly needs

I gave him a skeptical look but then dropped it and go back to reading the horse as I was finished I heard someone calling my name

????: sir Y/n.

I turned to see Roxanne in her usual dress looking really radiant in the sun light as soon as I saw her I waved at her with a smile

Y/n: just 

y/n is fine Roxanne besides sir is more for knights and I'm a wondering swordsman 

Roxanne: *smiles* of course I also heard that you tamed the succubus and have her as a familiar

Y/n: well tame is not the right word for it I would say befriend her is a more better word for it and yes she is my familiar

Shamesiel's pov

I was watching my dear Y/n while being invisible behind the mouse faced human as I was watching Y/n and the female human seeing how the two interacted with one another

Shamesiel's thoughts: hmm I can tell the female human is interested in Y/n well I don't mind sharing him a guy like Y/n is a rare catch nowadays and that just means more fun for us~

Mouse faced human: *brings out some wine* two might be a little thirsty so why not have a little drink before your journey

I gave him s suspicious look as Y/n and the female human took at least a glass then head out while I spied on the mouse faced human and the old man human in the office while I was invisible

mouse faced human: I have served the aphrodisiac. all that remains now...

old man human: is to observe the infidelity. then ask for a divorce

mouse faced human: and then the knights of Oto will be yours!

hearing this made me mad that they would scheme something like this just to get more power I then notice the old man human placed a hand on his chest and grunts meaning he has a weak heart and could die at any moment as the two leave the room I reveal myself in the room and looked in his desk finding a paper that he had before putting it in his desk

Shamesiel: secret... discovery!

3rd pov

as Y/n and Roxanne were on a horse going through a pass with Y/n in control of steering the horse while Roxanne hugs his back rather close making her breast be noticed by Y/n as he trys to stay focus on the road then Roxanne suddenly hugs Y/n closer

Y/n: huh you alright Roxanne?

Roxanne: ye yeah just my chest hurts

Y/n: want to rest for a little?

Roxanne: *smiles* yes please

then the two went up on a cliff with a great view of the land Roxanne was standing next to a tree while Y/n was ties a rope to a tree stump so the horse doesn't wonder off as he was doing so Shamesiel revealed herself deactivating her invisibility

Y/n: *looks at Shamesiel* hey Shamesiel what have you been up too?

Shamesiel: *smiles* just keeping a close eye on the two humans you talked to before you and the female human left and finding something that you might want to see

Y/n: really like what?

Shamesiel: the nobleman he was planning something awful *pulls out a scrolled up paper* look

as Y/n takes the scrolled up paper then reads it making his eyes widen and clutches his hands of what he was reading

Y/n: well good work Shamesiel and thanks for looking out for me

Shamesiel: anything for you Y/n~ so do I get a reward?

Y/n: *chuckles* of course you will but later for no this will probably suffice *kisses Shamesiel's cheek*

Shamesiel: *blushes with a smile* aww your just the perfect guy Y/n also *leans in his ear* I don't mind sharing you with other girls that might have feeling for you~

Roxanne: Y/n?

Y/n then looks over to Roxanne then proceeds to walk towards her as Shamesiel turns invisible to observe once Y/n made his way to Roxanne who has her back to him under the tree

Y/n: you summoned me?

Roxanne: I want you to help me...

Y/n: with what?

Roxanne: will you touch my boobs?

Y/n: what?!

Roxanne: they are so sore that I thought perhaps having them squeezed would ease the pain

Y/n: I... I guess but...

Roxanne: you might not be a knight but do you intend abandoning a damsel in distress?

Y/n was in a very uncomfortable situation he has a morel code not to take advantages on women especially married ones but he also can't just leave a woman who is in distressed so he stayed true to his code to help people and reluctantly helps Roxanne with her problem

Y/n: al alright I'll help you Roxanne

-mini lemon starting now-

now as Roxanne was bent over slightly leaning on the tree Y/n goes behind her and takes a handful of her breast with both hands making Roxanne lightly moan and tremble a bit

Roxanne: please harder

Y/n: l like this?

Y/n then began to squeeze Roxanne's breast making her moan lightly louder and tremble more Y/n was having a worried look thinking he accidently hurt her

Roxanne: sorry for making such naughty noises

Y/n: that's okay I was just worried that I accidently hurt you

Roxane: *smiles* your such a kind man Y/n

Y/n: is the pain gone?

Roxanne: I'm fine please continue

then then squeezes her breast more then begins to massage them while Roxanne then begins to press her ass against Y/n's crotch and rubs her ass against his member getting him hard 

Y/n's thoughts: damn she's really turned by this I guess it makes since since she and Irbiyne never had sex yet

Roxanne: please be sure to squeeze the tips otherwise the pain will remain

Y/n then moved his hands to her nipples of her breast as soon as Y/n squeezed them liquid began to shoot out making her moan from the feeling which surprised Y/n once he saw this happen

Roxanne: y-yes! Milk is coming out! please squeeze more

then Y/n continued to squeeze her breast making Roxanne moan as more milk begins to shoot out of her breast going through her dress that covered her breast making them some what see through

Roxanne: if you squeeze that hard... then my breast... my breast.... *moans* Y/n you are so skilled

Y/n: are you okay Roxanne is the pain gone?

Roxanne: I'm fine *feels Y/n's harden member on her ass* but your manhood... it is so hard I must really hurt

Y/n: don't worry about that it's nothing serious I can assure you

RoxanneL *gets on her knees facing y/n's crotch* but I can't just sit her while you suffer you helped me so I'll do the same

Roxanne then begins to move the fabric of Y/n's pants making Y/n's member shoot out as Roxanne was in awe at the size of Y/n's member she eagerly uncovers her breast and places Y/n's member in between her breast making Y/n lightly moan she then begins to lick and motions her breast up and down on Y/n's member making grunt and moan

Y/n: R...Roxanne... you shouldn't.... do this....

Roxanne: you are wounded... I must heal you~

she then continues to lick the tip of Y/n's member while rubbing her breast up and down on his member making Y/n feel the pleasure as Roxanne was enjoying the taste of Y/n's member she then places the tip of Y/n's member in her mouth as Y/n grunts and moans from the feeling  Roxanne then pick up the pace as she was feeling Y/n's member began to throb as he was close to release

Y/n: R... Roxanne I'm about to cum

Roxanne: please do so release your seed into my mouth

then with those words said Y/n gave a thrust making him release his seed into Roxanne's mputh as some of Y/n's seed slips out of her mouth Roxanne eyes widen from the amount that Y/n released she then began to drink what she can that did slip out of her mouth once she got all of Y/n's seed off she removes her mouth from his member 

-mini lemon over-

Roxanne then looks at Y/n with a smile that Y/n found cute then the two began to hear the sound of something move within the bushes as they look to see what it was Roxanne then covered her breast with a look of shock as it was Irboyne who was hiding in the bushes

Roxanne: it's you!

Irboyne: *chuckles* I've been waiting for this moment. I knew that you would-

then suddenly Irboyne then clutches his chest then falls to the ground not moving which catches both Y/n and Roxanne off guard then Madoise then comes out of the bushes to his "lord's" side

Madoise: my lord! my lord!

Roxanne: what is the meaning of this. were you setting me and Y/n up?

Madoise: a uuhh

Shamesiel: *floats down to Y/n and Roxanne's side* this guy tried to trap you Y/n *pulls out a scrolled up paper* why don't you just confess

Madoise: *points at the paper* w where did you get that?

Shamesiel: gee I wonder *giggles*

Y/n's pov

after we returned to Boan we put Madoise and Irboyne who I can assume is either dead from a heart dieses are locked in the dungeons Roxanne told the guards the plot was going on between Irboyne and "prince"Bobon we formed a plan to catch Bobon right then and there which required me to disguised myself as Irboyne with the help of Shamesiel who used her magic to help with the disguised right know I'm at the desk as Bobon has entered the room

Y/n: *in Irboyne's voice* greetings prince Bobon I am Irboyne

Bobon: if I start a rebellion, you will take my side correct?

Y/n: *in Irboyne's voice* yes. the Bobon empire will rule the world - of that I'm certain

Bobon: *annoying laugh* you think so too, after all, Oto's knights are far from popular. if Boan joins the rebellion, Oto will surely panic

Y/n: *in Irboyne's voice* please give me your proof of your word *brings out a contract*

as I brought out the paper Bobon then begins to write his name in it what a fool then I hear him bad mouthing me saying that I was weak and would never be a true knight which I smirked

Y/n: *in Irboyne's voice* really what do you think what kind of face he would make when he finds out about this

Bobon: ha like he could do anything but I bet it would be a face only a mother could love

Y/n: *removes the top piece with a smirk* you mean something like this?

as I removed my disguise and back to my voice Bobon and his guards were shocked to see me as the guards try to draw their sword but froze just before drawing them as Shamesiel appears next to me pointing her finger the guards preventing them to act then the Boan guards came in pointing their lances at Bobon and his guards 

Y/n: *shows the contract* this man and Prefect Irboyne have set up this foul conspiracy! this conspiracy will now be undone! send him to the Dungeons

Bobon: Y/n! this is unfair!

Y/n: your one to speak hypocrite trying to start a war against your own father utterly disgraceful take him away!

as the guard took Bobon to the dungeons I felt relived that someone like Boan was getting what he rightfully deserved I then turned to Shamesiel as she smiles at me

Y/n: *smiles* thanks for the help Shamesiel now time for your reward

Shamesiel: yay! *hugs and kisses Y/n on the lips*

3rd pov

after Y/n gave Shamesiel her reward Y/n enters Roxanne's room to check up on her after what has happen

Y/n: you must be tired Roxanne please get some rest

Roxanne: okay...

Y/n: goodnight

as Y/n was about to leave the room Roxanne turns around and hugs Y/n's back surprising him from the sudden action

Y/n: R...Roxanne....

Roxanne: please Y/n don't leave me alone... make love to me

Y/n: are you sure?

Roxanne: *smiles* yes I'm sure

-tactical Lemon nuke incoming take cover!-

then Y/n and Roxanne took off their respective clothes as Y/n laid down on the bed with Roxanne on top of him with her boobs exposed to him

Roxanne: go a head suck them

Y/n then begins to lick Roxanne's nipples lightly making her moan he then does the same to the other one giving it a couple licks as Roxanne was lightly moaning

Roxanne: no... please suck harder

as Y/n was giving Roxanne's breast a couple breast then starts sucking on her right bood pulling back making Roxanne moan a bit more loudly as Y/n was pulling back Roxanne's boob that Y/n was sucking on was released

Y/n: you really like having your boobs played with huh Roxanne?

Roxanne: yes it feels so good please keep going

then Y/n goes to Roxanne's left boob and give it a sucking as his hand was massaging Roxanne's other boob making Roxanne moan more feeling the pleasure of her boobs being sucked and massage the feeling she hadn't felt since her marriage with Irboyne as Y/n kept on sucking Roxanne's boob her milk then begins to spray into his mouth 

Roxanne: Y/n your drinking my milk

as Y/n sucked harder and drinking the milk as he releases the boob he was sucking on he then switches to the other boob and sucks and drinks Roxanne's milk as he was sucking on her boob making Roxanne moan loud as she was enjoying the pleasure she was feeling then Y/n begins to suck on both boobs as well as drinking the milk that was entering his mouth making Roxanne moan more as it was happening

Roxanne: *moans* Y/n if you keep on sucking like *moans* that then I'll going to cum!

as then Roxanne then lets out a moan after cumming from having her boobs sucked on by Y/n then collapse on Y/n then Y/n start to feel his dick getting hard which Roxanne also feels and starts to rub dick

Roxanne: oh I can't hold back any more Y/n please take~

she then hovers her pussy over Y/n's harden dick then slowly starts to insert the dick into her pussy one Y/n's dick was fully inside Roxanne's pussy she starts to bounce on Y/n's dick making both her and Y/n moan and grunt from the pleasure of the feeling of one inside of the other as Y/n was looking at Roxanne as he thrust inside her he sees her boobs bounce and jiggle  in front of him he then grabs them and starts sucking on them making her moan more from the feeling of her boobs being sucked on

Roxanne: oh Y/n! *moans* yes keep doing that

as Roxanne then starts to pick up her pace with her bouncing as Y/n did the same with his thrusting inside of her as the two kept enjoying each others time Y/n then starts to feel his end coming same with Roxanne

Y/n: *grunts* Roxanne I'm *moans* I'm about to cum

Roxanne: *moans* me too *moans* inside please cum inside!

then the two then speed up their movments with Y/n speeding up his thrusting and Roxanne with her bouncing on Y/n's dick then with on last thrust Y/n releases into Roxanne as she releases on Y/n's dick then once the two finished Roxanne then collapse on Y/n again but this time with her boob in his face

Roxanne: that was *pants* amazing Y/n *pants*

Y/n: *pants* yeah it was *pants* you are amazing as well *pants* you deserved better than that Prefect

Roxanne: *pants* thankt you Y/n *pants* but please promise me one thing

Y/n: anything Roxanne

Roxanne: please don't forget me

Y/n then places his hand on Roxanne's cheek and brings her to face him as he smiles at her which makes her blush

Y/n: never Roxanne I will never forget you

he then kisses her as she melts into the kiss then the two separate from each other then let sleep take them as Roxanne sleeps on top of Y/n as he wraps his arms around her then succumbs to sleep

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter sorry for keeping you guys waiting now I want to know if you guys have any idea on what happens in the story of Kyonyuu fantasy after the par with Gladys if you know please let me know and I'll see you guys in the next chapter 

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