Chapter 5💫

KYDAH's POV. . .

"Didi Wake up" Mehr whisper yelled next to my ear. Why is she disturbing me so early in the morning? She knew how much I need my beauty sleep but she has to wake me up at the ungodly hour.

"DIDI" she yelled, almost like she's tired of waking me up. Maybe she's been there for a long while and I'm just feeling it.

"Uhm" I groaned, rolling around and giving my back at her. Maybe she'll get what I'm saying and just leave me for good this time around.

"Maa said they're coming any minute by now" she yelled more harshly in my ear now. She's about to sprinkle water on me or even hit my butt at this moment.

"What's the time" I asked hoarsely, sleep still in my system.

"1:05PM" she said checking her phone which she's already changed the case to blue the same colour of her ankara. Gosh! Sometimes I ask myself whether we're really siblings because of how she does so many things stupidly.

"I'll be down in a jiffy" I grumble out, standing up and sauntered into the ensuite to take a long needed bath so that the sleep will completely leave me.

After taking a very long shower, I walked into our walk in closet and pick a yellow atamfa gown then dabbed a little powder and lip gloss. Yeah, I know we're probably going to hang out with my cousins and friends but I can't wear something other than a gown right now. I'm not in the mood.

This weekend is one of those we always meet at my house, it only happens thrice a year(family). The whole family will meet up and have fun, maybe even a sleepover.

Our families from Maa and Paa's side all attend it but I always miss it because of school so I'm really excited to meet my cousins today since they even missed the wedding because of school. I hate school, school is scam, trust me. It sucks!

The parents will go back home after the dinner while their children stay here for the weekend, well, not all of them stay behind.

The Othman's are also joining us later for the dinner. That's the new addition for the past six years that I didn't know about. Sometimes I feel like I know nothing bout my own family.

The A's, I's and D's.The A's are Aunty Rakiya's children, Maa's younger sister, with three children, Aadil who's 24years old, Amal is 21 and Ahlam is 18. They are the A's. You can see why we call them the A's, yeah their names all started with A.

The I's are Aunty Safiya's children, she's also Maa's younger sister with four children Iman is 21years old, Imraan is 24years, Ihsan and Islam are twins both 18 years old...The I's. You can see how they are also called the I's.

Then the D's, they are Aunty Farida's children, Daima is 22years old, Deen is 21years old, Daneen is 18 and Daisha is 17...The D's. Must I say, they have weird names if you ask me.

We have Aunty Hauwa, Paa's only younger sister with four children Ehlam who's 22years old, Zaina is 18 and Zaida is 17.

We're not much huh, nah, don't get blinded with those little names up there. We're too many for my own liking.

"Hey you" Minal and Dinar chirped in unison when they finish exchanging pleasantries with Maa. Uhm, new daughter in-laws with their new shyness.

"Hi girls" I greeted back, hugging them altogether , my hands wide open.

"Where's Nasrin" I asked after noticing that she's not here with them which is quite unusual.

You might be wondering but she's also like a family. We're all family even though we're not blood related but you get it.

"I'm here" we heard Nasrin yelled exuberantly from the front door. This woman will never have sense in this lifetime.

"Good" Mee muttered, moving her bag to her left hand.

"Let's go up to my room" I suggest and sauntered to the stairs Mee, Nas and Dee following in tow. They kept chattering about what I don't know and don't care about. They like talking.

"I don't wanna stay in this house, it'll be lousy" I mumbled sitting on Mehr's bed while they sat down on mine.

"Let's go get ice cream then" Mee suggested, beaming at her lame idea but not really lame right now. Anything would do!

"Good idea" We chirped in unison. They know how lousy and boring the house will be.

"Thank God you're dressed" Dee said and sighed dramatically, its not like I take forced to get dressed but...

"That's a relief" Nas mumbled while Mee laughed, knowing that I would've burst out but stopped because of my or so wonderful cousins that can't help shouting.

"Kyyyyyyyyydah" my sweet cousins Amal, Ahlam, Iman, Ihsan, Islam, Daima, Daneen and Daisha yelled boisterously bursting the door wild open and jumping on me.

"Ca-cant bre-breathe gir-ls" I manage to choke underneath their weight.

"Oops sorry" They murmured getting off of me, adjust their veils and bags. These huge things were on me? Really!!

"We missssssssed you wallah" Ahlam said hugging me again, she my favorite but don't tell them.

"Ehen...why did you all miss the wedding" I asked feigning hurt even though its not mine, they wouldn't dare do that.

"School stuff" Daima answered, standing up to sit next to my friends with Amal and Iman. Those traitors.

"Where's Mehr" Ahlam and Daneen asked in unison, Mehr's chewing gums.

"Kitchen" I answered, shaking my head at them for their gum habits.


Ahlam, Ihsan, Daneen, Islam and Daisha moseyed out of the room probably to look for Mehr. Always looking for Mehr and not having time to bond with me.

"Let's go" Iman yelled boisterously, did I tell you that my family members can be dramatic and annoying, well know that now.

"To?" I ask obliquely, looking at my phone expectantly.

"To get ice cream" Amal answered, standing up with her brown bag hanging around her shoulder.

"Your phone is ringing" Daima said pointing at my phone that's right next to me, and I was waiting for it to ring since.

"Oh" I ohed, checking the caller ID which showed the name of the person I've been expecting a call from.

"Hello, baby" Anwaar greeted from the other line, he's already calling me baby, uh oh.

"Hi" I shyly replied, turning my face away from my friends to avoid teasings.

"How you doing" he asked huskily.
"I'm fine Alhamdulillah, what about you"I ask.
"Same just bored, this office sucks sometimes" he whined.
"Eyya, sorry"I said smiling like a maniac.
"Yeah and Najwa isn't helping".
"Najwa"I asked befuddled and jealous at the same time.

Why will he mention her name whoever she is and how dare she disturb my baby? Uh, where is that possessiveness coming from but really!

"Whoa! Where are all these coming from" my subconscious mused, totally amused at my mystery.

"She's my secretary" he answered quickly, too quickly.
"Whatchu doing"
"I'm going out"
"Can I join"
"If you want to" I said, trying my best to not let my voice betray me by showing how happy I am just to see him again.
"I'd love to, send me the address"
"I'll see you later, love you" he whispered, ending the call.
"But we have to wait for aunty Hauwa and the rest" I heard Nasrin said when I finished the call.
"Oh yeah"Daima said

"Baby girls" Ehlam yelled, jumping on the girls when she came in to the room with Zaida and Zaina behind her.

"We really miss you Ya Kydah" Zaina and Zaida mumbled hugging me, they always talk to me before their sister. Annoying human!

"I miss you more my baby sisters" I cooed back, rubbing their backs up and down.

"Chaton" Ehlam called by the name she always call me with while hugging the hell out of me. She likes bear hugging which in find very weird.

"How you Mi chaton" Ehlam asked pulling away and pinching both my cheeks.
"Alhamdulillah,you?" I asked, glaring at her for pinching my cheeks.
"Good as ever"
"Why are you acting exuberant and all" I ask with a raised brow, she is over hyper today.
"Can you believe I'm in love" Ehlam whispered in my ear, almost squealing.

"Really" I almost shouted but caught myself.

She's just like me, we've never dated only have crushes. Many actually, I should not start counting but none will pass Anwaar.

"Yeah his name is Zahir"
"Hm, when will I meet my in law"
"Mama tasani(did mama know about him)"
"Nah but I'm telling her very soon"
"Okay, do that soon"
"I'm thinking of calling him now sef"
"We're heading out"
"To where"
"To get ice cream"
"Here send him the address"she said giving me her iPhoneX to text her so called boyfriend the address to the ice cream parlour.

Some minutes later, the driver parked the car in the parking lot before we sauntered out of the car to the ice cream parlour. All of us with our phone in hand like the teenagers nowadays.

What! Anwaar was already there sitting patiently and typing away in his phone, aw, baby. His face lit up when he saw me then stood up and strode towards me.

"Hey Mi Reina" he greeted, releasing a million dollar smile to me.

"Hi, what's Reina" I asked mazed, I'm really surprised because what is that again?

"You have to find out" he said smirking
"Which language is that"
"Hmm Okay"
"You look beautiful" he complimented.
"Thank you" I replied shyly.
"Shall we" he aked motioning to the ice cream parlour.
"Yeah" I answered, smiling, turning to see the girls befuddled giving me the you have some explanations to do later look

"Hi girls" I beamed at them

"This is Anwaar, Anwaar this is Amal, Daima, Ehlam, and Iman" I said pointing at each one of them before saying their names.

"Hi" he greeted with a wave and his smile.
"Hello" they all replied in unison.
"I know you've met Minal, Ya Muhsin's wife and Dinar Ya Habib's wife"
"Then Nasrin, you've met her at the dinner right"

"He's here" Ehlam beamed to no one in particular but I know who she's talking about. Her so called lover is here.

"Go get him" I nudged her, sitting down next to her Anwaar sitting next to me.

Ehlam came in with Zahir... He's Ya Muhsin's friend and I recognise him. Anwaar stood up and went to Zahir talking in a hushed tone after their manly hug.

"Girls this is Zahir" Ehlam introduced him to them then we all sat down to chat a little before we place our order

Long chapter eh... Hehehe, be happy that I felt like writing today😌 I'm just kinda happy you know so please do the following.

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I love you all❤

Your girl

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