The Unbeatable Ace
Ryu was stunned at Aomine's words, now struggling to understand what he meant.
Ryu: 'I'd be better off somewhere else? What does that even mean?'
Kagami: Hey, I thought you were the better player out of the two of you. What happened?
Ryu jolted up, looking at the confused Kagami.
Ryu: Oh quiet down! I can't guard everyone, and if I remember correctly I'm was only put at center to get the jump ball, Wakamatsu is your problem!!
Kagami: GAH!!
Hyuga: Would you knuckleheads focus?!
Ryu both immediately quoted down looking at Hyuga. Ryu got the ball to do the inbound, giving it to Izuki, as they raced up the court. The game continued, as it was clear that Kuroko Hyuga and Izuki lagged behind greatly in comparison to Ryu, as even Kagami had a somewhat difficult time with the Tooh players.
Satsuki: It's just like I predicted. Seirin can't support Ryu nearly as much as they believe against a strong enough team.
Score: 12-5 Tooh
Hyuga shot the ball, missing, as even with his great jumping height, Kagami didn't reach the ball before Wakamatsu, passing it up the court to Imayoshi. Izuki was defending, as when they both jumped, the Tooh Captain did a double clutch to score.
Imayoshi: Let me guess, you thought the rest of us compared to Aomine would just be weak? When I said we were the opening act, I just meant us to our Ace. You guys on the other hand...
Izuki: Tch!
Seirin brought up the ball again, as Ryu seemed to lose patience.
Ryu: Izuki, over here!!
He ran behind the three point line, getting the ball. However Daiki was immediately on him.
Daiki: You're gonna have to be quicker than that.
Ryu: Alright, try this on for size.
Ryu began to dribble the ball, with the speed increasing every moment.
Daiki: 'Shit. His ball handling speed is even more off the charts.'
Ryu moved to his left, with Daiki following, but immediately dribbled the ball between his defenders legs.
Daiki: Oh you mother-
Ryu grabbed the ball after, shooting, and scoring a three.
Ryu: In all honesty, I don't really care if your players are better individually. The job of an Ace is to carry a team on their back if they have to.
Ryu pointed at himself.
Ryu: I'm used to feeling pressure in a game anyway. It's not a big deal.
Daiki: 'Well, at least I'll have my fun before Azure gets here.'
Daiki smirked.
Daiki: I haven't been able to get serious in a long time.
Imayoshi: I guess that's our sign to pass to you more.
Once up the court, Daiki indeed get the ball.
Daiki: You know something Ryu? I was looking forward to the day we finally left Teiko.
He began to dribble the ball.
Daiki: It's cause that I knew that I'd finally be able to play against someone that wouldn't stop in the middle of a game, or not be able to keep up.
He moved forward, before stopping and going back. He put the ball into both of his hands, shocking Ryu.
Daiki: I even got so pumped I started practicing again.
Daiki jumped into the air, as even Kuroko was shocked when the ball left his hands and traveled to the hoop. It went in, widening the score gap.
Score: 17-8
Kagami: You're kidding! You mean on top of being crazy fast, this guy can shoot the three too?!
Ryu: ... You know...
Ryu looked up smiling, with a glint coming off of his eyes.
Ryu: If Azure doesn't get here, you may be a close second Daiki.
Kuroko: ... I think you should probably give him the ball now.
Kagami went into the inbound, passing the ball in to Ryu, who brought it up the court. He immediately stopped at half, getting ready to shoot. Daiki ran forward, almost jumping, but stopping himself once he realized Ryu had only done a pump fake. What he didn't expect was the pass once he had stopped, as Kuroko was in his blind spot, passing right back to Ryu, who pulled up and shot for real, making it once more.
Daiki: Ah hell. Those eyes of yours are a pain in the ass to deal with.
Ryu didn't say anything, turning and jogging back to defense, and turning around the view the court. It was then he began to analyze everything going on faster than others would realize.
Ryu: 'Satsuki still has no idea about my Beast Eye. There's no shot she'd be able to accurately predict what MY evolution would be like.'
He saw the players aside from Daiki moving almost in slow motion.
Ryu: 'Imayoshi has the ball right now, and judging by how they normally are-'
Ryu immediately ran to Daiki, intercepting the pass that was meant for him.
Ryu: 'They're stupid enough to try long distance passes while I'm nearby!'
They sprinted up the court, with most players not even knowing how to react.
Reaching the baseline, Ryu jumped, before doing a windmill dunk to score. Satsuki was shocked seeing this.
Satsuki: But how? It's true Ryu can steal the ball well, but he moved before the pass even happened! That's completely different from his usual style!
Ryu turned back around, smugness practically oozing out of him.
Ryu: That's enough of that nonsense. From here on out, I'm gonna be way more of a pest on defense.
Kuroko: Better late than never.
The game continued, as the respective Aces of the teams scored rapidly, but Daiki found it far more difficult due to the interceptions of Ryu. Soon enough, the 1st quarter ended.
Score: 42-38 Seirin
Serin Points:
Ryu: 28
Kagami: 8
Hyuga: 6
Tooh Points:
Daiki: 27
Wakamatsu: 6
Sakurai: 3
Imayoshi: 2
Imayoshi: Man, you sure he isn't at least double the level you said Satsuki? I thought his defense wasn't supposed to be that threatening.
Daiki: You miscalculated. His eyes have gotten sharper to the point where they're not even the same ones.
Satsuki: I know. It's likely that he see's the court at a different pace now, so it's gonna be hard to tell without knowing.
She facepalmed, before pinching the bridge of her nose.
Satsuki: Although if that big white and black haired idiot were here, things would actually go how I planned...!!
Ryu: Kagami, you didn't do much against Azure, so your legs should be fully healed right?
Kagami: Yeah, it's feeling great.
Ryu: Well then, just get ready to jump.
Kuroko: Right out the gate with it?
Riko: Smart thinking. We'll pull ahead even more.
Kuroko: Maybe, maybe not. The fact of the matter is Aomine hasn't gone all out yet.
Kogane: You mean that guy has a higher limit?!!
Ryu: In all honesty, I'm not sure if I have either. Sure I've been putting in effort, but I don't remember the last time I played at my actual cap. We're the same in that way.
Riko: Interesting.
The break was over, as the players got back on the court. Tooh started off with the ball, as now closer so the pass wouldn't be stolen, Daiki got the ball. When he did, he dribbled forward, trying to drive past Ryu. Even with his defending skills, the street ball tricks of Daiki got the best of him, allowing him to shake Ryu, and drive to the basket. He jumped, with Kagami Hyuga and Izuki jumping the defend the basket as well. However that didn't matter, as he went right past them, before tossing the ball into the air, and into the hoop.
Ryu: *Sigh* Fuck it, getting that back.
Seirin went up the court once more, as Ryu got the ball, going through an open lane, taking advantage of the Man to Man defense. Daiki was close behind, as when Ryu jumped, he put a hand up to block the formless shot Ryu was about to throw in with his right hand.
So instead, the teen switched the ball to his left hand, and drew a foul, while also throwing the ball, banking it in.
Daiki: Okay this is getting stupid!
Ref: Foul, Black 5!
Ryu went to the line, and shot the free throw, making it.
Score: 45-40
Tooh was on offense once again, with Daiki dribbling the ball, now moving even more to get past Ryu.
Ryu: 'It's about time Kagami. We aren't playing man to man defense like they are.'
Ryu followed Daiki into the paint, with them both jumping.
Ryu: 'The weakness of the formless shot is actually pretty simple.'
Aomine leaned back, throwing the ball past Ryu.
Ryu: 'One defender stopping it takes massive skill. Two though...'
Daiki's eyes widened once he realized Kagami had jumped to block.
Ryu: 'That's a different story.'
He swatted the shot away with Izuki getting the rebound.
Izuki: COME ON!!
As soon as Ryu landed, he was the first to run, catching the ball. Moving even faster, Aomine arrived to block his path. Not deterred, Ryu pulled the back, holding it with one hand, looking like he would pass to the left, where Hyuga was. Distracted, Daiki went to block that side, but was surprised when Ryu was just palming the ball, and then actually passed to Kuroko, who threw the ball up for an Alley-Oop. Kagami ran in, before jumping and dunking the ball.
Ryu: Our vision is different buddy. Remember that.
Daiki: I guess I'll just rely on good old fashion scoring then.
Halfway into the quarter, a certain someone entered the building. Soon enough, Hyuga got the ball for a three pointer.
Hyuga: 'Yes!! This will bring the lead to double digits!'
While that happened, as soon as another step was taken, an odd pressure entered the court. Hyuga shot the ball, but realized something.
Hyuga: 'H-Hold on...!
He missed the shot, as the ball was grabbed by Wakamatsu, and thrown to Imayoshi, allowing him to score a layup uncontested.
Score: 64-58 Seirin
Ryu: Captain, what's up? I've never seen you miss a wide open shot like that.
Hyuga was just as confused, looking at the minor trembling in his hand.
Hyuga: I don't know, I just randomly shook. All of a sudden I'm feeling something strange.
Izuki: A-Actually...
Izuki went over sweat dropping.
Izuki: I don't know why, but I think I feel it too.
???: Sorry I'm late, but at least I got here before the second half.
The Seirin players recognized the voice, turning to see Azure at the Tooh bench.
Satsuki: Nice of you to finally show up!
Azure: I put family first Momoi.
Ryu's clenched his fist upon laying eyes on the player, before he smirked.
Ryu: It's about damn time...
Azure turned, seeing Ryu.
Azure: Well well well, if it isn't Ryu Kaizen. Long time no see guy.
Azure took off his jacket, tossing it to Satsuki.
Azure: I honestly hope that you're stronger than last time.
Hyuga: Wait, so this uneasy feeling is being caused by him and him ALONE?
Ryu: I've seen it happen before. It'll take time to get used to it, but that's just how fearsome of a player this monster is.
Substitutions were soon called, as Azure subbed out for the number 7, Susa.
Kogane: Hold on, isn't that the vice captain?
Riko: It is. That should show you everything you need to know about Kaito.
Azure stepped onto the court, stretching, and looking at the score.
Azure: 66-58. Gee, you couldn't even take the lead huh?
Wakamatsu: Of buzz off! You try dealing with the stupid plays that guy can make!!
Azure: Pffft, been there, done that. I'm actually kinda happy to be honest.
He cracked his neck.
Azure: Now I can make this comeback look easy.
Kagami: 'I've never met a player like him before. Not in the US, or even those seemingly unstoppable bastards Ryu and Aomine. Just how far ahead is this guy?'
Azure walked in front of Ryu, smirking as his silver eyes glowed.
Azure: Play your heart out Ryu, cause you're gonna need to.
He kept walking over to his team, but stopped when he saw Kuroko from the corner of his eyes.
Azure: Oh, you're the Phantom right?
Kuroko: O_O
Azure: Just so you know, you'll be useless from here on out.
Kagami: Did he just notice Kuroko without even looking at him?!
Ryu: Yeah, but more importantly...
Ryu grabbed Kuroko by the head, before pointing to the bench.
Ryu: Get your head in the game Tetsu! Mitobe is subbing in for you!
Kuroko: But-
Ryu: No buts, you've already played an extra 5 minutes!
Kagami: Yeah, save your energy. We're gonna need it.
Kuroko: ... Fine.
Azure walked over to end of the court holding his hand out for the ball.
Azure: Let's do this.
He caught the ball, walking up the court.
Azure caught the ball up, as everyone realized that there was only an isolation between he and Ryu.
Kagami: 'They didn't even do that for Aomine. What's this guy gonna do?'
Azure: Here we go.
Azure began to dribble the ball faster, crossing the ball over one way, before completely changing pace with a momentum crossover, getting past Ryu in an instant.
Hyuga: 'That fast?!'
Ryu gritted his teeth, before running back in to get in front of Azure. When he did, Azure immediately did a behind the back crossover, making Ryu slightly stumble. He went in, with Kagami there in front. Azure jumped up, with Kagami jumping high to try and block.
Kagami: NOT ON MY WATCH!!!
Azure: Yeah yeah, you can jump.
As they both got higher in the air, Kagami realized that Azure had already shot the ball, scoring 2 points.
Azure: But that alone can't beat me.
Izuki: Hold on, how did he do that?!
Ryu: Didn't you notice? He's not just tall, his limbs are freakishly long to boot.
They looked as Azure walked back.
Ryu: He jumped first, and reached an optimal point to shoot faster than Kagami could block him. That the most annoying part about his shot.
Hyuga: I see why people would have so much trouble with him.
Ryu: Your think his ordinary shot is scary? Just watch when he's warmed up.
Seirin went up the court with the ball, as Izuki Hyuga and Mitobe all felt pressure once more.
Izuki: 'It makes no sense! Why does it feel like this guy is gonna block me, even when I'm not being guarded by him?!'
Izuki went to pass the ball to Ryu, as he ran to get it. Faster then other players realized, Azure was right on him.
Ryu: 'This guy's as stupidly quick as ever.'
Azure: Come on, try a little.
Ryu grinned, as he began to dribble the ball, before moving to the right, then jumping in the air. However as he rose to shoot, the ball was slapped out of his hands by Azure. Every single member of Tooh and Seirin, even Satsuki and Daiki were shocked at the result.
Azure: You might wanna change the lock to your door after that one.
Azure took, the ball, before dribbling up the court.
Kagami: 'Is this for real?! I think this is the first time I've ever seen this guy lose the ball when going to score!!'
Azure stopped once getting to the three point line, before shooting and scoring.
Score: 66-63 Seirin
Riko: 'We just lost 5 points against this guy. It's only been 25 seconds.'
Daiki: 'Against other guys, it was hard to tell... But seeing it done on Ryu of all guys proves Azure is really on a different playing field.'
Izuki: 'If we have to deal with this the rest of the game, we're in trouble!'
Azure walked back on defense, stopping beside Ryu.
Azure: I'll be honest, I didn't think you could've been this naive.
Ryu: Tch, why does everyone keep saying that today?!
Azure: It's because I could tell for sure as soon as I saw your team play. Every one of the Seirin players just hold you back.
The players were surprised to hear this said to them.
Izuki: He did NOT just say that.
Kagami: The hell are you talking about punk?!
Azure: It'll become clearer as soon as this game keeps going.
Azure cracked his neck, walking back to defense.
Imayoshi: Even though you were late, when you show up, you do deliver.
Azure: Of course captain.
Azure slightly lowered his stance.
Azure: I'm not about to be the bad half of Tooh's Dual Aces.
Ryu: 'Is it true?'
Ryu felt conflicted.
Ryu: 'Do my teammates really hold me back?'
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