chapter 3: Krista tries to escape and Tc receives a text from Krista

Krista noticed that the rope holding her in place was not very good. After she successfully started unwrapping the rope, she grabbed her suitcase, purse and went out the door to try and hopefully escape this place before they noticed she was gone.

She texted TC Callahan and letted him know she was okay and that she had been feeling a little under the weather and to let their other friends know.

Meanwhile with the Night Shift gang.

TC'S phone just went off he just as he into stepped in the Hospital. TC went to the locker room to put his stuff away and he pulled out his phone and saw he had a text message from Krista. He opened the text message and signed in Relief that she was ok she was only sick. He told Jordan that Krista was sick and that she is feeling better. Jordan replied that she is happy to hear that and he put his phone back in his pocket.

Tc left the locker room and said he had a very important announcement.

Tc said " Just now ,Krista texted me and said that she is sick and that she is feeling better.

Everyone cheered at the news expect one person and that was Drew. He had a feeling that Krista was lying to Tc and something happened. He was going to get to the bottom of this with or without help from his friends and family. He pulled out his phone and texted Rick about a theory that he had for a while.

Meanwhile with Krista Bell-Hart in Pennsylvania at 6: 50 pm

Kris kept Running towards the exit and was almost there until she tripped over a metal piece of a pipe that had fallen on the floor.

She got up and continued Running around to find the exit and had just got to it when suddenly she heard 2 voices outside the door and cursed softly under her breath and she went outside the door to only trip on a wire outside of the house and suddenly she was trapped in a net.

Jenna said " You didn't think we noticed that you're were gone did you? Your door was wide open and you tripped over a metal piece of a pipe that had fallen on the ground. What you didn't notice was that when you tripped, there was a little bit of blood on the floor and I had a feeling that you would come this way, so I put a trip wire in the hope that we would fall into the net. It worked, hook , line and sinker. Larry, please come here.

Larry walked over to his little sister and smirked when he saw Krista trapped in the net.

Larry said " Great Job, little sister Jenna. I can't believe that worked.

He cutted the net and Krista tried to run away only to fall, get knocked out and get picked up by Larry and once again, carried inside into her room and what Larry didn't know was that someone else had tried to escape but was caught.

Larry noticed that there were 2 beds instead of one. He figured that Krista was sharing a room with someone else and Layed Krista down on the empty bed on the right side.

He then turned and walked outside the bedroom. He walked back to his room and he falled asleep.

2 hours later.

Krista woke up and noticed that she was in her room again and cursed softly under her breath once again. She noticed that were two beds instead of one. She also someone else sleeping peacefully in the bed next to her.

Just then, the other girl had opened up her eyes and they were blue eyes staring at her.

She sat up on her bed, revealing long brown hair in a high Ponytail.

She then saw Krista and stammered out" Krista? It that you? It's been a long time since I seen you?

Krista said " oh my gosh, I can't believe that it's you Bestie Abigail. How are you ? I hoped I would see you again so That I could apologize for the we had in our senior year of high school.

Abigail said " I am sorry too. I shouldn't have been so mean to you and hard on you.

Krista said " let's put the past behind us okay? We could become best friends again.

Abigail said" I would love that so much Krista.

Jenna came into the the bedroom with two of her other brothers and not Larry.

Jenna Mockingly said " Awww, the best friends have made up and are back to being friends again.

Abigail said " Leave US alone, you stupid old hag.

Krista said " You're nothing but a bully and I agree with Abigail. Leave us alone now!!!!

Jenna said " Arechon and Achava, please do something right now.

The two brothers walked to Krista and Abigail respectively and said " No!!

End of the chapter!!! Why did the two brothers said no to their sister? When will Larry realize something is wrong?

Find out in the Next Chapter!!! I will post it next Friday!!
I really appreciate you guys reading this story and I hope you continue to enjoy it.

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