Training (Two nights Only)

I'm back with the favourite series 😘

The training room was hot. Sun poured through the windows to spill to the floor and spread its glowing fingertips until it washed over the scuff stained wood. The glass was all cranked open in the attempt to let some cool air into the stifling room, but any sense of relief was sucked into the non existent lungs of the three standing skeletons before it could bring benefits.

Across on the far side of the hall, a dummy stood limply, it's cotton limbs lashed to a wooden frame that constricted it, head held up with wire and body dressed in a ragged, hole ridden hoodie. Seven glowing arrows lay embedded deep into the dummy's torso, all hitting dead on, to the point where it's chest was overcrowded and exploding with the blue weapons like a gruesome waterfall.

The master of the weapons stood far away opposite, yellow gloved fingers curled around the wooden frame of the bow, sourced and carved from the last remaining branch of the tree of feelings before the decay took over it completely. Letting out a cool breath, the holder let loose another arrow, this one sailing through the air until it thudded into the dummy's neck. It slit the cotton cleanly, the weight of the other arrows dragging it down until it crumpled to the floor in an undignified pile, defeated.

"Show off."

Glancing over Dream's mouth twitched in a grin, pupils resting on his friend's forever changing ones.


"Only a little. I can't focus for long enough on one thing to get an aim as good as you - so I just stick to paints and close combat. We equal each other out." The artist laughed and spun his brush behind his back to demonstrate in a smug manner, the wispy hairs dragging through the air slickly with each sweeping spin.

"If you say so." The ex-guardian shouldered his bow and stretched his arms above his head to wait for the satisfying pop of his joints readjusting themselves. "Close combat isn't especially my skill set - my staff skills are rusty these days."

"You don't say?" Ink snorted and rolled his eyes. "That would explain why Killer managed to knock you right off of your feet and into snow the other day - I mean, he's so small, hardly weighs more than a beagle dog - how did he knock you over?"

Dream's mind blanked out for a moment as he recalled the event, his back prickling with the ghost-feeling of icy snow sweeping through his clothes and to his back. He could imagine the ringing in his skull and the yell of his teammates. But his eyes had been fixed on Killer. He had grinned down at him with a look far too smug for a man who the day before had been gagging around his cock.

"You're falling for me, angel~"

That's what he'd said before Dream had snapped a rib and thrown him into the nearest tree. That brat had too much confidence in himself, no matter how many times he fucked it out of him.


The golden skeleton had to tear himself from his thoughts, blinking to look. "Hm? Oh- yeah, he surprised me, I guess."

Stood before him both Ink and Blue arched their brows, sharing a glance that the other didn't think could have any good come as a result.


"Ink and I have been wondering, Dream.." Blue started, a playful smirk flickering at the corner of his mouth as he spoke.

Blue wasn't like how he used to be, the shy and unsure skeleton they'd met when he first joined their 'star sans' team. Now he was much more confident, sure in himself and quite the danger in the battlefield. One time a month ago, he'd managed to break Dust's wrist with a well aimed blow. Unlike Dream and Ink, he was good at fighting all round, long distance and up close.

"..If you'd got yourself a new partner."

Dream paused, his fingers twitching as he stared at them both. "Excuse me?"

Snickering loudly Ink grinned, a thoughtful hand resting on his chin. "Oh you know- we've just been.. observing you. And we noticed that as of recently - for maybe a week or so, you've had a sort of 'spring in your step' if you like, a more height of confidence, like you've just convinced someone you're the king - like you're above others. We thought you might have found a boy - or girl - to work out some energy on. Normally you take out rage on the training room, but you haven't done that for a while."

Blue nodded eagerly to Ink's observations. "Yeah, you've constantly got the look of a guy that's just struck a pot of gold, but in the sex life world."

Laughing sharply Dream shook his head, a hand pushing into his pocket. "Boy or girl? Don't make me laugh, you know all of us are more bent than that king Edward was. If I went for a girl she'd have to a killer body - they're so annoying that it's the only thing I could cope with."

Ink grinned and nodded in agreement, miming with his hands the curve of a woman's waist. "That's why us skeletons can be gay but still fuck a female body - but whatever, now that we've established we're all gay; have you got a new boy toy?"

"Nah." Shaking his head he shrugged. "Sorry to disappoint you guys, but my love life is as dry as Blue's taco meal. I've just been having a good week, I guess." As the lie flowed freely from his mouth he found his pupils flickering up to the clock in the far corner of the room, the time displaying 5:43 PM. Killer would be coming over in just over an hour.

Groaning in disappointment the two men leant against each other, expressions truly upset at his lie of a truth as they muttered about how confident they'd been in their theory. Dream didn't pay much attention to them, his mind preoccupied with wondering what surface he could fuck Killer over tonight? Maybe the kitchen counters? He hadn't actually invited the skeleton into the kitchen yet, and he'd caught him eyeing up the sleek marble countertops before. Maybe they'd get messy if he cried and drooled all over them, but some surface cleaner and a cloth would be a simple fix to that.

"I think you're lying to us." Ink muttered, busy scribbling out a probable theory on his scarf. "You have to be - otherwise I wrote this list of names - do you want to hear them?"

"No." Perhaps he answered a little fast to be considered natural, but he really didn't want to hear. Suppose Killer's name was one of them? He was fairly confident he would be able to mask a reaction, but if he couldn't it could cause issues. He'd hate to dispose of Killer so early; he was just starting to have his fun with him after all. "I'll never be able to look at the names again without gagging."

Mouth twisting in a frown Ink grumbled, starting to scribble out the names now before wetting his finger with his tongue and smudging them. Dream couldn't get a close enough look to see whether Killer's name had been on the list or not. It was probably for the better that way. "I had thought long and hard over those names."

"You picked the first four stupidest names you could think of, don't con me. They'd have all been awful." Once again glancing at the clock he clicked his fingers, the arrows embedded in the dummy disappearing sharply and dissipating back into his aura.

"Perhaps." A toothy grin was given in response and Dream scoffed, waving a hand and walking to grab his jacket. "Anyways, I'm gonna head home early, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Leaving already?" Blue stepped after him quickly, hands waving. "Going to cook a nice meal for your new mystery boyfriend?"

"There is no mystery boyfriend, any nice meal I cook is going to be for me myself and I." As if he'd ever cook Killer a meal, that wasn't what his time in his house was supposed to be spent on. Besides, food before or after sex was never good for you; all that movement.

"If you say so - one day you'll have to introduce him to us- I promise we won't bite-!"

A middle finger was the only response they got, Dream's mouth caving to the slightest smile as a portal formed before him back to his home. What they would give to know the skeleton he had all hot and sweaty in his bed - oh they'd go berserk. For anger or for excitement, he didn't plan on finding out.

Once back within the comfortable confines of his home Dream hung up his bow by the door, shoes slipping off to be placed in an orderly line. Another glance at the clock confirmed the time. 7:08 PM. Killer would be over in under an hour. Not that he was excited. No. He just liked the thought of being able to let out his frustrations of the past few days onto the grey skeleton until he was broken. Though this time he'd have to have a little more control; he couldn't have him staying the night like last time, no. That had been a slip in his cold armour, a lapse in judgement. He'd make sure Killer was gone long before morning this time.

It had been four days since that session, the smaller skeleton clearly having to take some time to learn to walk once more before he could have Dream make him forget all over again. It made him feel quite smug really, knowing that he was the cause of Killer's destruction. Oh how it had stroked his ego when he'd realised he hadn't been at the fight the day after, probably too busy licking his wounds and faking a life threatening temperature to Nightmare. Oh that must have been so degrading for him.

Stepping into the living room he sank into his favourite arm chair, fingers tracing over the light grey stain that was left as a reminder of how he'd rawed Killer over it, his tears staining the fabric. In the moment it had been exhilarating, but the process of scrubbing at it with a sponge and vanish gold had been the opposite. However looking at the positives, It served as a nice reminder of that second night they shared.

He tapped at the stain a few times, trying his very hardest to not glance at the clock again. He knew it would have only drifted by a few minutes, and looking would only make it go slower. Again, not that he was waiting.

It was fun to imagine what Killer was doing right now. Perhaps making up an excuse to his boss as to why he had to leave at that point in the evening and to return so late at night with an awful limp and his brain scrambled. Oh how he'd love to hear those excuses. They'd be so pathetic and fuzzy, full of contradictions and and lies that Nightmare would be able to see right through. For a brief second he considered whether Nightmare would hurt Killer or not before deciding that he didn't care either way. Or at least that's what he told himself. He was sure the lord wouldn't do much, maybe just scrape him up a little.

Time passed slowly, and it was only two glasses of wine and a chocolate mint layer did the clock strike seven, and a resounding knock echoed through the house.

Pushing to his feet Dream stood, smoothing down his clothes and grinning as he stepped to the door where through the fogged glass a silhouette was stood.

He'd make this night last.


Tehehehe this was fun, ah this might be my favourite oneshot series out of the three I have going 😏

What series would you like to see another part to next?
-One-night-two-night-stand? (Could be smut)
-Guardian angel

AAAAAAA I like making ink and blue tease Dream it's just fun. Makes me go 😩

Anyways, we all know killer about to get rawed 👀

Also I got an A* in my Art mock exam, I'm finally getting somewhere.


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