Alright, this is going to be a far shot since I'm not well aquatinted with Joy. Love Red Velvet but I'm not really a hardcore fan so I don't know every single quirk or personalities of the girls. They're still in my top tiers though. I hope they have better years to come especially after this year's tragedy. I'm glad Wendy is recovering well and maybe I'll write her a chapter soon.
No idols on this one, just normal realistic setting.
Update: Fuck this fuckity fuckin story. I couldn't resist but make it a twofer.
Remember Forever
"How can you even ask me something like this?!" Wendy asked a very nervous Joy who sat across from her. Here she was expecting a nice day out with her good friend. They started off nice and calm until Joy dropped the bomb on her out of no where.
"I know it's a lot to be asking for, but—" Joy began to say but Wendy cut her off.
"Have you talked this through with him? He's agreed to doing this?" Wendy questioned her.
Joy shook her head before seeing Wendy get even more upset at her.
"I'm sorry Joy, I love you very much but I don't think I can do that. You have to tell him about this, it doesn't matter how he reacts, he needs to know." Joy nodded as Wendy continued to comfort her with encouraging words.
"I'm sorry I asked you. It came to my mind and I just sorta went for it." Joy confessed.
"Hey, it's fine. If there were any other way I'd help you. However, what you're asking here is too much for me. I don't think I would be able to carry a child for the both of you."
Wendy suggested for the both of them to leave and head back home. They needed to let the others know so they'd be able to help Joy through this. Second would be to break the news to (Y/n). Joy was afraid of this, not of him but his reaction.
They've already been married for almost a year now. Recently they have been trying to have a child together but it hasn't been working well. (Y/n) told her not to think anything of it and that he'll get a test on himself. Joy couldn't wait and jumped the gun and got herself a test. It shattered her on the inside but she knows the truth now. She found out that was infertile, meaning she couldn't have any kids ever.
Today was the first time she broke the news to someone. Joy was desperate for another solution, that's why she had asked Wendy to carry their child, so in that way it would still be (Y/n)'s child. She thought maybe Wendy would be more appealing and agree. She was still tempted to ask the others too, maybe Yeri wouldn't mind.
"You two are back already? That was fast." Irene said as the two came though the front door.
"Yeah, things didn't work out how we planned. Can we get everyone over here? Seulgi! Yeri!" Wendy shouted for the other two.
"Is something wrong Wendy?" Irene asked.
She asked for all of them to take a seat before ushering Joy to break the news to them.
"I'm infertile..." Joy said to them other three as they gasped and were shocked.
"Does (Y/n) know?" Seulgi asked as Joy shook her head from side to side.
"Joy... I'm so sorry." Irene told her quickly rushing over and embracing her. Her tears slowly slid out of her eyes as the others also comforted her. She was lucky to have them, they were basically her family aside from her actual family and (Y/n).
"She asked me if I were willing to carry (Y/n)'s child for them." Wendy said out of the blue shocking the others even more.
"I refused and said I couldn't. So I'll put that offer to you girls as well. If you're willing to help Joy and (Y/n) that much then you're welcome to." Wendy told them, receiving a thank you look from Joy.
"I... that's hard. I never imagined doing something like that." Irene confesses to the others.
"I'm sorry Unnie, but I can't do that either." Yeri shared her answer with the others.
Joy's last hope was to her left as she turned to the only one who hasn't answered. She knew there wasn't much, but she hoped maybe Seulgi would say yes. She didn't have the best history with (Y/n) after all. Seulgi had caught feelings for (Y/n) while he was dating Joy and hated herself for it. She talked it out with Joy and confessed her secret. There were no hard feelings between them.
"I love you very much Joy, but I can't do that. You know why... I just got over him. I don't wanna fall for him again." Seulgi answered.
"So do you want us with you when you tell him?" Yeri asked.
She didn't quite know of that herself either. It would be nice to have them there and support her for whatever reaction (Y/n) would have. Worst case scenario, he would get upset at the news maybe worse. What if he... leaves her?
"I don't know... it feels right to tell him myself, but I like the help." Joy said to them.
"Well, whatever happens we'll be here for you. Nothing bad will happen, besides he's whipped for you. It's been almost a year since you two have gotten married." Irene reassured her.
Joy ended up choosing to face him alone. She went home a while after their discussion to prepare for (Y/n). He had work today and was going to be getting off soon. She tried her best to mentally and physically prepare herself for his reaction. She knew it was going to be hard for him to take it all in. Maybe it'll probably kill him to find out that she even asked her friends that daring request. She was going to cook him some dinner but decided it'd be best to save that for later. There was no point in sugar coating this.
Joy was sitting in the kitchen when she heard the front door open. She rushed over and saw him there, taking off his shoes before turning to her. Joy couldn't help herself but run over to him and hug him, welcoming him home.
"You're home early. I thought you were spending the day with the girls? " He asked.
"It was just Wendy and I. We ended it early and I wanted to come home to you." She told him.
(Y/n) went into their shared bedroom and changed out of his work attire and got into something more comfortable and casual. Joy sat in their living room waiting for him to come back out. She thought of every way to tell him and found no easy input. She was so distracted she didn't hear him calling her name. It wasn't till he walked over and knelt down in front of her.
"What's wrong?" He asked as she quickly shook off her thoughts.
"I-I was just thinking of something. I needed to tell you something." She told him as she felt him slowly spreading her legs apart. She looked down at him, seeing a smirk appear on his face.
"Mhm, and what is it?" He asked while his hands began to run up her dress.
"(Y/n), not right now. I really need to talk to you about this." She said as he immediately stopped and gave her his full attention.
"You know how we've been trying right? I know you said you were going to get a test, but I got one already." She began speaking as her voice was shaking. It was just as hard as she'd imagined it.
"(Y/n)... I'm infertile. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." She said letting out her cries as she saw the hurt and shock on his face.
"I'm really sorry—" His hands reached up and wiped her tears away.
"Why are you apologizing? None of that is your fault Sooyoung. You don't need to be sad because of this." He comforted her.
"B-But we can't have kids..." She told him.
"That's... we'll figure it out together. We can deal with that later. We'll find find out our options and go from there, alright?" She loved his words of comfort when times were hard. He always knew the right things to say to her.
"I love you." She said to him.
"I love you too, now please stop crying. No more tears alright?"
She told him she would get to work on dinner but he didn't let her. (Y/n) told her to relax and said he'd do it. They both ended up cooking together since she wanted to be next to him. She still had to mention the others too.
"I kinda asked the girls... if they were willing to have our child." She confessed while they prepped ingredients.
"What, why would you ask them something like that? Of course they'd say no. They did right?!" He said panicking.
"All of them did, but..." Joy began saying and his fear rose even higher.
"Irene offered afterwards... she kinda changed her mind." (Y/n) felt a little awkward that she offered them that without his consent.
"But then Seulgi got upset and said she'd do it. She didn't want Irene to be the one if any of them were going to." Joy continued.
"So that's it then... this is your way of solving our problem? We can always adopt a child too Joy." He reminded her.
"But this way, it would still be yours (Y/n). I know it won't be mine, but if it's yours then I'd feel a lot happier." She said to him.
"So if you could, you know do it with Seulgi then I guess it works out..." She said it although it pained her to speak it out.
"Wait, do it?! Can't it just be an insertion?" He asked. Even if she did agree to this, it was the same as cheating on her and getting another girl pregnant.
"I thought it'd be more natural you know, it might be better for the baby. Besides... you know Seulgi's still into you." She told him.
"I... don't know about this. And you're okay with this? Sooyoung, please think this through. You're asking me to get another girl pregnant." He told her, making sure this was something she actually wanted. He grabbed Joy by the arms and turned her to face his way.
"You don't need to do this for me. It's not just about me, you're in this too. We'll talk more about this next time alright?" He told her seeing her smile a little at the mention of them being together.
End of discussion for both of them. They finished up cooking and enjoyed the rest of their night. Joy cleaned up while (Y/n) went in for a shower. It felt nice to wash off all the stress from work and just have water run against your skin. Before he knew it, a pair of arms were wrapped around him already. He turned around as she leaned up and started kissing him.
"I know I can't get even pregnant anymore, but can we still?" She began to ask.
"Always." He said as they went back at it.
Joy continued to argue with herself whether or not she really wanted someone to carry their child. Adoption was always available but it just didn't sound the same to her. Besides, she is helping Seulgi a bit here. There was still that old guilt she had inside of her for being with (Y/n) while Seulgi had feelings for him. She knew she didn't have to feel that way, but these were two people she really cared for. If (Y/n) agreed to this then that'll be all it really takes. She would stand by his decision and support it.
She waited until they were all ready to decide together. They had to wait a few days until everyone would be clear of their schedules and could meet up. It turned into more of a hangout for them all after (Y/n) offered them to come over. Both him and Joy prepped food the night before so that it could be freshly cooked the next day.
Joy spent some time alone clearing out their guest room, emptying out things and cleaning a bit. She figured it'd be better for Seulgi to live with them if they were to do this. They needed a close eye on their baby mama so nothing goes wrong.
Present Day
(Y/n) rushed over at the sound of the doorbell. Taking a small look through the peephole he saw the four others waiting. He opened the door for them and let them in quickly shutting the door to avoid the freezing wind. Of all days it had to rain, it had to today. (Y/n) was hoping to barbecue outside but inside would be fine too. He had pulled out his hotpot set and improvised.
The girls wasted no time getting straight to it and started cooking their food. Grilled marinated meat to freshly boiled noodles and even veggies were consumed by all of them. It was nice for all of them to be able to just relax and catch up after a while. Without Joy he would've never met them. They ended up becoming his biggest supporters when it came to Joy and him.
Eventually everyone began to fall into their food coma as everyone stopped eating. Joy finally figured it would be time to talk this through with them.
"I think nows a good time to start. Are you still up for it Seulgi?" Joy began saying.
"Oh, we're actually going through with it? I didn't think you were serious Seulgi." Yeri commented.
"Well, that's why we need to talk this through." Joy corrected their youngest.
Seulgi couldn't take her eyes off of (Y/n), not until she noticed the others were waiting for her. He noticed her staring at him, proving what Joy said about her still being into him. He figured she would've moved on from him but looks like he was wrong after all.
"Have you and (Y/n) talked much about it?" Irene asked.
"Yes, but he hasn't given me a yes yet. He wanted to wait and talk with all of us. He wanted to hear it from Seulgi herself." They shifted their attention to the two potential baby makers in the room.
"So? Seulgi? (Y/n)?" Joy asked.
"Why... are you so ok with this Sooyoung? I still want you to think over what you're telling me to do here. You want Seulgi and I to make a baby. Me and her." He asked of Joy.
"Because I trust her. If any of them had offered I would've been okay with it because I know we'd be fine with their help." Joy said to him.
"It doesn't matter if it's my child (Y/n). As long as it's yours, and even if Seulgi is the real mother... that won't change a thing. I would love them just as much as if they were mine." She said grabbing a hold of his hand and reassuring his fears.
It took him a bit to collect himself but at this point it seemed that she was right. It would sound nicer if it were still his child. His only worries were what this would do to Seulgi.
"Okay... you win. I'll agree to it." He said as Joy let out a smile of relief.
Now this only left Seulgi as the only one who needed to agree. It was 50/50 at this point. Besides, Irene was still available for them.
"So, Seulgi? What about you?" Joy asked.
"I... I don't know anymore." She said to them.
"Really? You were so quick to offer yourself the other day. I'm still up for it, I'm curious what (Y/n) and my baby would look like." Irene said, obviously teasing Seulgi a bit.
"Alright fine! I'll do it." Seulgi quickly erupted.
"Okay, so that settles today then. I guess you two will make an appointment soon then?" Wendy asked.
"Oh yeah, about that... Seulgi, (Y/n) would prefer to do it with you." Joy said teasing her husband.
"What?! Why do we have to do that?! Wouldn't it be easier to just have a doctor do it? Don't tell me you're getting off from doing this." Seulgi said to him.
"Excuse me?! I said no such thing. Joy, why are you turning this on me?" He scolded her while she started laughing.
She explained a little how she felt it'd be a bit more natural for the both of them. Not mentioning that she was doing this Seulgi's sake as well. It took a lot to keep her calm, and to keep (Y/n) from losing his mind.
"So, are you two still doing this or not? Cause we're going to be back at square one at this point." Wendy told them.
"Yes, but I don't wanna have to do it with (Y/n)!" Seulgi shouted.
"Ouch, I thought you used to like him? Isn't this a win for you?" Yeri asked as Seulgi wanted to cover her mouth for the rest of the night. Joy and the others tried to calm and reassure her the best they could.
"That is my only condition on this. I want both of you to do it that way if you're going to have a child." Joy said.
"Please tell me you're not going to watch them." Irene asked.
"Unless they want me to join them?" Joy said before both of them quickly shot her down.
"No!" They both said at the same time upon hearing her suggestion.
"Alright, it's settled then. I guess it's up to you two to plan and decide when you're both ready." Wendy said as she stood up and stretched her arms out.
It was starting to get late and everyone was about ready to crash into their own beds. The other three helped (Y/n) clean up a little while joy and Seulgi had a private chat.
"So I was thinking about having you stay with us for the time being. I think it'd just be easier for all of us if we can keep you safe while you're pregnant."
"Why are you doing all of this Joy?" Seulgi asked her, as she let out a small laugh and rested a warm smile onto her face.
"It's because I love you. I know you were never able to get over (Y/n), so I wanted to share him with you a little. And I know it won't be the same as you having him for eternity but I felt like this would be a way to make it up to you." Joy confessed her ideals to Seulgi, all the heartwarming words that were coming out of her mouth made Seulgi feel so loved.
"Thank you Joy... I really love you too. I know it's hard to have me be the one. I really wish there was some other way for you to be able to have your own kids. You're too good for this cruel world." Seulgi responded pulling her friend into a tight hug.
(If you can't say "I love you" to your friends then are you really friends? Boy or girl, it doesn't matter)
A small knock against the wall snatched their attention. (Y/n) was standing there leaning against the doorframe and smiling a little having witnessed that last bit.
"The others are waiting for you. Unless you'd rather stay the night." (Y/n) informed her.
"We're ready whenever you are Seulgi. You don't have to rush." Seulgi added time his offer.
"I think I'll go home. I still need some time to push through all of this." Seulgi answered.
(Y/n) nodded and let her pass as both him and Joy walked her out. The other three had already grabbed their things and were waiting by the door.
"Thanks for the food (Y/n)! You better take good care of our Seulgi bear." They were starting to say their goodbyes already.
"Yah, I'm not even staying yet!" She yelled at them seeing how they almost left her. The proceeded to do so and walked out while Seulgi was still gathering her things.
"Thank you Seulgi for agreeing to this. We owe you everything. Take your time, I'll be here for you when you're ready." He told her as both him and Joy pulled her into a hug.
"Take care mama bear, we'll see you soon." Joy said.
Seulgi made her way out and caught up with the others before they actually left her behind. (Y/n) and Joy went back to cleaning up some final messes. He put the tables away and stored his cooking set back where it belonged. Joy took some time to hop into the shower as he kept tidying up the house. Today was a success to her. She got both of them on board with her proposal and couldn't be happier. She couldn't wait for their first child.
By the time she'd finished taking a shower, (Y/n) was already out cold on their bed. He must have knocked out waiting for her. His boy was slumped down onto the bed. He probably did his classic "I'm just gonna close my eyes for a bit" and actually knocked out.
Joy tucked him in without waking him up before getting dressed and sliding into bed next to her husband. She snuggled up all close to him knowing she was going to be sharing him soon with Seulgi.
It was a another week or two until Seulgi mentally prepared herself for it all. She moved in with them finally and began to hang around (Y/n) more. Joy told her it'd help set the mood when they were going to do it. The last thing she wanted was for Seulgi to get grossed out and back out of their deal. It was a lot to be losing after all of their agreements already. Joy tried her best to set the mood for them but it seemed she needed to be away from them. Seulgi just didn't seem to be quite comfortable with it just yet. Who could blame her? She was going to be sleeping with (Y/n) while his wife was around the house.
She had a plan for them, and that was to simply give them the weekend to theirselves. Joy packed a small bag of clothes so she could sleep over with Wendy and the other two. She explained what this basically was, and it was the biggest window they'd get to make the baby. She was going to stay away so Seulgi could bring herself to make the move.
Joy may have been very optimistic about this whole deal but there was a small part of her that was hurting still. She suppressed it the best she could. Knowing that this child would be Seulgi's and not hers was a challenge she would face. The harder part would to have Seulgi give it up for them afterwards, how would she even handle that? They never talked about it that far. She shouldn't give up now though, she couldn't give up and show her real fears.
(Y/n)'s POV
Today was his first weekend without Joy. It hasn't been like this ever since they moved in together. He'd usually wake up to her next to him. Instead he woke up on an empty bed. The other thing was that Seulgi was down the hall. It was just him and her, together for the next two days.
He decided to finally get up and get ready for the day. He took a morning shower before starting his daily routine. He took a peek at Seulgi and saw that she was still sleeping. (Y/n) took this chance to do what he usually does with Joy. He cooked a nice breakfast and brought it into her room. It'd be a nice way to start, breakfast in bed was in every man's book. He placed it on the side before softly shaking her awake. She slowly opened her eyes but gave him the opposite reaction of what he was looking for.
"What are you doing? Why are you in my room?!" She asked him jumping up and backing off a little.
"Good morning to you too. I made you some breakfast." He said as he placed a tray in front of her.
"Don't think this is your ticket into my pants." She told him.
"Yes I know. I'm not trying to kiss up to you. Just being nice is all. Finish up and get ready, we need to see what we're going to be doing today." He answered in response.
(Y/n) left not long before returning with his own plate. He ate while leaning up against the wall. They made small talk trying to avoid the fact that they needed to conceive a baby sooner or later. Seulgi was waiting for a better moment to tell him she was ready. Besides they just woke up and ate, it wouldn't be good to rush into their session.
(Y/n) took her tray once she finished and let her ready up for the day. While she jumped in the shower, he spent time washing all the dishes that had massed up. Seulgi was still careful to check if he were snooping around and may even be trying to sneak a peak at her while she showered and dressed. It was a bit paranoid for her since she never got to see this side of (Y/n). The husband traits that he had, something that wasn't meant for her.
Once she finished she came out into the living room where (Y/n) was. He was sat on the sofa touching his phone, browsing through his social media. Seulgi sat next to him, getting his attention.
"You should bring a small sweater. It's gonna be a bit chilly later today." He told her.
"Wait, we're going outside?" She asked surprised.
"Well, unless you feel like you're ready then I would rather help set the mood. I was planning on taking you to an amusement park. You know, just a nice day out." He explained to her.
"No, that sounds better. Are we going right now?" She added.
"Yeah, it'll probably be open by the time we get there, so if we leave now it'd be ideal." He informed her. Seulgi did as he asked and grabbed a light sweater. They walked out and (Y/n) began driving them.
Joy was spending the day with the girls just like she used to before meeting (Y/n). They had their time to go shopping, eat out, and even coming back home and just watching a relaxing movie. It was what she needed to distract herself from being away from (Y/n). It didn't help that a friend of hers texted her an photo of (Y/n) and Seulgi out together.
"Hey, isn't this your man? Why's he with another girl here?" The person asked in a text.
"Ah, they're just hanging out today, you don't have to worry about it. I already gave them permission." Joy texted back.
This did catch her off guard a little. She didn't expect him to actually take her on a date. Sure, she didn't want to be rude but she thought they'd get to it and just do it. Guess he was being him again, trying to be considerate and kind to others. It was probably still hard for him to do this to her.
Back to (Y/n) and Seulgi
Their day went quite well, the weather lied and was the complete opposite. It was a very warm day for them while they walked around. They went on a few rides, tried out some food, and just simply enjoyed their time together. She would be lying if this wasn't in her dreams before. Seulgi used to imagine going on dates with him and today she finally got to experience it all.
(Y/n) drove them back as their chats never ended ever since it began that morning. As they got closer and closer to home, she began to realize what was next. He distracted her so well from the actual reason why she was even with him. It was nice that he wanted to make her feel comfortable before it all, but there was no way she couldn't be nervous.
Once they made it back inside, (Y/n) asked her to make herself comfortable first. She jumped in the shower again while he waited. The clock was slowing ticking down on her and she got more and more nervous. The thoughts of his hand running over her body and having him over her was too much to handle. She was slowing losing herself as the water splashed off of her body.
When she finished she slowly came out into the hallway. She had nothing but a towel on as she slowly walked towards his room. Seulgi knocked a few times before opening the door and stepping into his room. However it was empty, he wasn't in there. She didn't question it and walked back into hers and that was where she saw him. Just sitting on her bed and waiting, he held his phone out and seemed to be watching a video. His face held a tender smile as he let out a few quiet laughs. This time she knocked again, getting his attention. His head rose up and his eyes met hers. His warm smile piercing right through her, making her heart flutter.
"A-Are we going to..." She began asking but he suddenly stood up and walked over to her.
(Y/n) took a hold of her hand making her flinch at his touch but she slowly eased in as he softened his grip even more than it already was. He lead her over to the bed before slowly setting her down. (Y/n) softly leaned her back onto the bed as he knelt over her.
Seulgi was barely holding on herself as she shut her eyes tightly to hide her nervousness. The last thing she had seen was his face leaning in close and that was it. She awaited for his touch, but it never came. Instead she felt his lips against her forehead and nothing else.
"Goodnight, get dressed. I'll see you tomorrow." She slammed her eyes open seeing that he was about to leave the room.
"Wait, I thought we were supposed to..." She began saying.
(Y/n) turned back and looked at her before speaking his piece.
"Look how much you're shaking. Seulgi, I'm not going to force myself on you if you're not ready. You need to tell me if you're not okay, if you want me to stop then tell me to do so." He said.
"Why are you being so nice to me...? Shouldn't we just get it over with?" Seulgi asked. He walked over and knelt down to her level getting close to her face.
"I am going to have to owe you for the rest of my life. You don't know how thankful I am to have someone like you. I need you to be okay for now and until I die. You don't know how much it kills me, to know that our child is going to be raised by only one of us. I can't even imagine how'd you feel watching Joy and I with our child. It's the equivalent of us using you... and I don't want it to be that way." He confessed his soul out to her right there and then.
She was speechless, his consideration had reached even that far into their lives. She never thought how it'd be, seeing her child call someone else "mom" instead of her. It broke her both on the inside and outside, tears began slipping through her eyes at the revelation.
"I'm sorry, I'm going to be forever in your debt. There is nothing I can do to ever make this up for you. If there were anything I could do, I would do it for you. I'm scared of this too, I'm scared that eventually I won't even be able to face you without wanting to kill myself for doing this to you." He embraces her as she continued to cry her eyes out.
"I love you Seulgi, not just as a friend. If there were any other way, but you are my significant other, aside from Joy herself." He said to her and that was all it took.
Seulgi stopped him from saying anything else with a kiss. It was a tender and sweet kiss just like how she'd imagined it back then. His hands ran up and cupped her face as they deepened their kiss. Seulgi wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in closer.
(Y/n) pulled away from the kiss only to see that she was about to undo her towel, he quickly grabbed her hands and stopped her.
"You don't have to force yourself. We still have tomorrow." (Y/n) reminded her.
She did it anyways, shaking free and loosening her towel in front of him. He pried his eyes away from her gorgeous body that was opened freely in front of him.
"After everything you just said, I want nothing else but you right now. This is what I've always wanted, ever since Joy introduced you to us. I fell in love with you then, I tried to get over you as hard as I could. It never worked... and even now, my heart still loves you and only you."
Not much else was said between them as Seulgi pushed him down and climbed atop of him. It started with a kiss before things began to get heated between them. Seulgi asked for him to undress as well since she didn't want to be the only one. All that was left was his underpants, though it didn't help with hiding his excitement. She laid herself down before allowing him to align himself up to her.
"Be gentle... it's still my first time." She whispered to him. That thought never crossed his mind, he had totally forgotten. How could someone like her still be a virgin?
"I will. Remember, tell me if you need me to stop." He said before she shut him up with a kiss.
Next Day
Seulgi stirred awake at the feeling of his touch. He'd shaken her awake again, only for her to see the same image as yesterday morning. A tray of food at her side. Before he could leave the room she grabbed his arm and pulled him down to her level so she could kiss him. A small peck was all as she smiled at the sight of him smiling too.
She still felt that tingling feeling from him. Last night was the best night of her life. He made her feel so amazing as he explored every part of her body. When he made his way inside of her, she could still imagine the feeling of him in her. Even more when they both finished, as his warmth slowly leaked out of her. That sealed the deal last night, all they had to do now was wait and see.
Together they ate their breakfast before moving onto their new day. (Y/n) asked for her to wash up and clean herself off from last night, only for her to ask him to join. He hesitated a bit but couldn't say no to the sight of them doing it inside the shower. So once again they went at it. It was fine this way, better to be safe than sorry since this was another chance for her to get pregnant.
The two spent the rest of the day in the house, watching movies and cuddling together. Though Seulgi was tempted to have more sessions with him, she still had to hold herself back and realize what she'd be doing to him and Joy.
(Y/n) had texted Joy and told her she could return home. That was probably hard for her to take in. It only meant that the two had went for it and completed the deed. It was an hour later that Joy returned home as the others also came by to visit again. While the three chatted with (Y/n), Joy pulled Seulgi aside and talked about it.
"So? Did you two do it yet?" Joy asked.
Seulgi couldn't find the answer to that question in words, it would be the same as saying "yes I banged your husband", but nodded an answer to her instead.
"How'd it feel? Amazing right? I'm sure he made you feel like you were the only girl in the world didn't he?" Seulgi couldn't help but laugh at Joy's question, giving away her answer.
"Well, let's hope it worked baby mama." Joy said as she pressed both her hands against Seulgi's belly. They both laughed it off before conversing more about how (Y/n) was in bed.
"So (Y/n), did you and Seulgi seal the deal?" Irene asked. The other two girls had walked away to talk so she took this chance to ask.
He didn't answer but nodded instead, it was hard to say to his wife's friends that he slept with someone else.
"How was Seulgi bear compared to Joy?" Wendy asked, jumping in on this trend.
"No comment, they're both just as beautiful and amazing." He answered.
"What about me (Y/n)? Or do I need to be in bed for you first?" Irene said teasingly.
"Nope, end of discussion. No more about Seulgi and I." (Y/n) said before they all let out a small laugh.
A pair of arms wrapped around (Y/n) as he heard his wife's voice, scaring him a little.
"I'm also curious, who was better? Me or Seulgi?" Joy asked.
"Stop... not you too." He whined, wanting to be put out of his misery.
"So you won't even choose your own wife?" She joked, faking her shock.
"If I say anything, it'll just end up making at least one of you sad or upset. Both of you were amazing, that is all I will say." He added.
Timeskip — 4 Weeks later
It's been quite the month for (Y/n)'s household. With the addition of a new member things were a bit more complicated. He found it hard to pull the same moves on Joy while Seulgi was nearby. He still shared his time with her whenever he could, but they never went that far ever since that day.
The waiting game was quite boring as all they did was continue with their lives and worked themselves into boredom. All they needed now was a sign, something to show that Seulgi was pregnant.
(Y/n)'s POV
Another week and nothing, he was starting to get anxious. Both him and Seulgi had gotten themselves checked before, due to Joy's request, and nothing was wrong with either of them. He'd woken up and began cooking breakfast for the three of them as he had been doing for the past weeks. It didn't take long before he felt someone wrap their arms around him.
"Morning." He heard before spinning around and coming face to face with Seulgi.
"You're up early today, it's gonna take a bit so have a seat. Is Joy up yet?" He began to ask as he saw his wife walking down the hall answering his question for him.
"Anything new yet Seulgi? Feeling different yet or still nothing?" Joy asked as Seulgi shook her head as her answer.
"We can probably check with a doctor soon. It's been almost a month so there should be signs soon." (Y/n) added, as the sound of food being fried in a fan echoed throughout the kitchen.
"It's strange though, by now with all the precautions we've taken, you should be pregnant." Joy began saying.
"I don't know, I haven't really—" Her mouth filled up like a bubble and she rushed into the bathroom before throwing up.
Joy had rushed after her while (Y/n) stopped his cooking and followed after. They helped her the best they could and soon she was able to stop vomiting. The two let her clean up before returning back to the kitchen.
"So... that's one sign. Can you check on her, you know... cycle? I'm not really good in that field." He asked his wife.
"We've talked about it, it should be this week. But that's a pretty big sign right there (Y/n)." Joy said.
"Do you still have an extra test?" He asked as Joy nodded her head.
"Can you have her do it?" (Y/n) requested as Joy went to do so.
While Seulgi administered the test, the other two waited. (Y/n) finished up cooking and even whipping up something different for Seulgi since what he was making made her sick in the first place. Seulgi eventually came back out and walked over to them. They both gave her a questioning look before she slowly nodded. The two cheered as they ran over and hugged Seulgi. She was so happy she slowly broke down from their embrace and cried, but with only tears of happiness.
In between all of their cheers, Seulgi suddenly reached up and pulled (Y/n)'s face down towards her and kissed him. Right in front of Joy who was personally shocked at the sight. Seulgi quickly pulled away once she had realized what she'd just done in front of Joy.
"Joy, I-I... sorry—" She began saying before Joy cut her sentence off.
"It's okay... I'm sure it was an accident." Joy lied as she reassured Seulgi that it was okay.
"Alright then... I think it's best we just get back to eating breakfast. Come on, foods gonna get cold." (Y/n) told them trying to distract them from the scene they just created.
Joy pulled out her phone before making a call. She put it on speaker as the other two looked at her confused before catching on. (Y/n) reached over and grabbed Seulgi's hand, comforting her and encouraged her to break the news herself.
"Yes, hello?" Wendy answered.
"Wendy, where's the other two at? Get them, we need to talk right now." Joy transmitted to her. It took her a minute to gather everyone before they were awaiting the news.
"So? What is it?" The two turned and looked to Seulgi and waited for her to say it herself.
"I-I'm pregnant." The screams came through the phone as it did throughout their house. They were congratulating the three and being cheerful for Seulgi.
"We'll come over in a bit, we gotta see our mama bear again. It's been a while." Irene informed them.
The call ended as the fated three went back to eating and continuing on with their day. (Y/n) stayed by Seulgi's side mostly for the rest of the day, taking extra care of her and just spending time with her.
Timeskip — 5 months
It didn't get any easier as time went by for the three of them. Seulgi struggled the most being the one who was pregnant, and the other two who struggled to take care of her and keep their marriage together. A few problems started when Seulgi started having some major mood swings amongst the time that passed. Sometimes she'd speak out things that weren't too kind, especially to (Y/n) himself. Other times, she would get too close and do a bit too much to (Y/n).
It was confusing at times since sometimes she'd hog him all to herself. She'd been more needy and clingy to (Y/n) than before. It was bad for (Y/n) and Joy as they never had their time and moments anymore. Seulgi would just come between them, enough to make Sooyoung jealous. She was jealous of someone who was snatching her husband away every moment they could. She never foresaw this much when they had agreed on this deal. Joy thought she could handle it, but she was wrong. It began to break her from the inside.
It hurt Joy enough to the point where she even questioned his faithfulness. It was quite impossible for him to explain himself when she saw Seulgi with him at every moment. Sometimes the kisses were too much for Joy to handle, it turned her world upside down. The way she saw it, Seulgi very well could replace her. She was everything (Y/n) would ever need. A girl who could have his child and love him.
One night he caught her crying, and that was where everything shattered for the three of them. (Y/n) promised to be more distant from Seulgi. Seulgi promised to stop her skin to skin interactions with (Y/n). Joy promised she would endure the situation better and not let her fears get the best of her. The way they were in this was a three way love triangle. It was hard to have everyone be happy when they all loved each other. Someone would end up being hurt in the end.
(Y/n) wanted to make it right for the both of them but it wasn't possible to please them equally. Spending too much time with his wife would hurt Seulgi, the woman who was carrying his child. Too much time with Seulgi and his wife would feel betrayed and untrustworthy of him.
Joy may have agreed to this at the beginning, but she never foresaw what would become of it. Letting Seulgi run her emotions freely got them into a mess that could no longer be reverted.
Seulgi never meant to go this far with (Y/n). It was meant to be for them and not her, but ever since her moments with (Y/n), she couldn't help but want him to know how she feels.
This could not be the thing that tore them apart. They had to be more than this, and Joy knew (Y/n) was torn between them now. He couldn't let go of either one without letting one person get hurt. She thought of a another way, a decision where the three of them would win. It was nerve racking to even consider it, she didn't exactly swing that way, but if it helps them all resolve this problem then she was willing to do so.
(Y/n)'s POV
He'd just gotten off of work and was making his way home. Tonight was going to be a meeting for the three of them. It wasn't like they didn't have the chance to talk already since they all lived together. This just seemed more professional and serious to them. Well, it was Joy who made the meeting call.
(Y/n) made his way into their house unlocking the door with his keys. Surprisingly, nobody rushed over to him and welcomed him home. He walked in still creeped out by the quietness.
"Joy? Seulgi?" He called out but no answer.
He didn't want to overreact and freak himself out with bad thoughts, but they were starting to creep into his mind. (Y/n) walked over into his room looking for Joy but she wasn't there. He checked Seulgi's room next and what he saw in there surprised him a lot.
Seulgi and Joy were cuddled up in bed sleeping together. They must have been waiting for him and ended up knocking out. This was a first in their steps of patching up this love triangle. He was glad the two made up from the looks of it. Next was his turn, his marriage and his special relationship with Seulgi.
He walked over and tucked them in, helping adjust their sleeping positions. (Y/n) also wanted to lie down and get some rest as well, but he'd figured there were more important things for him to do. Cooking dinner, mail and bills, and just getting work done around the house.
As he prepared dinner, he noticed a pair of arms embracing him again. This had become a usual routine for the two. (Y/n) spun around and met Seulgi's gaze.
"You're home already? It's not even... never mind." She began saying before taking a look at the clock.
"Nice nap you two had, felt nice didn't it?" He joked.
"It was nice, it felt just like when you sleep with me. Joy's pretty good at cuddling." Seulgi commented.
"She learned form the best. Sorry we haven't really been able to do that anymore. Joy's still mad at me so we need to limit our interactions." (Y/n) said.
"I don't blame her, if she hadn't said anything I probably would've had you all to myself. It's good that we've stopped, you two are the priority here, I need to remember that." She responded.
"You're still important to the both of us. If we could, I would have all three of us be together. By paper or not, it'd be nice to keep you two close to me."
"Are you trying to take me as a second wife?" Seulgi questioned his words.
"If it were possible, yes. But I can't do that to Joy, I'm already sworn to her. However, as you two seem to have noticed, especially Joy, I've also fallen attached to you. It hurts me seeing Joy feel betrayed, but I can't help it when you two are so similar. I'm being torn between you two and I want to give myself equally. Aish... as if that would ever work... I'm just being delusional now." He said.
"I see you're already ahead of me." A voice came from behind them.
(Y/n) and Seulgi turned to see Joy walking over closer to them. She gave (Y/n) a hug before pecking him on the lips as a sign of welcoming him home.
"What did you mean by that?" (Y/n) asked.
"Now seems better than any other time. I've been thinking, and I want Seulgi to join our relationship. We can get her name into our documents and have her as another spouse." Joy explained.
"Y-You're serious?" He asked surprised.
"Why would you want that Joy...? He's your husband, and besides... you two already married. I don't think it'd be that easy for me to just join." Seulgi interfered.
Joy wrapped her arms around Seulgi playfully before nudging her closer to (Y/n).
"You heard it himself, he's already in. I'm okay with it too, if you don't mind sharing. He'll be yours too, just like how you've always wanted. But you get me as well, that's the deal." She said.
"I didn't think you sung this way." Seulgi added.
"I don't, but you're pretty cute. I wouldn't mind trying it out. Besides, (Y/n) wants you too so it works out for both of us." Joy said. She met her husband's gaze before giving him a look of comfort.
"You're in right?" She asked him, as he simply nodded as the two awaited the only one left.
"Are you two really sure?" Seulgi asked one last time.
(Y/n) grabbed both their hands and placed all three onto Seulgi's bump. They closed in tightly as the silence answered her question.
"So, now that that's over with, finish cooking. I'm getting hungry." Joy said before the three of them felt a small kick from the baby. They couldn't help but laugh and admire their unborn child.
(Y/n) went back to cooking while constantly conversing with his two lovers. They'd started picking out names and were even planning on going to buy baby clothes. A new bed was needed for the three of them to share, and more essentials were needed to be restocked. This was not the future any of them had in mind, but with the way things turned out, neither person could argue for a better solution.
Seulgi would be able to with (Y/n), just as she'd always wanted to, with Joy as a plus. Joy got the family she wanted, with a child on the way she couldn't wait to be a mother. (Y/n) held the most responsibility, not only did he accept into this offer, but he got more than he bargained for. A new partner, a baby, and a whole new life.
Not the ending I wanted, but I cut it short and turned it into a sweeter ending. I originally wanted just Joy to be the final girl, but I kinda ended up making the story for Seulgi more than Joy. Take this as a win then I guess? I ended up doing two characters in one chapter so that saves me some time.
Tell me what you thought of it. Always open to converse with anyone, just ask.
Next: Park Bo-Young
(I have exams coming up and I need a break from writing. I have not written this much in a very long time. I've done so much I even feel a bit sick of writing.)
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