Kwon Eunbi

IZ*ONE has always been one of my undecided girl groups. Their music started off great, then it went downhill a little. I'm sorry, but the Japanese songs are not my style. La Vie En Rose is still my favorite title track from them. Bias? I guess Eunbi is very well one of them. She caught my attention the most when they debuted, her vocals are nice and her visuals are amazing. Other than that, I'd say Chaeyeon is my favorite dancer, and Sakura is my visual killer.

I'm still skeptical of the lineup however. I'm not hating on any members when I say this, but I don't think a few members should've made it. There were a few trainees that had much more potential and due to the whole rigged systems they were all screwed over. As sad as it would be, I would prefer for the girls to return to their respective groups and succeed in them instead.

Age Truly Is Just A Number
There are times in life when we wish we can turn back time. To relive the moments we've experienced before or to change our faults and correct our mistakes. We are human, we make mistakes and we learn to live with them for the rest of our lives. No matter how much we wish to undo our mistakes, they will never change. We can apologize, ask for forgiveness, and move on but they will always be remembered.

Kwon Eunbi thought her life was going to easy. She was given everything she needed or wanted. She eased through school and got married off immediately. Her life went on for a while before everything fell apart. Her husband lost his job, went bankrupt, and ended up leaving her for another woman. It was just Eunbi and her daughter at this point now. Though it was cruel to say so, she should've seen this coming. She won nothing in the divorce because there was nothing to win, aside from their child but it wasn't like her ex-husband was going to fight her for that anyways.

She should've listened to those around her. As much as they wanted to support her, they knew her choices were going to be wrong from the start. Marrying some low life who couldn't even treat others with decency. Someone who showed their true colors behind closed doors. Even her own parents were against her choice, but it wasn't enough to stop her. This lead to her being completely disowned. She now struggled to hold a job, having no work experience for so long put her behind. She focused her time into being a housewife rather than obtaining a career.

There was no one left to help her. She stopped contacting those who tried to change her mind, being so blinded by her false love. She could barely afford rent in time, moving from place to place to survive. Her life was a disaster now, there was nothing she could do to fix it. Schooling was a disaster for her daughter, combined with the problem with housing.

Eunbi recently found a new job, one that paid a bit more than the last. It was hard to believe she even found it. There were almost no requirements that she had to meet. She would be working as a housekeeper, one thing she would probably excel at considering her past. The only information she was given about her client was that it was a male author. For his security, his name would not be leaked to her until they met.

At first glance Eunbi didn't know what she had gotten herself into. Becoming a caretaker for some big shot writer wasn't what she'd expected. But then again she needed this money. He was paying a generous amount, strange for a job like this. Eunbi was even skeptical of his true intentions, maybe he was some creep. The job description was looking just for female workers. However her mind was changed again when she saw the house he lived in. It was no mansion, but it was definitely something Eunbi herself could never afford.

Present Day
Eunbi had just made her way to her client's house. The pictures sure didn't lie, this place was incredible. She always wanted to live in a house like this, just open and free for her to do as she wanted. If only she could give this kind of life to her daughter. She walked to the front gate before pressing the buzzer. It took a few seconds before the gates opened for her. Eunbi made her way inside, walking through the yard and making her way towards the house.

She entered the home, closing the doors behind her. The sounds of the door shutting echoed into the giant house. Eunbi's own footstep made noise as she made her way through the house. Her client was nowhere to be found as she went on and admired the decorations. There were paintings, exquisite models, and even a giant piano in the middle of the room. This was probably the most expensive job she's ever held in her life. If she ever broke anything, she prays she'll be able to escape with her own life.

Eunbi kept moving along with still no signs of her boss. She eventually made it to the spiral stairs following them up. She came to a stop when she reached his bedroom door. The only other restriction was to never enter his room without his permission. Seeing how he was nowhere to be seen, she knocked on the door guessing he was inside.

"Excuse me? I'm your new housekeeper, I'd like to introduce myself." Eunbi said, wondering if he was in there or not.

"Hello—" The door suddenly opened making her jump a little. She took a few steps back before gaining her composure again.

While it was a lot to take in, Eunbi's confusion ended the second she met his eyes. Their colors were unforgettable to her.

"(Y/n)...?" She covered her mouth from the shock.

"Nice to see you again Eunbi." (Y/n) said, and from the sounds of it he was expecting her to show up.

"Wait... how, what's happening right now?" Eunbi asked out of confusion.

"You're here to work for me right? What's there to be confused about?" (Y/n) said.

"Were you expecting me to be here? How are you so calm?! It's been so long since we've seen each other." Eunbi asked him.

"How do you think you got hired? It was funny seeing your name amongst the list, but I picked you from the others." She really took the time to admire his maturity. He'd grown even taller, his body looked to be in great shape, and much more. Never had she thought the boy who she grew up looking after would turn into this type of man. Even if they were different in ages, they still hung out together.

"Wait, so you just chose me because we knew each other? Isn't that pretty unfair to other people?" Eunbi asked.

"Well, do you want the job or not?" (Y/n) said before Eunbi quickly took back her own words.

"Eunbi, I need a housekeeper not a mechanical engineer. Besides, you look like you need this job anyways. I heard what happened, sorry I haven't been in touch. I've been quite busy with my books." (Y/n) said, apologizing for their distancing.

"It's not your fault. But you want me to work for you? Are you sure? Isn't that kinda of weird to you?" Eunbi asked.

(Y/n) shook his head, "Why? Are you not happy to be working for me?" He asked.

"No that's not it, it's just kinda weird. We're friends and now you're my boss." Eunbi rambled on.

"Then I don't see any problems. Your job is simple enough, and you're free to access the kitchen if you need to. I have more than enough food to last me." (Y/n) said before walking into his room.

He was about to close the door but Eunbi quickly stopped him. "Wait! We haven't seen each other in years. Don't think we're done talking, there's so much I need to hear from you." Eunbi said.

"Let me take a shower first. I'll see you after." He smiled before closing the door.

"Aish, it's already been years but she still looks just as beautiful. Age is only making her look better. Stop making me fall for you again Eunbi." (Y/n) said to himself as he walked into his bathroom.

Eunbi made her way back down to take a look around the house some more. She was still astonished by the fact that (Y/n) had lived so well off. He had everything in life, why would he even need a housekeeper? She walked into another room before seeing a few family photos. Her heart dropped a little when she saw the pictures of his parents. It was still terrible memory to the both of them when they passed. She remembers the countless nights where she had to comfort him to bed.

The next framed photo was one that made her laugh to herself. There were two versions, one of her graduation and one of his. Special moments that weren't meant to be forgotten. She missed these times when the two of them were still just kids. There were no tragedies or mistakes made until now.

She shifted towards the kitchen and taking stock of his food. Eunbi went and took his offer of helping herself to his food, grabbing a few snacks from his pantry. She took a seat and munched on them while she waited for (Y/n). A few minutes later and she heard him coming down the stairs calling out for her. Eunbi signaled him to the kitchen before he came over and took a seat across from her.

"So, how have you been? It's been so long since I've last seen you (Y/n)." Eunbi asked.

"It's been quite boring without you around. I don't have anyone to mess around with anymore. My books are being sold now, I guess that's the one upside of all these years." (Y/n) said to her.

His eyes glistened, shining brightly in her direction. Her heart dropped at the sight of them looking at her that way. Thoughts filled her head again as she tried to shake free of them. "Not again." Eunbi thought to herself. She'd seen this look from him before, and it didn't end well. It was the very thing that tore them apart for all these years.

"What about you? How are you holding up?" He asked, shaking her thoughts up. Eunbi's face gave it away to him. It's been hard for her, definitely.

"Do you have a place to stay? Are you eating well? Are you okay?" Was she really the older one here? It always made her happy to see how strong he grew up to be because of her. He'd matured in front of her very eyes, much faster than he was supposed to.

"I have an apartment, I'm still eating, and I'm making it through. Chaeyeon is pushing me through, she's been my motivation ever since." Eunbi answered. His face matched her's with its feelings.

"Chaeyeon...? Is that her name? I still haven't met her have I?" He said, his little moment ended before coming back to his senses.

"I'm sorry, I should've been there for you. I—" He began apologizing before she stopped him.

"It's not your fault (Y/n). I know you would've done everything you could for me if I met you again. It's just... I couldn't bring myself to face you again. Not after what happened between us." Eunbi told him.

"You still think about that huh...?" He muttered.

"Of course I do, it was probably the biggest surprise of my life. When you told me—" It was his turn to cut her off.

"Stop, I haven't forgotten it either. I still remember every word that I said. There hasn't been a day where I haven't been able to recite them again. So please, just don't make me think of it right now." She saw his composure break, the same it did ever since that day. The shields that he held so strongly to shield his secret were now rusted and broken.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), I still don't—" He stood up from his seat, startling her.

"I said stop, I was happy to see you again. I don't want this to be just another nightmare I have to dream of." He said before walking off back into his room. She regretted that, she overstepped her boundaries. She should've known that he hadn't been able to recover from their past.

Eunbi's night ended horribly when she returned to the dump she called home. She was late to her rent and didn't have enough money to pay it off at the moment. This was their final night there, and after this they'd have nowhere else to go. It was hard to break the news to Chaeyeon, but Eunbi needed to provide the best she could for her.

Next Day
Eunbi showed up to her official first day of work. While she wasn't able to greet (Y/n), she knew he was inside his room. She performed her role and cleaned up around his house. It was still unclear what she would be needed to actually do since there wasn't much work around. His house could be cleaned but what else? Eventually she decided to cook a meal for the both of them, hoping that would be a key to opening up his door.

It took a few attempts but she made him come out. Eunbi nearly dragged him out due to his opposition against eating with her. It was short lived but their small burst of childishness returned. It wasn't until they began eating that they made an agreement.

"I don't want to have to be alone all day. I don't want to have to beg you to come out of your room everyday. So, can we just forget what happened? Can we just move on?" Eunbi asked.

"Sure. But I do still have to write my book, so I can't always be out here. Just knock on my door when you want to talk." He agreed to an extent.

"Actually... I need to ask you a favor." She began saying, gaining his attention.

"Could you possibly pay me today? It'll count as this weeks pay, I just need it for today." His confusion appeared over his face.

"May I ask why?" He said. She looked hesitant to confess that she was basically homeless.

"I just need to buy some things for today. Chaeyeon's birthday is coming up and I wanted to buy her a gift." He saw through her lies immediately.

"If you want my help, then ask for my help. Tell me what's really going on." He said, as she dropped all her worries.

"We have nowhere else to go (Y/n). Ever since Chaeyeon started school, I've been struggling to provide and keep up with rent. My job before this was just barely enough to help us make it by, but it stopped." Her head dropped at the admission of her problems.

"Stay here with me then." Eunbi lifted her head up and looked towards him. "What?" That was all she could muster out in that moment.

"The two of you can come live with me. I don't mind having you two here. You've seen my house, it's big enough for all three of us." He told her.

"Are you sure? I don't want to become a bother to you. I can go with my plan instead, I'll find a different place in the meantime." (Y/n) shook his head in return to her words.

"I don't mind Eunbi, like you said, let's forget about the past. I want the best for you right now, and I want you to come live with me." He said.

"Come on, let's go get your things. Let me go get my keys first." (Y/n) said, as he stood up and started walking away he also heard her footsteps following behind him. (Y/n) braced the impact before letting her settle down to turn around and hug her in return.

"Thank you (Y/n), I don't know how I'll ever repay you. I'll make this up to you, I promise. One day I will." She said before they ended the embrace.

(Y/n) ran up the stairs towards his room while Eunbi cleaned up the kitchen. What he just offered was more than she could ever ask for. While it seemed too generous, Eunbi was backed up against the wall here, she had to take this offer. Besides, it's (Y/n) who's helping her here. They'd known each other for over 20 years, this was the only other person who she trusted at the moment. She knew he'd do this regardless of their past conflict, he was simply playing his role of being her friend, nothing more.

(Y/n) lead them to his car before taking off together and heading towards Eunbi's apartment. He loaded up her things, while it wasn't even much. Next was heading to Chaeyeon's school and telling her the news. Eunbi went in and pulled her out a little bit early before dismissal. By now Chaeyeon was 7, probably old enough to understand people and their motives. It was something (Y/n) noticed in her right away, when Eunbi brought out Chaeyeon, she kept her eyes on him. Even when Eunbi told her to stop staring, she couldn't stop judging his character.

"Mommy, who's that?" Chaeyeon asked.

"This is (Y/n), he's my friend. We're going to be staying with him now. He's going to help us." Eunbi told her.

"Nice to meet you Chaeyeon, I'm (Y/n)." He said kneeling down to her level.

She reached up and grabbed his face, pinching onto his cheeks. (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh when Eunbi scolded her immediately and told her to stop. They got into the car as (Y/n) drove them back to his house. His heart melted every second along the way hearing Chaeyeon talking about her day. Something about the two of them just talking made (Y/n) happy. It may have been a bad experience for Eunbi, but she won Chaeyeon in return. Everything happens for a reason, and her daughter was that very reason.

From just driving to seeing (Y/n)'s house, Chaeyeon's reactions were the most purest things he's heard in a very long time. Her excitement upon entering his home sparked another smile in that moment. (Y/n) and Eunbi gave her a small tour before (Y/n) helped them settle in and gave them their rooms.

A few months have passed since Eunbi and Chaeyeon moved in with (Y/n). Within those months, (Y/n) opened himself up to people again. Well, just one other person to be fair, Eunbi already knew him inside and out already. His book was published and he began working at his company again. (Y/n) decided to put a hold to his books and joined his coworkers again. He lived that shortly as his new idea sparked and he took his leave again, starting his new story.

At this point, Eunbi wasn't even working for him anymore. Everything he had was given to her and she felt guilty for basically being a freeloader. So Eunbi also began working at his company, at first as his secretary but then when he took his leave again, she worked for other people.

While they did their switches, both of them were able to spend time with Cbaeyeon. Eunbi's daughter was what brought the two closer together again. It was like their past had been temporarily erased and the two were nothing but best friends again.

Present Day
(Y/n) was called in for an important meeting at his company today. Apparently one of their writers who they published for got into trouble. Somewhere along the lines of being brought to court, so (Y/n) wouldn't be back until later tonight. Him and his team would need to get rid of all the books that had already been printed and were already packaged. Eunbi got off work and went home to take care of Chaeyeon.

It was quite bad timing for them, since today was Chaeyeon's birthday. (Y/n) had been going on and on about how much he'd celebrate it with Chaeyeon. Eunbi witnessed it first hand at how excited her daughter got whenever they'd bring it up. Among the months that passed, those two had gotten pretty close and Eunbi couldn't be more than happy to see her daughter's happiness. That's why it was so hard to break it to her that (Y/n) wasn't going to be making it home for her birthday.

"Chaeyeon, honey please open the door." Eunbi kept knocking on the door trying to make her open it.

Chaeyeon didn't take it too well when Eunbi broke the news. She ran off into (Y/n)'s room and locked the door. It still surprised Eunbi that (Y/n) gave her access to his room when she hadn't even seen the inside of it. He'd given her a key, and Chaeyeon had been wearing it as a necklace ever since. He'd instructed her to use it only for emergencies whenever she needed to see him.

Eunbi pulled out her phone and called (Y/n). She did tend to appeal to him more than Eunbi herself. It was cute, but a bit frustrating at times to her. "(Y/n), Chaeyeon's locked herself into your room. Do you have a spare key?" She asked.

"Of course not, she has the only spare key. Is she that upset at me...?" (Y/n) responded.

"She cried when I told her, and now she's hiding out in your room." Eunbi relayed to him.

"Aish... I really can't get out right now. Just put me on speaker, I'll try to calm her down." Eunbi knocked on the door a bit louder before telling Chaeyeon to talk to (Y/n). She heard the shuffling of her footsteps get closer to the door. "Chaeyeon? Can you hear me? I'm sorry I can't make it home tonight okay? I'll make it up to you tomorrow, I'm stuck at work right now. We're in trouble over here so I need to fix things okay? I'll buy you as many presents as you want." A few seconds later the door opened as Chaeyeon made her way out. Eunbi thanked (Y/n) before ending the call. She hugged Chaeyeon immediately and comforting her.

"Come on, let's go eat your cake. We can open up the presents too, (Y/n) got you a lot of them already. He said he would buy you more too." Eunbi said, leading her down.

Eunbi brought out her cake and lit the candles, singing her a song of happy birthday. As Chaeyeon blew out her candles she made a wish. Her mother clapped before questioning her wish. "What did you wish for?" Eunbi asked.

"It's a secret, your wishes won't come true if you tell people." Chaeyeon said making Eunbi a bit irritated.

"You need to stop hanging out with (Y/n), you're getting too smart for me to handle." Her mother joked before pinching her cheeks.

"Can we wait for him to come home?" Chaeyeon asked.

"Was that your wish?" Eunbi asked, slicing a piece of cake.

"No..." Eunbi laughed before plating the cake in front of Chaeyeon. She planted a kiss onto her forehead, "At least he hasn't taught you how to lie yet." Eunbi said before grabbing herself a slice.

"We can wait, but it might be a very long time. You'll have to sleep if you're tired okay?" Chaeyeon nodded her head in agreement as she enjoyed her cake.

Eunbi granted her wish as the two of them waited together in (Y/n)'s room. For the first time she stepped into his room. It was filled with sketches and pinned notes containing story ideas and plots. There were books stacked up against shelves after shelves. She even saw his latest creation, the drafts laid on his main desk as Eunbi had sneaked a peek at them.

Her heart melted as she began to read the story, (Y/n) was writing it about Chaeyeon. It was so obvious that she was the main character. She ended up reading the whole story to Chaeyeon, trying to make her fall asleep but it didn't work. Eunbi ended up taking the both of them to the balcony, as the two of them stared off into the starry night. The moon was full, shining brightly down onto earth.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Eunbi's head turned towards her daughter. Her eyes had widened at the sound of those words.

"What did you just say?" Eunbi asked.

"The moon is beautiful." Chaeyeon's repeated, cutely tilting her head to the side.

"Do you know what that means Chaeyeon?" Eunbi said, holding onto her tightly.

"(Y/n) told me it means 'I love you', so I wanted to say that. I love you eomma." Eunbi marveled at the incredible intelligence of her daughter. She was actually able to pick that up from him. Those were the very words he used to say to her whenever they'd stay up at night and just look at the moon together.

"Can you grant my wish for me...?" Chaeyeon suddenly asked.

"I thought I already guessed it?" Eunbi questioned.

"No, you were wrong. I knew (Y/n) wasn't going to be coming home, so I wished for something else." Chaeyeon said.

"Yah, who taught you how to lie. You really need to stay away from (Y/n). You're too smart for me now." Eunbi said, cuddling closer with her. She brought the two of them back inside and placing the both of them onto the bed.

"Will you grant my wish eomma?" Chaeyeon asked again.

"I thought you said it wouldn't come true if you told another person?" Eunbi said.

"Well, this is a wish only you can make come true. So I need to tell you." Her daughter gripped her hand tightly before speaking.

"Can I start calling (Y/n) dad? I like him eomma, he's always happy when he's with you. He smiles and laughs with you, I want to see more. He loves you a lot, and I do too. I want him to be my dad." Chaeyeon confessed to her, making Eunbi's emotions overflow. Eunbi embraces her daughter as she smiled into the hug.

"You can Chaeyeon. I think he'll like it, I'll tell him to let you." Eunbi said, tucking them into bed. Chaeyeon's eyes began closing as she drifted off into sleep.

"Wake me up when dad comes home." Eunbi kissed her forehead before also drifting off into a slumber.

Next Morning
(Y/n) came home early in the morning after the long night of sorting out their books. He really didn't get to escape from it all. While he was exhausted, he still wanted to make it up to Eunbi and Chaeyeon. He stumbled into his room where he saw the mother and daughter asleep in his own bed. While it was sweet, he was too tired to fully appreciate it. (Y/n) laid down onto the ground before slowly closing his eyes to sleep.

If was short lived however as he was stirred awake in less than a hour later. He felt a small weight drop onto his chest, it was as light as a feather. He felt the small head place itself into the crook of his neck.

"You didn't come home." He heard the young one speak.

"I said I couldn't." He groaned out, still trying to steal more seconds of sleep.

"You made eomma sad too. She said she's going to punish you." Chaeyeon said.

"Sorry, I'll take the punishment later. Just let me sleep a little bit more Chaeyeon." He felt her getting off of him, only to feel a small pair of lips on his forehead. He let out a little scoff of laughter before changing his sleep sides.

"Dad?" Without even thinking his lips answered.

"Yes?" He muttered out, only to realize what had just happened. His eyes opened and he rose up like his fatigue was nothing. (Y/n)'s eyes landed onto Chaeyeon before asking her his question.

"What did you just call me?" He saw the innocent smile appear on her face.

"Did you not like it? Can I not call you that...?" Her smile slowly faltered, making his heart drop alongside her's.

"No, I do but why are you calling me that?" (Y/n) asked.

"You make me and eomma happy, and you're always there for us when we need you. You spend time with us, you read books to me, and taught me a lot new things. I know you like eomma, so I wanted to start calling you dad." Chaeyeon said.

"Chaeyeon, you probably shouldn't call me that in front of your mom. I don't think she'll be okay with you calling me—" A smack connected with the side of his head.

"Shut up! You two are talking too loud, go back to sleep, it's too early for this." He groaned in pain as he held onto the side of his head.

Chaeyeon tried getting (Y/n) to sleep on the bed alongside them but he refused. Just as he was about to lie down again, Eunbi told him to sleep on the bed or else she'd hit him again. Both of them obeyed the angry eomma and slept together on the bed. Chaeyeon slept in the middle of them while connecting the three of their hands together with her's. In her mind, this was a perfect scene right now. A happy family sleeping together in bed early in the morning.

A couple of hours later and the two girls had woken up and gone down to have some breakfast. (Y/n) was still knocked out and enjoying his sleep. Eventually Eunbi came up and woke him up, dragging him downstairs. Both of them didn't give him any space as Chaeyeon started her attacks of conversations and questions. That was enough to fully stir him awake and make him come back to his senses.

"Is your book about me? Eomma read it to me last night, she said I was the main character." Chaeyeon asked.

"Hey, you're not allowed to be reading my stories. Don't go around giving out spoilers okay?" He said to both of them. "And yes, I wrote it because of you Chaeyeon. Did you like it?" He asked.

"Yeah, can you put eomma in there too? Make her the villain or something." Chaeyeon said before running Eunbi's grasps. She ran around (Y/n) hiding behind his back and using him as a shield against her mother.

Eunbi's chase went on until Chaeyeon gave (Y/n) a push forward and bumped him into Eunbi, making the both of them fall over. (Y/n) did a quick spin and turned them around as he hit the ground first and Eunbi landed atop of him after. Eunbi tried getting up only to lose her grip and falling back onto him. Her heart was racing, why was it beating so fast? She shouldn't be feeling this way, they agreed to move on.

(Y/n) helped lift her off of him before apologizing about their little moment there. "Yah, Kwon Chaeyeon, you better not do that again." (Y/n) said, pinching her cheeks.

"Okay okay, stop pinching me dad." She laughed it off before running away. His heart skipped a beat before realizing maybe it shouldn't have. Chaeyeon just called him dad in front of Eunbi.

"Eunbi—" He said but her looks stopped him.

"What? You got a problem with her calling you dad? That was her birthday wish, so I granted it. I'm fine with her calling you that." Eunbi told him.

"What does that make us then...?" He asked.

"Nothing, why should it?" His hopes were shot down by her, making his disappointment appear.

"Don't you think it'll be weird if she calls me dad, you being her mother you should let her know it isn't right to be calling me that. Especially if we're nothing." His eyes brought back the memories of that one day.

"Do you still...?" She began asking, knowing his answer already. As much as they could pretend to forget and try to talk over it, (Y/n) was never going to move on from her. Not when she's living with him, not when her daughter is calling him "dad."

"Of course I do. Did you think I would really let go of those feelings?" (Y/n) answered.

"Why? I thought we agreed to forget about it." He just shrugged in return.

"I don't know, maybe I should just rip out my own heart then. In my mind I want to, but inside my heart, the feelings I felt for you back then, they will never leave." (Y/n) said.

"What did you like about me so much anyways? (Y/n) I'm 8 years older than you, I'm divorced and I have a kid that isn't even yours. Doesn't any of this turn you off?" He only shook his head to her questions.

"Age is just a number Eunbi. I loved you because you were always there for me. You became the very reason why I wanted to succeed in life. I don't care that you're divorced, I only regret that I allowed you to marry someone else. But then again, I'm kinda glad it happened, because now you have a wonderful child that is Chaeyeon. It doesn't turn me off one bit knowing you're here living with me, relying on me like I once did for you. I want you to continue to rely on me, so that I can repay you for all those years, and the years where I wasn't there for you." He spoke out to Eunbi.

"I don't want to make another mistake, I don't want you to be my next mistake." Eunbi muttered out, his face turning a shade of hurt.

"If you really feel that way... then I will continue to suppress these feelings." (Y/n) said before walking off.

"(Y/n) wait, that's not what I meant—" It was too late, the damage was already done. She followed him up but he shut his door on her, locking it. Eunbi knocked but he wouldn't open the door so she came back downstairs.

"Chaeyeon? Honey can you come here?" Eunbi called out for her daughter. A few seconds later and Chaeyeon came running around the corner. She stopped in front of Eunbi allowing her to kneel down to her level.

"Can I borrow your key? I need to talk to (Y/n)." She began reaching out for the key but Chaeyeon pulled away.

"Why? Just ask dad to open the door. Dad said to never give this key to anyone else." Chaeyeon said, backing away from her mother's arms. She really was adapting to calling (Y/n) dad, it only made Eunbi cringe now after what just happened.

"He won't let me, but I need to talk to him right now, it's very important. So please—" Chaeyeon gripped onto the key and refused again.

"I promised dad, he'll be mad if I break a promise. I can't give this to you eomma. Sorry, but I don't want to make him sad." Chaeyeon began to walk off but Eunbi grabbed her arms.

"I am your mother! Why won't you listen to me? I just need to speak with him, stop being such a brat. He's not even your real father!" Her voice shocked the little one, as tears formed up in her eyes. Eunbi tried to take back her words and comfort her but Chaeyeon ran off upstairs and went into (Y/n)'s room. Eunbi followed behind but the door was already locked.

She didn't want to make mistakes with (Y/n) but here she was being the only mistake to them. First him and now her own daughter. He had more control of her daughter than her herself. Eunbi leaned up against the door as she waited for either of the two to come out.

Time went on for what felt like an eternity as Eunbi sat there reflecting on her own actions and choice of words. It eventually became night, as she was getting more and more tired. Whilst thinking to herself she hadn't even noticed that Chaeyeon had come out. Her daughter came in front of her and hugged her. "I'm sorry eomma." She said as she crawled into Eunbi's arms.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm sorry for calling you a brat, and saying that (Y/n) isn't your dad. You can still call him dad if you want, I won't stop you." Eunbi apologized.

Chaeyeon started crying, shaking her head in front of Eunbi. "(Y/n) said I couldn't call him that anymore. He said it wasn't right, because you don't like it. (Y/n) said it was because you didn't like him either." Chaeyeon said.

"Stop being mean to him eomma. You made him cry a lot. He loves you, but you're making him sad." Chaeyeon requested. She grabbed a hold of Eunbi's hands and placed the key within her palms before closing Eunbi's hand.

"Please don't make him sad anymore. I don't want (Y/n) to leave us, not like how dad left us. I want (Y/n) to be with us forever. He makes us happy, so we should also make him happy." Chaeyeon said, shaking free of Eunbi's arms. She kissed her mother's cheek before walking away into her room.

Eunbi stood up and went over to (Y/n)'s room, unlocking the door with Chaeyeon's key. She stepped into his room, hearing the sounds of pencil on paper. (Y/n) was currently writing away at his desk. She walked over slowly to him, approaching him from behind.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to say that to you." Eunbi said to him, stopping a few stops away from him.

"Don't waste your words on someone who's just a mistake." He muttered out.

"(Y/n) I didn't mean that. I was just saying I didn't want to mess up our current relationship. You're my friend, and I haven't even properly fixed what we lost all those years ago. So I didn't want to ruin what we had just began to rebuild."

"I messed up in life a lot. Ever since I got married, my life went downhill. There were so many times where I wanted to give up and just die. But because of Chaeyeon I kept pushing, and that led me back to you. You gave me a second chance at life with this job, this house, and you. You gave yourself to us, you were there for us when we needed you the most. I didn't want to lose any of that again." Eunbi said.

She hugged him from behind, her arms wrapping around the front of body. She rested her head against his back before looking out the window. It wasn't until she saw the moon that Eunbi took advantage of the situation. "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" She whispered to him.

"That's not funny. You know the meaning of those words. Don't say that to me, don't give me hope." (Y/n) said.

"I mean it (Y/n), I love you. I want to give us a try, I want you." Eunbi said as he stood up out of his chair and hugged her. It was short lived as their lips came into contact, slowly backing onto the desks nearby. "Show me that we're not a mistake, show me how we're destined to be together." She whispered out before they met with another kiss.

"The moon really is beautiful. I love you Eunbi." He said as they slowly rocked in each other's arms. The two of them finally decided to break the news to Chaeyeon, and to their expectations she took it perfectly.

"Does this mean I can call you dad again?" Chaeyeon asked, while hugging the two.

"Yes you can Chaeyeon." (Y/n) said before picking her up into his arms. She was squished in between him and Eunbi, as their moments as a real family began from here.

Alright, and to my theories, my story did change quite a lot. I added Chaeyeon as the kid when I was basically done with the story. This was originally supposed to be a short story but I ended up making it longer. It was supposed to be a quick one night stand type of story but my heart felt better.

Probably won't be my most memorable story for me. It was good but not satisfying to write unlike the previous one. Guess I'm just weird.

Next: Guardian Angel
I'm pretty undecided for this next chapter. I'm the farthest thing from an official Loona fan, and I definitely don't know enough about the members. I boiled it down to the three that I like the most, so I'll eventually pick one of them. Should I just BS it and do all theee? That would mess up my plot quite a lot too. This is always my problem with story ideas, there's always more that I end up doing or want afterwards.

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