She had her tease during the Gahyeon chapter, but she'll get her full story now. Maybe the best all rounder in Dreamcatcher. Not picking favorites at all since I love all of them equally. JiU is a pretty full package overall, beautiful voice, great dancer, and godlike visuals.
(Y/n) was finishing up his day of work at his office. Being CEO wasn't the easiest job, but he couldn't just let someone else run his business. This was his family's business and he wasn't going to just let some corrupted middle aged man take over and drive it into the ground. He would pass this down to his child as his family had done for generations. Sure, this probably wasn't his exact dream nor what he had imagined becoming his life, but it paid the bills. Although he made a lot of money, he never took advantage of it and instead preferred to live the quiet life.
(Y/n) had just packed all of his paperwork and was getting ready to leave his building. Along the way he met a few of his workers. He bid them a good evening and to finish their job well. Once he got to his car his mind was set on home and just being able to relax. Suddenly his phone vibrated in his pocket.He quickly checked to see who it was, but it was an unknown number.
"Are you home yet?" That was all there was to the text. He was ready to ignore it but then another message came through.
"Yah! You better not leave me on seen. (Y/n), it's me Minji". He replied immediately and told her he'd be home in about 20 minutes. She gave him a thumbs up and that was all.
She probably needed him again, that was the only reason why she would come to him in the first place. This was a common interaction between them, whether it be on a weekend or not, whenever she felt stressed, he was her reliever. She'd just spend countless hours with him on some days and he could care less. He didn't really have a problem with this. It wasn't like she was trying to get his money, not like she needed it anyways. She actually valued her time with him, the only problem between them was that they weren't official. The way she saw them were just friends with benefits.
Yes, they did go to those extreme lengths. She loved his body as much as he loved her's. They discovered this pleasure after one fateful night. She'd been drinking too much and he tried to put her to bed, one things lead to another and they woke up naked together the next morning. Naturally, she had asked him to never bring it up again and just forget it ever happened. He held up his end to an extent. She came crawling back to him and offered that option to him and before they knew it, it became their new usual routine.
Eventually it wasn't just sex to him anymore, he actually enjoyed being around her, He loved her, he couldn't deny that statement. Although he never said it to her face, well not anymore at least, both of them knew the other's feelings. She even confessed how she felt about him. He was a friend, and only a friend. She didn't have any plans on getting official with him nor will she ever. This was going to be only temporary for the both of them.
That's why he began to distance himself and tried to get over her. She clearly didn't want his love and she obviously wouldn't give him hers. Of course that didn't work, she would always come by whenever he felt like moving on. That would always pull him back towards her. He couldn't do much but continue to fall for her all over again.
Tonight was it he thought to himself. (Y/n) knew this wasn't healthy for either of them, so he wanted to tell her tonight. It was time to end their pact and stop all of this. He would go back to his usual boring life and perhaps get married to someone who'd actually love him. She would continue to chase her life of being an idol. He aided her company as much as he could, even helping produce some of their merchandise. He'd always given her all the support she and her group needed but in the end... when has she ever done something for him? She was using him to satisfy her needs, sure that could be considered a small win but he was still being used in the end.
(Y/n) pulled up to his house and noticed that the lights were already turned on. She was already here and waiting for him. He grabbed his things before going inside. (Y/n) opened the door to smell... food being cooked? Since when has she cooked for him? He dropped his things and walked on over to her. She was wearing an apron with her hair tied up into a ponytail.
"Since when did you cook?" (Y/n) asked her before seeing a frown appear on her face. She didn't like his joke.
"Yah, I can cook too. I just don't do it often. Be grateful mister". She told him.
"You're gonna ask for a favor aren't you?" He suspected, her chuckle giving it away. She said she would tell him later and instead made him take a seat before plating up her food.
Together they ate and chatted about their day. It was another loss for them, her group had gone up against BTS today. He tried to cheer her up, telling her no other group would've stood a chance either. Popularity wins you awards nowadays, not actual talent.
(Fight me. I strongly believe major groups nowadays are pretty bland and hold no true uniqueness. There are few who can amaze me now. Of course I still don't rub it into everyone's face and create shit between fandoms, I'd keep it to myself and just not listen to the group much. The only statement I will stand behind and argue for with is that Dreamcatcher is the most unique girl group in all of Kpop.)
They quickly finished their food and moved over into the living room. (Y/n) picked and put on a nice movie for them to watch as she snuggled her way into his arms. She was acting way too weird. Sure, they had played around like this before but usually by now they'd be in bed and getting onto the main event. Why was she dragging it on this time?
While they watched the movie, a sex scene was beginning to take place. They both laughed a little having turned to the other. (Y/n) decided to stick through it instead of skipping it. It wasn't that explicit but still pretty erotic. It didn't take long before he felt her hand run up his leg and coming into contact with his already formed bulge. Their spark ignited and they went at it. Rough and passionate, they made it to the bedroom where they spent the rest of the night getting it on.
(No smuts yet, I'm not quite comfortable with writing smuts for real people. I'm already weird enough for writing fanfics of them.)
Next Day
(Y/n) woke up to see that she was still in bed with him. Funny, usually she would have snuck out sooner. He didn't mind it as he gently woke her up. He still had work and she probably had another performance or practice. Together they showered, without going at it again. Though she did offer, he suggested they not show up late to their workplaces.
(Y/n) got to repay her for the food last night and cooked her some breakfast. She happily enjoyed it, even comparing their differences in cooking. She still had much to learn but hers wasn't the worst. The chances that she's had to eat food made by him was pretty slim. Usually she'd already eaten before showing up or she just didn't have the time.
Once they finished up, (Y/n) drove her back to her dorm. The rest of the girls probably knew where she was already anyways. He'd met them several times, and he was quite close to a few of them. They'd been there supporting him and his feelings towards Minji, but once he told them what happened, their ship sunk and never rose back up.
"So, are you ready for my favor now?" She asked him suddenly. (Y/n) nodded and continued driving trying not to get lost in his thoughts.
"I want to ask you for something (Y/n). Or rather... I need to tell you something. I wanted to talk about us." She said to him.
(Y/n) didn't let his voice out yet, it was better to listen to her finish til the end. He let her continue listening and driving at the same time.
"Can we stop this...? All of this? Everything we've done together, can we move on and forget about it?" She proposed her request to him.
How funny, she beat him to it. It seems she's had enough too. Whether it was her cold heart or just the realization of this unhealthy relationship. It didn't matter to him, it was a win for him even if he didn't get to be the one who broke it off.
"Sure. I've been wanting to ask the same." He said to her as she looked back at him shocked. He must have the wrong idea here, that's not what she meant.
"No, that's not what I meant (Y/n). I—" She began but he cut her off by braking a little bit roughly in front of a red light.
"You really thought that was what I was thinking? You don't love me Minji, I know you won't ever. What made you think I still had hope for us?" He said, guilt tripping her immediately.
"I've been wanting to end it too. I'm tired of you coming to me because you need to be released. You just use me and I can't help but say yes. I may not have any hope for us, but I still loved you." She hung her head low as he began driving again.
"Sorry..." That was all she muttered to him.
"Don't worry, I don't hate you. I won't ever. But, let's end it here, you're welcome to visit whenever you'd like but not for those reasons anymore. I want to move on from you Minji, as should you." He told her.
He really broke her, she had nothing else to say to him for the rest of the drive. They just sat in silence and said nothing. Before they knew it, they had already they had already arrived at her dorm. (Y/n) offered to walk her in but she refused his offer. She took in a minute before mustering herself to say one thing.
"I'm really sorry (Y/n), thank you for being here for me. You deserve so much more than this, be happy, not just for me and for yourself." She said before opening her door but she stopped again.
She spun around and grabbed his collar, smashing their lips together for one last time. It was short lived as she pulled away and bidding him farewell. He waited until she made it inside before taking off to work. It was sad to say goodbye, but at the same time he was free. Free from her grasps, no longer held down by her charm. This was his chance to move on and do better for himself.
She didn't hold up as well as she'd hoped to. JiU thought it would be quick and simple to end things with him but why did it hurt so much? All the things he said about her, he's been holding in all along. She still remembers when he confessed and asked for them to be something more. JiU shot him down and told him they were nothing more than friends. She'd never really seen this side of him. He was broken before but this (Y/n) seemed so different. It was like he matured in front of her eyes without even realizing it.
She could've easily said yes to his answer back then, but it was dangerous to her reputation as an idol. It was either her career or him, and she chose her passion. She could've been well off and living a rich life but that wasn't what she dreamt of doing. She loved her life as an idol, her family with the group, and her fans. To give it all up after all these years would be foolish.
If she'd chosen him, she'd probably be a mother by now. Living in a big mansion with together and living the perfect life. It didn't seem so bad... but it wasn't right for her. She never wanted his money in the end.
JiU walked into her room quietly trying not to wake her roommate. She laid down onto her bed for a second, she needed to get him out of her head. But why was it so hard? All she could think of was how quickly he agreed. This was what she wanted in the end... but why did she feel this way. Her mind began to go against her, as she thought of the other possibility. She wanted him to tell her no, she wanted him to fight for her and ask her to stay. JiU tried shutting this out but couldn't help but cry at the thoughts of her losing him now. She covered her eyes with her arm as tears slowly dropped down. Her breath sped up and it became hard to breathe for her. She was crying...
"What happened? JiU?! Why are you crying?" JiU looked over to see Yoohyeon by her side. She quickly pulled her in for a hug trying to calm her down.
It took a bit before JiU was able to stop her tears and push back her thoughts. By now all the others have found out and tried to cheer her up while some ended up spamming (Y/n) with texts and calls. He finally picked up after the wave of spams.
"Hey, what the hell did you do to her?! You brought her back in a crying mess! You better explain this right now (Y/n)!" SuA shouted into her phone blasting out his eardrums.
JiU had begged them not to call him but they did regardless. She tried to make them end the call but they didn't listen and tried to get the truth out. Once she heard his voice on speaker, she broke down even more. Why was it hurting so much leaving him?
"Dami get the stick! We're beating him when he gets here." SuA told her before they both ran off to go find the prop.
Siyeon took over the phone and brought it closer to JiU so that they could talk. She still wasn't able to mutter anything out, not to him. Siyeon relayed the message to him and said she couldn't say anything to him.
"JiU, I thought this was what you wanted? Didn't you ask to end it with me? Are you having second thoughts?" He asked her.
"You tried to end things?" Gahyeon asked JiU, looking up from being attached onto their leader in a hug. She couldn't say anything but only nodded as they transmitted her answer.
"Okay, this isn't going to work. You two need to get back together." Yoohyeon said losing her sanity at this sight.
"You were being mean weren't you (Y/n)?" Siyeon assumed, scolding him.
"Can someone at least support my side of the story? You're all against me right now, JiU's not answering. Why am I the bad guy here?" He pleaded for his innocence.
"JiU asked me to end things with her, since she didn't want this anymore. I agreed and asked for us to move on as well. I did as you asked, why are you turning this on me JiU?" His voice sounded hurt, just like the same when she rejected him.
"I get that you don't want to see me again, but you don't have to be like this. Spare me what's left of my heart please, you've already shattered what I had. Don't tell me to be happy, only to throw me under a bus. What was that last kiss even for...?" JiU could hear his voice breaking, the few sniffles that came through the phone showed that he was on the verge of crying.
"Okay, we need to sort this out with her. Come by later (Y/n) and we'll fix this." Siyeon said before ending the call.
They turned off the phone before taking a seat and tried to get the truth out. She told them it all, he wasn't lying about anything. It seemed foolish to be against him, he'd done nothing wrong. The only problem here was JiU and her demons. She was struggling with her feelings for him. The way the others saw it, she clearly loved him back. She was just too afraid to admit it and tell him. The only way she could suppress it was to create that relationship with him. The more she had tried to resist it all, the more she ended up for falling for (Y/n). When he agreed to letting her go, JiU finally realized what she was going to be giving up. She didn't want that one bit. She messed up a long time ago, and now she's starting to realize it all.
Later that evening
The doorbell rung as Gahyeon ran over to answer the door. Her loud voice alerted the others who had shown up. She quickly pulled in (Y/n) and lead him to the others. As he walked into the next room he felt an object hit him on the head as he turned to the side seeing Dami holding her stick.
"He's here right?!" SuA screamed running into the room with her weapon ready to murder him.
"Yah! I thought you girls talked this through?! You're really gonna kill me here?!" He shouted at them as he held the bump that Dami made.
The two scrambled away and hid while (Y/n) made his way over to the rest of the somewhat sane members. He noticed JiU was missing from the others and didn't want to quite ask for her just yet. He sat down next to them and tended to his wound.
"Aish, I wish Handong was here to keep these crackheads under control."
(We still miss you Dongie)
"We miss her too (Y/n). You better be voting for her!" Gahyeon shouted at him.
"Of course I still am. I hope she wins." He reassured her.
They kept talking about some other topics before JiU finally came out of her room. The moment she laid her eyes on him, she felt nothing but pain. She wanted to be in his arms and be comforted by him. JiU made her way over and sat amongst the members and (Y/n).
"Okay, let's get this over with. You two need to make up and get back together." Yoohyeon announced.
"Is that what she wants? She ended things only to restart it again, all in one day?" (Y/n) asked, his voice was filled with disappointment.
"Be happy! You're getting back together. Don't act like you're over her (Y/n)." Siyeon told him, playing with his unrequited feelings.
"I was about to. She pulled me back in, for what? So that I can continue to share my one sided love?" He responded to them.
"If this is all she wanted then I wasted my time. I don't plan on going back to being friends with benefits. If all she is missing is me in bed with her, then find someone else. I've given up too much of my time to be played with." (Y/n) claimed, as he stood up and grabbed his coat.
"What happened to the (Y/n) who was head over heels for her? What happened to that sweet guy who loved her?" Gahyeon asked.
(Y/n) turned around and looked at them. He knew he was probably being rude for everything, but he was only doing what was right by him.
"I'm still here, but I'm not going to be wasting my love on someone who never loved me in return. It took me a while to realize and wake up from that dream. I hoped maybe I would change her and she would feel different about me, but it never happened. All she wants is me for her sexual release."
"(Y/n), you're being rash here. She was just confused. Give her another chance, she told us that she felt the same way for you. You two can be official this time." Siyeon told him, they were all vouching for her so much it was painful.
He didn't want to believe it, he couldn't. Not when she was sat right there not saying a single word to him. If she wanted him, she would have to speak up and tell him herself. The members were doing her work for her. That wouldn't be enough for him to trust her again.
"I would very much prefer to hear it from her, but instead she's having you girls cover for her." He sighed as he sat down again.
"If it's going to be this much of a problem... then we can do it again. You don't have to tell me lies about her loving me. Just call me whenever you need me." He said, looking at JiU.
"She does— agh! Forget it! Just take this as a win. They're back together, now we can be happy. They'll be sucking faces soon enough." Yoohyeon was slowly losing her mind at this scene.
They left the two alone and ran off into their rooms. JiU rushed over and hugging him immediately. She thanked him for giving her another chance. Though it was agreed between them that this was still their old relationship. No love and feelings were going to be felt between them. She was still just going to be using him in the end. He hated himself for agreeing, but he'd never get to leave without accepting.
They both went back at it, meeting up and having their sessions together. She was still using him to please herself. At this point he just went along with it, aside from truly holding back all the love he once felt for her. The things they did together, he no longer held passion for it. He didn't waste any of his love trying to be romantic with her. What was the point if she didn't appreciate it in the end? She'd show up whenever she wanted and they would sleep together. The first few days turned into weeks and soon it was another month that they've been together. He was getting tired of it all. Tired of not being able to call her his, or have her look at him and feel the same way he did for her.
He even drowned himself in work to distract himself from her and even sometimes stayed behind after office hours to avoid meeting up with her. He'd tell her he was busy and dealing with work so that he wouldn't have to meet her and have another session. Either situation he chose, stress was killing him rapidly. He wasn't getting any younger, and here he was wasting his life away.
(Y/n)'s POV
Today was his day off and luckily he hadn't spent the night with JiU. Can't say the same for the rest of today since she had asked him to meet up with her. She wanted to do something outdoors for once and seeing how she caught him at a good time, she knew he had nothing else to do. No excuses to escape from her this time.
(Y/n) got up and prepared for their date. He didn't go overboard and dress all that fancy, still had to wear something good though. Once he finished, he set out and drove to the location she had asked him to meet her at. It was just a small cafe she had told him. She wanted to spend the whole day with him so she thought it would be nice to start off small and lead to bigger things.
The little bell jingled as he walked through the entrance alerting the workers of a customer. (Y/n) didn't have to look hard to find her, she sat in the corner looking stunning as ever.
He made his way over and sat across from her after greeting each other. They wasted no time ordering food and getting straight to the point. If they were a couple, this would've been the perfect date. Other people had even noticed their cute interactions, even the workers viewed them as quite the perfect couple.
A small concern of his was her identity. Minji didn't cover herself up today and was openly sitting here with him having breakfast like nothing else mattered. He was sure people would notice and even alerted Minji herself, but she shot him down.
"Who cares? Let them see." She said smirking, even giving him a small peck on the cheek.
"We're not even dating. If this gets out, what do you think happens to both of us?" He asked again still concerned of their open situation.
"We'll deal with it later. Right now, the only thing I care about is us." She told him.
He couldn't argue with that, not when she herself mentioned them as "us". It hit him hard and brought back his feelings for her, not like they ever left. He could only suppress them so much while being around her and continuing to fall for her. That wasn't how you got over someone.
They finished their food and left the cafe before heading to another place. JiU wanted to get some shopping done today as well, so who else to judge her clothing but him? She tried on multiple outfits and slowly killed him with her beauty. She wasn't the visual for nothing.
After their shopping break, JiU brought him to a nearby park. They took a nice stroll around the lake, stopping to take photos of each other and some together. Their fun was long lived as they finally decided it was enough and left to return to his place for the main event.
JiU quickly crashed onto his couch while searching for a new film for them to enjoy. (Y/n) had them stop for some groceries on the way since she had requested him to cook some food for them. She always enjoyed his cooking and would take it whenever she had the chance. While he cooked, she dug her way though his cabinets and found some soju. He always had a restocked stash of these for his own purposes. Normally JiU would've poured both of them a glass already but she stopped and put it away.
They recently had a night of drinking and it went pretty bad in her memory. He took it upon himself to escape from reality and drink the most out of them two. He couldn't remember the night before so she didn't want to remind him.
While he was cooking JiU made her back to the couch. Unknown to him, JiU had started posting pictures of their day onto their media account. Even one with both of them together. This would cause quite a ruckus among the fan base. Fans started going crazy immediately and it began to spread like wildfire.
To be even more daring, JiU started up a Vlive and started recording herself. Fans piled up into the chat room and saying that she was in a different house. Questions were spammed up into the chat and she simply laughed and ignored them. Instead she brought her phone over and reversed it, revealing (Y/n). She recorded him for a few seconds just cooking before he noticed and turned to the camera. He frowned immediately, not approving of what she was doing.
"Hey, turn that off. We're going to get in trouble." JiU didn't listen and instead she placed her phone down so it could record them. She walked over closer to him and leaned up to give him a small kiss.
She couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face. She knew there was nothing that would happen. Her company owed a lot to him, they wouldn't dare create problems between their agreement. The only problem would be the fans themselves. After all, this was a pretty strong sign of their precious idol dating someone. JiU turned to the camera waving goodbye before ending the Vlive.
"I hope we live to see tomorrow." He said, still worried about their reveal.
Meanwhile at the dorm
Yoohyeon checked her phone after taking a shower only to see the news everywhere. They were even trending on twitter. She was so happy only to nearly fall unconscious.
"Hey look we're trending. And... we're dead." She dropped her phone before alerting the others of JiU's bold moves.
Back to (Y/n)
Both of them finished their plate and (Y/n) took the time to wash the dishes while JiU checked the news online. She couldn't help but laugh at the comments that were shipping them, while some of the less friendly ones she read and ignored. (Y/n) even received a call from the other girls themselves but JiU answered it for him. All she said to them was that she'd explain later and that was all it took for them to trust her.
"Keep your eyes on me only. Nothing else matters right now." She told him.
She lead him over to the couch before making him sit with her. JiU cuddled onto him tightly as they continued their routine of watching one movie per visit. It was hard for both of them to pay attention when both of their phones were going off from notifications.
"Give me your phone." JiU asked him, earning another frown from him. He handed it over as she set it to silent and put it aside.
"Too many distractions. Now it's only us." She said also shutting her phone off.
The movie continued but it was still hard for both of them to focus when there were so many things that could be going wrong right now without them even knowing. He flinched a little when she grabbed his hand as she held onto it tightly. She looked up at him and only smiled. Why did he have to fall for such a wonderful girl. If only they were a real couple.
"Why did you show everyone? You realize what's going to happen now right?" He asked her but she only laughed at his scolding.
"And why should I care? It's my life, why should they get a say in who I kiss and don't?" She responded.
"You don't have to care, but showing that to everyone in the world is going to create problems. Not just for me, but you and your group."
"Well a wise man once said, 'real fans are those who still love you after your marriage', so I don't care much for those who give up after seeing us together." She sat up before fully facing towards him.
"Besides, why are you complaining? Isn't this what you wanted? The type of relationship where two people can share whatever they do together, not giving a single care about what anyone else thinks?" She asked him.
"Yes that's what I wanted, but that's a real relationship. Why do you think we can't do that Minji?" He answered her.
"Fine then, let's become official." He froze in front of her, not even blinking.
"What? What are you—" He began but she didn't listen and continued to talk.
"I'll contact the company tomorrow and tell them about us. We can even announce it ourselves." She said.
"Why? Why would you even do that?! What's the point of any of this? Why do you want to be 'official' now?!" He asked her as he began raising his voice at the end to show his frustration. She hung her head low feeling all the amount of hatred he held inside.
"I'm sorry..." She whispered to him, pressing her head against his chest.
"I know it's wrong for me to ask, but I want us to be something now. It took me a while to realize, I'm sorry. After that day, I felt what it was like to lose you and I hated it. Once I realized that I would no longer be able to be around you and hold you as mine, I knew it wasn't right. You complete me (Y/n), you control me better than I do myself and you give a twist on my life. I never said it back because I never knew, I didn't know that I loved you too." She broke down while he began to comfort her, closing their gap and embracing her fully.
"Don't do this out of pity. If you love me now then I won't reject you. If you had pulled something like this that day I would have said no, but because you won me back with time again, I won't. I would be lying if I said wasn't in love with you anymore Minji." His words began to comfort her, knowing his heart still belonged to her.
"Thank you (Y/n) for everything. If you hadn't said yes on that day I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be able to spend time like this with you. I'm happy that I'm finally yours. I'm sorry I took so long." She told him.
It started with a kiss between them before getting more and more heated. However she stopped him, pulling away from what was about to happen.
"I'm sorry again, but can we not do it tonight?" She asked him nervously.
"Whenever you're ready then, I'll wait as long as you need." He gave her his answer.
"Well... maybe not for the next nine months (Y/n)." She said to him as he gave her a look of confusion.
"Nine months? I won't complain... but why so long?" He asked.
"Thank you again (Y/n). I won't take you for granted ever again, because on that day I realized what I could have lost by losing you. I would've lost everything, even this." She told him, grabbing his hand and placing it against her stomach.
"I'm pregnant (Y/n)." She couldn't contain her happiness as a bright smile appeared on her face and she let out a laugh. Laughing even more at the look on his face, he was confused, happy, and even angry.
"Since when?!" How did you even... we used protection!" He scrambled to find out how this even happened.
"You remember that one night...? We both had a little too much to drink. I chose not mention it again, thinking maybe it won't happen. Then a few days ago I felt strange and sick at times, so I decided to get a test. I can do it again if you don't believe me." His memories raced back to that fateful night and realizing what he'd done.
"No, you don't have to. I... don't know what to say right now. First you confess to me and now you're telling me you're pregnant with my child, please tell me I'm not dreaming." He told her.
JiU raised her hand and swiped it across his face as the slap echoed out into the room. He muttered a small thank you to her before she rubbed his cheek to comfort him.
"See? It's real, we're real and so is our child." She said keeping his hand in hers.
"Your career, your performances, and your fans. What are you going to do about that?" He asked her.
"I've already thought this through, and I am not going to be giving up this child. I'll continue to perform for a few more months, then I'll take my break for the baby. After that, I still want to perform for a few more years." She explained to him.
"And where does that leave me?" He questioned.
"Well that's the hard part... I have one last favor to ask you (Y/n). Can you take care of our child for me?" She said this to him knowing how horrible it made her sound. It was like she was using him again while she went out and partied in different countries, he'd be stuck here with their child while managing a company.
"So... you want me to raise our child, without you around? Our child that will grow up without knowing who their mother was?" He said, his voice had a tint of coldness to it.
"No, I'll be here whenever I can. When there isn't a performance or schedule then I'll be right here by your side. It won't be like that..." She had tried to reassure him but who knows what the future had in store for them.
"What happens when you're on a world tour? What if I have my business trips?" He continued on questioning their parenting potential.
"We can have family watch over them. We can even hire caretakers. Trust me (Y/n), we'll work this out." She was fighting hard for him to agree with her. This was something they had to be together for. This can't be what tears them apart and ruins their newly awakened relationship.
As much as she didn't want to believe him, she knew he was right about both of them though. Their child very well could grow up without ever knowing them that well if they don't spend time together. (Y/n) still had work to attend to and JiU still had her idol life. Neither wanted to give theirs up nor force the other to give up their dreams right there.
"What happens to you and I? Where do we go from here then? If you choose to continue your career then do we stay like this?" She gave him a look of confusion not sure what he was quite getting at. He took ahold of her hands and said the words he'd been wanting to say ever since he met her.
"Will you marry me? Not right now, but when I do ask. I want us to be more than just this. I know it's just a piece of paper, but I want our names linked together forever." A smile cracked across her face as soon she heard those words.
"Of course I will. You better do it properly next time." They met with another kiss shorter but just as sweet.
"If we're not going to be doing it anymore, then why don't we end this night differently. I think we should let the others know about this too. They're probably already more insane than before." (Y/n) joked.
JiU agreed and they both went back to her dorm. (Y/n) drove them back as they discussed their plans for the future. When they arrived it wasn't that late quite yet so the others should still be awake. She lead him inside only to see the members swarm them with their questions. One by one they both defused the ticking bomb that was Dreamcatcher. Once everything settled down the two announced their new relationship.
"Oh by the way, (Y/n) and I are a thing now. For real this time." JiU quickly said, leaning her head onto his shoulder cutely.
"Finally, now you two can stop playing with each other's feelings. I'm tired of having to play both sides." Yoohyeon let out her reliefs being able to breathe for once in a while.
"So are going to move in with (Y/n) then? Or are you still staying with us?" Gahyeon asked.
(Y/n) told her JiU she was free to do so whenever she was ready to. They were in no rush to do so since they still had time to mess around.
"Probably within a few months? I think that sounds good. It'll probably be best for the baby." JiU said to the group.
"The what?" All of the asked as no more words came out of any of the girls, only their reactions formed on their faces.
"What?!" All of them shouted at JiU.
"Oh yeah, by the way I'm pregnant." She said to them normally.
"I thought I told you both to use protection!" Yoohyeon erupted like a volcano on both of them.
"We did, except for one time." He said his head dropping low at the end.
"So what now? Are you two going to keep the kid?" Siyeon asked.
JiU just gave her a look that shouted "are you crazy?" She felt (Y/n)'s hands over her stomach before turning to him, not being able to conceal her smile. The others cringed at their lovey dovey moment that just happened for all of them too see.
"Of course we are. It's our child, we're not giving them up." (Y/n) told them as they didn't argue with him.
"This will set us behind then. Maybe we all can get a break too then? If it'll just be 5 of us then there's no point in performing a new comeback." SuA commented on their new found situation.
"That's fine with us, I'd love a small break soon." Siyeon added as they shifted the attention back to the couple and needed to get some things under control.
"So, since the media already knows about you two. How do you plan on breaking the news of you being pregnant?"
"Eh, we'll deal with that later. I'll probably just end up making (Y/n) announce it. You'll do it for me right?" She begged him, getting all close to his face.
"Of course, whatever you want I'll do." He answered immediately like he was under a spell.
The others face palmed at his quick acceptance obviously being bribed by Minji's charm. She laughed and kissed him right there and then in front of everyone . Gahyeon squealed at seeing them kiss while some of the others were disgusted. Dami snapped a photo before sending it to Handong.
They all decided to call it a night and go to sleep. (Y/n) asked if JiU wanted to stay here or head back with him but instead she asked him to spend the night here. They adjusted the rooms a little and left the two alone.
"No sex! I wanna sleep tonight." Yoohyeon told them before shutting the door.
JiU laid in (Y/n)'s arms as they both spent the next hour talking and planning for tomorrow. JiU eventually got sidetracked and started getting excited about another more important note.
"What about names? You should start thinking of some." She told him rapidly tapping him on the chest.
"Okay okay, we can plan this tomorrow. You need to get some sleep." He told her.
"I still can't believe you're going to be a father." She squealed against his chest.
"You too, how does it feel mommy?" They both laughed at the sound of that word.
They both focused after a while and fully planned tomorrow together. She wanted to speak with the company and announce her upcoming hiatus and their relationship. (Y/n) needed to be there to announce his part of the story and have a new title as JiU's partner. There were going to be a lot of problems, but they'd stick through it together. First the company, the fans, and lastly and most importantly their child.
Okay, I went too vanilla on this one. I messed up the plot and went too easy on the reader and characters. I still like how it turned out, short and sweet. That's 4/7 for these girls, probably going to be it for a while. I need new ideas for the rest, SuA's too erotic for me, Handong and Dami are my biggest challenges. We'll see if I make a return to my girls.
Again, please vote and give feedback. Do people read these? I really appreciate those who do. Stay safe, stay inside!
Next: Joy
Some potential new chapters coming after:
Lee Ji-eun (IU)
(Stay strong our precious angel)
Park Bo-Young
(Fell in love with Abyss so I'll probably use that as her chapter)
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