Daffy P.O.V.
The next day I invite everyone over to my house again. What? It is going to be fun! Once everyone gets here "Can we play spin the bottle again?" Cara asks. I give her the look. She gives me a 'what?!' Look.. "Oooh ok." Annabelle says, eagerly looking at Ignis thinking about something. Yuna pretended she didn't know. "Can I go first?" Noctem asked. "Sure!" Cara replied. The bottle spun and spun till it stopped at Hydra.
"How bout they just hug?" Cara suggested. "ok " Hydra agreed. They gave each other an awkward hug. "Yuna your turn!" I say. "No, I want to go," Annabelle said. Annabelle is so brave at times like this. "Oh ok!" the bottle spins then stops at Ignis. Annabelle pecks his cheek and sits back down. Yuna looked down again playing with her fingers. I went to the restroom hoping I wouldn't get picked or else I would get kissed and then would have to kiss someone else. I expected everything to run smoothly but when I came back I heard Shouting.
I look and Loli and Jackson are fighting. "Daf fix it!" Cara tells me. "But why me?!" I ask what? I didn't want to be in the middle of it. "Because your the person to fix fights!" She explained. *sigh* whyyy. "Break it up guys! Loli, Jackson has a right to secrets and why should he tell you? He needs to trust you. Jackson doesn't get mad at Loli for being hurt, yes she doesn't get it, but she can't control that" I say to them. Everyone just looks at me surprised. A few seconds they look back at Loli and Jackson.
They finally solved the problem. I was getting tired then out of nowhere. No I mean NO WHERE LIKE OUT of thin air or something my dad says "Ok, you kids should go now." grin at them. "DAAAAAAAAAAAAD, stop spying on us!!!" I complained. Why do parents do these things?! Everyone got up and said their goodbyes. "Maybe we can do this again soon." Aiden said, looking at Jolie. "Yeah!" Yuna said happily. And soon just me and Yuna remained in the room.
Daffy POV
The next day was officially the 2nd day of winter break and I guess my house was declared 'The Place For Winter Break'. I got ready for the day. Hmmmm Let's go with a light blue top with black leggings. I wear the outfit and go to Victoria. Victoria is my version of Vertina but nicer... It was a gift from Cara's family last year. I finish and eat breakfast. I had nothing to do but play with Moon. Moon is Yuna's alicorn but She said we can share her. I went over to Moon's pen and found that she was sleeping. Oh well now I really have nothing to do.
I go to me and Yuna's room and find Yuna on her imparter talking to Loli. So I decide to go annoy them. "Hi Loli!!" I say on the side of the imparter. "Oh hi Daf!" Loli replies confused. "Daf can you go bug someone else?" Yuna asks me. I leave in defeat. Younger siblings are supposed to annoy older siblings, that's just how it works!
I go back downstairs and out the front door. I go to my favorite tree. It was a medium tree. It has pink and yellow circular leafs, It's branches were all curved and randomly some were in a staircase formation already. I climb up the tree and into my tree house. From up there I can see the water and our little beach. I saw a Kelpie and that gave me an idea! Another HANGOUT! I don't know how a Kelpie is related to a hangout but at least I have something to do now! I look around the tree house and spot my mom with a basket of stuff walking to the house.
I climb down the tree. I walk over to her "Hey Mom is it ok if i have my friends come over today?" I ask, hopefully she says yes. "Of course sweetie. When are they coming over?"' My mom asked me. "Wait let me ask" I say. I quickly ask everyone when they are coming over. "Around 1 I think" I tell her. I opened the door for her. "Ok" She said while setting the basket down. It was 12:45 so 15 more minutes to go. I grab my imparter "Hail Cara.". "Oh hey Daffy! I said I am coming at 12:50." She tells me. "Oops forgot. See you soon!" I say.
5 minutes later Cara appears. We talk for a little bit and soon everyone arrives. We decided to play 'You Won't' It was CRAZY even though only 2 turns have happened. Loli had to kiss her own brother and thats gross. Hydra pranked Elwin and Auntie Sophie. (I know Daffy is basically Sophie's sister but let's just say she is her niece) It was pretty funny. Hydra is choosing now and hopefully I won't get picked. "Cara" Phew Cara was picked next. Cara's face pales. "Cara you won't....."
It has been officially the 2nd day of Winter break. We kept meeting at Daffy's house so we just called Daffy's place: THE PLACE FOR WINTER BREAK. We decide to mix things up by playing You won't. Everyone doesn't know how to play because well yea. I explain the rules as everyone listens.
If someone says you wont and dares you HAVE to do it.. For ex; Noctem says " Cara, you won't smack Ari" then you HAVE to do it.
You can say skip only 2 times
And it goes on and on.
" So who wants to start?" Ari asks. Annabelle raises her hand. I have officially decided she's the bravest one in the group. Annabelle makes eye contact with everyone trying to choose a victim. Finally she chooses " Loli, You won't kiss your own brother." she smirks.
A series of "OOoooooOoOo"s go around as Loli and Ignis's face turn beetroot red. Loli stares at her brother and pecks his lips making a disgusted face, describing that it was disgusting.
Loli wipes her mouth and then chooses a victim next. "Uhm Hydra, you won't... call Elwin and Ari's mom at the same time." Loli dares. " Oh it's on." Hydra says as she borrows Ari's phone ( yes pretend there is a phone). She calls Elwin on her phone and calls mom on Ari's. " Hello?" Elwin asks as Mom says " Hi Ari." The group tries not to giggle, only those who can't help it go to the other room.
" Huh? You're calling me Ari now Sophie? You really are hurt badly I'll come over." Elwin says. " Wait.. i didn't get hurt! This must be a prank! From either my kids or my husband..but my kids are at Daffy's and Ari took his phone so.. KIDS!" Sophie yells.
" OH YOU KIDS!" Elwin says as he hangs up. Everyone erupts into laughter.
" That. Was. Epic!" Ignis says between laughs. When everyone settles down, Hydra picks her prey. Her eyes land on me. Oh dear.. " Cara, You won't
Yuna POV
"Cara, you won't..." Hydra said slowly. "Kiss Ace" Annabele interrupts. Ace picked pieces of string up from the carpet. Cara closed her eyes slowly and quickly pecked him on the cheek. Even Ace, the laid back popular boy blushed. "Ok... my turn." Cara says wickedly. "Yuna, you won't admit your most uncomfortable moment." "Um.." Yuna said, her stomach churning with anxiety. "Watching someone like someone I like- but that was awhile ago." Yuna said quickly. Loli rolled her eyes. "Loli." Yuna said triumphantly. "Loli, you won't admit your crush." "Well, if everyone else is too chicken to ask or answer this question, I guess I have too. But you never said I had too tell everyone. Im only telling Yuna." "She's so good at getting out of things." Annabelle hissed.
"So... your too chicken to tell your crush that you like them hmmm." Daffy said, smirking. Loli gaped. "Fine, I like Jackson, not that its any of your business." Loli said. Jackson blushed. "I like you too.
" he said in a low voice. They quietly sat together and when Yuna made the "OOOOOOOOO!" Noise, Loli fiercely glared at her. "My turn now." Loli said. "Aiden, you won't admit you didn't 'want too go with Lea." Aiden smirked. "Easy. Of course I didn't want to go with Lea." "Now, Caden, you won't whisper into the person sitting too the right of you, your secret crush. Caden sighed and turned to Annabelle. "My crush is You There." He whispered. "Who the he-" Annabelle started to say before Caden slapped his hand over her mouth.
Enjoy this three view chap! More coming and if you want too do one of these we can set up a google doc. Enjoy!!! - 8gtberry ✌️
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