Chapter 9: Treasure hunt
It was a nice day at the village and we see Kazuma and Y/n walking through the village with Mii on Y/n's shoulder so Y/n can show him the village they live in and possibly even meet a few people as well.
Kazuma: Do you think it's a good idea to bring that mummy into a village?
Y/n: Oh come on, he's not scary or that bad and I think people don't mind having him along.
Kazuma: Yeah I guess so but you sure people won't mistaken it as one of the undead?
Mii gets scared when he said that but Y/n gently pats Mii on the head to calm him while he said to Kazuma.
Y/n: Like Wiz in the shop, Mii is nothing like them. Besides he was in the basement all his life without no friends so I can't say no and leave him there.
Kazuma: Fine I guess that's true but if it start to take iver your body then don't blame me.
Y/n: Jeez whats up with you? Your a bit more.....annoyed then usual.
Kazuma: (sigh) Just that....look at our party man. We have a Darkness who gets turned on by any form of punishment, a useless goddess and Megumin that blows up things all the time!
Y/n: What about Kaori?
Kazuma: Sure she's fine 100% but the rest, sometimes I wish we have a better party.
Y/n: Oh come on Kazuma they might not be great but we're still a team and we do things together no matter what.
Kazuma just roll his eyes and then he stop and noticed something. Y/n stop and look at what Kazuma is doing. They two two members of the guild named Dust and Keith as they were going back and forward and looking at a alleyway and then they hug the wall and peek out of it.
Kazuma: Wonder what are they doing?
Y/n: No clue. Let's ask them.
They walk up to them and once there they asked.
Kazuma: Hey Dust and Keith, what are yous doing?
They turn in surprise and see them. Y/n peek through the alleyway and asked them..
Y/n: Why are you looking down to this alleyway?
Dust: Dude move!
Then he pulled Y/n back and they finally explain what's going on.
Dust: This alleyway is where those Succubus are and once you go in, they can fulfill your request.
Y/n: Succubus? I thought they are very rare to encounter and don't operate in large villages. Why are they some how here?
Keith: Business of course! They will fulfill any requests and came it come true.
Dust: A few of the other guild members go there and they say it was the best.
Y/n: So you just go in, fill in a request and then they will make it come true?
Dust and Keith: (smile) Yes!
Y/n: Ummm it sounds great and all but I rather pass on that.
Dust: Really man?
Keith: Yeah it be great.
Y/n: Sorry I'm not that type of guy for going into a Succubus business and fill in a request even though I may know it's something sexual.
Dust: Well it's your lost.
Keith: What about you Kazuma, you in on it?
Kazuma stare at them until he pull up a thumps up follow by him saying.
Kazuma: Count me in.
So the trio enter the building while Y/n and Mii watch them go in and once that Y/n sighs and said to Mii.
Y/n: Sometimes I question on Kazuma and his sexual things.
Mii: ???
Y/n: You'll learn when older if you get older?
Stiol Y/n walks off when Chris was just hanging on the roof looking down at him and once he was in her trap, she leap down and grab something from Y/n and land on her feet and stood up before saying.
Chris: (smirk) Looks like i got your-
Then she open her hand to see she was holding a bitting Lemon which surprised her until Y/n grab it and take a bite of it.
Y/n: (smirk) Mice try but better luck next time.
Chris: (giggle) Your one hard person to steal.
Then Chris noticed Mii peaking out and Chris lend over ti Mii with a smile and said.
Chris: (smile) Hi there. Your a adorable mummy are you.
Mii hides behind Y/n's should while Chris smiles with a small blush and asked.
Chris: (smile) He's soooo cute! Where did you get him?
Y/n: At our mansion within the basement. He was alone without no friends so I took him as my friend.
Chris: (smile) Aaaawww that's so sweat for you to do. Your truly are the nices guy around.
Y/n: (chuckle) Thanks Chris. Hey, wanna have coffee with me, I'm heading to Wiz place to have coffee if you wanna join.
Chris: (smile) Sure, sounds nice.
(A while later)
Wiz: (smile) How adorable!
Wiz picks up Mii by one hand and giving him a warm smile while Mii looks at Wiz and hugs her nose which Wiz find it even more adorable while Chris and Y/n sat on the table having coffee while they watdh this play out.
Chris: (smile) Looks like Mii likes you.
Y/n: (smile) Guess Mii can tell your an undead just like him.
Wiz: (smile) Indeed but I must say, it was nice for you to take him under your wing. I can't think about how long he was down in that basement.
Y/n: Same but he has a new family now which is us.
Wiz: How is the rest think about Mii.
Y/n: Well Aqua try not to blast him with holy magic but the rest are doing well with him. In fact, Megumin dress him up an outfit that looks like hers with a cute hat that she made.
Wiz: (smile) How adorable.
Chris: So where is Kazuma?
Y/n: Oh two of our guild members told us about this request Succubus business that is going on and Kazuma wanna take part of it but I can probably tell karma will hit him soon.
Chris: Yeah I heard something about a Succubus thing a while ago. At least you didn't go through with it like the other men.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I would rather do something else instead of having Succubus fulfill my request.
Chris: (smile) Cool and it's even more cool because I need someone to go with me on a mission.
Y/n: What is it?
Then Chris pulls out a rolled up map and place it onto the table and unrolled it to reveal a map. Wiz and Y/n look at it and it was a treasure map as Chris explain.
Chris: During a job, I've found this treasure map within a hole on a tree and I figured this treasure may hold a lot of gold coins or diamonds that will last for years.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow.
Wiz: (surprised) That's incredible.
Chris: (smile) Yep. I figured I'll do this alone but when I scout out the location, I needed some help so I've called Riku to help and I hope you will join us as well if you like?
Y/n: (smile) Sure that sounded fun and interesting. I'm in!
Chris: (smile) Perfect! We see you there.
Y/n nods and after they finish their coffee and pay Wiz for it, they split off and Mii leave Y/n at the mansion for his safety and promises he'll be back and head off to meet up with Riku and Chris at where the treasure is at.
It was closwto night and we see Y/n move a few bushes away and look overto see Riku and Chris standing in front of looks like a closed door as he walks over to them.
Riku: (smile) Oh hey Y/n, nice to see you here.
Chris: (smile) Your just in time. We're about to head in.
Y/n: (smile) Nice. So wha are we dealing with in there?
Riku: Yeah you never fully tell us what traps are in there?
Chris: Well these traps are new unlike the rest of the traps I've encounter. Apparently there is these red hot lights shot out of these walls and they were very hot.
Riku: Weird.
Y/n: (thought) Red hot lights? Wait.....Is she talking about laser beams?! In this worlds?! How is that possible, I thought there was no technical in this world? One way to find out.
Y/n: Well let's head in and see what these traps are.
The two node and Chris walks over and swipe what appears to be a computer pad that surprises Y/n a bit and Chris press a button and the door slowly opens up.
Once fully open lights come out of the ceiling and lights up the hallway. Y/n seeing this mist be a modern technology but he question how is that possible.
Riku take one step and the beams came out and nearly hits Riku but she leap back in surprises and said.
Riku: Damn those things are hot as heck!
Chris: That why I can't do this alone. I was hoping any of you might have some ideas.
Y/n: I think I do. Dose any of your have a mirror or anything that can reflect?
Riku: Sure, here.
Riku pass him a mirror and Y/n stwp close to the entrance and he breaths in.....and out and step into the room. A beam shot out at Y/n and he pulls out a mirror and the beam reflected back and destroyed the beam turret.
Riku and Chris were shocked and more beams fire at Y/n but he use the mirror to deflect the beams back at them and destroy each of one of them until they were destroyed.
Y/n lower down his mirror and looks around to see the mirrors are all destroyed and he turn to the two and they walk up to him with Chris hugging Y/n and saying.
Chris: (smile) That was smart, smarty guy!
Y/n: (chuckle) Thanks.
Riku: How did you know that would work?
Y/n: Well it's kinda hard to explain but the beams can be reflected if there is glass or something that can reflect back. Like I said, kinda hard to explain.
Chris: (smile) Hwo cares now we gotten pass the first trap.
Riku: She's right. There is gonna be more traps to encounter.
Y/n: Right. Let's go.
They move forward and they walk through the halls while Y/n question how is technology in a fantasy like world.
Y/n: (thought) How is it possible that technology would existed here? Was this made by aliens? No, someone must have build it here but if so, how come no one hasn't down to the same who better yet, who made it?
They turn a corner and there was a door so they walk over to it and the door slide open. They enter what appears to be a room and on the walls were robot like warriors offline and hanging on the walls recharging.
Chris: (surprised) Wow, what are those things?
Riku: No clue. They look like knights but something I've never seen.
Y/n: (mutter) Their robots.
Chris: Did you say something Y/n?
Y/n: Oh nothing, let's just move on.
They walk to a door and see that the door was locked but there was a keypad and it request a number password.
Chris: Um does anyone know what should I do?
Riku: Don't look at me. I have no idea about this.
Y/n: It's a keypad. So if anyone who own this place wants to go into a room, he puts in the numbers in and the door opens for him.
Chris: Huh so we need four numbers and that's it? Easy.
Riku: Do you even know the number code?
Riku: There has to be another way in?
They look around for another way in and soon Y/n noticed an air vent and he calls out to them and they walk over.
Y/n: We can fit through this air vent and get to the other side.
Chris: (smile) Nice. Let's go.
Riku leaps up and rip open the air vent and they crawl in and they start to crawl through the vent and making their way through the other side.
Riku: So how do you know most of this place Y/n. It seems like you know this place.
Y/n: I've......seen a few things like this on our journey with Kazuma and Aqua but no treasures unfortunately.
Riku: I see. Well it's a good thing your here then.
Chris: (smile) Yeah thanks for joining us.
Y/n: (smile) No problem.
Then they arrive at a vent and Riku break through and they leap out of the air vent and they stand at another room. They look around and in the distance there was a treasure chest behind a glass window.
Chris: (smirk) Huh that was easy as we thought.
Riku: It's weird there is no enemies to fight other then those knights hanging on the wall back there.
Y/n: Still I think we should keep guard.
Chris: (smirk) Don't worry there is no one here so I say we are alright to take the treasure and-
???: Who dares enter this bunker!
Then a door on the floor slide open with steam coming out and a large knight like warrior was lifted up and the floor lock into place as Y/n see it was a large robot knight with a sword and shield.
???: I have see that intruders are here to take the treasure belonging to my master.
Chris: I....May have jinx that did I?
Riku: I believe so.
Y/n: Who are you?
Knight-X: My name is Knight-X and I am the guardian of my master's treasure. I will guard it for my master and protect it from looters like yous.
Chris: (smirk) This is gonna be eays. Ready guys.
Riku and Y/n ready their weapons while Knight-X sees thsi and he to gets into a battle stand and ready for battle. Then Y/n sees his next move and gets in front of Chris and ready to block him. He zip towards Y/n in amazing speed and clash blades with Y/n.
Y/n holds it long until Riku fire arrows at Knight-X but the arrows bounce off of his metal armor.
Riku: (surprised) His armor must be tough.
Y/n: (thought) I think that's his actual body and not his armor!
Then he pushes Knight-X back and he try to swing his sword at him but he dodges and skidded back. Then he slam his sword onto the ground and a enter shield surround him which surprised them.
Then the door behind them open and they turn to see the robot knights from before are activated and rushes towards them.
Y/n: Get behind me!
They did and Y/n charge up his sword and he one swings at the bots and take them all out in one swing. Knight-X deactivate his shield and see this and said.
Knight-X: impressive. I never suspected that you will signal Handley take out all my honourable warriors in one slash.
Y/n: (smirk) Their more of mobs then anything else.
Knight-X: I see but I will not allow you take my master treasure!
Then he fire his missiles at them which Y/n pulls out his arrow and fire one arrow that turn into multiple arrows and they hit the missiles which surprised Knight-X.
Then Y/n came out of the smoke and he clash blades at Knight-X while Chris and Riku watched as Y/n dodges Knight-X slashes and blows and clash his blade at him.
Knight-X was surprised by Y/n's speed and skills but he keeps on going. Y/n lend his sword back and thrust it forward but Knight-X pulls out his shield to block his attack and the sword hits the shield that cist Y/n to step back.
He shakea it off and Knight-X see this has his chances and launch at him. He swings his blade at him and Y/n fell onto the ground with Chris and Roku shocked while Knight-X successfully defeated him.
Then Y/n puffed out and it turns out that was a fake Y/n.
Knight-X: (surprised) What?
He looks around and turn to see Y/n quickly charging at him and swing his blade at him. Knight-X try to block it but the impact sent his sword flying into the air and came back down and Y/n grab it and looks at Knight-X as he fell to his knees in defeat.
Chris and Riku smiled while Y/n point his blade at Knight-X neck as he looks up at him and said.
Knight-X: How is that possible? I was programmed to be skilled of any sword to sword combat and forseen any magic attacks. How is it possible that you defeated me?
Y/n: I guess training and evolving my level that make me stronger and faster then evee before.
Knight-X: I see. I have failed my mission and I must self-destruct for my failure.
Then his chest opens up to reveal a bomb as it counts down to 5 minutes while Knight-X also says to Y/n.
Knight-X: You have won the battle. Please, take the treasure while I will join my brave robot brothers in what ever life takes us. I wish I can see my master one last time and said I'm sorry I am.
Y/n felt back for Knight-X and with that he swing his sword at the bomb and successful stop the count down. Knight-X was surprised by this and looks up at Y/n as he give Knight-X sword back to him while he said.
Y/n: You don't have to kill yourself for your failure. You have so much to live for, even if you are a machine or not, you have a life to spent.
Knight-X: No. There is no life for failures like me. I was programmed to protect thsi treasure no matter what the cost.
Y/n: Well that's not right for your master to seal your and the rest or the bots here for who knows how long. Do you wish to explore the world, make your own decisions or go on an adventure?
Knight-X looks at Y/n in surprised and then Chris and Riku join in by saying.
Chris: (smile) Yeah. You can't just blow up without exploring the world and seeing stuff that you didn't have a chance to see.
Riku: (smile) They are right. Life is pretty precious if you go out and explore.
Knight-X: You think......I deserve to live and don't have to self-destruct?
They nod and Knight-X realise that he never truly explore the world before when he was made. He look at his robot hand and feels like this is his chance to be free and be himself.
He close his chest and stood up while he grab his blade and looks at them and said.
Knight-X: Your right. I should explore the world and make my own decision in life. Thank yous for convincing me to realise that I have more to life then I thought.
They smiled and once that they take the treasure and drag it all the way out of the bunker and once outside, Chris set it down and rub her hands together while she said.
Chris: (smirk) Alright, let's see what's inside.
Riku: (smile) Can't wait to see what's inside.
Y/n: (smile) Same, let's open it!
Chris opens the chest and they look inside and see no golf coins, no diamonds or no jewelry. Inside there were.......manga. lots and lots of manga as Chris picks up one and the front cover shows a sexsy girl with large breast which Chris asked Knight-X.
Chris: Um...what kind of treasure are these?
Knight-X: Oh those are what my master calls "porn or Hentai manga." He said they are his important treasure and I must protect it no matter the cost. He also take one to the bathroom for some reason but yous are welcome to have them if yous like.
Y/n, Riku and Chris:.....................
Then Riku light of a fire and burn all the manga within the chest.
Riku: If we encounter this pervert in anyway....I'm gonna kill him.
Chris: You and me both girl.
Y/n: Well....besides that, at least it was fun. Plus we have a new friend.
Knight-X: Friend?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Like someone to be with you or hangs out with you and have fun. Like those type of friends.
Knight-X: So friends are that people enjoys being around people?
Y/n: (smile) Yep.
Knight-X: And you wanted to be my friend?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. What do you say?
Knight-X stare at Y/n for a while and then he bend down to Y/n which confused them until Knight-X says.
Knight-X: I, Knight-X. Warrior and protecer will be your friend. But my loyalty has now change. I here by serve to the one that shows true honour and my master. Y/n, I here by be your knight and I will follow your any orders you ask for my master.
Y/n: (shocked) Huh?!
Chris: (smile) Wow that's awesome! You got a knight on your side.
Riku: (smile) Agree. That is cool.
Y/n: (smile) I guess.
Y/n: (thought) I wasn't suspected a robot will be loyal to me? But then again it would be cool to have.
Y/n: (smile) Sure but can you just call me by my real name. Call me Y/n, ok?
Knight-X: Very well. I will be your knight sir Y/n.
Y/n: (thought) Close enough.
Now Knight-X have a new purpose now which is to serve Y/n as his knight whole being his friend as the rest return back with Knight-X as their new friend within the village.
We see a demon warrior rushing through the halls of the mansion and we cut to Kin and Eryu in the dinner hall having their peaceful meal when the door burst open and they turn to see one of their demon warrior panicked and breathing.
Eryu: What is it?
Demon warrior: My apologies for the interruption but I have gotten bad news!
Kin: What is it? It can't be that bad.
Demon Warrior: It's the destroyer! It's handing to this area any day now!
Kin drop his fork and stare at the demon warrior in shock and fear hearing this news.
Kin: (shocked) You mean the mobile fortress destroyer?! How is that possible, I thought the other demon generals dealt with it!?
Demin warrior: They gave but it seems it has returned and handing here!
They sat there in silence and Eryu looks through the window as it rains outside while he says.
Eryu: I wonder how Y/n will deal with this destruction like creature.
Kin: You think he and his pathetic friends will even destroy it.
Eryu drink his tea before he said while he stare out of the window and turn to Kin and the demon warrior.
Eryu: Let us see how this will plays out.
To be continued.............
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