Chapter 8: The hunting Mansion
It was another day at the guild where we see Y/n sat down and talking to a few guild members. They share a few laughs while they drink and chatted. Luna watch this in the distances and have this feeling towards Y/n for a while and wants to talk to him.
When the guild members left she walks over and hands Y/n a cup of beer which Y/n takes and said to Luna.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Luna.
Luna: (smile) No problem Y/n. Hey, mind I sit next to you?
Y/n: (smile) Sure I don't mind.
Luna felt joyed as she sat down next to him while Y/n sip his drink.
Luna: (little nervous) So Y/n, how is things in the guild?
Y/n: (smile) Good met a few people and work seems doing alright. Kazuma is trying to get a place for us to stay since he can't stand staying in a barn.
Luna: Must be very uncomfortable staying there. If you want, yous can stay with my place if yous like?
Y/n: It's alright but thanks for the offer.
Luna: N-Nope problem, any idea what place yous be staying at?
Y/n: no clue but I hope it's not somewhere they might indanger us.
Luna: I'm sure Kazuma would never chose something like that.
Y/n: Oh yeah. Last week he bought a beautiful house that is near a lake and he said "Surely nothing will not go wrong." Turns out that lake is filled with sea monsters that nearly killed us and Megumin have to blow it up.
Luna: Whoa that must be horrible.
Y/n: Yeah but hopefully the next one won't end up like the last few house he picked.
Luna: How many did he pick that turn out to be dangerous?
Y/n: Ummmm 11 houses.
Luna: (surprised) 11 houses? That must be a lot?!
Y/n: Yeah but hopefully the next house would he nice and not dangerous or anything.
Luna: (smile) Well never give up. I'm sure yous can find a place stay very soon.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess your right Luna. So how is work around the guild been doing?
Luna: Pretty tough but I like my job.
Y/n: (smile) Cool, if you ever needed help then you call me and I'll help.
Luna: (little blush) N-No it's alright, your a guild member so you don't have to help me.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry Luna, your work very hard for this guild. A good thing to do is to return the favour and help you out of the guild for once besides I don't mind.
Luna's heart skips a beat to hear Y/n's offer and blushes a bit more.
Luna: (thought) Y/n your such a gentleman. Maybe one day I can go on a date with you one day. Maybe I should-
Kazuma: Yo Y/n!
They look over to see Kazuma walking over to Y/n and Luna and once there he also said to Luna.
Kazuma: (smile) Hey Luna, see your doing alright.
Luna: Y-Yes thank you.
Kazuma: (smile) Cool. So Y/n I finally gotten a place to stay..
Y/n: (smile) Awesome, what is it?
Kazuma: It's an old mansion outside of town and it seems like a good place to stay in.
Y/n: Cool, I'll get my stuff and.....Wait.....Old mansion?
Kazuma: Yep.
Y/n: Outside of town?
Kazuma: Yep.
Y/n: And it seem pretty good place to stay in?
Kazuma: Yep.
Y/n gives Kazuma a glare while sweat appears on Kazuma like he is keeping something else. Y/n lend over and then asked.
Y/n: Where did you find out about this old mansion?
(Short while later)
It was the afternoon where we see Y/n and the rest standing in front of the mansion that Kazuma was talking about and he told Y/n the layout of it and why he bought it which Y/n shake his head and says.
Y/n: So let me get this straight. You find a job in the job request board about a hunting mansion and you take it so you can clans the house off of evil spirits so we can keep it?
Kazuma: Yep. Since Aqua has holy magic, we can clear all spirits and have the mansion as our reward. That's like killing tow birds in one stone.
Y/n: I'm gonna say this once but Kazuma.......your a genius for once.
Kazuma: (anger) And I wasn't a genius a few times in the past?
Y/n: Not even close.
Kaori: (smile) I think this is a nice place to stay in.
Darkness: Indeed and with those evil spirits in there just waiting for us to enter to possessed us and take over put bodies to do unspeakable things.
Darkness start to pant just thinking about it which made Kaori a bit uncomfortable and move to the loft just a little.
Megumin: (smirk) This will be a great opportunity for me to show those evil spirits what is truly to be a Crimson demon with the magic of explosion!
Then Kazuma slaps Megumin on the back of the head while he said.
Kazuma: We're not gonna blow up another house so leave your explosion magic to yourself.
Megumin: (mad) Well you don't have to hit me Kazuma!
Y/n: Hey Aqua do you since any spirits in there?
Aqua: Yep so we be best be careful once we head in.
Y/n: (smile) Right, let's go guys.
They all nod and they walk through the gates and walk towards the door. They open the door and step inside and soon reach the living room to see a couch facing the fireplace with a carpet laying in the middle, a fathers clock at the far end and a table with red cloth covering it.
They step inside and set their stuff in as they look around the living in amazement.
Kaori: (surprised) Whoa I never been a mansion like this before. This is really amazing.
Y/n: Yeah but let's not keep our guard down. There is still spirits around here that might come out at night.
Kazuma: (smile) OK while yous go and search for this spirit, I'm gonna go and get some shut eye.
Y/n: Really, your just gonna let us look for evil spirits while you take a nap?
Kazuma: Oh don't worry, I'm sure their not that bad. So goodnight.
Then he walks off to bed while the rest watch him go.
Y/n: (thought) I bet he is gonna be the first one gonna get possessed sooner or later.
Kaori: So what's the plan?
Y/n: Well we should split up into twos so none of us won't get possessed or attacked by evil spirits.
Megumin: (smile) I agree so I'll go with Y/n.
Darkness: No way! He needs a body shield in order to be safe. So, I should be the one that shall go with him!
Aqua: No way! I'm the one he use holy spells so I should go with him so he won't be possessed!
Kaori: B-But I wanna go with Y/n as well.
The four girls argue who shall go with Y/n while Y/n stands there and wonder to himself.
Y/n: (thought) This might be a long night.
While in the darkness behind Y/n outside of the living room. We see two red evil eyes glaring at them before it vanished into the darkness.
(A while later)
We see Y/n and Darkness walking through the halls that is only lighted by touches on walls as they look for any evil spirits and during their walk, Darkness says to Y/n.
Darkness: Do not fear Y/n, I will use my body to shield you form getting possessed.
Y/n: You don't really have to do that Darkness.
Darkness: Do not be nonsense! Your a strong warrior and it is my job to keep my team safe even by means sacrificing my own body for it.
Y/n: Still you don't have to use your body as a shield to protect your friends. You can use other things like a sword of a shield to protect yourself and even others from enemy attacks.
Darkness: True but........I........I'm kinda bad at it.
Y/n: Your bad at weaponry?
Darkness: (little nervous) M-Mostly swords. I never get to seem to land a hit on any of my enemies.
Y/n: (thought) I guess that explains why she keep on missing during the cabbage festival a few weeks back.
Y/n: (smile) If you wanna some help, I'll be gladly to help you get better in combat.
Darkness: (surprised) R-Really? Wait, is this one of your punishments your gonna do to me?
Y/n: Wh-What no! It's something I wanna help you get better in combat. Even though you might get turned on if getting hurt i still think of you as a cool Crusader.
Darkness: (blushed) Y-You think I'm cool?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah and your pretty brave in combat as well. Your great as a crusader and I'm glad your apart of us.
Darkness blushes even more and never have anyone said that to her in her whole life. She really dose love Y/n and wnats to keep him safe but also wanna see if he'll be interested to go on a date.
Suddenly the touches lit up on the walls suddenly blow out and there was a sudden cold around them. Y/n and Darkness were back to back as they draw out their swords and waited for something within the darkness to strike.
Suddenly something did came out towards Y/n and he slice it and it fell onto the ground. They look down and see it was a dull with a head cut off because of Y/n slicing it's head off.
Y/n: Dolls. Why dose every hunted mansion have creepy dolls laying around?
Then they hear a child laughter echoing throughout the halls and they turn to see dolls flying out of the darkness and comes towards them.
Y/n slice them up with his sword while Darkness gets hit by them. Y/n has enough and reach out his hand into the air and use holy light flash and that take out some of the spirits out as the dolls fell onto the ground as they watch them fall onto the ground.
Darkness: How do you learn that magic?
Y/n: Oh Aqua teach me how to use it and it seems useful. But unfortunately I can only use it once and have to wait 7 minutes until I can use it again.
Darkness: Well at least we took down some.
Y/n: Yeah but I bet their could be more.
Then they hear Kaori's cries and they race over and burst to the kitchen and see Kaori getting attacked by possessed knifes and kitchen equipment as she runs around trying to lose them.
The knifes were about to stab her in the back but Y/n get in behind her and blocks them with his shield which Kaori turns around and see him.
Kaori: (surprised) Y/n!
Y/n: Common let's get out of here!
She nods and they ecit out of the kitchen just as knifes and other sharp objects comes towards them but Darkness shuts the door and they stab into the wooden door with sharp knifes sticking out of it.
Y/n: Boy that was close. Your alright Kaori?
Kaori: Y-Yes I'm good. Thank you Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) No problem.
Darkness: We need to check on the rest and see their alright.
Y/n: I hope their alright.
Then flashing lights appears behind Y/n so he turns to see Aqua fireing her holy spell everywhere. When she spotted Y/n and the rest she runs over to them and once there she says.
Aqua: I'm glad I find you guys! We have to make those spirits pay for what they did!
Y/n: What happened?
Aqua: They......they......THEY DRINK MY FAVOURITE WINE!
Y/n, Darkness, Kaori and Megumin:................
Aqua: Don't look at me like that! That wine was for a special occasion and they drink it! Now I'm gonna make them pay!
Then Aqua rushes off while fireing her holy spell everywhere to kill all evil spirits within the mansion.
Y/n: Guess we should check up on Kazuma and see how he's doing.
Kaori: And Megumin as well.
Darkness: Right, I'll go find her.
Y/n: Guess me and Kaori will go and check up on Kazuma.
Darkness: Right.
Darkness runs off while Y/n and Kaori heads off to see if Kazuma is alright. Soon they reach this room and Y/n opens the door and asked.
Y/n: Hey Kazuma you alright in he-
Then something hits Y/n in the face that sentence him flying back and fell onto the ground. We see Kazuma holding a bat that he found and peek out and wa surprised to see Y/n and Kaori.
Kazuma: (surprised) Y/n, Kaori, what are yous doing here?
Kaori: Going to see you were alright! Why did you do that!
Kazuma: I thought he was one of those evil spirits that was coming into my door.
Kaori: And using a bat is gonna help?
Kazuma: Ummmmm they might be scared of bats?
Kaori shake her head while Y/n sat up and shake himself off of that surprised strike and was about to stand up. But he felt a strong pressed on the floor and touches the floor while Kazuma asked while resting his bat at his shoulder.
Kazuma: Um what are you doing?
Y/n: I think there is something below us. I felt a strong power underneath these floors.
Kazuma: Is it something that is costing all these evil spirits to appear?
Y/n: Maybe. There has to be a basement down here, maybe we can find a door that can lead us down to the basement.
Kaori: I think I spotted one before I enter the kitchen. The door was different to all the rest.
Y/n: Let's go and maybe we can stop what ever is in the basement.
They nod and once Y/n stood up they followed Kaori so she can show them the door.
(Shor while later)
They catch up with Aqua, Darkness and Megumin and now are standing in front of the basement door and see it looked to be boarded up but the board is getting old and getting lose.
Y/n use his sword and cuts the board off and he opens the basement door and a cold wind blows them and a chill came through their spin when they were faced with a open darkness and a flit of stairs.
Y/n: Let's go.
Kazuma: Oh hell no! I'm not gonna go down there!
Y/n: We have no choice. We have to find out what's down there and try to stop it.
Kazuma: No way! Yous can do what ever but I'm gonna try to get some sleep.
Aqua: Common Kazuma you can't just ditch us like this.
Kazuma: I can and will. Besides I think you've wasted all of your magic while going on a rampage to take your revenge because of your stupid wine bottle.
Aqua: (anger) How dare you call my special wine that! It is very rare to buy and they were very expensive.
Kazuma and Aqua argu like usual as Y/n and the rest listened to ther argument. Then Y/n can't help but feel like he needs to go inrothe basement so while the rest were distracted he enter the basement stairs.
Then the door behind him slams close and the rest turn to see Y/n is gone and the basement door closed.
Aqua: Y/n!
Kaori: Are you alright?!
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine!
Darkness try to open the door but it wasn't opening.
Darkness: This door won't open!
Megumin: Hang in there Y/n, we'll get you out!
Then Y/n sense that same feeling again and turn to see a light at the bottom. Y/n find this creepy but he gathers enough bravery he had and walks down the steps and soon he reach at the bottom floor and into the basement.
He ready his sword and slowly moves forward and follows the candles that seem like a path. He look around and see it was a huge basement with some closed doors for extra storage but that's not what he is looking for.
He turn a corner and turns to see a coffin standing up right and looked dusty and old. The candles stop there as Y/n walks iveeyo the coffin and realise it is not just an normal coffin.
Y/n: (thought) It looks like it's a mummy's coffin. I never see one up close before. Maybe this is the reason for all of the evil spirits or something.
Y/n have a feeling that a dangerous mummy is in there and ready to attack Y/n. Then the coffin open a little and Y/n ready is sword and ready to face this mummy as the coffin opens fully and what Y/n see inside was...........nothing. nothing except white wool to make a coffin more like a bed for the mummy.
Y/n: (thought) Wait....where is the mummy?
He suspected the mummy must have already gotten out and was gonna surprise attack him from behind but then he look down and noticed something he can't fully explain.
What he is looking at is a mummy but it's a small one and this mummy doesn't look scary or creep but rather.....cute.
The small mummy states at Y/n while Y/n stares back at it while he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Is this........a mummy? I've heard mummy's are the size as humans and are scary but no one didn't told me their freaking small and cute!
The small mummy move it's head little while Y/n puts away his sword and bend down to it and asked.
Y/n: So can you understand me?
The small mummy nods for a yes.
Y/n: Alright and are you costing all of those evil spirits to hunt this mansion?
The small mummy nods yes again.
Y/n: Can you talk?
The small mummy shake his head for no.
Y/n: (thought) Actually that's kinda a stupid question since this thing is covered in....what ever it might be.
Y/n: Are you doing those on purpose?
The small mummy shales his head no and then starts to cry like it's the small mummy's fault for costing all those yo happen.
Y/n: No No No No, don't cry, I'm sure your didn't mean to do it on purpose.
The small mummy stop crying and looks at Y/n while Y/n give him a warm smile and asked
Y/n: (smile) We can fix this. Just tell me how to get rid of them and we be all better.
The small mummy turn and points at the coffin. Y/n walks over and finds a writing on it that said.
"Be my friend."
Y/n doesn't understand what that mean until he understands what it ment and why all of this is happening. The previous owners must have found this coffin with the small mummy inside and place him in the basement for the mummy to be alone and he must have some magic that cost these evil spirit to appear and hunt this mansion until now.
Y/n looks at the small mummy and felt bad for it. Being alone all these years must be rough. He bend down to it and asked.
Y/n: You have been waiting for a friend this whole time and that's why these evil spirits are around and no one hasn't come to be your friend?
The small mummy nods and looks down in sadness. Y/n felt sorry for it so he said.
Y/n: (smile) Hey. What about we be friends?
The mummy looks up at Y/n and Y/n said with a warm smile.
Y/n: (smile) I mean, your not scary at all. In fact your pretty cute as a small mummy and it will make you happy to have a friend. So what do you say, wanna be friends?
Tears of joy start to come out of the small mummy's eyes and it leaps over and hugs with his small arms while Y/n smiles and hugs it back.
Then all the evil spirits disappear which Aqua noticed this immediately. Then the basement doors open and they turn to see Y/n stepping out as they rush over and asked.
Aqua: Are you alright!?
Darkness: What happened!?
Kaori: You don't seem to be hurt, did you do something?!
Megumin: (smile) Did you blow something up!?
Y/n: (smile) Not exactly.
Then he open up his hand and they look to see a small mummy and the small mummy looks at them and blinks a few times.
Kaori: (smile) Awww it's so cute!
Megumin: (smile) Very cute!
Darkness: What is this thing?
Kazuma: Looks like a mummy but not a mummy I never imagine it to be.
Aqua: If that thing is responsible for my wine then get ready to die!
The small mummy gets scared and hide behind Y/nose fi gera while Y/n said.
Y/n: Take it easy Aqua, he's good. Turns out he was stuck in the basement without a friend for years and that's the reason why there is so many evil spirits around. Besides he is cute.
Aqua looks at the mummy and looks at it's eyes and blushes a little but looks away and said.
Aqua: (little blush) F-Fine he can be spared but if he ever drink my Wine again.
Y/n: Don't worry he won't.
It was morning time and we see everyone at the living room within the mansion. Darkness sat down on the couch and sharing her sword, Megumin is taking a nap beside her, Aqua making some snakes in the kitchen and Kaori and Y/h were playing with the small mummy as they pass the small ball to the small mummy and it catches it and he rolls it back to them.
Kaori: (smile) He is such a cute mummy
Kazuma returns back from the guild and walks over to Y/n and said.
Kazuma: Well the job is complete and we can keep the mansion.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome.
Kazuma: So what should we do with the small mummy?
Y/n: (smile) Well I promise I'll be his friend so that's what I'm gonna do.
Kazuma: Your gonna keep it as a pet?
Y/n: (smile) I won't say pet. More like my little best friend.
Kazuma: Right, dose he ever have a name?
Y/n: No I don't think so.
He turns to the small mummy and asked.
Y/n: Do you have a name?
The small mummy shake his head for no which Kaori said.
Kaori: That's so sad.
Y/n: Yeah not only your were stuck in the basement but no one didn't give you a name........Oh I got one! What about Mii.
Kazuma: Mii?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's a very simple name plus it's pretty cute.
Darkness: (smile) I think it's a cute name as well.
Kaori: (smile) Same let's give him that.
Y/n nods and turns to the small mummy and asked.
Y/n: (smile) So what about it? Would you like yo called Mii as your first name?
Mii starts to cry of joy and runs over and hugs Y/n's finger as a way to say thank you for giving him a name. Y/n smiles and then Aqua came out with snaks and they have their snaks as they laugh and Y/n feels happy like to see everyone happy and it feels like family for him and it seems that their gonna be not just a great team....but a great family.
To be continued.............
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