Chapter 6: Out hunting (Lemon)
Days have gone by since Y/n and his friends defeated the first demon General as everyone within town talks about it. They can't believe how a group of guild members manage to defeat one of the demon General and won.
Even everyone in the guild talks about it as well and how Y/n wearen a suit of armor and give everything he got as his friends helped him and in the end, they won. We know see Y/n and the rest as Kazuma slams his head onto the table as he groaned to himself as Y/n asked.
Y/n: You lost 1 billion gold coins at one day? How?
Kazuma: Don't blame it on me! Megumin blown up a whole town and Aqua helped her do it by using Holy magic!
Aqua: Don't put the blame on me! It was the last attempt to clear away those monsters!
Kazuma: (anger) Yeah near a town! Now we lost all that money because of you!
Aqua: (anger) How dare you blame on me Kazuma! You should be glad your not alone otherwise you'll be killed.
Darkness: I was actually hoping for those monsters to surround me and do horrible things to me.
Darkness start to pant as Kazuma and Aqua argued while Y/n watch them argue. Riku came into the guild and see Y/n and the rest so she walks over to them and once there she asked.
Riku: So I see their misson didn't go well huh?
Y/n: Yeah they lost 1 billion gold coins in order to pay the damage of a nearby town.
Riku: (surprised) Seriously that's all the reward money you gotten after you defeated the demon General.
Kazuma: (tears) Yeah but now it's all gone now.
Riku: Damn that's too bad.
Kaori: How is things with your father?
Riku: Doing well, many people stop by at his shop to ask him questions about Y/n and since then, our shop is getting a bit famous.
Y/n: (smile) Whoa that's cool Riku.
Riku: (smile) Yeah. Hey Y/n, wanna go on a job with me?
Y/n: Sure what is it?
Riku: Well there is a rare bear that hunters try to track down and many try to track this rare bear down but comes back with claw marks all over their bodies.
Kazuma: Why is this bear so rare?
Riku: It's because this bear is bigger then any other bear and it's pretty strong as well. But what I heard if you kill it, you'll get a bigger reward.
Kazuma: Sounds awesome, I'm in!
Aqua: Are you nuts! We're not gonna fight a huge bear that will kill us?!
Kazuma: Who cares, I'm in.
Riku: Sorry but Aqua is right. This bear is very dangerous and this job might not suit you.
Kazuma: Damn it.
Riku: Y/n is strong and knows a bit about hunting so I figured I ask you to come for this job, your in?
Y/n: (smile) Sure sounds like a challenge.
Riku: cool, pack up as much things you need. I have a cabin at the area were this rare bear is at and we may probably stay there for a few nights.
Y/n: Alright, see you there.
Riku: (smile) Same to you.
Then Riku walks off as Y/n watches her leave as Kazuma sighsto himself and says.
Kazuma: Why do you go on interesting quest while I go on lame once.
Y/n: Come on Kazuma, since the demon General is defeat I bet the job boards are filled with jobs.
Megumin: Yeah he's right. There's more jobs now unlike before so let's do it.
Aqua: Yeah!
Kazuma: Alright fine but no more explosions or anything that will blow us up.
Y/n: (smile) Well take care you guys. I'll be back as soon as we can.
Aqua: (smile) Goodbye Y/n.
Kaori: (smile) See you when you get back.
They wave for Y/n Goodbye as Y/n head out of the guild and into the stable to pack up his things for the trip ahead.
The forest we beautiful as we hear the sounds of birds chirping within the trees as wild life is seen the distance as we see Y/n carrying his bag on his back as he walk through the dirt path heading the the cabin Riku told him about.
Y/n can't help how peaceful and beautiful the woods are, nice and quiet with no sign of humans, towns, shops and anything else as it's just him and th wild life around him.
Above Y/n was Riku as she watches him go by her as Riku smirks a little and leaps down and lands on her feet quietly as she try to sneak up with Y/n to try to scare him. Just as she was about to Y/n says.
Y/n: (smile) Nice try Riku.
Riku laughs as Y/n turns to see her laughing as Y/n also laughs as Riku walks up to him and asked.
Riku: (smile) How did you know?
Y/n: (smile) Let's just saymy senses told me you were behind me.
Riku: (giggle) Or you peek behind you a little and saw me.
Y/n: (smile) Maybe but nice try.
Riku smiles and laughs a little as she never done this before as the two walk through the dirt path heading to the cabin. Riku never have this joy for a while ever since Y/n and the rest of his team defeated Beldia as she feels happy and comfortable with Y/n and the rest.
She also shown to have feelings towards Y/n and maybe this will be a great place to have romance together without no one yo disturb them.
After a while of walking through the peaceful and quite woods they finally arrive at their cabin which is pretty nice and it's a peaceful spot to be in.
Y/n: (surprised) Whoa looks nice.
Riku: I rented it for this job so we be living here until our job is done. So, wanna see the inside?
Y/n: Sure.
Riku opens the wooden fence and walk to the cabin. Once there they open the door and inside was pretty nice with a wooden table, a couch facing at the fire place and a kitchen area to make food for them.
They enter inside the cabin and sat their bags onto the table and looks around at the cabin as they think it's nice.
Y/n: (surprised) OK this place is way cooler then what me, Kazuma and Aqua are staying at.
Riku: (smile) Yeah same.
Y/n walks over to the halls and open the first door to see a large bedroom with one singal bed as Y/n realise this is the only bed room as one door leads to the bathroom and the other is were the towels are stored.
After they explore the cabin they set out their stuff into the bedroom and once that was done Riku walks up to the kitchen and puts on some chicken soup as Y/n sat down on the table as he asked.
Y/n: So what's the plan?
Riku: Well this area is where this rare bear is at so I figured we check out different points were hunters fought it and then track it to it's cave.
Y/n: Tell me how strong is this bear like?
Riku: It's pretty strong, can knock a large tree with a push and can deal serious damage to even stronger adventurous.
Y/n: That must be tough to deal with.
Riku: Yeah but I'm sure we can do this. We just need to be careful when we encounter with it. It may sound hard but we are surrounded by trees so we use that as cover.
Y/n: Sounds like a plan. Do you think this reward will be worth it?
Riku: Maybe but I hope so otherwise I have to ask me dad for some money.
Y/n laughs and so dose Riku as after a while of chatting and making some jokes. Riku pours the chicken soup into the bowl and hands it to Y/n and she to sat down with her own bowl as the two start to dig in.
The soup was great as Riku looks over to stare at Y/n and can't help but feel like they are like a couple in the middle of the forest alone which made Riku blush a little.
Y/n: So Riku.
Riku: Huh?
Y/n: When did you join the guild?
Riku: Oh well my father was having trouble getting some money when I was 17 years old. I decided to take a job as a adventurer and join a guild and go on several jobs.
Y/n: That's cool.
Riku: Yeah, so what about you? How did you join the guild?
Y/n: Oh well its kinda a long story but let's just say we stumbled upon here.
Riku: Cool and do you know Kazuma and Aqua?
Y/n: During that time yeah, I mean we first met but we're quick to be friends.
Riku: I'm surprised how you have to deal with Kazuma, he's such an idiot and a pervert.
Y/n: Yeah I know that's why I have to keep an eye on him in case he use his steal magic on any women.
Riku: Yeah I swear if he ever try that to me or any other girls, I'll kill him.
Y/n: Yeah that's what he dose.
Riku: Still he kinda did help you defeat the demon General so I give him that.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah we may argue or do stupid things but we're still like a family and we fight to save lives.
Riku: (smile) Yeah I agree on that.
They finished up their soup and Riku cleans them up while Y/n get his things ready and once the two were ready they exit out of the cabin and looks at the hill below as Riku looks at the map and said.
Riku: This is gonna be a long walk to get to each different points. You ready for this Y/n?
Y/n: (smile) Yep, let's do this.
Riku: (smile) Alright, let's go.
And so the two walk down the hill and adventurer through the woods in order do find this rare bear. They journey through the peaceful and calm forest as they see many deers in the distance as they look up at them was Y/n and Riku walk by.
They walk pass a small lake which was pretty nice so they stop for a while to have a look at it. The lake was nice as they stare at it as they see fishes within the lake swimming around as they thinks it is pretty cool.
They continue on until they made it to their first spot point which was a ruined camp site that looked tourn apart and ruined by what ever big it was. They walk up to the ruined camp site and see is there anything tools this camp has.
They only found a few small blades and a equipment which was broken but either way, they continued on walking as they walk on top of a fallen tree as they arrive at their second spot which is another camp ruined but it was near another lake.
Riku sees in the sky that it's gonna get dark so Riku set down some camp equipment and says to Y/n.
Riku: Looks like it's gonna be dark soon. We set up our camp and keep moving.
Y/n: Right.
Y/n helps Riku set up the camp and after a while the camp was complete and just in time as night time sets in. Riku managed to set up the camp fire as they sat around and relaxed as they chatted to each other until Riku asked.
Riku: Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Riku: See about your team? Do you think they are good or what do you think?
Y/n: (smile) I think their pretty great as a team. Sure they maybe......weird but I like about them. Aqua is pretty cool with her holy magic and spells, Megumin is pretty awesome with explosion magic and has a pretty neat eyepatch and Darkness may have some problems but she still fights for others and Kaori is pretty kind and cool as well.
Riku: (smile) Well I like them as well. They are pretty cool and great to hang around with even if some people in the gurad doesn't see it that way.
Y/n: True but their the best.
Riku: Yeah same.
The cracking of the fire place is heard as Riku yawns to herself as she says.
Riku: It's maybe getting late now. We better get some rest if we ever gonna find this bear.
Y/n: Right, see you in the morning Riku.
Y/n was about to crawl into his tent but Riku walks over to him and asked while blushing a little.
Riku: (blush) Hey......mind I sleep with you tonight?
Y/n: (blush) Y-You sure?
Riku nods while blushing a bit. Y/n can't help to think she is kinda cute acting a bit nervous and he can't say no so he allows her.
The two crawl into the tent as the two lay down as Riku cuddled with Y/n which made Y/n blush a little but this actually feels nice as he cuddled her back.
Riku: (smile) This feels nice. Goodnight Y/n.
Y/n: Goodnight to you two, Riku.
The two fell asleep as they slept throughout the night.
(Next day)
They were on the road once more as they soon stumbled upon another ruined camp site as they slide down and hill and looks around for anything but nothing.
Riku: Damn it, there has to be something we must have missed.
Y/n: Wait up Riku.
Riku: What is it?
Y/n: Did you realise that those three camp site is leading us deeper and deeper into the forest?
Riku: Wait......actually I do.
Y/n: Yeah and each camp we arrive is more tourn apart then the last one when we first find it. It's as if this bear is stopping anyone who try to get near deep to it's territory.
Riku: Huh....that makes since on why these camps is leading use far away form the cabin.
Y/n: Yeah so what if we go deeper to the woods and see what we can find.
Riku: Alright let's do that but be careful. We might not know what we are facing.
Y/n: Right.
So the two walk deeper and deeper to the forest and more deeper they got the more quieter the forest is as they didn't hear no wild life and no birds signing in the tree branch.
After a while they stumbled upon a cliff and they look down to see a circular like canyon and in it was a cave which were this rare bear lives.
Riku: Looks like this is it.
They hear a growl within the cave as the two duck down and coming out of the cave was a large bear like a size of a truck as it has a mark scratch through it's left eye as it made a beat noise and walks around as it sniffs the air.
Riku: (whisper) Looks like this is it's cave.
Y/n: (whisper) So what's the plan?
Riku: (whisper) This bear looks big but it's extremely fast and can scratch you up if your not carful.
Y/n: (whisper) Alright.
Riku: (whisper) Use as much magic you got and once it's weaken I land the final strike.
Y/n: (whisper) Right, let's do this.
Riku nods as they wait for the right moment and then they leap out of cover and Riku fires her arrows at the bear which it lands a hit but the bears roars as it looks up at them.
Y/n came down with his sword and try to land a strike at it but the bear moves back as Y/n lands on his feet. He looks up and the bear was about to ram at him in top speed but Y/n moves out of the way. The bear stops and turns to Y/n as it roars at him.
Then Riku dashes over and slashes at the bears legs but it didn't do much damage but make the bear made. The bear try to scratch at her but Riku dodges it and fires more arrows at the bear that lands a hit.
The bear roars in the air as Y/n rushes over and made multiple of himself to confused the bear. The bear roars as it's surrounded by Y/n's as it try to slam its claws at one of the Y/n's but they vanished once slashed and this gives Riku a chance as she dashes over and fires her last bit of arrows at the bear which stab through the bears back as the bear roars.
The bear turns and Riku dodges the bears strike but the bear roared that made Riku flg back and crashes onto the wall and fell onto the ground.
Y/n: Riku no!
The bear turn to Y/n as Y/n runs at the bear and charge up his sword and once his sword was charged up he slashes at the bear which the bear roars once more before he fell hard onto the ground as the bear is defeated.
Y/n stands up straight and looks at the bear before he hewr Riku groaned a little as he turns to her and runs over to her. He helps her up as Riku looks over to see the bear is deafed.
Y/n: You ok?
Riku: Yeah I'm good. Nice work.
Y/n nods as the two walks over to the bear as Riku rais her blade over the bears head ready to kill it.
Then they hear some noise within the cave as they turn to see two baby bears looking put of the cave which surprises them.
Riku: (surprised) Those are baby bears? I thought this bear was the only one?
Y/n: (surprised) Unless......this bear must be it's mother and trying to protect her young.
Riku: And those attacks on those camp sites and those adventurers. She was just protecting them.
The bear looks up at her as Riku turns to her baby bears and to her as she thinks this isn't right to kill their mother right in front of her like this.
She lowe her sword and says to Y/n.
Riku: Y/n can you heal her?
Y/n nods and rais his hand into the air and clouds start to form as rain drops start to come down and splash into the bear as she starts to get healed from the injuries.
Once that she stood up and looks at the two as Riku says.
Riku: We're sorry for attacking you like that. But this place may not be safe for you and for your baby's. It's maybe best you find a new home to stay so yous can be safe.
The mother bear understood Riku as she nods and turns to walk back into the cave with her young as they dissappear into the darkness as Y/n walks up next to Riku and asked.
Y/n: You ok?
Riku: Yeah I'm good. I feel bad for attacking their mother without investigation a bit deeper.
Y/n: It's alright. We're all not perfect but that's alright. We made some mistakes but in the end, we make things right.
Riku nods as she smiles a bit as the two leave the cave and head back to the cabin to take a breather and relax for a bit.
It was night time once again as we see Riku sat down at the fire place in her PJ'S as she is relaxing by the fire while Y/n was at the kitchen making some tea for himself and Riku.
Once that he walks over to her and hands her the tea and sat down next to her as Riku sips her tea and says.
Riku: Even though we didn't get our reward I think coming here is our reward to me.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's very peaceful and very nice.
Riku: Yeah. Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Hm?
Riku: (little blush) Have
Y/n: Have you what?
Riku: (blush) Have you ever been out with any girls within the guild?
Y/n blushes deep which Riku noticed but smiles a little as Y/n thinks about it and says.
Y/n: (blush) W-Well Kaori mostly comes with me sometimes including Aqua to get away from Kazuma and Megumin most of time to test out her explosions.
Riku: (blush) Well have you ever gone out on one of them? You know D.A.T.E?
Y/n cheeks blushes bright red as Riku noticed this as well and smiles a little as she lend her head to Y/n's shoulder and then says.
Riku: (smile) It's alright. I don't mind you go on dates with any of them. Your pretty brave and shown to care others unlike kazuma.
Y/n: (blush) Th-thanks Riku and I'll continue on doing that no matter what.
Riku: (smile) Still I think you deserve something for risking your life for us.
Y/n: (blush) W-wait what do you-
Then Riku pulls Y/n down onto the couch as Riku was on top of Y/n as Y/n cheeks was blushing like a tomato as Riku giggles a little and says.
Riku: (smirk) You're pretty cute when blushing like that are you?
Y/n was still blushing as Riku lend in close to Y/n's face and says.
Riku: (smirk) I wanna see how cuter you get my little Knight.
(Lemon start)
She then lend in a kiss Y/n on the lips which made Y/n blush even more as Riku play around her tongue into Y/n's mouth as she made some moans as she tastes Y/n's lips.
Y/n was surprised by this and doesn't know what yo do but his hormones start to kick as he gets turned on by her and kiss her back. Riku made a surprise moan as she surprised by Y/n sudden kiss back and kisses him harder.
The two moan as Riku lay on her body on top of Y/n's body as they make out on the couch as the two share some moan to each other as they play around their tongues.
After a while or making out they stopped and riku pulls back as they look at each other with love in their eyes as Riku start to take off her clothes and throws them to the side.
She was now wearing just a bra as her breast was huge then Aqua as she says to Y/n.
Riku: (smirk) Wanna feel them?
Y/n blushes a little but with a sexxy look from Riku he slowly move his arms towards Riku's breast and grabs them and squeeze them as Riku gasp a little but she let's him squeeze her breast as she gets turned on by this.
Riku: My god your amazing of this.
Riku took off Y/n's shirt to see his musical as after Y/n stop squeezing her breast she lend back down to Y/n's face and kissed him once more as her breast pressed against Y/n's chest as they made a few moans as they make out once more.
A zip is heard as Riku unzips Y/n's treasures and took them off. She throws them to the side as they stop making out and Riku set down onto the floor as Y/n sat up straight as Riku took off his underwear to see his dick.
Riku: (smirk) You have a nice sausage, mind I touch it.
Y/n never have a girl touch his dick but he allows her as Riku gently grabs Y/n's dick and start to rub it as Y/n gasp a few moans while Riku giggles a little and then she lend in and licks at his dick.
This made Y/n moan a little and turned on a little as Riku sticks her whole mouth onto Y/n's dick and start yo give Y/n a blow job as she start to suck at his dick as Y/n lead out a few moans as his dick get bigger and bigger.
Y/n: (moans) Oh Riku your mouth is so warm. Ah!
Riku sucks even more as Y/n grabs the couch as Riku continues to suck is dick until he felt his dick gonna to erupt with cum.
Y/n: (moan) Riku there it comes! It's gonna to erupt, don't stop!
Riku continues for a little while until Y/n lead out a load moan as cum splashes into Riku's mouth as Y/n was catching his breath.
Riku pulls back as Y/n's dick was all wet with cum as Riku licks the last bit of cum as she smirks as she sees Y/n panting like Darkness.
Riku: (smirk) My my that was delicious but I want more.
Then Riku claims up onto Y/n's leap and kissed Y/n on the lips once then she kissed Y/n more and Y/n kissed her back as they make out once more as Y/n pulled Riku's hair which Riku likes as she moaned a little as they make out this time harder.
Riku growls like a lion as they pulled back and Y/n star to kiss Riku's neck as Riku giggles a little but allows Y/n to kiss her neck as the two fell onto the couch as now Y/n was on top of her as Y/n continues to kiss her neck.
Y/n stops kissing her neck and Riku gives him a look that means yo pull down her botten half. Y/n gets it as he took off her treasure and then underwear and throws them to the side.
Now the two were completely naked as Y/n stick his dick into Riku's vagina which made Riku moan a little but likes it.
Then Y/n start to thrust his dick into Riku's Vagina as Riku lead put a cry as she stick out her tongue as Y/n thrust his dick in and out of Riku's Vagina.
Riku: (moan) Oh~ Y/n your incredible!
Y/n gose faster and faster which made Riku moan a bit more as she grabs hard on the couch and lend her head back as the couch they are on moves left and right and making some noise as Y/n gose faster and faster.
Riku: (moan) Here it comes Y/n! I feel it!
Y/n: (moan) Same! Same!
Riku: (moan) Don't stop! Keep fucking going!
Y/n gose faster and faster until they lead out a load moan as they have take off as they take a breather after that. Y/n pulls back his dick and then he lands on top of Riku's breast as the two were tired after that fun together.
(Lemon ends)
The two were catching their breaths as the two were naked and extremely tired and sleepy as Riku gently pats Y/n on the head and said.
Riku: (pamting) That was wounderful.
Y/n: (panting) Y-Yeah, that was great. You were kinda load.
Riku: (giggle) Your the same as well.
Y/n: (smirk) True. (chuckle)
The two look at each other with love in their eyes as they lend in and kissed each other for a while before they pulled back and they cuddle each other say Riku asked.
Riku: Do you think Kazuma and the rest is alright without us?
Y/n: I'm sure their fine. It's like Kamzuma died by something embarrassing or something stupid.
Riku: (giggle) Yeah I guess so. Goodnight Y/n, I love you.
Y/n: (smile) Goodnight to you too Riku and I love you as well.
Then the two fell asleep as they cuddle each other on the couch as they have a nice night together before they head back to town to meet up with everyone else for a new adventure.
To be continued..........
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