Chapter 5: The Demon General (part 2)

It was another day as we see Kaori enter the guild Hall and hoping to see Y/n with everyone else. She walk over to the table and was disappointed to see just Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin and Darkness as they turn to her.

Aqua: (smile) Oh hey Kaori.

Darkness: Is there something wrong?

Kaori sat down next to Megumin as she said.

Kaori: Just Y/n isn't here to join us for another job.

Kazuma: Yeah, he's still out with that assassin girl to defeat that Demon General. I still have no idea why he either bothers going through with it.

Aqua: Because he needs to be strong in order to defeat the devil King, besides itr your fault you and Megumin keep blowing up his castle.

Kazuma: How was I suppose to know that was his castle! Come on!

Kaori: Guys we shouldn't fight. What about we take a job to clear our minds.

Megumin: Should we wait for Y/n, I've been dieing to show him my awesome explosion magic to him.

Kazuma: I'm sure he'll be fine, besides I think we can handle something without him.

Kaori: You sure?

Kazuma: (smirk) Sure, Sure, now let's go out for a job and get paid.

Aqua: Yeah I've been low on money so I need yo get more.

Kazuma: How have you been waisting money like that.

Aqua: Don't ask questions and let's go!

Kazuma: (thought) If I found out she's buying something useless like herself.....I'm gonna break her special whisky.

They walk up to the job board to pick out a job and after they pick out a job they head out to do it and hoping they can see Y/n again while out.


It was a dark and silent forest outside of town and we see Y/n with blade in hand as he has his eyes blind folded as he slowly moves through the trees and looking around.

Something rushes over the branches as Y/n turn to where the sound was at. After a while of silence he keeps moving slowly as he use his ears to since when she will strike. After a while he arrive at a open field as he hear wind blowing gently by him as he try to listen.

Then something was coming towards Y/n as Y/n hears it and moves his head and dodges an apple that went by his head and splat into a tree.

Y/n turns around as more apples flys out of the forest heading f towards them. Y/n ready his blade and start to slice the apples up. After a while of silencing the apples stop  and Y/n stands there waiting for something else to happen.

Then he hears something rushes every quick towards Y/n from behind so he turns and swing his sword but the person leaps over Y/n in slow moments. Time restore as the person lands behind Y/n and turns to strike her blade but Y/n turns and blocks it.

The person who's strike him was Riku as the two were training in order to battle Beldia once again. The two clash their blades in quick speed as Y/n gets faster and faster. We see Taro setting up a picnic and setting up the food as he turns to them training an smiles.

After a few clashes Riku bends down and use her feet to trip Y/n as he fell onto the ground as he was about to stand up but Riku point her blade at him as Y/n froze. The two were silent for a while until Riku lower her blade and reach out a hand to him.

Riku: You did well, probably need to focus on your speed next time.

Y/n nods as he takes Riku's hand and Riku helps him up. Once up he took off his blind folds off his face and takes a breather.

Y/n: Yeah and I must say your very stealthy and quick.

Riku: (smile) That's because I'm viewed as a silent assassin.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess so.

Taro: (disease) Hey kids, food is ready if yous are hungry.

Riku and Y/n walls over and once there they sat down and have their food as the food was delicious to Y/n.

Y/n: (surprised) Whoa their very delicious sir.

Taro: (smile) Thanks your lucky I'm not a awful chief until Riku told me the skills before you came and met us.

Riku: That's because you give some people food poison for 2 weeks.

Taro: (smile) Hey, at least their alright and have a nice meal.

Riku: (sigh).

Y/n: So is there any information you gonna give me for Beldia when I face him again.

Riku: Actually there is one, see this apple.

She pulls up an apple which Y/n nods as Riku gose on to explain.

Riku: What I've been told, Beldia has ben ability to see what their targets next moves are by throwing his head up into the air.

She throws the apple into the air as Y/n watch it goes up.

Riku: The apple maybe your distraction so don't let that ruin your chance. He'll fire a red beam to highlight his targets close to his body, once his body see his enemies attack. He strike them with quick speed, if that happens then don't try to fight, just block his attacks until.......

Then the Apple fell which Y/n catches and takes a bite on it.

Riku: Thsi Apple fells and his body catches it.

Y/n: (surprised) That id some knowledge, you must have research each Demon General good.

Taro: (smile) Yep, thats my daughter for ya. She even gose all night just to research on each demon General and she is not wrong.

Y/n: That's pretty cool. That could be useful if your in a party.

Riku: Yeah about that.

Y/n: What is it?

Riku: The guild members......perhap to stay away from me as possible.

Y/n: Why?

Riku: They just said since I'm all skilled and very mysterious, they just stay away from me so I won't ruin their jobs or anything like that.

Y/n: That's not nice.

Riku: It's life and I needed to accepted.

Y/n has a think about it and then ask Riku.

Y/n: What about you join our party?

Riku: (surprised) Really? Y-You don't have to.

Y/n: (smile) Nonsense, your really cool and I think your fit right in our party. We can be the awesome team ever.

Riku blushes in surprise as no one hasn't offered to join in a party or a group before. She actually felt happy to be around Y/n as she smiles once more and said.

Riku: (smile) Sure it be great to be apart of a team or a party with yous. Thank you.

Y/n smiles back at her as they hear sniffing as they turn to see Taro in tears as he wipe his eyes as he said while crying.

Taro: (tears) Whoa no one hasn't offered my own daughter to be a group of wizards. I'm so proud of you Riku.

Riku: Dad your embarrassing me.

Taro: (tears) I can't help it!

He sobs as Riku tries to calm him down while Y/n smiles a little but glad that Riku is happy and be a part of a group after so long.


We see them back in town as they were walking back to the after their training was done for now.

Y/n: So what happens now?

Riku: Well we rest up for the day and tomorrow I want you at our shop for something important.

Y/n: What is?

Taro: Well di you gonna to defeated Beldia you need some armor to protect yourself with. So I'm making a suit of armor and some weapons to help you in your battle.

Y/n: (surprised) Really, yous really don't have to do this for me.

Taro: (smile) Don't be silly, it's a way to say welcome to the family and a way to thank you for saving my daughter.

Riku: (smile) Yeah our treat.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks guys, I-

Kazuma: Yo Y/n!

They turn to see Kazuma, Megumin, Kaori and Darkness walking up to them as they were confused to see Aqua in a badly damaged cage like something was trying to eat it through.

They run over to them and Y/n ask them.

Y/n: Why is Aqua is a cage and why is the cage badly damaged?

Kaori: Well you see, we took a job to destroy huge alligators in a lake and we Kazuma planned to have Aqua in a cage to lower them out.

Megumin: Once they were out they start to attack the cage and Aqua was panicking and screaming in there when it happen.

Y/n: OK but I don't know why Aqua is still in the cage?

Aqua: Because I'm traumatised from that scary attack all thanks to Kazuma's stupid idea.

Kazuma: (anger) Don't pick it on me, you agree to the plan!

Aqua: Still you shouldn't have helped me when they started to attack me!

Riku: You said you were traumatised right? You don't look traumatised.

Aqua: How do you know.

Riku: I can tell.

???: My lady, I get you out of there.

They look behind the cage as a random warrior start to pull the bars away and the bars were open.

???: I am so glad to meet you after so long.

Y/n: (thought) So long? What doss he mean by that?

Aqua: And you are.....?

Kyouya: It's me, Kyouya Mitsurugi. I died and you brought me yo this world and give this sword in order to defeat the devil King?

Y/n: (thought) Wait is he another person who died and brought to their world?!

Riku: The hell are you talking about?

Kaori: I think you got the wrong person sir.

Kyouya: No! I'm sure this is lady Aqua I'm sure of it. Wait, how did you end up here and why were you in a cage?

Kazuma: (thought) Man how I'm I gonna explain this.

Y/n: Let's just say Kazuma did something stupid end now Aqua has to tag around because of Kazuma.

Kazuma: (thought) The hell man!

Kyouya: (shocked) What?! You get to tell me lady Aqua came to this would without free will!?

Y/n: Pretty much.

Then Kyouya got into Kazuma's face as he said.

Kyouya: How dare you pull her to this world and treat her with disrespect, you monster!

Y/n: Wow wow let's all calm down a minute here.

Aqua: Yeah I actually like this world so no reason to be threaten.

Kyouya: My lady this man has no right to treat you like this.  He should know the consequences of his actions.

Y/n: Look let's all take it easy and calm down, I'm sure Kazuma think what he did is wrong right Kazuma?

Kazuma: Not one bit.

Y/n: (thought) Seriously Kazuma.

Kyouya: In that case, let us have a dual and see how really deserve to be with Aqua.

Kazuma: Alright ready set go!

Kazuma charges at Kyouya which Kyouya wasn't ready as he draw out his sword and clash blades at him.

Kazuma: Steal!

He use his steal magic and Kyouya sword was gone. He turn sto Kazuma and seen him holding it in the air before he pulls it down and it hist Kyouya in the head. He fell back unconscious as the battle was won.

Riku shakes her head as Y/n walks over to Kazuma and said.

Y/n: Great, now he's knocked out and he's probably gonna not gonna be happy.

Kazuma: hey he ask for it.

Y/n: (thought) Why do I either bother.

Riku: Yeah we better leave before things will get messy, see you tomorrow Y/n.

Y/n: Alright, take care.

Riku and Taro walks off as Y/n watches them go as he turns back to Kyouya as he sighs and said.

Y/n: (thought) Probably take him to the hospital.


We see Kin and Eryu at Beldia's Castle as it was midnight as Eryu was looking out of the window stairing at the dark sky as we see Kin have his feet up on a table as he drink a bottle of beer.

Beldia was there sat across from Kin as he sighs and said.

Beldia: You know, having your feet down would make my castle more cleaner.

Kin: (smirk) Why do you care, this is just an abandoned castle you found and remake it for your own.

Beldia: How dare you?! Do you know how long for me to cover up all the holes I have, weeks!

Kin: Maybe you shouldn't put some more defense to this old castle.

Beldia: I really hate you, you know that right?

Kin: (smirk) Yep I know. (Laughter)

Eryu: Enough, the reason why we're here is because of Y/n.

Eryu walks over to join up the rest as Beldia laughs and said.

Beldia: What, you mean that weak hero? He didn't even stand a chance against me.

Eryu: Do not get your guard down just a bit. You may have defeated him once but he'll be back, this time more stronger the before.

Beldia: I'm sure that both is just crying and probably giving up trying to defeating us.

Kin: I thought it was that other boy with the brown hair that crys and gives up.

Eryu: We're losing the point. Y/n will be back and soon he'll get his rematch.

Beldia: In that case....

Beldia stands up as he walks over to the window and said.

Beldia: I guess I show the boy not to mess with us and possibly given him a round 2.

Eryu: Right and make sure his town is destroyed as well.

Beldia: Right.

Kin: What about us? Are we gonna join in and face him head on?

Eryu: No. This battle is between Beldia and Y/n. We have no apart of it, it's best we stick to the sidelines and see how it plays out.

Kin: But that's fucking boring, I wanna be in the action right now!

Eryu: Don't be a child and listen to my orders.

Kin sighs as Beldia turns back to the window and make a fist that this will be Y/n's end for good.

(Next day)

We see Y/n entering to Taro's shop as he closes the door and see no one here.

Y/n: Um hello? Taro, Riku, your here?

Riku: At the back, come here it's ready.

Y/n walks to the back and once there he see Taro and Riku looking at Y/n as behind them was something underneath a sheet. Y/n walks over to them and asked.

Y/n: Is that what I think that is?

Riku: Yep, dad.

He nods as he pulls the sheet down and Y/n was amazed his suit of armor and it was very cool and very heroic as he staires at it.

Y/n: (surprised) It looks so cool.

Riku: (smile) Yep, this will allow you yo stand a chance ce against Beldia.

Y/n nods before suddenly someone burst into the door and Taro walks into the shop and see a man as he said.

Random man: It's the demon General, he's back and.....he wants Y/n.

Y/n over hear this as he turn to his suit of armor and knows this was his only chance to defeat Beldia for good.

Y/n: Let's do this.


We see Beldia on his horse as many people and even Kazuma were there as they stare back at Beldia as Kazuma walks up and said.

Kazuma: What do you want? We didn't blow up your castle.

Beldia: I am not here for that. I'm here for Y/n, you will bring him to me at once.

Kazuma: Why him?

Beldia: He's the person that I wanna face once more and this time, this will be his end.

Kaori: (shocked) Oh no.

Random guild guy: Like hell you will.

Then a couple of guild member pulls out their swords and spears as they get in fro the of everyone as the guy who said it said.

Random guild guy: We won't let you get near to this town and Y/n. Your going down.

Random guild guy 2: Yeah last hold off until our strongest Knight arrives.

Kazuma: (thought) strongest Knight?

Then they charge at Beldia as he chuckle to himself as he leap off of his horse and took off his head and said.

Beldia: Fine, if you won't lead me to him, then he'll have to suffer as he will lose a few of his guild friends.

Beldia throw his head into the air and his eye glows red as he highlights the guild members around his body and then his body strikes at them one by one with quick speed. He takes them out with quick speed as everyone was shocked.

After that his body catches his head as the guild warriors were on their knees defeated as Beldia laughs.

Female wizard: You'll gonna pay once Kyouya arrives.

Kazuma: (thought) Wait, that guy that I defeated and sell his sword for money.......yep we're doomed.

Beldia: (laughter) No one can't stand a chance against me! Who's next, who will be a fool to try and defeat one of the demon General.

???: I will Beldia.

Everyone turn as a few people move out of the way as a Knight walks pass everyone as they were shocked. Aqua and the girls were also shocked by this as Kazuma felt kinda jealous that "he" got a fancy new suit.

Once he gotten pass everyone he step forward as we see  Y/n within his new suit of armor with his sword of Bravery on one hand while his Shield at the other.

Y/n: It's time for round two Beldia!

Megumin: (surprised) Wow, look at new armor Y/n has!

Darkness: (surprised) Such heroic, such bravery, I-I think I can't control myself any more!

Aqua: (smirk) I think I'm in love right now.

Kaori: (surprised) He's so cool.

Kazuma: (mutter) Show off.

Riku and Taor smiles knowing they did a great job as Beldia was surprised that Y/n has a new suit of armor but she shake off the shock and said.

Beldia: Y-You may have a new suit of armor but, Th-Thats not gonna help once I defeat you.

Y/n: What's wrong? You scared to see me in this armor? I never know demon Generals can get scared.

Beldia: (anger) How you mocking me?!

Y/n: Something like that dumb head.

Beldia gets mad now as he rais his sword into the air and skeletons start to appear off the ground as they turn to Y/n as Beldia laughs.

Beldia: Ha! Try to face this! Get him!

The skeleton warriors charge at Y/n but Y/n wasn't scared as he chanrge up his sword and with one swing, he take out a huge army of skeletons with one swing. Beldia and everyone else was shocked as Y/n took a whole army of Skeleton warriors with one swing.

Beldia: OH COME ON! How are you doing this?

Y/n: Maybe save the shock once I defeat you.

Beldia: Very well, get ready for your defeat.

Beldia charges at Y/n and Y/n dose the same. They swing their swords back and once close they swing them towards each other and they blades clashed.

A massive shockwaves hits everyone as they step back. Beldia and Y/n clash their blades at each other with quick speed. Beldia was shocked how strong he was getting and thinks Eryu was right.

Beldia jump back and swing his sword to make a dark sword wave that is rolling towards Y/n. But Y/n swing his sword and since it in half. He then disappeared and reappear behind Beldia as Beldia quickly turns and Y/n slashes his blade at Beldia.

Beldia screams out in pain as he steps back and see a crack on his body. He looks back up as Y/n charges at Beldia and headbutts him and then he kicks him in the waist and then he ram his shield at his chest.

Beldia stumbled backwards as he fell to one knee as he looks up to glare at Y/n as he said.

Beldia: Your getting stronger I give you hat but you have no match against this.

He then throw his head into the air and highlights Y/n as Riku knows what Beldia will try to do and calls out to him.

Riku: Y/n, he's gonna use his attack, get ready!

Y/n nods as Beldia's body rushes at Y/n and give blood to Y/n with quick speed. Y/n hold his blocks as Beldia's body strikes at him in quick speed.

Then one strike sent Y/n stumbling back as he fell on one knee as Beldia's head came down as his body catches it and puts it on his head as he said.

Beldia: It seem sthis will be the end of you hero, say goodbye.

He swing his sword back as he ready to finish Y/n off. He swing his sword at Y/n but Darkness got in fro the and blocks the strike with her own sword.

Y/n: (shocked) Darkness!

Darkness: Do not fera Y/n, I'll keep you safe.

Beldia: Ha! You think your crusader will protect you, no matter I will destroy you bot......wait a minute?!

He then leaps back as he points his blade at Darkness and said.

Beldia: Didn't I use my dark magic that you will die within one week?

Y/n: One week.....Ooohhh that well about that. I think you magic doesn't effect her.

Beldia:............WHAT?! HOW?!

Y/n: Don't know but can we go back to fighting you already?

Beldia: Very well, yous will die anyways once I deal with you.

Y/n: (thought) He's very strong and there is no way to get his guard down. If only there is something I can knock him off guard......wait a minute, I got it!

Y/n: Kazuma, Megumin and Aqua helps us, I have an idea.

Kazuma: Are you nuts?!

Y/n: Just do it and Kazuma use your steal magic when I say you can. Aqua, Megumin you also wait for my singal as well.

Aqua: Right.

Megumin: You got it.

Kaori: Let me help.

Y/n: Alright, let's do this!

Kaori turns into a wolf and charge at Beldia and once that he bites him as Beldia panic as he try to get Kaori off him. Once he did Y/n and Darkness charge at him and swing heir sword at him.

Beldia stumbled back after that surprised attack. Beldia stood up as Darkness came first and swing her sword at him but her attacks didn't do anything but Y/n leaps over Darkness and strikes Beldia with his blade that did damage to Beldia.

Beldia stumbled back as Y/n pulls out his twin blades and did quick slashes to Beldia. Beldia stumbled back only for arrows to hit him on the back and Riku runs at him with her staff and then she strikes him on the back fo the head.

Beldia stumbled forward as he looks around to see everyone surrounding him as Beldia chuckles and said.

Beldia: Yous have already meet your doom. So long heros.

Then he throw his head into the air once again but Y/n was waiting for that. Just before Beldia's head was about to looks at them he calls out to Kazuma.

Y/n: Now!

Kazuma: right, steal!

There was a flash of light as Beldia opens his eyes and was confused for a bit until he realise that Kazuma was holding him which shocked him.

Beldia: (shocked) What, no!

Riku: (surprised) Whoa, nice thinking Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. He's all yours Kazuma.

Kazuma looks at Beldia's head and he made a evil smirk.

Beldia: W-w-why are you starring at me like that?

Kazuma: Hey guys, wanna show you what Football is!?

Beldia: WHAT?!

Then Kazuma kicks Beldia into the air and the rest join only. They don't know what football is but they shown to have some fun as they kick Beldia's head around.

Y/n: (thought) Perfect time to finish this!

He joins up with Megumin and Aqua as they stare at Beldia's body as it was confused as Y/n ask them.

Y/n: Ready?

They nod as all three pull out their hand towards Beldia's body as a large holy and explosion magic appear as Riku, Darkness and Kaori moves out of the way as Y/n surrounds Beldia's body within a bubble and lift it up into the air.

Y/n: Now!

Then all three cast their spell as Megumin and Y/n made a huge explosion while Aqua use her holy spell to add thet to the explosion as there was a huge boom in the air.

Everyone was shocked how Y/n along with his friends managed to defeated one demon General. Kazuma kicks the lifeless head do Beldia towards Y/n as he caught it and said to everyone.

Y/n: The demon General no more.

He then crushes Beldia's head itno dust as everyone cheered at them as they managed to defeat a demon General.

We see Eryu and Kin within the forest as they seen everything and seen that Beldia has been defeated. Without a word they turn and leave into the darkness of the forest.


Everyone in the guild cheered as they have a party to congrat Y/n and his team for defeating Beldia as they cheered. Everyone walks over to Y/n and congratulation him on defeated Y/n as Y/n smiles ams thanks them.

Chris sneak up behind him as she takes something in his pocket and walk up in front of him and said.

Chris: (smile) I heard you defeated a demon General, that was pretty cool.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it was, oh by away....Nice try.

Chris was confused until she looks at her hand to see she grab a apple that was bitten and looks back at Y/n as he shows her his bag of many.

Chris: (smirk) Well played Y/n, guess your getting better at this after all.

Y/n: (smile) Yep so it's gonna be harder for you to try to steal things from me.

Chris: (smile) Maybe but I'll get better. Still congrats.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks.

Chris winks Y/n before she turns and left.

Kazuma: Yo Y/n!

Y/n turns to see Kazuma and the rest run up to him all exited as he shows him the reward money as Kazuma said.

Kazuma: We gotten 1 billion gold coins, we're rich!

Y/n: (surprised) seriously?!

Luna: Indeed.

Luna walks up to them as she smiles and said.

Luna: This is the reward money for defeating one of he demon Generals. You must be training hard to have a rematch.

Y/n: Yeah it was, now we're one step away to defeated the devil King and save this world.

Kazuma: You kidding? I say we quit this journey and life a normal and rich life.

Aqua: Oh come on Kazuma, what about me going back to heaven?!

Kazuma: I thought you like this world?

Aqua: Yeah but I still wanna go back though.

Y/n looks over to see Riku walking out of the guild. Y/n gose after her as Riku was about to head home when Y/n calls out for her.

Y/n: Hey Riku!

She turns in surprise as Y/n catch up with her as Riku asked.

Riku: Oh hey Y/n, is there anything you need?

Y/n: I just wanna say thanks. Thank you for helping me train so I can defeat Beldia.

Riku: (little blush) Um S-Sure there's no problem Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) You know. I don't care what other think fo you, you still what you are and no matter what people say, your still a awesome assassin around.

Riku was surprise by Y/n's kind words and felt her heart skip a beat a bit more as she blushes deeper.

Riku: (blush) Th-Thanks Y/n, I really appreciate with your kindness.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Riku, I-

Then Riku lend in and kiss Y/n on the cheek which made Y/n blush as she pulled away. Y/n steps back a bit still blushing as Riku smiles also blushing as well and said.

Riku: (smile) I'll be best leave now, catch you later, ok?

Y/n nods as he hold his cheek were Riku kissed and Riku walks off. Y/n watched her go as he never have a girl kiss him on a cheek like that. He turns and join with everyone else as they celebrate their victory all night with smiles and laughter.

To be continued...........

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