Chapter 4: The Demon general (part 1)

It was a bright morning day as we see Y/n walking through the forest just listening in the beautiful nature within the air until he reach at a opening field which was beautiful.

There was wild life at the bottom of the hill with some tress sticking out and a lake streaming along the field. Y/n smiles to see yet another beautiful view as he took out a large map and sat down.

He start to draw out his map as he looks up at the field and back at his map try to copy the lay out just right. Kaori came out of the bushes and finds Y/n as she walks up next to him and asked.

Kaori: Hello Y/n, what's that your drawing?

Y/n: (smile) Oh hey Kaori, I'm drawing out the lay out of this world so I can explore more and possibly find new things to explore.

Kaori: That's very cool.

Y/n: Yeah since Aqua is desperate to find the devil King I figured I lay out the map in this area so we can have a chance to find him.

Kaori: That's a clever idea. I never know your a good drawer.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Kaori, I really try my best.

Y/n looks back at the field and he suddenly realise something. He stands up and looks around at the field as Kaori stands up and asked.

Kaori: Is there something wrong?

Y/n: There' weak monsters out there.

Kaori: Is it good?

Y/n: It's not good or good it's.....weird. The last time I came here there were a few weak monsters here but it appears there is none.

Kaori: Now I think about it. I heard some adventurous say about now weak monsters in any of the areas.

Y/n find this weird. How come there is no weak monsters around. He thinks a stronger monster must of scare them away but he has a feeling its not that.

He rolled up his map and puts it into his bag and said to Kaori.

Y/n: Let's head back to the guild and see what everyone else is up to.

Kaori: Ok.

They head off back to town to check on Kazuma and his friends while Y/n finds it odd that there is no weak monsters out there or anywhere, maybe someone or something scare them but he wasn't too sure.


The two arrive back into town and enter the guild as they notice Kazuma standing up and facing a empty cub on a table. He pulls out his hand and water came out of us hand and pours it into the empty cup.

Y/n was impressed that Kazuma learn a new magic and it's not something to be a creep about. The two walks up to Kazuma as he drinks the water that he pour into as Y/n asked.

Y/n: I see you've learned a new magic.

Kazuma finish drinking the water and place the now empty cup on the table and turn to Y/n.

Kazuma: Yep and I can feel myself getting a bit stronger.

Y/n: Well that's good, don't want your magic to go "too" wild.

Kazuma: What is that suppose to mean?

Y/n: Oh nothing just saying.

Kaori: So how's things with everyone else?

Kazuma: See for yourself.

Kazuma points as Y/n and Kaori looks to see Megumin hugging her staff while saying sweet talk to it. While Aqua argued with Luna about the cabbages she has is actually lettuce she caught.

Y/n: Oh....Well at least they are......alright?

Darkness: (smile) Good morning my friends.

Then Darkness walks up to them as they turn to her.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Darkness, good yo see your alright about what happened at the cabbage festival.

Darkness: Yes they maybe ramming me so hard that I can handle the pain they have giving me during that day.

Kazuma: (thought) Here she goes again.

Darkness: But I am grateful for your save Y/n. I knew I can trust on you to do what necessary, even it means accidentally blow me up with your amazing explosion spell.

Then Darkness start panting as she is turned on by it as Y/n finds it a bit weird but he clear his throat and said.

Y/n: Um sure I'm just glad your alright Darkness.

Kaori: Speaking of the cabbages festival, how much reward money did you get?

Y/n: 10 million.

Kazuma: (surprised) Whoa that's a lot.

Y/n: Yeah, they even give me two heavy bags to store in my reward. Its kinda heavy once you lift it.

Aqua: Oh Kazuma~!

Kazuma: (thought) Oh boy, I know how this will go down.

Aqua walks over to Kazuma's table with everyone else as Aqua asked Kazuma.

Aqua: (smile) so if you don't mind me asking but how much reward money did you get?

Kazuma: 1 million.

Aqua: (surprised) That's pretty good.

Kazuma: Yeah and Y/n got 10 million so he's richer then me.

Y/n: Yeah it's true. Guess explosion all those Cabbages did the trick.

Megumin: Yeah and I must say, that explosion you pull was awesome in my opinion.

Megumin walks up to the group as Y/n said.

Y/n: Yeah but your the one that teach me more about  explosion magic so I have you to thank.

Megumin: (little blush) Th-Thanks Y/n.

Aqua: Anyways, Kazuma can you do me a little small favour?

Kazuma: If you gonna say it then just say it.

Aqua start to cry as she grabs Kazuma by the shirt as Aqua said.

Aqua: (tears) It's unfair that I caught lettuces even though you have all the money, can you lend me some please!

Kazuma: No way. I'm stick and tired of living in that sticky stable. I'm gonna use my money to find a new house to stay at.

Y/n: Really? Did I not saw you go into strip club at the end of town?

Kazuma: N-No! Y-you must be mistaken me with someone else.

Y/n:.......Right. Well anyways if you needed money Aqua I be gladly hand you some if you like.

Aqua: Oh no I don't want your money. After all your my loyal Knight after all, what ever money you own is yours.

Kazuma: And you ask me for money?

Aqua: (smirk) Oh really, A young man like you should have a place of his own, but I'll miss hearing you rustle around next to me breathing heavy moaning like a stomachache and then crown-

Kazuma: (nervous) Ok! Ok! Fine you win I give you the money just shut up ok?!

Y/n: Your lucky I don't ask you what dose Aqua mean by that Kazuma, otherwise I will be sick if I find out what you were doing.

Kazuma: (nervous) I assure you it's not like that ok?!

Y/n: Right.

Megumin: So what quest are we gonna go?

Darkness: I've wished we slay a huge massive beast that will beat me to death.

Y/n: Actually we can't.

Megumin: Why is that?

Y/n: The weak monsters are gone when I and Kaori explore the area.

Kaori: It's true. There were no weak monsters out there.

Luna: I guess you never heard.

Then Luna walks up to them as they turn to her as Luna explains.

Luna: The devil kings generals has been moving pass some areas so weak monsters are hidden from them.

Y/n: There's a demon general out there?

Luna: Apparently so. So all jobs in the jobs board are taking except the hard once.

Y/n: I see. How many devil generals are there?

Luna: Unknown but they are showing to be strong so it's best to avoid them as all times.

Y/n: Alright Luna, thanks for that.

Luna smiles at Y/n as she walks off to serve more customers.

Kazuma: (mutter) I wish more lady give me some attention.

The guild doors open as a mystery girl with a hood over her head came into the guild and looks around looking for someone.

Aqua: Who's she?

Y/n: No clue but I think I see her at the cabbage festival before.

The mysterious women spotted Y/n as she walks over to him and once there she stare at Y/n which Y/n was kinda find this weird until she spoke.

???: We need to talk in private.

Y/n: Um what?

???: Your friends have to stay behind for this talk.

Aqua: Hold up second! Why do you need to speak to Y/n?!

???: For something important. Will you accept?

Y/n: Um sure.

???: Good, follow me.

Y/n follows her out fo the guild as the rest wounder who was she and why she wanted to speak to Y/n.

(Short while later)

The mystery woman and Y/n sat at a table outside of the cafe as they have their teas in front of them as they stare each other. Y/n picks up his tea and takes a sip while the mystery women just stair at him as Y/n puts the cup down.

Y/n: (thought) She looks pretty powerful. Her clothes is shown that she is combat ready but I wounder why she wants to talk to me and what is it about?

Riku: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Riku Ban. I am an assassin and a hunter.

Y/n: (surprised) That's very interesting. That would explain the outfit your wearing.

Riku: Indeed. I saw you fight those Cabbages monsters and I must say I am impresse of the skills and power you have.

Y/n: Oh you were there? Well thanks I try my best.

Riku: Still I think we should work together in our fight against the Devil King and his generals.

Y/n: What?

Riku: I've gone into intell about them and I discover there is  a few generals that are focusing this town and I've discover their getting ready.

Y/n: Ready for what?

Riku: Ready to attack. And I believe your their target.

Y/n: Why me, I haven't done anything to them?

Riku: It's your power that show threatening to get devil King and to his generals. He order his generals to take you out by any means necessary. But I think this all us an advantage to defeat him.

Y/n: Alright so what should we do?

Riku finish her tea and so dose Y/n as Riku stands up and said.

Riku: Follow me.

Y/n nods as he stands up and follows Riku and soon they arrive at a blacksmith as Riku opens the door and they step in. On the other side of the desk was a man as he turns to see Riku and Y/n as he smiles at team.

???: Hey there Riku, welcome home.

Riku: Hey dad. I brought a guest.

Taro: (smile) I see, nice to meet you. The names Taro Ban, I'm Riku's father.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you. My name is Y/n L/n, its very nice to meet you.

Taro: (surprised) Wait?! Your Y/n L/n, the boy with these amazing powers?

Y/n: Yep that's me.

Taro face was in shock as he runs up to Y/n and shake his hand repeatedly as he said all existed.

Taro: (surprised) It is a honour meeting you in person! I apologise for not recognising you when you first came in!

Y/n:'s alright Sir.

Taro: (smile) I always knew my own daughters future husband will be a strong warrior. I'm so proud of you Riku.

Y/n: (blush) Wait, future husband!

Then Riku hits her own father on the head with a hammer as he grabs his father by the back of his shirt to the back.

Riku: We be back.

Y/n: O-oh, ok?

After a while they came back as Riku and Taro walks up to Y/n as Riku explains to her father about Y/n be able to defeated the devil King and his generals as Taro nods and said.

Taro: Well it's possible. Say, can I see your sword?

Y/n: Sure.

Y/n slide out his sword and hands it to Taro but the sword slams hard on the ground as Taro's hand was stuck. Y/n forgot he can only use it so he picks it up and free Taro's hand.

Y/n: Whoops, I kinda forget that I'm the only one that can use this sword.

Taro: (surprised) Whoa that is very interesting. It must be bless by holy magic or something like that.

Riku: That's what I thought. So do you think he can have a fighting chance?

Taro: It's possible but due to that sword I believe he can have a fighting chance.

Y/n: So why are yous serious about defeating the devil King.

Riku: It's......a long story.

Riku turns and walks off which Y/n was confused as Taro sighs and said.

Taro: I'm sorry about her. You see, we used to live a peaceful village as her mother was a famous warrior to the village. However one of the devils generals attack our village and.....killed her. We manage to survive and live here but Riku still remember her mothers death and till this day.......she will do what's necessary to kill every single devil generals and soon....kill the devil King.

Y/n: (shocked) Whoa, I'm realising sorry for your lost.

Taro: It's alright kiddo, Riku trains herself to be just like her mother and be stronger so no one will not suffer the same lost as us.

Y/n nods as he felt bad for them most mostly Riku as we cut to Riku pull down her hood and her mask as she looks up to see a picture of her, her father and mother as they smile on the picture.

Tears start to pour down to her cheeks as she promise herself she will not rest until everything devil general she finds will be destroyed for her mother.

(Several days later)

It has been several days as everyone was enjoying their lives. Darker dose some jobs and so dose Aqua. Kazuma and Megumin head out to make some explosions within one spot that no damage to the village.

As for kaori and Y/n. We see the two in the stable as Y/n sat down on the piles of hay and reading a book with a blanket over his legs. While Kaori rest her head onto Y/n's lap and fell asleep as she smiles to feel the warmness of Y/n's lap.

Y/n looks at her as he smiles as he pats her head which she smiles even more and move a bit like she was a dog dreaming which made Y/n smile a bit more.

Y/n: (thought) She's actually pretty cute when she's asleep. I wounder what is she dreaming?

Kaori slightly soars peaceful as Y/n close his book and set it beside him as he lay on his back as he looks at the ceiling above him as he thought to himself.

Y/n: (thought) This world if huge to explore and many new things I've learned over the months being here. Still there is the threat of the devil King and his generals but if Riku says I'm strong enough to defeat them then so be it.

Y/n rais his hand up to the air as he looks at it and makes a fist of determination as he said to himself.

Y/n: (thought) No matter what I will use my powers and skills to keep everyone safe. I won't let this town burn and be destroyed just like Riku and her father. I swear with the bottom of my heard.....I will keep people safe, no matter what.

Then suddenly rumbling of thunder his heard outside that cost Kaori to wake up in fear as she sat up and Y/n sats up and Kaori turns to him scared.

Kaori: (scared) Y-Y-Y/n?

Y/n: Is that....thunder? I thought it's gonna be a beautiful day today?

Then a strike or thunder scared Kaori as she screamed and huged Y/n in a fright as she shut her eyes.

Kaori: (scared) I-I don't like thunder. They scare me so much.

Y/n: It's ok Kaori, I'm here for you. There is nothing to be afraid of.

Kaori looks at Y/n and nods but still scared. Then Y/n suddenly feel something as he stands up and run outside. Kaori followed as well as the two exit out of the stable and Y/n looks around.

He see everyone at outside of the gate in the distance. The two runs over and once there they met up with Kazuma and the rest as Y/n asked.

Y/n: What's going on?

Kazuma: You have to see this yourself.

Kazuma points as the two turn and in the distance on top of a hill there was a heedless Knight riding a house as he holds a knight helmet as he stares at everyone.

Y/n: His magic power. Is he?

Kaori: (scared) I-I-I think he is.

Aqua: Head one of the devils generals, but why is he here?

Y/n: No clue.

His horse roars as the headlines devil generals spoke as he said.

???: Which one for you fools keeps blowing at my castle?

Y/n: (thought) Wait.....what is he talking about,

???: Every single day, every single freaking day! My castle gets blown up and it forced me to repair it over and over and over again SO I WANNA KNOW WHO THE HELL IS KEEPING BLWONING UP MY CASTLE!!!!!!

Y/n: (thought) But none of us hasn't blown his castle and even so, who will be have the power to-

He then realised something as he slowly to turn to Kazuma and Megumin as they see Y/n's glare as the two nervously whistle as Y/n knew they must of accidentally keep blowing up his castle.

The devil general spotted Y/n as he points at him and said.

???: I bet it's you young hero!

Everyone turns to Y/n which Y/n was surprised by this as he point at himself and asked.

Y/n: Me?

???: Yes you! I think you want to challenge me to a dual, well you should have just walk into my door instead of keep blowing the crap out of my castle, I mean what type of hero are you to blow up someone's castle!

Y/n:......Um I wasn't the one who keep blowing up your castle. I don't even know who you are?

Beldia: The names Beldia, I am one of the devil Kings generals and you are lying. You think you can lie to me? Well think again hero!

Megumin: He didn't do anything!

Everything turn to look at Megumin as she step forward and looks at Beldia.

Megumin: I was the one who keep blooming up your castle every single day.

Beldia: Wait, you sure? I thought it was that boy over there?

Y/n: I have a name you know.

Beldia: It doesn't matter. If your the one that keeps blowing up my castle then you must be pay for you'll-

Then arrow came by Megumin and nearly hits Beldia's body as he lose balance and fell off his horse. Everyone was shocked as Riku runs pass everyone and pass Megumin as she goes charming at Beldia.

Y/n: Riku!

Beldia stands up and pick up his head and puts it on his head as Riku pulls out twin sword and swings it at Beldia. But Beldia blocks it as they have a sword lock as Riku said in anger.

Riku: (anger) You and your devil generals and your king will pay for everything you did!

Beldia: Ooohhh look at you trying to fight me like a warrior.

Then Beldia kicks Riku back as she rolled on the ground as she slowly stands up as Beldia aims his blade at her and charge up his magic.

Beldia: Unfortunately it's time for you to die.

Beldia fires it at Riku as she looks up to see she can't dodge it. But Y/n got in front of her and slice the sword in half as it exploded behind them.

Everyone was shocked and so dose Riku as she looks up at Y/n as Y/n turns to her.

Y/n: You alright?

Riku: (surprised) Y-Yeah I'm....fine.

Y/n nods as he turns back to Beldia and stands up straight and said.

Y/n: Leave this town Beldia. You do not belong here.

Beldia: Not until I show yous not to mess with me. Especially that stupid witch!

The Beldia turns to Megumin and fire a dark magic at her but Darkness got in front of her and took the hit as she scream out in pain.

Y/n: No Darkness!

Y/n runs over to her as she feel onto her knees as Y/n check on her as Beldia laughs.

Beldia: Soon your friend will die within one week all because of your mistake to challenge the demon general you witch.

Y/n: What about you shut it!

Beldia glares at Y/n as he stands up and he looks at Beldia and said.

Y/n: You will never call anyone of my friends a witch, you hear me rusty junk!

Beldia: (anger) What did you call me?

Megumin: (little blush) Y/n.

Y/n: You dare come to our town, call one of my friend a witch, hurt one friend of mine and then another. I will not allow that to happen.

Y/n pulls out his sword and aims his blade at Beldia as he said.

Y/n: I will defeat you even it kills me! Get ready for fate rusty junk.

Beldia shake his fist in anger as he rais his sword into the air and said.

Beldia: If this is the fight you want, then bring it!

Y/n: Alright, let's go!

Y/n charges at Beldia and swing his sword at Beldia and the two classes blades at each other while everyone was shocked hoe Y/n is fighting one of the devil Kings generals.

Kazuma: (surprised) Wow he's giving everyone he's got!

Kaori: Please be ok Y/n.

Aqua: Come on Y/n, you can do it!

Y/n jump back and he charge up his sword and swing it at Beldia as Beldia blocks it with his balde but the blast knocks him back and he was sent flying back.

Everyone was shocked as Y/n swings his sword to the left as he made a fire tornado that goss towards Beldia as he gets sucked in and takes the hit.

However he breaks through the fire tornado as he leaps over to Y/n and swing his sword back and swings it at Y/n. Y/n jumps back just in a second but his shirt gets caught and his shirt open up realving his shirt underneath.

Y/n lands on his feet as Beldia also lands on his feet as he swing his sword back and he swing his sword up to make a slash wave. It head towards Y/n as he blocks it with his sword as he try to hold it for a while.

But he breaks through and hits Y/n as he was sent flying and rolled onto the ground as he stop rolling and he slowly stands up trying to keep on fighting but he fell back down.

Aqua, Darkness and Megumin: Y/n!!!

Everyone was shocked how Y/n managed to survive a blow to Beldia as Beldia looks down at Y/n and said.

Beldia: I thought you were strong but I guess you're like the rest of your friends. You have no chance to defeat us devil generals and our Lord the devil King.

Y/n glares at Beldia as he hops onto his horse and turns to everyone.

Beldia: I'm leaving but the next time yous ever blow up my castle, I'll come back and show you all the true might of a devil general.

Then he rides off as Y/n slowly stands up as Aqua, Luna and Megumin runs up to Y/n and help him up.

Aqua: Are you ok?

Y/n: Yeah I'm alright. He is strong.

Megumin: It's my fault. I shouldn't have keep blowing up his castle without knowing on what it is.

Y/n: It's alright Megumin, it's not your fault or Kazuma's. Just glad he left and didn't did serious damage to anyone.

Megumin nods still feel bad about making this mess as they and all head back to town to get Y/n healed up.

(Short while later)

We see Y/n at in the hospital bed as he is resting as his wounds is starting to get healed. He heard a knock at his door as he turn and Riku step into the room.

Riku: Hey. How are you feeling?

Y/n: Getting better but the doctor said I'll be out soon.

Riku: That's good. you something.

She walks over and hands Y/n a box. Y/n opens it and it was a box filled with beautiful and colourful muffins as Riku blushes a little and said.

Riku: (little blush) It's just a way to say thanks for saving my life. That general would have killed me if it wasn't for you.

Y/n: I'm just glad your ok Riku. Here, you want one.

He hands one to her. She was surprise of his kindness and her heart kinda beats a little fast which she blushes a bit more. She takes it and takes a little bite.

Riku: It's......Delicious.

Y/n: You never one before?

Riku: I used to when I was young. My mother used to take me to a bakery to buy some.

Y/n: (smile) That's very lovely.

Riku: sure was.

Y/n see how Riku dose miss her mother after so long so he decided on one thing. He looks at Riku and ask her.

Y/n: Riku will you train me to be stronger.

Riku: What?

Y/n: This town as Beldia near them and they are scared of him now. They maybe leaving this village right now in order to survive. I can't let this fear took over this village. I wanna train myself to be the best and defeat Beldia so you and everyone I cared of is safe. I don't want this town burn to the ground similar to yours, so Riku.....Will you train me?

Riku was surprise by his words and her heart skips a beat as she start to lie Y/ really REALLY like him as she looks at Y/n and said.

Riku: Of course, I'll help you train but the training will be hard for you.

Y/n: What ever it is, I will take it. No matter what happens, I will not let no one die on my watch.

Riku nods as the two stay there for a while as now Y/n will train all he got to one day defeat Beldia and keep his town safe form one of the devil Kings generals.

To be continued..........

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