Chapter 3: The blonde crusade knight

We see Y/n with Megumin in the middle of the woods as Megumin was teaching Y/n how to use explosions magic like her as Y/n cost small like explosions that leave holes as Y/n was getting there but needs a bit more practise.

Y/n: Man making hug explosions are a lot more harder is a thought.

Megumin: it maybe hard on the first try but soon you'll get better and better and soon you'll make explosions like me.

Y/n: Yeah it be kinda cool to make explosions. Well not to villages or towns cause how much damage it will be.

Megumin: True but I know you could do it, I know you can make better explosions like me some day.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it be cool of us to make explosions together.

Megumin: (blush) Y-yeah it would.

Y/n continues on making more but small explosions while we see some girl peeking out of one of the trees staring at Y/n as he trains this made her blush as she watches him train for a while.

After a while Y/n sat down on a log next to Megumin and feel his body was getting weaker a bit.

Y/n: Man, Now I know it feels like yo have your body tired after making explosions.

Megumin: Yeah it dose.

Y/n: Dose your family or your crimson guild ever have their bodies give up and fell on the ground?

Megumin: They are highly skilled crimson wizards with the art of explosions so I'm the only one that have that problem.

Y/n: Huh must of suck to be the only family to have your body tired our for a hour.

Megumin: Yeah kinda dose but I'll get stronger and get better. Oh by away, is it true that sword of yours can stand against the devil King himself?

Y/n: (smile) Yep it's pretty strong and very awesome.

Megumin: It sure is awesome and you can only weild it's power?

Y/n: (smile) Yep and I've been getting a hang of it by now.

Megumin: (smile) That's pretty cool, bet the devil King will not-

Then there was a sneezed as they look around to see no one but Y/n calls out.

Y/n: Hello? Is anyone here?

Megumin: If there is a monster waiting to be blown up, I will be glad blow up into space!

Y/n: (thought) Not to be rude but I don't think they would come out after you said that.

???: Wait! Im-Im coming out.

Then a girl wearing all white with white hair and wolf like ears and a white tail came out and walks over etc them. Which surprised them as she walks up to them and bows.

???: I-I apologies for watching. I-I was interesting by your magic and can't help but watch.

Y/n: Oh that's ok, you should just walk up and watched.

???: R-Really? I'm sorry.

Y/n: (smile) You don't have to apologise, it's alright.

Megumin: Wait I know you?

Y/n: You do?

Megumin: I saw her at the guild asking Luna about something but I couldn't tell what.

Kaori: That's right. My name is Kaori and I'm new to the guild. I'm kinda shy when it comes to new people and no one doesn't seem to notice expect of Luna.

Y/n: Must be lonely without a group to join.

Kaori: It is. When you came to the guild I felt exited but I wasn't sure why. I couldn't help but watch you when you came to the guild and can't help but feel happy to how nice you are to everyone.

Megumin: That's kinda creepy to stare at Y/n every day.

Y/n: Megumin!

Kaori: No she's right. I was being creepy but can't help it. Your just a good person that looks after overs including your own team. (Blush) I-I was hoping if....if I can join your group, I maybe not be strong but I am pretty good with my magic so, can I join you?

Y/n: (smile) Sure, you can join us.

Kaori: (surprised) Really?

Y/n: (smile) Sure. You were alone when you first join so I can't say no to you, besides it be interesting to see what magic you us.

Kaori: (smile) Thank you.

She then hugs Y/n while wagging her tail left and right pretty fast which made Y/n blush a little and can't help how cute she was as she wag her tail like a wolf or a dog.


They arrived back at the guild and they see Kazama talking to a blonde female Knight at a table so Y/n walks over and said.

Y/n: Hey Kazama we got a new-

???: You! You were with them I'm I right?

Y/n: Um yeah in what?

???: When you and your group face the giant toads, how do their slime feel like and was it horrible on the inside.

Y/n: Um.....what?

Kazama: Yeah this is Darkness and she ask me the same question last night and ask she could join them.

Y/n: Did you let Darkness in? She looks pretty cool.

Kazama: Yeah but I think she gets turn on when she's.....well let's just say something that hurts her.

Y/n: Seriously?

Darkness: I would never get turned on by that! I am a crusade Knight and it's much duty to be everyone's Shield in battle.

Y/n: That's pretty honourable of you but we don't use people from our group as shields, that's not right.

Darkness: I don't mind by that at all, just because I am a girl that doesn't mean I allow myself to get hurt.

Y/n: Um....right.

Darkness: All I ask is to let me join your team so I can proof to you I can-

Kazama: And I told you no.

Darkness then moan in pleasure which made Y/n weired as she panting cause of Kazama said.

Y/n: (thought) Dose she get turned on for that?! That's pretty weird but if she wanna join I guess it can't be that bad to join.

Y/n: Oh yeah we also got another team with her.

Then Kaosi walks up next to Y/n and bows.

Kaosi: H-Hello, n-names Kaosi. It-it's nice to meet you.

Kazama: (thought) Oh damn, now that's a girl I want for this team!

Y/n: Kazama I know what your thinking by the face your making and I don't like what you are thinking.

Kazama: Right sorry. So what magic do you use?

Kaori: Well I can do this.

Then she transform into a large white wolf which surprised Y/n and Kazama.

Darkness: (surprised) Oh woah it's so huge! I bet it will go berserk and try to eat me alive!

Kaori: No I can control my animal form just fine.

She then turn back to normal and turn to Y/n.

Kaori: So um what do you think?

Y/n: (smile) It's pretty awesome magic Kaori.

He then pats Kaori on the head which made her blush while her tail wags slightly while Kazama realised and have his head down on the table.

Kazama: (thought) Got damn it, why can't I have my own Harem for once.

Darkness: I see that magic was impressive I can see you no longer needed me to join yous.

Y/n: Actually I was asking you wanted to join us.

Kazama: what?!

Darkness: (surprised) Really? You wanted me?

Y/n: (smile) Sure you may know when you get hurt or something physical but your strong heart to protect others is what I call a true crusader?

Darkness: (blush) Woah th-thank you young warrior.

Y/n: (smile) Please call me Y/n, so what do you say?

Y/n rais his hand to Darkness which made her heart skip and take Y/n's hand and shakes on it. Then Kazama whisper to Y/n's ear.

Kazama: (whisper) Your making a huge mistake.

Y/n: (whisper) Just be nice, I'm sure she'll fit right in.

Kazama: (whisper) Sure what ever.

???: So your what everyone has been talking about.

Then a girl with short hair walks up to them and sat on the table.

Y/n: That's right and you are?

Chris: (smile) Names Chris it's very nice to meet a young warrior that will defeat the devil King.

Y/n: Thanks.

Chris: I hear that you two are learning some magic is that right?

Y/n: Yeah, Megumin and I just came back from he lessons of making explosions.

Chris: Cool, mind I teach you and Kazama steal magic.

Kazama: Steal magic?

Chris: Yeah it's a useful magic that allows the usee to steal someone's items without even near them or take it by your hands. Its a useful magic that I be gladly to teach yous.

Y/n: (smile) Sure it be pretty useful if I ever need to steal some enemies weapons without grabing them.

Kazama: (smile) Yeah and I'm desperate for some magic so I'm in.

Chris: (smile) Great let's go.

(Short while later)

They were at the street in town as both Kazama and Y/n stand side by side as Chris was in for the of them and hold out couple of rocks by her hand as she explains.

Chris: So here's yous gonna do. Focus on your mind and try to steal these rocks out of my hands. Focus on these rocks and they will appear on your hands.

Kazama: That's it? This would be easy.

Y/n: She said we need to be focused but I don't think you won't be focused enough to steal the rocks?

Kazama: Oh shut up I know what I am doing just watch me!

Y/n: What ever you say.

Chris: Now let's start now.

Both Kazama and Y/n rais out their hands towards Chris try to steal the rocks out of her hands. They could feel their magic flowing in them and a small light appear out of their hand as they both shout.

Kazama and Y/n: Steal!

Then there was a flash of light that blinds Chris and after the light was gone Y/n opens his eyes and feels something in his hand and open his hand and see he gotten the rocks form Chris.

Y/n: (smirk) Woah looks like I got them first huh Chris?

Chris: (blush)..........

Y/n: Chris, you ok?

Kazama also gotten something which he opens his hand and his eyes widen in shock.

Kazama: (shock) Ooooooohhhhhhh hell yeah!

Y/n: What, what is-

Kazama rais it into the air an did was a pair of some girls underwear as Kazama rais it to the sky as he cheered.

Y/n: (thought) Wait? Please don't tell me Kazama gotten-


Kazama spine Chrises underwear around while laughing while Chris feel embarrassed while Y/n facplam very hard of this stupidity.

Y/n: (thought) Kazama......why are you like this?

(Short while later)

Kazama, Y/n and Chris came back from the guild as Chris was still upset how Kazama embarrassed as she was crying as Aqua and Megumin walks up to them and Aqus ask.

Aqua: What happened?

Y/n: let's just say it was lucky that no one was around when Kazama "steal" Chris most important item.

Kazama: And what you don't have the balls to do it?

Y/n: I'm not like that and you know that?!

Megumin: That doesn't fully explain what happened and why is Chris crying?

Chris: (tears) Kazama use his steal magic I teach him to steal my underwear and spon around it while I tell him to give it back. Y/n try to stop him but Kazama was out of the control and I have to but my own underwear which was awful.

Aqua, Megumin and the rest of the guild were horrified by Kazama and looks at him like a creep as Kazama said.

Kazama: Hey that's not true, Y/n snatch it put of my hands and give it back to you! Right Y/n?

Y/n:............Yeah Kazama is evil.

Kazama: (thought) Y/N!!!!

Aqua: So wait you two learn I new skill?

Y/n: Yep, Steal magic and it's pretty cool.

Aqua: Cool, but not too sure for Kazama though .

Kazama: Oh I did learn it, watch!

Kazama rais his hand towards them and shouts.

Kazama: Stea-

Then Y/n wacks Kazama the back of the head so to stop him from stealing more from them.

Y/n: Yeah how about you quit with your steal magic until we go on a job ok?

Kazama sat up and rub the back of his head while muttering.

Kazama: (muttering) Well you don't have to hit me the back of the head.

Y/n shake his head and turns to see Chris walking away Pitt of the guild so he chase after her and calls out to her.

Y/n: Hey Chris, wait up!

She stops and turn as Y/n catches up to her and said.

Y/n: I just wanna say sorry about Kazama, he's always like this when he first got here.

Chris: No it's fine, thanks for getting my underwear back. I swear it's embarrassing for me to let him steal like that.

Y/n: It's alright Chris. We all have embarrassing moments and sure it maybe terrible but we laugh it off in the end right?

Chris: Yeah guess your right. Thanks for cheering me up a bit, your not like Kazama who is a pervert.

Y/n: Guess you could say we are opposite.

Chris: (giggle) Yeah and you seek cute as well.

Y/n: (blush) W-Well thanks, I kinda get that a lot from the other girls.

Chris: (smirk) Really, how many?

Y/n: (blush).....Too many to count.

Chris: (smile) It's no wonder why, you have the power to defeat the devil King and his army.

Y/n: Yeah guess you have a point.

Chris: Still I heard some rumours about something that you might need to be careful of.

Y/n: What is it?

Chris: I heard that one of the devil kings loyal knights and warriors are gonna try to kill the threat which is you.

Y/n: That's not good.

Chris: (smile) Yeah but I bet you defeat them with no problem.

Y/n: Yeah guess your-

Then there was alarm going off at the guild and everyone in the guild run out of the guild and went pass Chris and Y/n and head to the gates.

Chris: Well looks like it's time.

Y/n: Time? Time for what?

Chris: Follow me.

Y/n follows Chris to the front gates as they and the rest of the guild members stand by the gates and Y/n see in the distance was a large army of.......cabbages?

Y/n: Wait....are those....Cabbages?

Aqua: Yep it seems they have come. These living Cabbages come every harvest they travel across the world so they can search their journey where they will die out.

The army of Cabbages get closer and closer and soon the guild charges at the army of Cabbages and they slice them up....very, very easy.

Aqua: And it's just a waist. So we capture a few and store them in cages so we have a excellent meal to celebrate this day.

The guild starts to grab them and some slice them up as they store them inside huge cages while Y/n and Kazama watches this.

Y/n: Woah never knew living Cabbages would exist.

Kazama: Yeah I'm going home now.

Y/n: Oh come on Kazama it looks fun, besides I think this will practice your sword training.

Kazama: Hey I'm ok with my sword skills.

Y/n: Riiiight.

Darkness: Y/n and Kazama.

Then Darkness walks up to them as Darkness said.

Darkness: I will make sure these filthy Cabbages will not get their hands on this village or yous.

Y/n: Um there just Cabbages, I'm sure they aren't that dangerous.

Then there was a scream as they turn back and see the Cabbages were getting aggressive now as they ram their bodies to the guild members and injuring them good.

Kazama: You were saying about Cabbages aren't dangerous?

Y/n: They maybe aggressive but they are easy to kill.

Koari: Wait I wanna help.

Y/n: You sure you can handle this?

Koari: I can turn into my wolf form and eat them up, it be easy.

Darkness: Right and I'll use my sword skills to cut them down.

Y/n: (smirk) Alright, Kazama how's about you?

He turn and Kazama was far off as he said in the distance.

Kazama: (distance) What? I can't hear you over here!

Y/n: (thought) Really?

Y/n turns back and he draw out his sword and he charge at the Cabbages and slice up a few with his sword as he dodge the incoming attacks from the aggressive Cabbages while Koari eat them up in her wolf form and wacks them with her tail.

Y/n turns to Darkness and see her charging at a few Cabbages and she was about to slice them but she missed....and missed again....and again......and again. She continues missing them while Y/n watches her while Kazama though to himself.

Kazama: (thought) Told him she's bad news.

Y/n: Darkness you need help?

Darkness: It is fine! I take them out with no sweat.

Y/n: (thought) I think she needs help.

Then a male warrior fell onto the ground and a ground of Cabbages were coming towards him but Darkness got in front of the male warrior and the Cabbages continues to hit her on the chest while the rest were shocked except for Kazama.

Y/n: Darkness you alright?!

Darkness: Yes I'm good, these evil Cabbages will not this warrior. I....Will.......protect them!

But Darkness was completely turned on by how the Cabbages were hurting her which Y/n sighs.

Y/n: (thought) Yeah this is kinda getting weird.

Wizard girl: She is sacrificing her life to protect that poor man!

Kazama: (thought) No she's just being creepy.

Y/n rushes over and slice up the Cabbages that were attacking Darkness which surprised Darkness as Y/n turn his head to her and said.

Y/n: (smirk) I take this over from here Darkness, head back to the rest while I finish this.

Darkness: (blush) Y/n?

Y/n: (smirk) Don't worry. I'm gonna end this with a blast.

Darkness nods and lift the male warrior away as Y/n turns yo the rest of the floating Cabbages as he smirks once more and said.

Y/n: (smirk) Alright Cabbages, time to end this celebrate with a bang.

Then a huge magic circle surrounded the Cabbages and Y/n sent them up into the sky as everyone watched as Y/n focus all of his magic as he closes his eyes and then said.


Then the magical circle exploded with a huge fire ball of a explosion that shakes the earth so much everyone could feel their hearts beat hard as a large wind blows the trees far back and the grass.

After the explosions bits of burned Cabbages fell onto the ground as everyone in the guild were shocked by Y/n's amazing magic which even impressed Megumin.

Megumin: (surprised) Oh woah! I never seen that kind of a explosion in my whole life! It was soo loud and so....INCREDIBLY AWESOME!

Luna: (surprised) Woah I never know he learned that new skill.

Chris: (smile) That's Y/n for ya.

Aqua: (surprised) Woah he's getting stronger and stronger by the minute.

Kazama: (thought) Show off.

Then one guild member cheered for Y/n followed by everyone else as they cheered for Y/n and his amazing magic he did. Y/n smiles and bows to everyone as they cheered once more.


They were all back at the guild and they served up Cabbages to everyone which was delicious while a group of guild members were telling Y/n how great he was back there.

Male guild member 1: (smile) Woah kid, you are pretty strong I tell you that.

Male guild member 2: (smile) Yeah, that explosion you did was awesome. It felt like my heart is gonna jump out of my body.

Female guild member: (blush) You were amazing Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks just thought I end this with a bang.

They laughed and Y/n walks over to Kazama and the rest of his teams table and sat down and Kaori and Megumin said.

Kaori: (smile) That was amazing power you did back there.

Megumin: (smile) Yeah sad your body didn't get tired out from that explosion.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, I was surprised myself but I guess I'm strong enough to use explosions.

Megumin: (smile) I bet you're gonna be a great explosions magic just like me.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Megumin and thanks for teaching me of one of your explosions magic, otherwise I would have take down those Cabbages on my own.

Megumin blushes a little and Darkness looked a bit nervous and Y/n ask.

Y/n: You alright Darkness?

Darkness: (little blush) Oh yes I'm ok but I was wondering about your skills in sword combat.

Y/n: What about it?

Darkness: (little blush) I know you saw me miss my shots which is an embarrassment for me and I was hoping you can train me of sword combat.

Y/n: (smile) Sure I'll be happy to train you, we are a team after all so we help each other no matter what.

Darkness: (surprised) Really? Thank you Y/n, I will not fail you and if I do I will allow you to punish me as much pain as-

Y/n: Um it's alright if you fail by mistake, I mean I'm not a type of guy to do that.

Darkness: But will you if I fail?

Y/n: Um.....No?

Darkness was kinda disappointing but nods and Y/n find it weird but ignores it and Aqua said.

Aqua: (smile) Looks like we made a team now.

Kazama: Yeah a team that is upsets with explosions and a Knight that gets turned on everyone she gets hurt and useless goddess.

Aqua: (anger) Hey who are you calling useless! I am not useless how dare you call me that!

Megumin: (anger) How dare you be rude to a crimson wizard and you shall respect me.

Darkness: (pmating) I am flattered by your being mean to me, it's just perfect.

Aqua and Megumin argued to Kazama while he ignores them while Darkness was getting turned on all awhile Koari and Y/n watches and Koari said to Y/n.

Kaori: So this what it feels like to be a team?

Y/n: Yep it appears so.

Kaori: (smile) I like it. Its like we are a family.

Y/n: (smile) sure dose.

While in the distances we see a mysterious girl looking at Y/n at another table before she stand up, pay her meal and left the guild to the dead of night.

To be continued...........

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