Chapter 20: The special treasure
We see a ruin temple at the fair distance all awhile we see Y/n, Kazama, Megumim, Darkness, Aqua and Riku looking at the ruined temple as Y/n ask Riku.
Y/n: So you sure there is treasure in there? Cause I have a feeling it maybe a disappointment.
Riku: I can understand why but those who came here reported encounter a gaint. I mean it could be something right?
Kazama: There better be something in there.
Megumin: I can blow it up so we can kill the gaint.
Kazama: No.
Aqua: I bet there will be something disappointing in there.
Y/n: Well let's cross our finger and hope for the best, come on.
They make their way over to thr ruined temple and while walking Riku tells Y/n.
Riku: We could've brought Knight-X to face the gaint.
Y/n: (smirk) You think you won't handle it?
Riku: (smirk) Please I can handle anything.
Y/n: Besides I think he's with Hisa and the others with some stuff.
Riku: Guess so.
Kazama: I'm just hoping this gaint won't kill me.
Y/n: Don't worry it will be fine, we can handle it.
Darkness: Indeed and I'll protect you all with my unbreakable body.
Kazama: Like you always have.
They soon approach the ruined temple and at first it doesn't seem like nothing is here but then there was a rumble and then a gaint came out of the ground.
Y/n and Riku draw out their weapons only for Y/n and Kazama to see that the gaint is a robot.
Riku: This one is like Knight-X right?
Y/n: Yeah seems so.
The gaint robot gose to punch them but Y/n and Riku move out of the way only for Darkness to take the punch.
Y/n: Darkness!
Darkness: I'm okay! My this blow is very strong! I can never imagine how powerful this is!
She then gets turned on like she always have as Riku then shoots her arrows at the gaint robot. It turn to her and make its way over and was about to stump her when suddenly its leg was silced off by Y/n.
He rushes over and then leaps onto its back and then he use his sword to cut the robots head and dig his hand in and then pull out its wires.
The robot begins to malfunction and then it goes offline. It collapses and then crashes onto thr ground. Y/n stood on top of the robot as Riku and the girls clapped except for Kazama.
Kazama: Show off!
Y/n: Hey you could have helped!
Kazama: How?!
Y/n: You could've use your steal magic to take the robots batteries.
Riku: He got you there.
Kazama mutters something while Y/n leaps down and turn to the robot and noticed it wasn't just a robot but what seem to be an action figure like robot from his world.
Soon they find the entrance which goes underneath the temple as they stood and look at the steps.
Kazama: Well Aqua you go first.
Aqua: Wait why me?! I shouldn't go first! You go first!
Kazama: No way! You go down there and check!
Aqua: As if! I am a goddess and you shouldn't tell a goddess to go down a possible dangerous temple.
Kazama: (mutter) A very useless one.
Aqua: How dare you!
The two argue while the rest just watch this until Riku gets tired and then she kicks the two down. They fall down the steps as Riku turn to the rest who were looking at her.
Riku: What? Better than one right?
They move down and meet up with Aqua ans Kazama as they walk through the temple. They soon stumble into a large circular room with what seems like a metal door with a keypad attached to the wall.
Y/n: Looks like we need to find the pass code so we can enter inside.
Riku: There must be something that can tell us the code.
Darkness: Look what I found.
They look over and see Darkness holding an air refresher which surprised Kazama since that is from his and Y/n's World.
Aqua: Aww look at this cutie pie!
They look over to see Aqua picking what looked like a small baby like creature with red eyes.
Riku: Um you sure that is a good idea holding that? Maybe be ready with your magic.
Aqua: Oh come on Riku I won't waste on my magic on something that is small and cute as th-
Suddenly a bunch of them tackled her and begins to attack her as she screamed and begging someone to get them off of her.
Kazama: Darkness quick, directe them!
Darkness: I can't! They don't seem to be drawn towards me.
Y/n: (thought) Guess that means they only attack those with holy powers.
Y/n: Riku ready for target pretest?
Riku: (smirk) You know it.
The two pull out their bow and begin to fire the baby like dolls and soon they take out the last one. The two smiled while Aqua immediately hugged Y/n.
Aqua: Thank you so much!
Y/n: No problem.
Riku: Hey I helped as well.
Riku just roll her eyes and begins to look around. Then she noticed something on the floor so she pull it out and it is a journal. She opens it and immediately after a few reads she had a disgusting face and said.
Riku: Yeah we should leave right now and never come back.
Kazama: Why?
Riku: Remember we told you how we found Knight-X and what he was protecting.
Kazama: Yeah which by away you should've take rather than burning it! They may have some useful stuff in there.
Riku: Well this place is even worse. It that same guy but he has created what it appears to be female androids.
Kazama: Female androids?
Y/n: Why?
Riku: Something creepy but we should leave and never-
Kazama: Give me that!
He snatches the journal and reads through it until he finds the code and begins to type it in.
Megumin: What are you doing?
Darkness: Yeah, if it is useless then we should leave.
Kazama: Now hold on guys! What if this robot breaks free and goes on a rampage. It is our duty to make it will never break free.
Y/n and Riku: (thought) Yeah that's a lie.
Then the door open and they step into the room. The room was high tech with a cryo chamber in the middle that contains one perfect female android which Kazama is amazed to see.
Y/n: Guess this guy finished one.
Aqua: Looks like it.
Y/n walks over and sees a button. He stare at it then Kazama groups him by the shoulder which he turn as Kazama glare at him.
Kazama: Don't even think about it.
Y/n: What? I'm not gonna push it!
Kazama: Yes you are!
Y/n: Kazama my hands were down!
Kazama: But you were thinking of doing it didn't you?!
Y/n: No! Besides this android might be dangerous, I don't think anyone would ever-
Aqua: Boob
Then Aqua pushes the button which everyone stare at ever for a moment until the cryo chamber begins to open.
Kazama: Why the heck did you push that button!
Aqua: I was curious okay!
Riku ready hee bow in case it begins to attack them and once the cryo pod opens the female android opens hee eyes and look at them.
Female android: Which one of you is my master?
With this opportunity Kazama hands Y/n the journal since he doesn't need it and step forward.
Kazama: That would be me. I am your master.
Riku: I knew it. You just want to free her so you'll do things to her are you?
Kazama: Shut up! I'm tired seeing Y/n get all girls so I want one of my own! Don't ruin this for me!
Female android: So you are my master?
She step out while Kazama gets excited as he finally gets his sexxy girlfriend and possibly a beginning of hid harem. Suddenly she had a wipe which Kazama is confused that was until her hair pull up revealing punished like tools as she then said.
Female android: It is time for your punishment master. Now down!
She wipe Kazama which he is terrified while Y/n looks through the journal and then noticed something that Kazama missed snd shows it to Riku.
Riku: Wait? He was a masochist?
Y/n: Yep.
Riku: Huh.......should we help Kazama?
They watch as Kazama runs away from her while she chases him. They all watch him for a moment and then decide to leave him be for a moment as Kazama continues to scream for his life while the rest waits outside.
(Sometime later)
Once home Kazama is seen locked up in his room traumatised from what he experienced while Y/n, Hisa and Kaori outside of his room trying to get him out but he wouldn't.
Kaori: I hope he'll be okay.
Hisa: I mean at least he got what he wanted right?
Kaori: But not what he suspected?
Y/n: Well I'm sure he'll recover......hopefully.
Hisa: Yeah.
Then they begin to leave while Kazama lays in bed still traumatised and may never sleep for a few months.
Somewhere far away on the mountains we see a mysterious cloaked figure walking through the trail. His cloak was torn, blood is seen tripping out and he is breathing heavily.
He makes the journey as he drag his sword along leaving a trail behind him. He soon come walks up to a veiw and he looks at the beautiful landscape.
He stare at the landscape when suddenly a massive frog appears behind him. He doesn't turn around but stood there and when the frog spits out its tongue the person immediately turns and grab the frogs tongue.
He then pull the frog over and tosses him off the mountain. The gaint frog fell and crash onto thr ground. The cloak figure breaths heavily even more as he looks at the veiw and then says.
???: Gonna.....keep.....going. Must find Y/n......Must find Y/n.....Must find Y/n.
He then walks off and continues his journey to find Y/n for some mysterious reason.
To be continued.........................................................
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