Chapter 19: A date with an officer
We see Y/n sitting on a small hill watching something in the distances as he have some food with him as he begins to have his lunch. He was eating his lunch as he sit there peaceful while watching all awhile he watches something when Sena appears behind him and came down which he turn to see her.
Y/n: (smile) Oh hey Sena. What brings you here?
Sena: Well I was actually looking for you. So what are you doing?
Y/n: Nothing much.
Sena: You sure? Then why do I see Kazama being classes by gaint toads.
We finally see what Y/n is watching as Kazama is running around while a group of five Toads hops over him and sticking out of their tongues to catch him.
Y/n: Well he told me he wanted to deal with the Toad all of his own so he can get stronger and bans me of fighting the Toad. I just let him and Well.....this happened.
Sena: Oh.....I see. What about the rest?
Y/n: Aqua is trying to get some followers, Megumin is going to practice her explosion magic, Darkness......Well not really sure where she go. I think she told me she's away for something but wasn't sure what exactly.
Sena: And the rest of the girls?
Y/n: At the house doing their usual things. Everything is pretty quiet if you ask me.
Then Kazama let's out a scream which Y/n sighs and calls out.
Y/n: Hey Kazama! You sure you wanted me to help?!
Kazama: (distances) Hell no!
Y/n: Okay!
Sena: So I suppose you are free?
Y/n: Seems like it. Why is there a job you want me to do?
Sena: (little blush) Not exactly. I was wondering if you want to spend the day with me?
Y/n: (smile) Sure I don't mind. Besides might as well to do some shopping while I'm at it.
Sena: Great!
Y/n: Hey Kazama! I'm gonna go out for a while! Last chance!
Kazama: (distances) No thank you!
Y/n: Okay let's go.
Sena gets a bit excited as the two leave just as Kazama is being caught and pulled into the Toads mouth as he begins to scream.
In town we see Y/n going into one of the store to grab some food for dinner as he picks the ingredients to make dinner while Sena is with him. Soon they leave the store and decided to get something to drink so they stop by a cafe to get some.
When they drinks came they begin to chat while they have their drinks.
Sena: So Y/n? Why do you hang out with people like Kazama? I mean a while ago I caught him using his steal magic to take several woman's underwear.
Y/n: (shrugged) Don't know. But hey they're maybe bad but their not like villains or something.
Sena: I suppose so. After all not all of your party isn't as crazy as Kazama or Aqua.
Y/n: Well I've you been living with them for a long time you'll get use to it. Besides I think Kazama gets annoyed the most then me.
Sena: You think so?
Y/n: Yeah I believe so.
Sena: Well anyways things have been quiet which is surprising. There is no word of the demons army and no attacks. Its not like them.
Y/n: Yeah I noticed that as well. You think they might be planning for something?
Sena: Maybe. But with a lot of defenses we have in stored, I believe there is a chance to fight if they arrived.
Y/n: Yeah especially we have two of the Demon Lords generals.
Sena: Yeah I actually wanted to ask you about those two. I'm a bit surprised your party convinced two demon generals to abandon their armies and live a peaceful.
Y/n: Well I check up on them to see how things doing and if there is any trouble.
Sena: I see. Still we should be ready when they come for vengeance.
Y/n: Yeah especially the Dark King. He's still out there and he might hold a great threat if he would to return. Especially if he discovered more ruins that could destroy the world.
Sena: I am interesting to know about these ruins you speak of. Who made them?
Y/n: Long story but he might be long gone......I hope.
Sena: I see.
They soon finish up their drinks and once that they decided to take a walk around town. Soon they come across a bridge where they come across three bullies picking fun of a scared boy with one taking one of his stuff animal.
Seeing this Sena was about to stop this but Y/n came over to them and when the boys turn and see him. His presence made them stop laughing and quickly they left, dropping the stuff animal as they ran away.
The scared boy was about to cry when Y/n kneel down, picks up his stuff animal and gives it back to him.
Y/n: (smile) Here. I think this belong to you?
Little boy: Thank you. (Sniff) I know....its lame to be carrying around a stuff animal.
Y/n: (smile) Not at all. I think it just shows are gently and kind you are.
Little boy: Really?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Hey...How's about we take you home. Is that okay?
Little boy: O-Okay.
Y/n gets up and takes the boys hand and he takes him home. Sena follows behind him as she is surprised how pure of heart Y/n really is. Not only hr risk his life as a hero defending his home and the innocents around him but he also helps those that are needed.
Sena: (thought) It's no wonder everyone loves and respects him.
Soon they took the boy home where it turns out they were living in a run down home as his father and mother step out to greet Y/n.
Father: Thank you for bringing our son back at one peace. He has been bullied a lot because of us.
Y/n: What happened?
Father: We use to live a nice town when the demons army attacked and drag us out of our home. We barely gotten any money and have to live here.
Mother: We're trying our best but at this rate I don't think there won't be any future for our son.
Father: But thank you for bring our son home. Goodbye.
They turn to leave when Y/n calls out.
Y/n: Wait.
They turn and Y/n tosses them a diamond which the father catches as he tells them.
Y/n: I'm sure you can cash that out and find a better place to stay or have some food on the table.
Father: (surprised) We.....We can't accept this. Your a hero...we can't take this.
Y/n: (smile) I assist, keep it. Everyone deserves a future and I won't let anyone be left behind.
Mother: Oh thank god!
Father: Th-Thank you! Thank you so much! We will never forget this.
He smiles and leaves as Sena is even more surprised and so when she comes up to Y/n she ask him.
Sena: Why did you do that?
Y/n: (smile) Because they are shown to be struggling so I give them a helping hand.
Sena: But do you do this for fame?
Y/n: Fame? No. I done it because I wanted to. I like helping people in any way I can.
This made Sena smile as she then stop which Y/n stop and turn to her.
Sena: (smile) You truly are different to Kazama or anyone I know who is selfish. Most heroes would brag or do things to give them attention but you are different. You truly do wish to help others in need and doesn't mind to throw away anything as long it makes them happy. I wish there was more people like you.
Y/n: (smile) Your not bad yourself. I know the first time we met was....not as good but you were just doing your job and I respect that.
Sena smile and then without word she lend over and kissed him. She blushes bright as she kissed him but soon he kiss her back and the two begins to make out. Soon we see them in the alleyway as Y/n have Sena pinned onto the wall as the two make out.
They let some moans of pleasures as Y/n begins groping on her breast which made Sena moan even more as they play around with their tongues and soon they stop making out and they look at each other.
The two take some deep breaths as Y/n remove hee glasses and says with a smile.
Y/n: (smirk) Your cute either with or without the glasses.
This made Sena giggle and the two go back to making out as they soon collapse onto thr ground as they let out some moans as they continue kissing and making out.
(Sometime later)
Y/n arrives home only to be hit in the face by a pillow as Kazama as he yells at him.
Kazama: Hey jerk! Where were you when I needed you?! I almost got eaten by that Toad!
Y/n: Don't blame me! You were the one who assist to deal with the Toad on his own! Haven't you forgotten you ban me to kill any Toad while your there?
Y/n: (sigh) Unbelievable.
Hisa: I question why do you keep on fighting Toads even though you'll just get eaten in the end?
Then Hisa came over Mii on her shoulder as Mii leaps over to Y/n and he catches him and place Mii on his shoulder. Just then Aqua came in crying.
Aqua: Why isn't no one worshipping me! I am a goddess! This isn't fair!
Hisa: Jeez why are you trying to convince people that your goddess? Your not a goddess.
She cried even more and soon Darkness came in with Megumin on her back.
Y/n: Hey girls, how are things?
Darkness: At first I fail to meet someone something to beat me only until the was caught in a massive explosion which was amazing.
Megumin: Which is no surprise. But I did make my explosion more bigger at least.
Y/n: (smile) Well that's good enough. So then how's about we havesomw dinner.
Kazama: Sounds great. I'm going to take a shower.
With that they have their normal night as we cut outside of their home and we then see a mysterious figure watching the home. The person is wearing some kind of high tech armor as he stared at the house and then turns and suddenly turns invisible as it disappeared into the night.
To be continued................................................
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