Chapter 16: A cute succubus?

It was a beautiful day as we see Y/n and Riku at the large open field as the two were laying on the ground as they see a pack of wild and very rare animals as they are eating some grass as Riku stood up on one knee and pull out her bow and pull back her arrow and take aim at one of the animals and after she steady her aim a bit and making sure that the wind if blowing the right direction.

She let's go and the arrow hits the animal right in the heart and then onto the ground while the others run off and once the area was clear the two approach the dead animal as Riku pick it up by the neck as she ask Y/n.

Riku: How much you think this will worth of? 1,000? 10,000?

Y/n: (smile) Really depends on how rare these animals are.

Riku: (smile) They are very rare. In fact many hunters find these animals hard to find due to them living in some areas that is never discovered before.

Y/n: (smile) And yet we did and we got one.

Riku: (smile) Yep. Luckily for us.

The two head back to the cart and once at the cart Riku throws the dead animal at the back and they climb onto the front as Riku wipes at the twin horse to get moving and they did.

Riku: (smile) You think Kazuma might do something stupid once we come back?

Y/n: (smile) Probably. Really depends what he get himself into.

Riku: (smile) Guess so. Say to all everyone in the house, which would you think is the most useless one?

Y/n: (smile) I can probably say Kazuma for sure. I don't care what Kazuma tells me how useless Aqua maybe he's the one who gets killed a lot, get himself in trouble and fools around with his steal magic.

Riku: (giggle) That's true. Besides disbite Aqua's overdramatic things and loud personality she's not that useless. She's pretty good in my opinion plus a funny person when it comes to parties.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah I still remember how she throw up at some guys drink by accident and we didn't get blamed.

Riku: (chuckle) Yeah guess so. I also still rem-Oh crap!

She suddenly stop which almost made the two got off the cart. Before Y/n could ask why she stopped all of sudden, he sees what looks like a women laying in the middle of the road as the two got out and rush over to her.

Riku: Hey you okay? Talk to me!

She turn her over and they were surprised that she is a succubus as she breaths heavily meaning she's still alive.

Riku: She's still alive but unconscious. We need to take her to our place.

Y/n: Right. Let's pick her up and let's go and hurry.

Riku: Right!

(Short while later)

They managed to return home and they immediately have the young succubus girl on Y/n's bed and let her rest. We see Mii sitting next to her and keeping an eye on her while we see the rest as Y/n and told everyone what happened.

Aqua: Are you our of your mind! She's a succubus! Why did you allow her in?

Y/n: Look she was laying in the middle of the floor unconscious and it be wrong to just leave her there.

Riku: It was a good thing we did. She must have wonder around without any food or water.

Megumin: Say wait a minute. Was she that succubus that brock into the house a while back?

Y/n: Huh?

Darkness: It was when you and Riku were away to a hunting trip and during the night a succubus broke in and was probably planning to do something awful to us and even took control over Kazuma as well.

Aqua: But we've managed to defeat her and now she returned for round two! (Chuckle) Leave this one to me, I know what to do with her.

Y/n: Look I know you may hate devils or undead type of monsters but she's not like that. Just like Wiz she's not like all evil monsters and. Plus why was she in the house and took control of Kazuma?

Riku: Hang on a minute there. Her outfit is similar to the ones that was in town. I remember many people talked about a succubus ally that men sign up so a succubus can come into the house and do whatever they want to them.

Y/n: So wait? That would mean...........

All eyes were on Kazuma as he noticed everyone looking at him and then sigh and said.

Kazuma: Okay fine it was me! I want yo that succubus ally a while back in hopes one of them can pleasure me but it seems that didn't work.

Aqua: (anger) So it was you!!

Megumin: (anger) What a pervert.

Kazuma: Don't judge me! Y/n is over here with all the bitches while I'm here with no bitches! Just for ones I want to have three or four girls who love me!

Hisa: Look disbite Kazuma's idiotic thing I think we should give this succubus a chance. If Y/n and Riku believes we should let her stay then I fully agree to it.

Kaori: (smile) I think so as well.

Knight-X: If master Y/n believes that a succubus will not do harm then I will fully support it.

Aqua: Fine but any moves from her call me and I'll do the job.

Y/n: Whatever you say Aqua.

Ones that was all settled and done he make his way to check up to her and one's he reach to the door he opens and sees her awake as she look over to see Y/n as he walk up to her.

Y/n: You doing okay?

She nodes whike he gave her a smile and sees Mii gently pushing a glass cup towards Y/n which he stick his finger over and pour some water into it. The succubus is surprised and soon the glass was full as he hand it to her which she takes it and takes a drink.

Y/n: (smile) You must be thirty were you. It's a good thing Riku and Y/n saw you just in time.

???: Th-Thank you.

Y/n: (thought) She must be shy just like Kaori when we first met. Usually succubus would be more flirty around male humans but I guess she's not.

Y/n: (smile) So you got a name?

Lolisa: I-It's Lolisa.

Y/n: (smile) Lolisa. That's a cute name.

She blushed which is even more cute as Y/n smiled and ask her.

Y/n: So why were you out in the feild by yourself?

Lolisa: I-I was just going to fulfil a request but then I-I got lost. Soon....I-I might have fallen unconscious and next thing I know....I woke up here.

Y/n: I see. Well ones your all better I can take you back to the rest of the succubus.

Lolisa: I rather....not want to go back.

Y/n: Huh? Why?

Lolisa: Y-You see......I'm not like many of my kind. Men may see me cute and all but I'm terribly at fulfilling their request. It's just.....I feel wrong doing all these requests and it just.....makes me sick. I know succubus are support to fulfill their request but.....I feel like.....I'm not like them and it's no wonder I was not much popular around any succubus. I'm a failure to my kind.

She squeeze the blanket a bit when Y/n grabs her hand which she turn to him as he tells her.

Y/n: (smile) It's okay that your not good at your job. If you don't want to do it then it's your decision and no one else's. Not everyone is perfect at their jobs and I completely understand why. If you don't want to do it then I'm 100% okay with it.

Lolisa: Really? don't think I'm a failure?

Y/n: (smile) Of course not. There is no such thing as a failure in my books. If you want to choice your path then I'll support that.

Lolisa smiled and suddenly she hugged him which made him blush but smiled and hugged her back. Once that she leaves the bed as she ask Y/n.

Lolisa: what?

Y/n: Well I think I know one place that you feel welcome but first we need to get you some clothes.

Lolisa: S-Sure thing!

Y/n smiled as he walk up to the door and open only for Aqua, Megumin and Darkness to fell onto the floor as Y/n sees the three were listening in as Y/n sighs while the three stood up.

Aqua: I was just making sure she didn't cast any love charm on you!

Lolisa: (surprised) Wait your the people that trapped me in a magic circle?

Megumin: Yeah after you broke into the house!

Lolisa: Oh I'm so sorry about that! Please forgive me!

Y/n: (thought) Looks like things didn't start out well huh.

Y/n: Look how about you three wait at the living. I'm going to take Lolisa to get soke clothes and visit someone that might take her in.

Aqua: Who?

Y/n: If I tell you, you might try to kill her again.


We see both Lolisa and Y/n at Wiz's store with Lolisa wearing nice clothes that feels nice for Lolisa as the two enter as Wiz greet the two of them as they enter.

Wiz: (smile) Hello Y/n. Glad to see you here. Whose your new friend?

Y/n: (smile) This is Lolisa. She's a succubus but wants a new job and also a new place to stay as well. Would it be okay if she can stay here with you for a while?

Wiz: (smile) Of course! I've been meaning to hiring new employees for my store. So Lolisa what can you do?

Lolisa: W-Well I-I don't do much but I-I can maintain cash and help customers.

Wiz: (smile) Sounds great. I'm honoured to have you working in my store Lolisa.

Lolisa: (smile) Whoa thanks, I won't fail you.

Y/n: (smile) Glad to hear that Lolisa.

Wiz: Oh Y/n, Sena came by today wanting to know if your around?

Y/n: What dose she want?

Wiz: No idea but she told me that she'll be outside the guild waiting for you. Apparently she might have work for you.

Y/n: Alright then. Thanks Wiz, I'll see you two later.

Lolisa: (smile) Goodbye and thanks for everything Y/n!

Y/n: (smile) No problem Lolisa.

He leaves the store and head to the guild as we cut to the guild and we see Sena looking through the windows as she scans inside for Y/n. She was nervous as she looks through the window while we see Y/n behind her as he clear his throat which she panic a bit before she turn and wipe off any dust off of her and clear her throat.

Sena: Ah Y/n glad you came. I was suspected you to come here.

Y/n: (thought) Guess I ignore the fact she was looking through the window.

Y/n: (smile) Well Wiz told me about your visit and I may think you have a job for me?

Sena: Indeed. Let's sit down and talk.

He agrees as the two sat down with Sena sat across from Y/n as they sit down and Sena starts off by telling him.

Sena: Listen we may have hold grudges for a while but I think this is the day our teamwork, bounds and trust will be build up and we can start over as allies or friends if you like?

Y/n: (thought) I don't hold any grudges towards her. I mean she was doing her job, the only one that might hold a grudges is probably Kazuma.

Y/n: Friends would be nice.

Sena: Yes! I mean (clear throat) Good. Because I have a job for you and your team that might be difficult but you might pull off.

Y/n: Sure what's the job?

She pulls out some paper and slide it towards Y/n as he takes the papers and read through them.

Sena: A demon general by the name of Vanir has been spotted making some plans along with his army of making their next moves into our area. He may not seem as much but don't let his appearance lower your guard. The body he has isn't his actual body. What you should be careful for is the mask.

Y/n: So the demon general is the mask?

Sena: That's correct. He's also friends with your other demon general, Wiz.

Y/n: (thought) Hope he too isn't a creep like the other general I've faced a while back.

Y/n: So have you guys located his hideout?

Sena: Yes. He's in what seems like a temple far from this town. We also have word he is with the Dark King.

Y/n: (shocked) The Dark King?!

Sena: Indeed. We don't know what they are planning but I think this Dark King might be making allies and those two might be planning something and i need you and your party to head there and stop them.

Y/n: This is weird. Because he said he fears both humans and demons, not only that but he was made to control the fortress. So why all of sudden reaming up with a demon general?

Sena: Either he is tricking Vanir or something else. All we do know is that they are within a temple and your party is strong enough to face them.

Y/n: Right then. We can take on this job and stop those two before they will do anything that will threating the world.

Sena: I'm very thankful for that Y/n. I will await for you and your party at the abandoned temple.

Y/n: Right. Of Yeah if Kazuma says anything to you just ignore him out your......underwear just in case.

Sena: Alright then. Thanks for that information. Have a good day.

Y/n: (smile) Same to you.

And so the two leave the table and go their separate ways as Y/n head back home whioe Sena walks off only to enter a alleyway and lend her back against the wall as she gently grab her beating heart as she thinks to herself.

Sena: (thought) My god he is soo cool and soo cute! What an honourable, kind and respectful man! I love him soo much! Calm down Sena you need to calm down. You have a job to do so you need to force. (Sigh) I can't wait to see him in action. How cool he will be with his mighty armor, how amazing he will be with his large sword and how handsome he will be in general. My god, maybe after the mission I might ask him on a day out just me and him. I can't wait for that~!


Somewhere in a unknown area in the woods we see demon troops making their way through the trees while we see Vanir leading them as he climb up a hill and stop his armor when he sees what looks like a metal temple down at the hill.

Vanir: Looks like that's it. So what's the big deal with this temple? Dose it hold something special or-

Then Dark King appear as he walk up next to Vanir and look down to see the temple as he tells Vanir.

Dark King: Yes. It holds something very important. Get your army down there and get that door open. Make sure no one will not know we're here.

Vanir: (smirk) Do not worry. I know what to do with that.

The two make their way down the hill and soon they stand at the main entrance of the temple as Dark King looks at it and sees it hasn't been used for a very long time.

Vanir: So question? What is inside exactly? I mean there has to be something inside that might as well be useful. Maybe a new army, new monsters or what? You gonna tell me what's inside.

The demon soldiers try to open but it will not open. Dark King step forward and look at the door and then pulled out his sword and made a huge slash at the door, making a huge hold as the twin doors came off and hit hard onto yhe ground which surprised Vanir and the rest as Dark King slids his sword onto his back and turn and just said to Vanir.

Dark King: Something that we all will get our revenge apon our enemies.

To be continued............................................

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