Chapter 15: A relaxing day (Lemon)
We see Y/n in his bedroom and sleeping in his bed after a long job he did with the rest of the girls to take down a evil king as he wakes up and lay there in bed looking up at the ceiling thinking of what to do today and then he decided on one thing. As he gets out of bed just as Knight-X appears on his window to see him awake.
Knight-X: Good morning master Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Morning Knight-X.
Knight-X: So what adventure will we do today now your back.
Y/n: I think I'll take it easy and have a day off of taking on jobs. I mean I did came back from what was a warzone and probably spend some time with some people.
Knight-X: I believe that's a great idea.
Y/n: Still I never get to ask how it was while I was away. What did Kazuma got himself into this time.
Knight-X: Well Kazume brought an idea that slowly kills him and the girls have to do what ever he has to tell him to. Then we found a ruined temple that is guarded by a robot which I defeated and they head inside, later the temple blow up but they were alright. When I ask what happened Sir Kazuma said "It's nothing to worry about."
Y/n: Whoa you guys done a lit of things while I was away. Well at least know things are calm now and we can probably get to relax a bit and enjoy ourselves.
Knight-X: I agree.
Y/n nods and get himself change and once that he exit out of his bedroom and to the living to only see Megumin, Darkness, Kaori, Hisa, Mii and Chomsuke with Mii sleeping on Chomsuke's furr while Chomsuke also sleeps as well with Kaori watching them sleep.
Kaori: (smile) That's just too cute.
Y/n: Where is Kazuma? Usually he'll be jumping around demanding to go on a job to get some money.
Aqua: Kazuma decided to take on a job on his own just to proof he be better off going on a job without him.
Y/n: Huh how long do you think he'll be back?
Aqua: Knowing Kazuma, probably not for long.
Darkness: I wished I would have come but the girls assist that I should stay and let Kazuma do the work. I am jealous, who knows how many monsters he might be facing right about now!
Y/n: Yeah so since your all not doing anything I'm gonna head down to the village to wonder around a bit. Who's in?
Megumin: I will go!
Aqua: Same here!
Darkness: I will go.
Hisa: (smile) Sure I can come.
Kaori: (smile) Same here.
Y/n: (smile) Great. Let's go and have some fun.
Girls: Yeah!
We see them arrive in town and they notice a large market place is open with market stores open as they sell out fruit, portions and anything else in the market as they walk through the market and look at all the stuff they have in store.
Hisa: This place is filled with a lot of people today.
Kaori: Seems like what ever stuff they are having most be new. I never seen these type of stuff before.
Y/n: They must be from another kingdom and came here sell some stuff.
Megumin: (surprised) Wow this is so cool! I wonder what type of explosion stuff they have.
They stop in the middle of the market place and Y/n turns to them and said.
Y/n: (smile) It be fun if we split up and be back here around three.
Hisa: (smile) That a good idea. I gonna try get Darkness a new sword since her sword is kinda old.
Darkness: But a good way for my enemies to strike at me!
Hisa: Right.
Aqua: Guess me and Megumin try to get some healing potions while I try to impress the crowd about my magic.
Megumin: (smile) Let's hope they have something large to blow up.
Chomsuke: Meow.
They split off leaving Y/n, Mii and Kaori as Y/n turns to Kaori and said.
Y/n: (smile) Guess it's just us then to explore around then.
Kaori: (smile) Yep.
Mii agrees as well and they head off to explore around and buying some stuff they have on sell. There was some amazing stuff each store have and some store owners recognise Y/n from many people tell them about and they offered Y/n for some weapons for free which he kindly refused but they assisted to test out the weapons they have while Kaori giggle a bit to havemany store owners asking Y/n to try out theie stuff so more customers will buy their store more.
After a while the two continue on walking with Kaori grabbing on to Y/n hand which made Y/n blush but he likes it as she smiles at him and nuzzled his neck which she really missed doing.
Y/n: (chuckle) That tickles Kaori.
Kaori: (giggle) Can't help it. We really missed you after being gone for so long.
Y/n: (smile) I was only done for two days.
Kaori: (smile) Still a long time.
Y/n: (smile) Guess so.
Wiz: Oh hello there Y/n!
They look over to see Wiz waving to them while walking over to them wearing not her usual clothes meaning she must be here for a wonder as well.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Wiz, nice to see you.
Wiz: (smile) Same here. How was your job with the girls?
Y/n: (smile) It was pretty good. Got the job done and the kingdom is happy.
Wiz: (smile) I'm so glad for that. So what brings you here?
Kaori: (smile) Just here for a wonder around the market and buying some stuff.
Y/n: Your doing the same?
Wiz: (smile) That's right but I heard there is a new massage house being open and I was hoping to try it out.
Kaori: (smile) That sounded very nice! What do you think Y/n?
Y/n: (smile) Sure we can give it a try as well. Besides I have this back pain for a while, a massage can help.
Wiz: (smile) That's great, I know where it is. Follow me.
They follow Wiz and soon they arrived to the place and they were greeted by the workers of the store and they were taking in to different rooms for their massage. Soon we see Y/n barely naked wearing a white underwear as he lay on the bed in front as the massage women walks in and walks over to Y/n.
Massage women: (smirk) I see I'm working with a hero here. This will be interesting for you, so what would it be. Wanna take it slow or you wanna get to the point qnd have your mind take you away?
Y/n: Guess I'll take the second one. Wanna feel relaxed then ever.
Massage women: (giggle) Okay handsome, here it comes.
She then start to massage Y/n as she rub her hands to Y/n's back and making his back as better as she can while Y/n have his head down on top of his hands with a relaxing smile on his face as he shut his eye and let his mind wounder as the massage women dose his feet and press her fingers on his feet while Y/n lend out a relaxing sigh as she dose all the magic while Y/n mind wonders off and he falls asleep which she giggles to see him falling asleep and continues on working her magic on Y/n to make him as relaxed as ever including Wiz and Kaori in different rooms were relaxed including Mii as well.
We wee Aqua and Megumin walking through the market with Aqua have a angry look as she tells Megumin in anger.
Aqua: (anger) I can't believe those fools didn't believe that I am a goddess! I swear this world might be dumber then I thought.
Megumin: Sure what ever.
Aqua: (anger) What you got a problem with it?
Megumin: I think your just saying that so you can have people listen to you even though we all know your not actually a goddess.
Aqua: (anger) How dare you! I am a goddess and you all shall bow to me.
Megumin:.....No thanks.
Megumin walks off while Aqua chases after her and still gose on a rant while a store owner who sells potions look at Darkness and then calls out to them.
Store owner: Hey you there.
They stop and turn to the guy as the guy asked.
Store oner: See you have no chest size right?
Megumin is surprised by this and cover her chest and then ask.
Megumin: (anger) So what? What is it to you creep?
Store owner: (smirk) Don't be alarmed. I'm actually have something that can help all of your problems.
He then place down a potion in front of them as he gose on to tell them.
Store owner: (smirk) This potion can help your chest as big as you want. I made it for my wife and it worked 100%.
Megumin: Say what now?
Aqua: Hold on a minute there. You saying that potion can make our chest bigger?
Store owner: Yes but it wears off tomorrow so you should use I wisely. Maybe this will help with you both getting some attention to someone.
Aqua and Megumin look at each other and they think about this. This might be a scam and he'll probably gonna take their money and make a run for it.....but in the other hand if that were true the they might give Y/n a lot of attention and they maybe us them to have some "fun" with Y/n soo.........
Aqua and Megumin: We take it!
They all return home and once back home ans step into the living room they see Kazuma back laying on the couch with his clothes damaged with his hair on fire which Aqua takes it out with her water magic.
Y/n: Guess your solo job didn't go well huh?
Kazuma: Yep. Very bad.
Kaori: Maybe you should stay at home and relax for a bit.
Kazuma: Y-Yeah agree. I'm just heading off to bed to cry myself to sleep.
He the dose that as he go pass them all and head off to bed while the rest go and do their own thing with Hisa ans Kaplay with Chomsuke and Mii while decided to take a bath to clean himself up.
We see Megumin peaking out of corner to corner and looking around just in case no one can see her as she make her way to another bathroom and shut the door behind her.
Once that and sees she's all clear she pulls out the potion her and Aqua have brought and she open the potion and looks at it.
Megumin: (thought) Finally I can have my own large chest to myself. Hope this works.
She then takes a drink of it and leave half of it as she stood there and wait for the potion to do its thing but after a while it didn't happen and she thinks this is a scam but then she suddenly feels something on her chest and she fell to her knees while feeling like her chest are getter bigger and bigger.
Y/n exit out of his bathroom with a sigh feeling great and this night can't get even better. He looks over and was surprised to see Megumin here facing away and looking at his mirror as Y/n hold his towel around him and said.
Y/n: O-Oh hey Megumin! I didn't know you were I here, can I help you with-
Then she turns to him and Y/n stop his sentence and his face turn into confusion and shock to see her chest have grown as she smirks at him.
Megumin: (smirk) Hey there. Noticed something different about me?
Y/n stood there stunned to see what he is seeing until he realised what he is staring at and looks away. Megumin giggles to see this as she walks up to him, she walks too close to him that her large breadt pressed onto Y/n's body as she looks at him with a smirk.
Y/n: (blush) M-Megumin....h-h-how did you.....g-get them big?!
Megumin: (smirk) Let's just say, I've drink something that guve me these. So...what do you think?
She press her breast harder onto Y/n's chest which made him blush even more with his face red then ever as Megumin smirks until the door open as they turn to see Aqua with her chest grown as well.
Aqua: Seems like I wasn't the first to have my chest gown.
Megumin: (smirk) Seems like it. Say, shall we share this together?
Aqua: You mean a threeway? Sure thing, it's been too long of waiting. Time to do it.
Megumin agrees and she also have waiting for too long for this as well. Before Y/n could say anything Megumin lend in and kiss him on the lip as she made some cute moans while Y/n is surprised by this but soon he start to kiss Megumin back as he reach down and grab her butt as they make out while Aqua smirks to see this.
Aqua: (smirk) Don't forget about me. I wanna join in the party as well.
She shut the door behind her and lock it as she also joins in on the "fun" the two are having.
(Lemon start)
Clothes were thrown onto the floor as we see them naked on the bed as they each take turns kissing Y/n on the lips while Y/n kiss one of them while squeezing one of their large breast lending out moans as they done it. They lay Y/n onto the bed and Aqua decided to slide her breast into Y/n's dick and start to jerk it using her breast while Aqua and Megumin start licking his dick while Y/n lend out some moans as they done it faster while Y/n grabs hold on the bed.
After a while of this Y/n can feel his dick is gonna blow ans soon cum blows up out of his dick and onto Megumin and Aqua. They lick some of them near their faces while Y/n was panting when Megumin looks over to Aqua's breast and tackle her to the bed and buried her head into her breast.
Aqua: (moaning) Megumin what the heck are you doing?
Megumin: Mine maybe big but yours is bigger then mine. Aqua, god your just so hot with them!
She the kiss Aqua as two girls start to make out while Y/n feels a bit turned on by this. After a while they stop and Y/n start inserting his dick into Aqua's vigina while sticking his finger into Megumin's as he start to do his way with a them as they lend out some moans while they turn to each other and they kiss each other while Y/n thrust his dick and finger harder and faster as they lend out some moans.
After that we see Y/n pinning Megumin to a wall as he grab her butt to lift her while inserting his dick into her and thrust it back amd forward while mamong out with Megumin while Aqua wrap her arms around Y/n and start kissing his neck to make him even turned on as he thrust his dick harder and faster as Megumin lend out a loud moan.
Megumin: (moaning) I'm gonna explode~! I'm gonna to explode~!
She then lend out a moan that felt amazing and then kiss Y/n harder which made all three of them fell on the floor as all three start to make out each other while grabbing anything of their bodies ad they lend out some moans while they down it. They return back on the bed as Y/n and Megumin were sucking Aqua's large breast while Aqua have never this in how entire life.
Aqua: (moaing) Oh yes~! Do this for your goddess! Yes oh yes~!
They continue sucking her breast for a while until she lend out a moan follow by her milk blow up into their mouths but they drink it all up. Soon they pinned Y/n onto the ground with Aqua sat on Y/n's face as he lick her vigina while Megumin sat on his waist with his dick into her as they hold hands and they let Y/n do the work as they lend out some moans while their breast giggled of the movement ad Darkness and Aqua were turned on by this they lend in and they start to make out as they play their tongues while Y/n keeps licking Aqua's vigina while thrust his dick into Megumin's as they gose on as they all lend out some moans.
Aqua and Megumin: (moaing) OH GOD WE'RE GONNA TO EXPLODE!
Soon they all lend out a cry of pleasure after that and they all feel very tired after that so Aqua and Megumin lay on the bed with Y/n not only feeling tired but he can't feel his legs as his eyes were in a blurr before he passed out as they slept for the rest of the night.
(Lemon ends)
(Next day)
It was morning time as we see Y/n laying in bed sleeping when he woke up and have a massive headache as he woke up. He slowly sat up and grab his head as he shake his head and he barely remembered last night.
Y/n: Man what happened last night? My head is killing me from last night.
Then there was movement underneath the covers as he pulls it to see both Megumin and Aqua sleeping side by side him naked with their chest grown back to normal as he blushes bright red and totally remembered what happened last night.
Soon the two start to wake up and see Y/n awake so they cuddle him with a sexxy look on their faces.
Aqua: (smirk) That was fun last night. Do you agree Megumin?
Megumin: (smirk) much fun.
Y/n: (blush) I-I-I don't know what to-
Aqua: (smirk) Don't say anything Y/n. Just so happy that your back.
Megumin: (smirk) Say Aqua? Where is that potion we brought?
Aqua: (smirk) Still in the bathroom but we might us it for another day.
We then cutto the potion as Kazuma sees is it andgrabs it. He looks at the potion for a while and then pours all of them to the toilet and flush it just as Megumin and Aqua arrived to the bathroom with their clothes on as they were about to get it when they see Kazuma pour all of to the toilet and flush it.
He turn to them to see their shocked faces which he asked.
Kazuma: What?
Aqua and Megumin: (anger) KAZUMA!!!!!
They blast him with magic while Kazuma scream while he doesn't know what he did whike Y/n see this as Darkness, Kaori, Hisa, Mii and Chomsuke came over as Kaori holding Mii ask.
Kaori: What's going on?
Hisa: Why is Megumin and Aqua attacking Kazuma? Did Kazuma do something again?
Y/n: Yeah something like that.
Kazuma: WHAT DID I DO THIS TIME!!!!!!??????
To be continued................
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