Chapter 14: The rise of a new king
The kingdom is still under attack by Goro's knights while Y/n and the rest help Ruqa along with his knights in battle with Goro's forces as we see Ruqa along with his knights at the front lines fighting back with Goro's knights while Yunyun and Ren gets everyone inside and keep them safe as Ruqa slashes at the incoming knights and taking them out.
More comes at his way and he and his knight stood there ready for another wave when suddenly arrows fly over them and take out the knights as Y/n, Hisa and Riku arrived to help out with Ruqa and his men.
Y/n: Need a little help general?
Ruqa: Well we kinda got a handle of this but glad you came anyway. Where is your other member?
Hisa: Heading to the castle to see if the king is alright ans safe.
Ruqa: That's a good idea. What's better is that Goro's men are also getting weaker so we might win this battle.
Riku: Let's hope so.
Riku fire her crossbow and take out a few knights and after a long while of battling Goro's knights suddenly start to fall back as they race out through the gate and leave the area. The knights cleared in victory sewing they have won as Ren rushes up and wraps his arms around Y/n and Ruqa and said with a smirk.
Ren: (smirk) We show them good! Take that!
Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah. You think they will come back?
Ruqa: It's possible but we should be ready when they com-
Chris: Guys!
They turn to see Chris rushing towards them and once she arrives to them she tells them.
Chris: It's the king.....he's......he's.....
There eyes shocked and they race back to the castle and soon they burst through the throne room door and they were shocked to see that it is true. Enkai is seeing sitting on his throne chair with a sword sticking onto his chest as he breaths heavily while Ren slowly walks towards him and once he gets close he gently grabs his father's hand as he looks at him.
Ren: (tears) Dad?
Enkai: My son. My time has (coughing) This now
He smiles at him before he take his last breath and dies as Ren eyes widen even more with tears pouring down his cheeks as he shakes his father and calling out to him.
Ren: (tears) Dad! Dad! No No No! Please don't die on me! Please! I beg of you! DAD!!!!!
Everyone was sadden as Ren hugs his dead father as he yells while he cries as Y/n and the rest felt very bad for him seeing him losing his only family member he has in his life.
(Short while later)
We see Ren on the balcony and look down to watch as people are in line as Knights leaf by Ruqa carry the Coffin of Enkai as they take him to a place to rest. Ren just watch this when Y/n enter the balcony and Y/n looks at him and walks up next to him and lend over as he tell Ren.
Y/n: I'm very sorry for your lost Ren. Your father was a breath and good father to be.
Ren: Yeah....he was.
There was another moment of silence which might lasted a bit longer when Ren break the silence by saying.
Ren: I can't be king.
Y/n: Why? I mean, this is what your father would have wanted?
Ren: It's just.......I fear I might fuck up. What if I make something up that will get someone hurt or what if they don't see me as king. I'm a party guy Y/n, and people gonna think I'm not that responsible to be king.
Y/n: I see why but if you wanna proof to everyone to be king, then do it, don't let your doubts control you, be their king and fight for their freedom and for father sake.
Ren: How do you know about ruling a kingdom?
Y/n: I don't. But what I do know is that I never give up. I have a friend that always be scared all the time and just runs off when ever a dangerous enemy comes at him. But if that enemy comes at me, I don't just guve up right there and now, I'll charge at the enemy and show that enemy that I'm not giving up.
He then place a hand on Ren's shoulder and tells him.
Y/n: What I'm trying to say is never give up on being a king. Be what you think is right and never forget, Ruqa along with the Knights you knew of will show you the right path. Never let your fathers death be for nothing, succeed of his promise and be a king.
He then leaves Ren to think and once he is fine Ren looks up to the air and makes a fist of determination and turns and walks up to a glass case where it holds his father's battle armor that he use in combat and he stare at it qnd knows what to do.
We see Ruqa and his knights along with Y/n, Chris, Hisa, Riku and Yunyun at the planning room and discussion on the strike at Goro's castle and end his rule once and for all.
Ruqa: Okay his castle is at the middle of this forest. We need plans to strike at his castle without losing anymore knights. Any plans?
Chris: (smirk) I can find the way inside the castle undetected and we can clear out his guards and get to his throne room.
Ruqa: That will bring risky, next.
Hisa: Can some of us act as prisoners to enter inside the castle and once we're inside, we attack the guards and take Goro out?
Ruqa: He doesn't take prisoners, only trophies.
Chris: Which meant our heads. Gotcha.
Yunyun: I can use my explosion magic....but I might be dangerous to use I'm sorry.
Y/n: It's okay Yunyun. But hey, it's not a bad idea at least.
Yunyun: (blush) Th-Thank you.
Ruqa: Come on people! We need an idea here and we needed know!
Everyone was silent and try their best when a voice behave Ruqa said.
???: You guys are thinking too much.
They turn and they were surprised to see Ren wearing his father's battle armor as they were shocked except for Y/n who smiled and nod to him and he nods back as he tells everyone.
Ren: Goro will suspect these attacks will happen. After all, he lived for a very long time so he'll been through many battles and studies them as well.
Ruqa: Then what is your suggestion?
Ren: (smirk) Well I think we should just charge in and storm the castle.
They look at him in confusion as Ren explains the plan.
Ren: Okay so his castle is in the middle of the forest right? And the only troops that is watching the outside walls are his archers which are located on each four towers around the castle. We can use the trees as our cover for the archers and we can move on to the gate. Since the gate is the only way to enter, Yunyun could use her explosion spell to blow up the gate and we can charge on, take down his guards and break through the castle and take on Goro.
They were concerned by this plan and whisper to each other which worries Ren but Y/n step up and said.
Y/n: I believe this plan will work. I mean, if he is right Goro will never suspect a full on attack and we can just St inro the castle with no problem since it is small.
Chris: (smirk) Yeah, sure it might be dangerous but it would be fun.
Hisa: (smile) If we die, we die in a honorable way.
Riku: I agree.
Yunyun: S-Same here.
Ren smiles whike Ruqa also join in as he turn to his men and tells them.
Ruqa: You hear your king! Let's make them pay and win!
They cheered whike they raised their blades up to the air as Ren smiles and hopes his father is seeing him now up there as he turns as he lead his knights as they head to Goro's castle and end this once and for all.
We see Goro at his castle as we see him sitting at his throne and looking at his brothers crown that he took as he smirks while he looks at it.
Goro: (smirk) Oh my dear brother. You were a fool to die in such a old age. If only you could face me in true combat that would be interesting. Now....your dead....and yet....I'm still alive.
Then a knight enter his throne room and bow in front of him and tell him.
Male knight: Sir, we have detected movement in the woods.
Goro: Hm? Did his foolish knights try to surprise attack them. Well then, order the knights to stay at their post until they will sneak their way to the castle and then-
Suddenly there was an explosion that shock the castle as Goro leaves his throne chair and storm over to his window and looks down to see what is going on and was shocked to see that his brothers knights are attacking his knights in full force which shocked him.
Goro: (thought) How is this possible? I wasn't suspect a full on attack!?
Goro: Deploy more troops to the front gate now!
Male knigt: I'm sorry sir but all of our forces are too weak to fight and we don't have enough men to-
Then he slice the knights head with his sword as his head fell along with his body as Goro grind his teeth in anger and looks down of the window as we cut to the battle as Ren swings his sword at the enemy knights and blocking their attacks with his shield before striking his sword at the knight.
Y/n: Look out!
Y/n throw his crystal maker at the enemy knights and froze them up once it stabs onto the ground. Once that Y/n rushes over qnd grabs his axe out of the ground and swings it at the incoming knights as Ren smirks and join in as he joins Y/n as the two pushes through.
Ruqa along with Chris, Riku, Yunyun and Hisa were busy handling the enemy knights but Ruqa calls out to them.
Ruqa: You two go and deal with Goro. We hold them off as long as we can.
Ren: Right. Good luck, all of you.
Y/n: Be safe.
Chris: Same to you!
Yunyun: Be careful!
He nods as the two burst through the door and race inside the castle and take care of Goro's guards and soon they burst open the throne room doors and step inside.
There they see Goro watching the battle as he turns to see them and said.
Goro: Ah the son of the dead king and the hero has come to face me. How nice.
Ren: Your gonna pay for my father you monster.
Goro: (smirk) He was weak while I was strong. If anything, I should have been king, not my brother.
Y/n: You used your powers long enough. Just guve up, yoru forces are gone and there is no way you could win.
Goro: (smirk) I don't need my pathetic troops to win this battle. I can win this battle, myself.
Then he suddenly disappeared and Y/n quickly grabs Ren and leaps forward as Goro nearly stab the two but he missed as the two land on their feet and turn and get to their battle stand.
Goro: You think my immortality was my only power I have. I have a lot more that I can't wait to use on you!
Then he throw his cape over an swords came out and travel towards them but Y/n summon his shield and blocks them while Ren leaps over Y/n and clash his blade at Goro as he strike his blade at him while Goro blocks it.
Goro pushes Ren back as he fell on the ground while Goro stand over him as he rais his sword to kill him but then Y/n tackle him as Goro elbow his back but Y/n stand up straight qnd headbutts Goro in the face and then swing his sword qt him but he dodges it and the two get into a sword fight as Ren helps Y/n and the two clash blades at Goro as they move around quick and clash blade at him.
Then Y/n managed to land a slsash at Goro's cheek which he grabs Y/n tyt the neck while kick Ren back as he tossed Y/n away as he rolled next to ren while his cur cheek suddenly hear himself hile Y/n and Ren stood up on their knees and see this.
Ren: Damn he can heal himself in quick speed.
Y/n: How can we defeat him if he heal himself?
Suddenly Ren remembers something as he reach into his pocket and take sout a posion that his father give him and tells Y/n.
Ren: I have a idea but this might be risky.
Y/n listen in on the plan and nods to it and he charge at Goro and clahs blades at him. He clash his blade in quick speed and Y/n can't hold on anymore but he keeps going.
Then Goro dodge his swing and then grabs the back of his neck qnd slammed him to the ground creating a crack on the floor before he left him up and force Y/n to look at him as he said.
Goro: I've heard of your heroic deeds, how you save lives for the sake of those you care for. But now, you will die here and once I will deal with Ren and his army, I will go after your home and burn everything to the ground and kill all you know and loved. Now...any last words?
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah two words. Bottles up.
Goro: What?
Ren: Hey!
He turn and Ren quick suffed the posion into Goro's mouth qnd he drinks it which he immediately throws Y/n away which her lands on his feet as he takes out the posion and looks at Goro and swing his sword back to strike at him but suddenly he felt weak all of sudden as his hands are shaking like his sword is too heavy to lift as he drop it and looks at his hands.
He was shocked to see his arms getting old as he looks at his reflection to see himself getting old.
Goro: (shocked) What! No! How is this possible?!
Ren: That posion can reverse the effects of your dark magic. So your powers including your immortality us gone and that means your ageing to where you usually should be.
Goro can't believe this as he fell to the ground as he sees himself getting older and older as Y/n walks up next to ren as Goro looks at them for the final time before he turn into dust and soon he was gone.
The two sigh of relief seeing that this is over as they walk away and soon made it out to see Ruqa and the rest are alright as Chris, Hisa, Riku and Yunyun hugged Y/n seeing that he is alright while Ruqa walks up to Ren and place a hand on his shoulder.
Ruqa: (smile) Your father will be proud of you.
Ren: (smile) Thanks man.
Everyone cheered in the streets when news gone around that Gorois gone as they gathered around the castle as Ren approached the balcony wearing his royal king outfit with Y/n, Hisa, Yunyun, Chris and Riku on the right side while Ruqa on the left as Ren walks up to the edge of the balcony and looks down at the crowd and tells them all.
Ren: That is right. Goro is no more. He's dead but I could have done it without some friends that not only help me but teach me to never give up and keep on going. That maybe true, we all might be afraid on what we faced but never let your fears take over you qnd never give up. Always believe in yourself and as long you have amazing people by your side, then you will succeed anything. This will be a new future for this kingdom and I promise you all, I will make this kingdom a better place for all of us to enjoy. Let's continue on believing and never give up on what we fought for and let us rise up to succeed it!
The people cheered at Ren's speech as Ren smiles and done what his father told him to be. A king to them. Later we see Ren, Ruqa at the front gate as Y/n, Chris, Hisa, Yunyun and Riku are about to head on home.
Ren: (surprised) You all don't want the reward?
Y/n: (smile) No. The real reward is to see that you and your people are safe and happy.
Chris: (smile) Sure money is great but I think I can last one day without it.
Yunyun: (smile) We're just glad we can help.
Hisa: (smile) And fought along side you in battle.
Riku: (smile) Besides it was fun.
Ren: (smile) Yeah it was.
Ruqa: (smile) Thank you all for your help. You are all welcome to return at anytime.
Y/n: Well just in case, just warn the women about a creep wearing a green clothes and brown hair will you? He has a ability to steal their underwear.
Ruqa: I'll keep that in mind. Thqnk you again and take care.
The four nod and they turn to leaveas Ren and Ruqa watch them leave as we cut to Y/n and the rest as Y/n asked Yunyun.
Y/n: So Yunyun what do you think your girst job with a group?
Yunyun: (smile) It was amazing. Well scary but amazing as well. Thank you very much for inviting me to your adventure.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Yunyun. We're friends after all and we stick together no matter what.
Yunyun: (little blush) Y-Yeah your right.
Chris: (smirk) You know Yunyun, your pretty cute when your blushing.
Yunyun: (blush) Huh?!
Chris chuckles as she blushes once more as she buried her face in embarrassment while they chuckle as they continue their way back home so they can take a long break after helping Ren and his kingdom fight back against Goro and his evil rain and Y/n hopes that Kazuma didn't do anything stupid once Y/n arrives back home....Well he might did something stupid once he gets home and he bet the second karma will hit Kazuma really hard while he was away.
To be continued....................
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