Chapter 13: A party before the attack (Lemon)
The forest was peaceful as ever with birds flying by and animal life running about and it was a very peaceful forest as we see Y/n, Chris, Hisa, Riku and Yunyun set up camp near a lake and see Chris and Hisa taking a tip in the cool and warm lake while Riku and Yunyun looks at the lake to see the beautify of it.
Riku: (smile) Man this forest is great and very peaceful. Ever been to any forests before Yunyun?
Yunyun: (nervous) A-A-A few times, b-but not that might not be impressive.
Riku: (smile) It's fine. Still we're not that far to our location, soon we will make our way to the castle soon as possible.
Yunyun: So-So who is this general?
Riku: His name is General Ruqa who served a king who heard about the Kings brothers kingdom is planning to attack his kingdom.
Yunyun: S-Sounds horrible.
Chris: (smile) But we got this, besides we have one of the most strongest and handsome man within the guild.
Hisa: Speaking of Y/n, where is he?
Riku: I think he is off to see how far we might be to the kingdom.
Yunyun: Hope he will return.
Y/n: Hey I'm back.
Then Y/n appear out of the bushes and walks over to them and tells them.
Y/n: I think I saw a road that might lead us to the kingdom.
Riku: Cool. Let's pack up and head over there.
Chris: Aaww but the water feels wonderful. Can we stay here for a while?
Hisa: Sorry Chris but we gonna keep going.
Chris: Okay.
The two leap out of the lake and get changed and after that pack up the camp equipment and once done they follow Y/n through the forest and soon they step onto road like Y/n said. Once they are on road they follow the road and during this walk Y/n asked Yunyun.
Y/n: So what type of magic do you use. Are they similar to Megumin's explosion magic?
Yunyun: (nervous) Y-You could say that. I-I've trained to use them by myself for years.
Riku: With no help? Why would people just ignore your for some reason?
Yunyun: (nervous) I-I don't know kinda feels lonely without anyone around.
Riku: (smile) Well you have us so no need to worry about anything.
Hisa: (smile) Indeed. We will never leave you alone.
Yunyun was surprised by this and smiled while Y/n smiles back and after a while of walking they arrive at the kingdom and they walk to the gate and they were met by two knights and in between another Knight but without a helmet as he looks at them and asked.
???: Who gose there. Are you all sent by my Kings evil brother to try to attack us?
Y/n: (thought) Man this guy seems a bit concerned too much.
Hisa: No. We're here to fulfil a job sent by a general named Ruqa, do you know him?
Ruqa: Hmm? Never know you all came so soon. Yes, I was the one one sent it. My king wants me to make a request to any help from any guild to help us. It seems like you came just in time.
He turn to one of his guards and nods to one which nods back and he pulls down the lever and a draw bridge camea down and Ruqa leads them into the kingdom.
It was pretty nice and they see their setting up some decorations around town like they are gonna have a party or something so Y/n asked.
Y/n: Is there some party happening or what?
Ruqa: This is the Kings birthday and people are gonna celebrate his 65 year birthday.
Chris: (mutter) He must be very old.
Ruqa: Excuse me but did you say something?
Chris: Nope! Nothing at all!
Ruqa was suspicious but then someone called oit to him which they turn and see a young man walking towards Ruqa while he waved at him with a smile.
???: (smile) Yo Ruqa, is party gonna be sick or what?
He walks up to him and turn to Y/n and the rest.
???: So who are our new friends?
Ruqa: These are the guild members that are sent here to help us. Everyone, this is Ren the Kings son.
Ren: (smile) Yo.
Y/n: (smile) Hey man, names Y/n and this is Yunyun, Riku, Chris and Hisa. Is it alright we speak to your father so we can get some information about his brother?
Ren: (smile) Sure, follow me and I'll take you to him right away.
Ren leads them while Ruqa gose off to tell his knights while we see them walking through the halls of the castle and after a while they arrived at the throne room which Ren opens the door and calls out.
Ren: (smile) Hey dad, brought some guest who are here to help you with your brother situation.
They step into the room and sitting on the throne chair was a old man with a white beard but shown to be very kind as he chuckles softy a little and then tells Ren.
???: Very good my son. You may leave to join your friends.
Ren: (smile) Cool. See ya.
Ren heads off and once he was gone they were alone with the king as the king introduced himself.
Enkai: (smile) It is nice to meet you all. The names Enkai and I rule this kingdom for many years.
Hisa: We are honoured to be here sire.
Y/n: Is there any information you like to tell her about your brother?
Enkai: Yes but you must know our families story.
They agree to listen to his story so they stand and listen as Enkai's story as he tells them his families story and how this happen.
Enkai: You see, long ago my brother named Goro and I were once young children but we have two different goals. I want to learn as much knowledge I can and be a determined and honoured king. While Goro wants to suddenly different types of magic and possible use these magic to be powerful enough to be king. He even find a way to make his life immortal and he gose this for years. However what ever dark magic he used to make himself immortal twisted his mind, making him to believe that those ate not must be slaves or mist die. Our parents have no choice but to Banished him out of their land but he swear to his grave that he will return with a army on my 65th birthday and kill me.
They were surprised by their origins and realised today is his 65th birthday and it is explain why he calls for help.
Hisa: Have you gonna any reports of a large army coming here?
Enkai: Not yet but I have a feeling that he will soon. That is way I need some outside help.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry, we make sure you and your kingdom will be safe and we make sure your brother won't invade here.
Enkai: (smile) I am thankful my boy. At the mean time the party is aboit to begin so go out and enjoy the party while it last.
Chris: (smile) Awesome! This is gonna be great!
Riku: (smile) Guess we have been walking for a while, I couldn't be fun.
Yunyun: (little blush) N-Never been to a birthday party like ever.
Hisa: (smile) It be great trust us.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you sir. We make sure we be ready for anything.
Enkai nods and they head off to find a hotel they can stay at and enjoy the party. Enkai lend back on his chair and breaths out a sigh and glare up and said to himself.
Enkai: I hope Goro dose not invade when it least suspected.
It was night time and the streets is filled with lights and people dancing and drinking at the street with music being performed on stage whike children runs around playing tag.
On the walls we see guards looking out for any of Goro's army so they be ready for a fight. While that is going on we see Y/n and the rest at a bar and at a table cheering before taking a drink. Yunyun sits next to Y/n and she was a bit shy to be around with too many people but being with Y/n made her calm and warm a bit and she takes a sip.
Chris: (smirk) Now this is the best job we ever taking, ain't that right?!
Hisa: Still we should be forced when an attack happens.
Riku: I agree. We don't know when an attack will begin.
Chris: (smirk) Never worry, do you think this Goro guy might try to attack here? This kingdom is huge and there is so many knights around. No way his army can't invade here.
Y/n: Either so we should try to blend in. Maybe there might be spies trying to find a way to sabotage the defenses.
Hisa: Maybe so.
Ren: (smirk) Hey, enjoying the party?
Then Ren walks up to them seeing him drunk as he stumbled a bit but lands his hands onto the table ane asked in a drunk voice.
Ren: (smirk) So you girls (hic) this dudes boyfriend or something because this guy right here, is one lucky guy to have all of you as his lover.
He chuckles while Y/n blushes a little and soon Ruqa comes in and order his guards to take him to bed while he walks over to them and tells them.
Ruqa: My apologies about him. He's pretty annoying when ever he is drunk.
Hisa: It's alright. We have a friend that sometimes annoy us.
Riku: And try to steal things using his magic.
Ruqa: Well rest to sure Ren will apologies once he wakes up.
Y/n: Jeez do you really have to hard on him. He is the son's king after all?
Ruqa: I understood your reason but our king has ruled this kingdom for many years and seeing his son like this will be a shame to this kingdom. Which is why I will do as my very best to shape him up and make him as a proud king that this kingdom needs to be.
Y/n:......Um....That sounds......pretty cool man.
Ruqa: Thank you. Now I must go, I believe I am needed.
Then he heads off while the rest looked at each other and they continue enjoying the party. After a while they believe they drank enough and decided to leave but Yunyun may have drink enough and is seen being carried by Hisa as Hisa tells Chris and Y/n.
Hisa: We take Yunyun back to the hotel so she can rest.
Chris: (smile) Alright. We'll walk around a bit and then return.
Riku: Alright. See you two then.
They head off and once that Chris and Y/n take a stroll around town just exploring around a bit and enjoying the night sky above them. They stumbled to a market and Chris looks at the pretty jewelry which Chris is interested with.
Chris: (smile) There so cute.
Y/n smiles and decided to buy one and he buy her a necklace which she wear on her neck and hugs Y/n with a smile. Y/n smiles back and the two walk through the street once more and after a long while they decided to head out of the kingdom and stand on top of a small hill with a tree above them ad they look at the beautiful stars above them.
Chris: (surprised) Wow their very beautiful.
Y/n: (smile) Yep. They are.
Chris: (smile) Do you think Kazuma and the rest are also having a good time on their own.
Y/n: Well judging how Kazuma is, I think they maybe getting more and more trouble by the clients they are working for.
Chris: (giggle) Yeah especially Kazuma's steal magic. Still I can't help but laugh a little when karma hit him like a brick during that trail.
Y/n: (smile) Got to admit, Kazuma should have seen that coming. I wonder is other girls found a way to keep their underwear safe from Kazuma.
Chris: (smile) Maybe they have but who knows.
The two share a laugh and after a while they stop and Y/n tells Chris.
Y/n: (smile) You know, your pretty cute when you laugh.
Chris: (little blush) Oh-Oh come on my laughter isn't that cute.
Y/n: (smirk) Wanna bet? Come here!
Then Y/n tackle Chris to the ground and he start to tickle her which she starts to laugh whike moving her legs and arms while she laughs.
Chris: Hahahahahahha, H-Hey (giggle) Stop that! You gonna make be pee! Hahahahahahah!
Y/n: (smile) Not until you say pretty please~!
Chris: Hahahahahah, Okay, Okay! Pretty please! Hahahahahahah!
Y/n stops and he was on the of Chris as she stops laughing but has bits of tears on her eye which Y/n smiles and gently wipes off with his finger. The two looked at each other and after a while Y/n make his first move by lining in Yo her which she blushes a little but she smirks and thinks he is going too slow she she lend in and kissed him on the lips.
There was a surprise moan from Y/n but he kissed her back and the two make out with the stars sparkling on them with no one around but just Chris and Y/n.
(Lemon start)
Y/n sat down on the tree as Chris start to crawl on him in a sexxy way and wrap her arms around his neck and lend in and kiss him which Y/n allows her tongue enter his mouth and they start to make out. The two share moans while Y/n grabs her butt and squeezes them which she lend our a cute moan but they continue.
There tongues have a like a sword fight with the two moaning while hugging each other and after a while they stop making out to take a breather.
They look at each other while their tongues were sticking out and they felt really turned on so Chris crawled down and pulled down Y/n's treasures and underwear. She then looks at Y/n's dick and grabs it and gently moves it up and down which made Y/n lend back and grab hard on the grass as Chris gives Y/n and hand job and she gose faster and faster while Y/n was panting and feels really turned on whike his dick gets bigger and bigger.
Y/n: (moaning) Oh god! Oh god here it comes! Oh god!
Then cum exploded onto Chris and she licks seem off her face and given him a sexxy glare before she too take off her shorts and underwear and thtow them aside. She then sat on Y/n's dick which his dick gose into her vagina and she gose up and down while Y/n grabs her waist and helps her as she leaps up and down and feels really turned on.
Chris have never felt this so good in her life and after a while the two lend out a moan and take a breather. Then we see the two standing up with Chris holding out both hands to a tree with her butt sticking out while Y/n stick his dick into her butt which she lend out a little moan before Y/n thrust it in and she lend out a cry as Y/n continues thrusting in and out while Chris is feeling amazing as Y/n gose faster and harder.
Chris: (moaning) Don't stop! Don't stop!
Y/n: (moaning) This feels great Chris. Love you.
Chris: (moaning) Love you too! OH YES!
The two lend out a loud moan that luckily no one didn't hear but they try on something else to fill there pleasure. Y/n lift Chris up and pinned her to a tree and the two make out while Y/n stick his dick into her vagina and thrust it in and out as Chris gets really turned on by this and kissed Y/n harder which they moaned while Y/n continues thrusting his dick into her harder and faster until they lend out a moan and soon after they collapse onto the grass with Chris on top of Y/n and shown to be barely conscious and so dose Y/n.
(Lemon ends)
The two are seen laying on the grass barely naked with Chris laying on top of him and she is close of falling asleep. Y/n pats her on the head which she purred like a cat and soon she fell asleep.
Y/n was close to passing out and he shut his eyes and he fall asleep within the stars abov-
There was a loud book which made Y/n awake and sat up and look around.
Y/n: (thought) What the heck was that?
Y/n: Chris? Chris wake up!
She moaned a little but slowly got off of Y/n and sat up while she rub her eye and asked.
Chris: Is it morning already? If so, 2 more minutes.
Y/n: No I don't think so, I think that sounded like an explosion.
Chris: Could be fireworks?
Y/n: Maybe but we should head back just in case.
Chris moaned but agree. After they get changed they return back to tge kingdom and as soon they push over some bushes to were shocked to see the kingdom under attack. Flames were everywhere and they were hear people screaming within the kingdom.
Chris: Guess Goro's is here already.
Y/n: Let's go and help them out.
She agrees and they over there and once on the streets they see knights killing civilians left and right but Y/n rushes over and takes the out with his sword.
One try to fire a crossbow at him but it was stolen by Chris who fired it at the Knight and rush up to Y/n.
Hisa: Y/n! Chris, thank god we found you!
They turn to see Hisa and Riku rushing over to them and once they rush up Y/n asked.
Y/n: What happened?
Hisa: They appear out of nowhere. I think they must have used teleport magic to appear in the kingdom.
Chris: Well that's a sneak tactic.
Y/n: What about everyone else?
Riku: Ruqa is getting everyone to safety while Yunyun is also helping Ren to search for survivors.
Hisa: We were hoping that you two be alright and lucky we were right. Say, where did you two go?
Y/n: (blush) Uuuuuummmmmm no where.
Chris: (blush) We....just search the outer walls for any holes that they might go through.
Hisa:........Make sense, guess I take your world on it.
They breath a sigh of relief but it was cut short with an explosion near them and more of Goro's knights charge at them so they took out their weapons and they charge at them and battle them.
We then cut to Enkai in a dark throne room only be lit with flames outside of his window. He was silent as his guards are outside of his room and they were ready to protect the king for their lives.
However Enkai knows his brother is here so he spoke as his voice echoed in his throne room.
Enkai: return after so long.
Then a dark cload appear and Goro step out of the darkness and looks at his brother with a evil smirk and said.
Goro: (smirk) Hello brother. It's been a while, hasn't it?
The two brothers share glares at each other while the fighting is happening right outside of Enkai's window as the two brothers stare each other within a dark room alone together.
To be continued...............
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