Chapter 12: A lonely girl
It was a snowy day and we see Y/n stumble into the living room all tired as he slowly walks to the couch and fell onto the couch and breaths in a sigh of tiredness while Kazuma, Aqua, Darkness, Kaori and Mii see him tired which Kazuma asked.
Kazuma: Yo man, what's up with you?
Darkness: You must be exhausted after your brutal fight against a powerful monster? If you say yes then how was it?
Kazuma: Yeah let's not try to make things even weirder.
Y/n: I've been helping Mitsurugi to get his sword back after you sold it for money.
Kazuma: I sold his sword?
Kaori: Do you not remember you selling his sword to someone and got some money because of it.
Kazuma: Really? Don't remember about that.
Y/n: Anyways. We've asked around people about the sword and We've looked around for days until we found it. But all that exhaust us and got us a lot of trouble while pur search. We have to go to a bandit camp just to get some answers.
Kazuma: Sucks to be you.
Y/n: Your the reason that I'm tired! You shouldn't have sold his sword I mean, what type of person who dose that?!
Kazuma: Don't blame me he try to beat me so that's his own fault.
Y/n: (sigh) I don't care anymore. Think I'll relax here and take it easy.
Mii claim up onto Y/n's chest and hugs his face whidh made him crack a smile.
Y/n: (chuckle) Thanks Mii, I'm alright.
Kaori: Hey have you guys see Megumin anywhere?
Kazuma: Think she is with Knight-X, don't know what they are doing but she sure likes Knight-X to join her.
Kaori: Well hope they be alright.
Darkness: Maybe I should search for them and if they are in danger I will sacrifice myself for them.
Kazuma: Yeah maybe not.
Megumin: Hey guys.
They turn to say hello to her when they see she was holding what look like a small black kitten as she looks at them.
???: Meow.
Kazuma: Is that a kitten?
Kaori: (smile) Awww it's so cute.
Then Knight-X peeks through the window and explain.
Knight-X: The young explosion girl found this defendless kitten on the street and she requested she should take it home. I hope this won't bother you master Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) That's alright.
Y/n leaps out of the couch and walks up to the kitten and asked.
Y/n: (smile) I think I might suit you Megumin. An explosion wizard Megumin and her adorable but trustful kitty cat by her side.
Megumin: (little blush) Th-Thanks, thought you'll get upset of being a kitten here.
Y/n: (smile) How would I be upset to a cute kitten.
Kazuma, Darkness, Kaori and Aqua walks over to see the kitten with Kazuma asking.
Kazuma: You got it a name?
Megumin: Chomusuke.
Kazuma and Aqua:...........
Kazuma: That's kinda du-
Y/n hits Kazuma on the head to shut him up while he said.
Y/n: (smile) I think that's a great name. What do you think Mii, looks like you have a friend.
Mii looks at Chomusuke and Mii was happy and so dose Chomusuke as well.
Y/n: (smile) Looks like they are friends.
Megumin: (smile) Yep. Welcome to the family Chomusuke.
Chomusuke: (smile) Meow.
Knight-X: Excuse me my lord.
They turn to Knight-X which he said.
Knight-X: I apologise to ruin the moment but lady Sena requested your presence at the front of the city gates.
Y/n: What for?
Knight-X: It appears there is "A situation" that Aqua, Darkness and Megumin did while Kazuma was in prison. It is best you head to her right now.
Y/n: Alright, let's see what's up.
Outside of the front gates we see Aqua screaming and crying in the distance as a large toad hops after her and it was revealed Megumin's explosions that made a distinction to free Kazuma out of prison woke up the toads and now they were everywhere.
We see Y/n, Darkness, Megumin, Kaori, Knight-X and Sena see more toads out there as they thought with Y/n sighing to himself and saying.
Y/n: Maybe I was a bad idea to use explosion magic to distract the guards.
Kazuma: Hey I'm not the guy who thought of that plan! Aqua is the one!
Y/n: Still was there any casualties?
Sena: No luckily. Everyone is using the back entrance until we sort this mess out.
Y/n: Well I killed a few of them before so it won't be that bad.
Sena: I see....and Y/n.
Y/n: Yeah?
Sena: I....I just wanna to apologise for what happened during the trail. You were right i was just doing my job but I can't help but feel like a fool to take my job too seriously and nearly got you arrested. Sure Kazuma's actions was idiotic and pervert like.
Kazuma: (anger) Hey!
Sena: But you saved this town many times, risk your life for everyone here and saved everyone from the mobile destroyer only to be accused of a crime you didn't do. I hope you accept my apologies and start over.
Y/n: (smile) It's alright. The past is in the past, we should move on with that and work together. Besides, your not a type or person to listen to that rich scumbag even if he pays you money to do it so.
Sena: (little blush) O-Of course. Thank you Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. Now let's sort out this toad situation. Megumin can you make a huge explosion if we round them up.
Knight-X: Um my lord?
They turn and see Megumin already been eaten by a toad behind them which surprised that a toad with that sized manage to get up behind them and just grab Megumin by the mouth.
Kazuma: (shocked) Wow you alright Megumin?!
Megumin: I'm fine. I've place my staff below me so I won't get swallowed. But it might be slipping.
Y/n: Knight-X!
Knight-X nods and kicks the toad in the stomach that spit out Megumin but Knight-X grabs her just before she fell.
Knight-X: It looks like you are filled with the slime from the toads mouth.
Megumin: I'll live.
Aqua: (distance) Guys help me before I get eaten (crying) help me!
Y/n: I got thi-
Kazuma: Not so fast Y/n. I can't let you do something badass. Think it's time for me to do something badass.
Y/n: Like how?
Kazuma pulls out its bow and loads up the arrow ane aims at the toad that is still chasing Aqua and they were coming towards them. Soon he fires his arrow and the arrow travels above Aqua's hair and lands a hit at the toads head while Aqua fell face first onto the snow while Kazuma stood up straight like a champion.
Y/n: Huh, not a bad shot.
Then Aqua sat up and calls out.
Aqua: Idiot! You nearly shit me, what is wrong with-
Then the toad eats Aqua with Kazuma stunned that the toad is still alive while Y/n shake his head and said.
Y/n: Guess I go and rescue her.
Y/n dashes over and slice the toad that cost it to die and Y/n frees Aqua which is covered by slime and start to cry.
Aqua: (trears) W-Why dose this happen to me. I am a goddesses, I suppose to be shown with respect.
Y/n: Well we all have that but we pull through it.
Aqua: (sniff) Right. Thanks.
Kaori: Y/n look out!
He turn and cuts the toads tongue off and soon more come towards them.
Y/n: (thought) Damn how many did Megumin wake up?!
Knight-X flies over ane take out as much toad as he can while Aqua behind him takes taking once more ane gets eaten by a toad.
Y/n: Shit!
He looks over to see Kaori try to hold off but gets overwhelmed and gets eaten while Darkness also gets eaten easily and it seems that she is turned on by this while Kazuma runs for his life while Sena and Megumin also get taken as well.
Y/n: (thought) Damn there is too many of them. Looks like I need to use as much magic as I can to beat them ane free my friends. But it may weaken me for a while but have no choice. Okay....let's do this.
The toads start to sournnd Y/n but he summons twin blades and swings them around very fast and soon they fell onto the ground. One toad cry to grab him with his tongue but he turn himself into liquid and rushes towards the toad and swing his blade at the toad and turn to see more so he blows them up withhis fire explosion.
Once that he rushes over and blinds them with Holy blast and swings his twin blades at them while he runs pass them and they fell once Y/n made it three. Then he swap his twin blade to his bow and he aims his arrow at one foot the toads eyes that was holding Sena by the mouth and fires it. The arrow stab onto the toad in the eye and that forced the toad to let go of Sena ans she fell but she was caught by Y/n.
Y/n lends onto his feet and look at her while Sena blushes deep withher heart skip a beat to see Y/n carry her like a princess being saved by a brave knight. Once that he set her down and he loads another bow but thus time he aims it at the sky and fires a shot and soon more arrows came raining down and took down a few more toads and free some of his friends.
Once that he turn to the last toad taht caught Kazuma ane summon his axe and throws it at the toad and the axe lands a hit at the toad from behind and it fell ane Kazuma rolled out or the toads mouth and was freed.
Y/n breaths a sigh of relief and fell onto one knee with Sena bend down to him in worry.
Sena: You okay?
Y/n: I'm good, just use too much magic. Guess I know how it feels to be Megumin.
Sena nods with a smile and soon the regroup and they were covered by slime except for Knight-X and Y/n.
Aqua: Aw this smell horrible.
Darkness: (smile) That was the most awful thing i have ever have.
Kaori: Skinny.
Knight-X: I apologise for not be there to help you all.
Y/n: (smile) It's fine Knight-X, just glad all this is ov-
???: Finally I found you!
They turn to see a women pointing at Megumin while tehy stare at her with Megumin asked.
Megumin: Who are you?
???: How rude! You know who I am!
Megumin: Nope. Doesn't ring a bell.
Yunyun: (smirk) Well if you must know, my name is Yunyun and I am your rival. Dose that ring a bell?
Megumin: Nope.
Yunyun was sadden while Kazuma just looked at her and said.
Kazuma: Meanie.
Y/n: (mutter) Say to the guy who steals women's underwear.
Kazuma: What was that?
Y/n: (smirk) Nothing.
Yunyun: Still you and I will battle to see how is the Victor!
Megumin: (smile) Very well, I accept your challenge.
Aqua: Well I'm gonna go and take a shower to clean off.
Kaori: Yeah same.
Soon Darkness, Aqua, Sena and Kaori walks off while Kazuma, Knight-X and Y/n stand there and see Yunyun and Megumin gonna battle but this strike Y/n odd.
Y/n: (thought) Why dose Megumin accept Yunyun's challenge to a dual even though she is coved by toad slime?.......Wait a minute.
Yunyun: Um Megumin? I noticed your cover by slime?
Megumin: (smirk) I know. Which is why I am gonna use it as my secret weapon against you.
Yunyun: Wait what?!
Y/n: (thought) There it is.
Then Yunyun runs off while Megumin chase her around the field while Knight-X, Kazuma and Y/n just watched this with Y/n sighing to himself.
Y/n: Knight-X, will you?
Knight-X nods and flies over and he each grab them one by one and return them back while he holds them on each of his arm.
Yunyun: Hey what's going on!?
Megumin: Is there a reason why you grabs Y/n?
Y/n: Look there is no reason for this battle or anything like that. How about I'll sort out Yunyun while you and Kazuma take a bath to get yourself clean up.
Megumin: Alright fine but I'm doing this because I really need one.
Kazuma: Same, I'm ready to take a dip.
Yunyun looks at Y/n and felt her heart skip a beat when he looks at her and give her a warm smile.
Yunyun: (thought) Oh my....he is such a cute boy. I....I wonder he can be my friend?
We see the two at a cafe with Yunyun feeling nervous to be with someone ane blushes deep while Y/n drink his tea and noticed Yunyun wasn't drinking her's and asked.
Y/n: You alright Yunyun? You haven't touch your tea for a while?
Yunyun: (nervous) O-Oh r-r-right.
She slowly take a sip of her tea and once that she calms doe a little and nervously explains.
Yunyun: (nervous) I-I'm sorry f-for being like this. I-I just....never have someone with me for a-a while.
Y/n: Really? Not even a childhood friend?
Yunyun: (nervous) N-No never. I-I was alone all these years I never even made one friend.
Y/n: Damn I'm so sorry for that. Being alone for years must be rough for you.
Yunyun: (small smile) I-I made a rivalry with Megumin years ago during wizard school....but she never seem to remember me. Like everyone else I've met.
Y/n: (sigh) I'm sorry about that as well. Megumin maybe a handful but she is nice and fun to be around.
Yunyun: I mean I can be fun if you like! Say it and then can do it!
Y/n: No that's perfectly alright. I just want us to relax and enjoy ourselves. Besides, I need all the break I have after I used up some magic to take down all those toads.
Yunyun: (surprised) Wow! Your the one that took down those toads?!
Y/n: Well I can't take all the credit. My friends also helped and to be honest, I would be already been eaten without them.
Yunyun: (smile) Must be nice to have friends huh?
Y/n see a bit of sadness within her and decided to meet some of his friends so he said.
Y/n: (smile) Hey. How's about I show you a fre friends I have and you'll get to know them.
Yunyun: (surprised) R-R-Really? D-D-Do you really wanna me to meet one of your friends?
Y/n: (smile) Sure, come on I know a group of people you wanna meet.
They enter Wiz store and within the store was Wiz, Chris, Riku and Hisa there buying something when they turn to see Y/n with Yunyun behind him being shy to meet more people.
Chris: (smile) Hey Y/n how is you?
Riku: Who is she behind you?
Y/n: (smile) This is Yunyun. We met her at the front gate. Probably best not yo ask why we're we at the front gate.
Yunyun: (nervous) H-H-Hey?
Chris: (smile) Hey there, nice to meet you.
Wiz: (smile) She must be very shy.
Y/n: (smile) Yea she never have friends in the past and I was hoping I'll show her some of my friends so they can be her friends.
Hisa: That is sad. I'm sorry for what you have to been through Yunyun.
Yunyun: (nervous) It's fine.
Riku: (smile) So what magic do you use?
Yunyun: I use explosion magic similar to Megumin.
Chris: (surprised) That's awesome!
Wiz: Wait you know Megumin?
Y/n: It's.....kinda a long story on how they finally see each other after so long.
Wiz: I see.
Hisa: Oh right Wiz, do you have the stuff we need?
Wiz: Oh yes! My apologies, I'll be right back.
Wiz gise to the back and they hear her accidentally dropping things while Y/n asked them.
Y/n: So what's going on? You all heading to do a job?
Chris: Well actually we were requested by a general to take part of a raid.
Y/n: A raid?
Hisa: There is dictator king that is speaking a war and joing sides with the demons in order to win. I may not be one or the royal army but I refuse to let innocent die.
Riku: So we are heading there to help them and hope we can stop this war from happening.
Y/n: Sounds risky. Mind I join?
Chris: (smile) Sure, with you on outside, no way that dictator King gonna stand against us.
Yunyun: (nervous) S-Sorry to but in but mind if I join?
Riku: (smile) Sure, we don't mind you join us.
Yunyun: (surprised) Really? Thank you so much!
They smiled while Wiz came back with the gear and supplies they needed and once that they thanked Wiz ane left to pack up and head off to their mission.
We see Yunyun and Y/n packed up and were telling Kazuma, Kaori, Megumin, Aqua, Mii, Chomusuke Knight-X and Darkness that they will be gone for a while as we see them at the front gate.
Kazuma: At least i can have some break while your gonan be out there and risk your life.
Y/n: (smirk) You can come if you want Kazuma.
Kazuma: Nope!
Y/n: (chuckle) Alright.
Aqua: Just be back in one peace will you!
Y/n: (smile) I will.
Aqua was worried but he can't stop him while Y/n turns to Knight-X and said.
Y/n: Take care of them while I'm gone.
Knight-X: You can count on me my lord.
Darkness: And me as well. I'll use my body as a shield if I have to!
Y/n: (thought) Same old Darkness.
Mii rushes over to Y/n's leg and begs him not to go but he bend down to him and said while he starts to cry.
Y/n: (smile) Never worry buddy. I'll be back, that's a promise okay?
Mii nods while in tears while Y/n picks him up and Megumin takes him as he said to her.
Y/n: (smile) Take care of Mii will you.
Megumin: (blush) N-No problem. We can do that, right Chomusuke.
Chomusuke: (smile) Meow.
Y/n: (smile) Alright. Take care guys. See you when we return.
And so the two walks off while Kazuma and the rest waved goodbye to them but Yunyun stop and turn back and calls out to Megumin.
Yunyun: One day I'll get stronger and you'll see how string I've gotten and you'll get impressed!
Megumin just looks away while Yunyun felt disappointed and slowly walks with Y/n but Y/n gently grabs her shoulder and give her a warm smile which she blushes and nods as the two continues on to help Chris, Riku and Hisa to take down a dictator King and save lives from him.
Within a throne room we see the dictator King sat on his throne chair while his knights walk onto his throne room and bow down to him and told him.
Male knight: My lord. Y/n L/n and his allies are gonna attempt to stop you.
The king was shocked by this but he makes a evil smirk and says.
???: (Evil smirk) This is gonna be interesting. Report back to me once he arrive at my brothers kingdom, this will be fun.
To be continued............
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