Chapter 11: Trail of Justice

It was the middle of the night and we over look at a prsion that housed many criminals all across the kingdom who have committed treason, murder, robbery and all else within the kingdom.

We look inside the cells and we can see many criminals within their cells sleeping and we stroll down all the prison cells until we get to the end and we see Kazuma.

He is in a cell and sat against the wall with his head down as he is crying that he is in prison for a crime he didn't do and he looks at the wall and sniffle his noise while he said in a sad voice.

Kazuma: (tears) this sucks. (Sniff) I wanna go back to my world.

I know some of you maybe asking, Why is Kazuma in a cell, did he stole something or committed a crime like spying on girls while they are changing or stealing their underwear. Well.......

(5 weeks ago)

Sena: Kazuma, you are under arrest for treason against the kingdom.

Everyone in the guild was shocked by this while Kazuma was stunned by this ans Aqua in a panic force him to bow down while she said.

Aqua: (panic) What did you do now Kazuma! Quick just say your sorry and she might leave and cut us a slake! Please Kazuma just apologise!

Y/n: Aqua calm down. There is no way that Kazuma didn't do anything. Sure he may have abuse his steal magic to steal some women's underwear but what did he do to get him arrested?

Sena: You know the mobile destroyer and the core Kazuma teleported. The core was sent to Lord Alezie Barnes Alderp mansion and it was destroyed.

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

They were also shocked by this while Sena also said.

Sena: Lucky no one wasn't hurt but Kazuma must be brought to face for his crimes.

Y/n: Now hang on a minute there, that mobile destroyer was coming towards our village and was almost blow us up.

Megumin: He's right! Y/n might have saved us many times but for once Kazuma didn't cry out and be a pervert and instead do his job.

Kazuma: Um thanks....I guess?

Darkness: Agree. He maybe be a pervert in times he is shown to be even more of a pervert when I wash his back for him.

Kazuma: I didn't know you were washing my back! I thought it was that succubus who was washing my back!

Darkness: So you made me wash your back for your sexxy desires! I am a shame of your actions, Y/n let us punished him for his pervert actions.

Y/n: Wow wow wow! Time out........What was this about Kazuma have his back washed by Darkness?

Kaori: It's a long story and I might explain after this.

Y/n: Right.

Male guild member 1: Yeah! Y/n might be a hero but Kazuma is apart of us!

Male guild member 2: Yeah if Y/n is his friend then he is friend of all of us!

They start to defend Kazuma whidh Y/n was glad for but then Sena said.

Sena: Anyone who defends him shall be also be arrested for crimes against the kingdom as well. Unless everyone else wants to continue?

They were scared by that except for Y/n who was shocked to see she was threatening them to arrested them all and he was about to argue until his mouth was covered by Riku.

Riku: (whisper) Is best not to make things worse.

Y/n was confused at first and he watched as Aqua and Megumin walks away while Kazuma is lift alone to defend himself. When all the guild is turing his back on him, he decided on one way to escape from this.....he makes a break through it outside.

Sena: Arrest him!

Soon the guards catch up to him and arrested him while he cries and beg to be free and all that while Y/n can't believe they just arrested Kazuma like that and thinks this isn't justice, this is injustice and unfair.

(4 weeks later)

4 weeks has past since Kazuma was arrested for a crime he didn't do and Aqua, Megumin and Darkness try what they can to get Kazuma out but either Kazuma can't or not bothers to get out.

Either way we see Y/n, Riku, Kaori, Mii and Knight-X who was playing with Mii on his hand until Y/n slams his fist onto the table and stood up and said.

Y/n: I can't take this no more! I'm gonna break him out!

He turns but was blocked by Riku who says.

Riku: I know Kazuma is your friend but I don't think it's not wise to break him out.

Y/n: (anger) They arrested him for something he did was right and this is what he gets! I know he might be a creep BUT HELL HE'S STILL INNOCENT!

Riku: I KNOW! (Sigh) Look remember I say those guard are corrupt and they only care about the money other then their own kingdom.

Y/n was about to argue back but he calms down and sat back down.

Knight-X: I never knew those warriors would go as far ti arrested Kazuma for something he did was right.

Riku: I knew who they were for a second when they step into the guild 4 weeks ago. Ever since the demons take over some of the land, more and more military guards slowly fall into corruption and they will do anything for money. Either by means killing the innocent people for that.

Kaori: (shocked) That's horrible.

Riku: Indeed. I heard another guild that the whole guild members were arrested for treason acts but it wasn't explained on what they did. The one that wanted their arrested was nothing but Alexei Barnes Aldera.

Y/n: You know that guy?

Riku: He is one nasty rich person and a fucking jerk. He give anyone money and they can do his dirty work. For some reasons he wasn't arrested which is the reason why he is a dick head.

Kaori: But what should we do about Kazuma?

Y/n: There's gonna be something we could do.

Before they could think about it, there was a knock at the front door. Riku and Y/n walks over to it sme opens it only to be met by a female knight warrior as she stare down at the two and Riku asked.

Riku: Who are you and what do you want?

???: I came here to not for trouble. I want to help you free your friend from jail.

The two were surprised by this and either though Riku doesn't trust her Y/n allows her in and she walks inside. She sat down on a table and they sat down and she introduced to herself.

Hisa: My name is Hisa Asai, I am a commander of the royal army. I have heard of Kazuma's arrested and I've seen that he did a heroic act to save your village. I come here to defend your friend and possibly clear him from all of his charges.

Riku: Why though? You don't know Kazuma or any of us. Why should we trust you?

Hisa: I understand why you don't trust me but hear me out. I serve the royal army with honor for the pass few months and I serve proudly to save my kingdom against the demons. But times flies by and my troops start to go into corruption, steal, threatening and even go as far as killing or arrested innocent people. I was horrified by this ans told my Generals about this but they ignored me and so I was alone. I can't stand of this any longer and I want to help you by defending Kazuma.

Kaori: (smile) You will, for us?!

Hisa: (smile) Indeed. I hope you all don't mind.

Y/n: (smile) Sure I'm thankful you made a right decision and decided to help us.

Hisa: (blush) Th-Thank you and...I-I may not know about some of yoru friends but I heard tails of you. You were something I've looked up to and I am thankful we have met for the first time.

Y/n: (smile) Same here and thanks again for helping us.

Hisa: (smile) It's no problem.

Riku: Hey Y/n could we talk in private?

Y/n: Um sure?

Riku and Y/n left the room and head to the kitchen and once the door shut Riku calls out.

Riku: We can't trust her!

Y/n: Why, she willing wanna help us?

Riku: We don't know that! She might be trying to make Kazuma even more of a criminal.

Y/n: Oh come on we all know Kazuma isn't a criminal.

Riku looked at him and Y/n realised Kazuma did steal some women's underwear with his steal magic.

Y/n: Okay, might did some "miner crimes" but he's not a type of guy who blows up a mansion.

Riku: (sigh) No but still, how do you know Hisa won't won't us during the trail next week?

Y/n places two hands onto her shoulders and stare at in the eyes in a calm way and assures her.

Y/n: (smile) It be fine. I believe she won't turn on us, I see her I her eyes, just like I see it in yours.

Riku blushes a little while Y/n smirks a little and lend in and the two kissed for a short while until they stop and Riku smirks and says.

Riku: (smirk) Damn it. Why do I always have to listen to you, I'm a deadly assassin?

Y/n: (smirk) You maybe deadly, but not to me.

Riku giggles once more and decided to go through with his plan and hope things won't go wrong next week.

(Next week)

We see Y/n and everyone else in the court with Kazuma in the middle to face the crimes he had committed and judging by Kazuma's face he as panicking within him and not calminy down.

Hisa was being a defender while Sena will be the prosecuter to Alexei who was sitting across of Y/n and the rest who smirks at all this.

Aqua: (whisper) So that's him. He looks like a guy you wanna punch.

Megumin: (whisper) I agree.

Y/n: (whisper) Let's stay calm and we can get through this.

Then the judge hits his small gavel and everyone was silent.

Male judge: We are here for the crimes of Kazuma Sato has be committed against the kingdom and possible working with the demon Lord. Sena, can you explain what has happened.

Sena: Of course. 5 weeks ago there was a massive explosion that blow up Alexei Barnes Alderp's mansion and luckily no one was not harmed but we have trace the magic Kazuma Sato and after we arrested him and done some interrogation. We believed that not only he is a terrorist but he is working for the demon Lord.

Hisa: Adjective! Kazuma has not shown to any demon like appears or shown to have demonic like magic. The only thing we have learn is one magic he used and that is steal. It allow the user to steal things from people's hand and there is no way he can not be the terrorist that onky have that magic.

Kazuma: (mutter) I have more magic then just steal you know.

Sena: Yes but this bell dose not lie!

Then they all turn to a small bell in the middle of the room as Sena gose on to say.

Sena: As you may know, this bell can allow to detect any lie that the person says. If it rings, they are lying, if not then they are telling the truth. We use this to get out ant truth from him and we believe strongly that he will working with the demons.

Hisa: That us true that this bell can allow to bring out the truth from criminals but we have less evidence. Your honor, allow us to bring up witnesses so that can shine some light on this.

Male judge: I will allow it.

Hisa: Thank you. Bring up the first Witness!

Then Chris walks up while Kazuma stand between Y/n and Aqua. Chris gives them a wave with a smile before she stand there ane Hisa gose up and asked.

Hisa: Chris, is it true that you know Kazuma and his friends?

Chris: That's right.

Hisa: And do you see Kazuma as a deadly person that wants to kill innocent people?

Chris: Of course not! Sure he may have a fee times stole my underwear with that steal magic, but I have to admit, it was my fault that I tought him that magic and turn him to creep he was.

Kazuma: (thought) Oh Whoa thanks for that Chris.

Hisa: You see your honor. Kazuma might be a pervert in times but he is shown to be a type of guy to never kill others.

The crowd thinks so as well until Sena walks over and asked.

Sena: You said that Kazuma stolen your underwear is that correct?

Chris: Yeah.

Sena: Tell me. How many times he stole your underwear.

Chris: (nervous) Um.....Uh....Um...45 times.

A gasp his heard within the crowd and Kazuma was in deep trouble while Y/n and the rest just sighs and thinks that's Kazuma karma.

Sena: And what dose he dose when he stolen your underwear?

Chris: (nervous) Um he waves it around and around while laughing and he-

Sena: No further questions!

Then Sena walks off and the next witness was actually Mitsurugi which surprised Y/n because he hadn't seen him for a while.

Hisa: Is it true that Kazuma try to attack you when you first met him?

Mitsurugi: Well actually I have to admit I was the one that attacked him first.

Sena: But he stole your sword and sold it to the market for cash. Without it you wouldn't stand against Beldia.

Mitsurugi: Yeah but I'm actually glad Y/n came and saved the village other wise the village will be-

Sena: No further questions!

Then Mitsurugi's two fan girls was up and Hisa start by asking them.

Hisa: Is it true that Kazuma was trying to defend himself when Mitsurugi attacked him?

Fan girl 1: No he mock and threatening to steal our underwear!

Fan girl 2: Yeah he's really a creep and a pervert!

Kazuma just wants to die as things ain't going right for him. After a fee witnesses and people saying Kazuma did some horrible things that make Kazuma more like a criminal then a pervert.

Soon Y/n try to contain himself but soon he has enough and calls out.

Y/n: (anger) THAT'S ENOUGH!

They all turn to him and he storm in the middle of the court and point at Sena ane asked.

Y/n: You said you have evidence that Kazuma blow up Alexei mansion but you haven't shown us the evidence yet!

Kaori: He's right!

Megumin: Yeah! Where is the evidence?

Sena just looks at them and she said.

Sena: You want proof, fine I give you all proof. Even though Kazuma may have blown up the mansion it's obvious he didn't do this alone.

Y/n: Alone?

Hisa: What are you talking about?

Sena: I'm talking about that Kazuma Sato didn't do this alone. Infact the real masted mind is right in front of us.

She the point at Y/n which shocked everyone in the court and there was silence until Y/n asked.

Y/n: How in the world I'm I the one I charge of the destruction of Alexei mansion!? I didn't know him?!

Alexei: (smirk) You sure about that boy?

He turn to Alexei as he smirks at him and gose on to say.

Alexei: (smirks) Judging by what tgw witnesses the evidence show us, Kazuma is a totally wimp. He might sudk his thump like baby, someone must have convinced him to blow up my mansion and why else the one that is one of the strongest member with a high explosion magic.

Y/n: (anger) I WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING! I PERTECT LIVES NOT DESTROY THEM! Your honor you can't just listen to him, there is no evidence to say I'm involved of it!

Male judge: Well you do look like a honest man.

But he turn to Alexei who looked at him and he had a look of nervous whidh Y/n noticed and he suddenly change and said.

Male judge: But honest people might done bad things.

Y/n: (anger) WHAT?!

Aqua: You can't do that!

Darkness: Where is the justice!?

Male judge: Kazuma Sato and Y/n L/n we found you two guilty for crimes against the kingdom.

He was about to slam his gavel to finish this course but Y/n makes a fist and yells out.


The judge stop ans Alexei just sigh by this while Y/n calms down a little and gose on to say.

Y/n: Look. I know your just doing your jobs and said get it, you may have families to feed and need to pay to have a roof over your head. But stop and think on what you all are doing, your arrested not just one innocent person but another person who fights for this kingdom and will do anything to protect the world from the demons. I've saved my village multiple times over the months and saved many lives including my own guild! If I was cruel, evil, selfish and mean then everyone would hate me but no! They see that I am their friend and will do anything to protect them. Sure Kazuma may have done awful and pervert things but that's what we are! We did pervert things and that what make us human. We have heart, we have feelings and we have a desire that we must fulfill and I will do anything I could to help them to reach that. If you arrested me, Kazuma or others that everyone likes, then your be the once that is taking away people's last hope or defeating the demons ane their king!

Y/n speech shocks everyone and they were left stunned by this. Even Sena who have second thoughts about all of this ane realised what she is doing. The judge was also shocked by this and said in a nervous voice.

Male judge: (nervous) W-Well young man, you have proof yourself and your friend that you two ain't working for the demons and proof your innocent.

Kazuma and the rest were happy by this and the judge was about to make his decision until Alexei said to the judge.

Alexei: (Smirk) Your honor. Do you wish to embarrassed me are you?

Then she shot a glare at him which scared him and he said.

Male judge: But I still here by found you twi guilty for your crimes against the kingdom.

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

Hisa: (shocked) What are you doing?!

Kazuma: (shocked) Yeah the hell, our life is on the line!

Alexei: (smirk) So what? Your a lonely adventure boys, I don't care what happened to you.

Y/n was angered by this ane wants to struggle but shocking to him and the rest Hisa walks over, took out her sword ans slice his table in half which Alexei fell back onto the floor and Hisa shot him a death glare while she said.

Hisa: (anger) Is that what you said to me huh? When you framed my parents and sentences them to death!

Y/n: (thought) Wait what?

Alexei: (smirk) Oh trust me, your parents were Traitors and this world has no room for Traitors like them.

Then she grabs Alexei by the shirt and lift him up into the air ane at the same time guard came in ane aim their spears at her.

Male knight 1: Commander stand down!

Male knight 2: Don't make us arrested you too sir.

Hisa was blind in anger ane just glare at him ane that's when Y/n noticed the bell and remember something ane he had an idea.

Hisa was about to kill him when Y/n walks over with a hand behind his back and asked.

Y/n: Sorry to butt in but mind telling me what did Hisa's parents did to committed treason?

Alexei: (smirk) Are you serious? Well I suppose I tell you. They try to Assassin me during a battle and planned to take all my money and live out their lives happily ever after and they-


This froze Alexei dead in his tracks and Y/n show that he holds the bell, the same bell that detect if someone is lying or not and the sound of a ding means he was lying. This shocks everyone and Alexei was sweating now and try to say.

Alexei: (nervous) N-No I think I mixed that up. I was at the balcony when they come up to me and try to push m-


Alexei: (nervous) I-I mean they try to poison me!


Alexei: (nervous) Hire an assassin to kill me!


Alexei: (nervous) OKA FINE! They didn't do anything, I just hated her father so much I just wanna ruin his life by arresting him for false crimes! Are you happy now!

The bell did go off meaning he was telling the truth and this time Y/n smirks and turn to Hisa and Hisa look at him and drop him. He fell onto the ground and spears were drawn on them as the judge who heard all that said.

Male Judge: I apologise for all or thie Y/n and Kazuma. You are free from all charges against the Kingdom.

They cheered by this ane so dose everyone else while the judge now shot a glare at Alexei and said.

Male Judge: Alexei Barnes Alderp you are here by guilty for false arrested and possible treason against the kingdom. Your sentences if a life time of prison and we will pull an investigate of what lies you have been told.

Alexei: I didn't lie to anyone!


Alexei grind his teeth in anger while guards took him away while he shot a death glare to Y/n but he just smirks at him while Hisa was surprised by Y/n that he just clear her parents names right there on the spot.


We see Y/n outside of their mansion while Kazuma and the rest were celebrating their victory within court and they were making a lot of noise in there so Y/n went out to get some fresh air.

Knight-X was outside as well and then Hisa walks up next to him and the two look at the sunset and Hisa asked.

Hisa: You managed to clear my parents name?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

Hisa: But why?

Y/n: (smile) Because I know your an honest person and I knew you would never turn against us.

Hisa: (surprised) You believed in me?

Y/n: (smile) Of course. You shown to stand up for what's right and help us by defending us. If it wasn't for you, me and Kazuma or possibly all of us might be in jail or worse.

Hisa: (blush) Th-Thank you so much for trusting me Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No problem.

Riku Hey.

They turn to see Riku walking up to Hisa and the two look at each other until Riku smirks and Riku reach out a hand to her.

Riku: (smirk) Sorry for not trusting you earlier. No hard feelings?

Hisa smiles ans takes Riku's hand and shakes it.

Y/n: So what should you do now?

Hisa: Well I'm kick out of the royal army after what happened at court so...I have no idea.

Riku: (smile) You should join the guild. Maybe you can earn some money there.

Hisa: (smile) A guild. I always wanna be in a guild. Sure, I'll join your guild.

Y/n: (smile) Great.

The trio entee back to the mansion to enjoy the rest of the party. Not only they win the trail but they have a new friend they made that sure be their defender of truth no matter what.

To be continued.............

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