Chapter 1: Meeting a goddess and a second chance
It was a beautiful day at a huge city in Tokyo as we see cars drive by and people walking through the city getting to their location or to their jobs. We see a boy riding his skateboard through the city while he listen to some music within his earphones.
He dodge many people as he skate by, making sure he doesn't ram them with his skateboard as he skate through town for a while until he hop off his skateboard and picks it up as he walks over to his favourite store within the city, the Magical comic store as he enter inside and go down to different a section as he looks through to see any new comics have shown up.
???: Yo Y/n!
Y/n turn around and see his friend walk up to him and once there Y/n asked.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Aito I never knew you be here as well, what's been hanging with you?
Aito: (smile) Nothing much man, just doing some chorus for my mum and she give me extra money so I can pick a comic in this store.
Y/n: Is this your first time being here?
Aito: Yeah it seems interesting so I head in and look around. So what are you doing here?
Y/n: Oh this is actually my favourite comic store. I always come here to read some Magical stories on shelfs and read them at home.
Aito: Your still into these magic stuff. I never know why you're so interesting with it, it's just fantasy.
Y/n: Yeah I know but I like Magical comics and always wish to be in a Magical world so I can fight monsters and go on adventures. Besides are you not tired always being in this boring city for years?
Aito: Kinda but that is life man, it's not like things will get interesting very soon.
Y/n: Yeah guess your right.
Aito: Anyways I'm gonna take my leave now, don't won't my mum gonna find me.
Y/n: She still don't trust you after what you and your friends did at the play park two weeks ago?
Aito: It was an accident man and no one didn't get hurt........well a few but still gonna go now.
Then Aito walk to the exit and he was gone. Y/n shake his head and buy some comics and after that he left the store and head home.
(Hours later)
We see Y/n walking through the neighbourhood as he wonder what Aito said about Magic as he wonder to himself and then look at the blue sky as he thought to himself.
Y/n: (thought) I know Magic isn't real and things can't be interesting like right now but.....I wish I can do something so I can make others happy, I just one adventure, that's all.
Then he noticed smoke in the sky as he looks around and see a massive smoke not that far from him as he realised something is very wrong and he rush towards the site and very soon he arrives and was horrified to see a house on fire as people were watching this in horror in their faces.
Y/n got into the crowd and he ask someone in front of him.
Y/n: What happened?
Radom guy: I don't know but I think there is a family in there.
Y/n was shocked and he look at the house and suddenly a window from the second window smash and a husband with two kids were in the bedroom as the husband calls out for help.
Husband: Someone help us! Please!
Everyone panicked and took out their phones and call for help but Y/n knew if help arrives they would be burned. He see a the living room isn't up in flames yet so he has no choice and run pass the crowd and enter the garden and then crash through the window and landing in the living.
Everyone from outside were shocked as Y/n slowly stands up and cover his mouth and nose with his right hand as smoke leads the air. He look at the kitchen and see it was up in flames and that's were the fire came from.
Y/n hear the crystal of the family on he second floor so he rushes to the stairs and he cough a little before he race up the stairs to the second floor. Once at the second floor he hear the crys at the parents bedroom.
Y/n race over and see that the door was covered by a large wooden slab. Y/n garb the slap with two hands and he lifted the slap. At first he struggled to lift it away but he hear something that appears to be a gas leek meaning that this house will explode any second so he use all his strength to lift the slab and throw it out of the way.
Then he kick the door and the door swing open as the family turn to see Y/n as he said to them.
Y/n: We need to get out of here, follow me.
They nod and they exit out of the bedroom and they wqlk through the halls and they arrived back at the stairs. They all head down and Y/n reac the front door and kick push it open. Once it swing open Y/n let the family go first but a little girl suddenly break the stairs and her foot was stuck and she can't get it out.
Little girl: (scared) Mummy!
Mother: (Scared) No!
Y/n see this and he goes back to get her and once there he help the little girl get her foot off and he let the little girl escape but before she could step outside Y/n hear a spark of a flames meeting the gas and with no time he push the little girl out and he turn and there was a huge explosion as Y/n was it by the flames and was thrown back out of the house.
The house explode as the family and everyone steps back and Y/n was thrown outside with his clothes and body burned and he was covered in blood. He slowly open his eyes and cough out blood as he look at the sky as the husband and a few people run over and try to keep Y/n alive.
But the explosion hit Y/n badly and he was close to dieing as he hear the sirens of the fire brigade as he smiles and knew he saved group of family before he closes his eyes and dies. The husband and a few men try to keep Y/n alive but Y/n.....was long gone just as fire brigade and ambulance arrived to control the fire while the ambulance take Y/n's body to their van and drive off while everyone knew he risk his own life to save others.
(After life)
Y/n slowly open his eyes and he woke up to a black void ashe sat on a chair as he looks around just to see nothing around him.
Y/n: (thought) What the hell just happened? Did I die or what is this place?
???: I see your here and confused as I am.
Y/n: Huh?
He turn around to see another boy wearing a green jacket and brown hair as he also sat down on a chair as well.
Y/n: Um yeah, who are you?
Kazama: Names Kazama nice to see I'm not the only one here. And you are?
Y/n: I'm Y/n and are we dead?
Kazama: Maybe but hope not, I have so much to live for.
Y/n: Yeah but are we?
???: Yep and I am here to guide yous to your after life.
They turn and a girl with long blue hair walk pass them and sat down on a chair and once sitted she looks at the two of them and said.
???: Let's see, Y/n L/n you died after you risk your own life to save a whole family and the cost of it was a huge explosion.
Y/n: So I did die, but is the family alright?
???: Yeah and they were sadden by your death and everyone in your neighbourhood will remember you as a hero.
Y/n: Well at least they are safe.
Kazama: Dude that must be badass of you don't that, I be afraid facing a house on fire my self.
???: Now Kazama you died after you saved a girl from getting ran over.
Kazama: Wait is she ok, is she safe?
???: Yeah she is safe as well.
Kazama: (sigh of relief) Oh thank god, luckily she would have a better life after I saved her.
Y/n: (thought) Woah guess both of us are here because we did something heroic or something like that.
???: Actually she still be alive, after all it was a tractor.
Y/n and Kazama: Huh?
???: A tractor is pretty slow and can't ran over someone unless it was rolling down as hill so-
Kazama: Wait, Wait, Wait?! It was a tractor?! Then what killed me?
???: Oh you have a heart attack, apparently you thought it was gonna kill you and that leave you to have a heart attack not before you wet yourself.
Y/n: (thought) He did what now?
Then the girl chuckled before she burst into laughter which surprised Kazama and Y/n as she was laughing as she said.
???: (laughter) I haven't seen a death like that for a long while and it was the most funny thing ever!
Kazama: (thought) She's laughing because I die after I try to save to something. Who is this girl?!
Y/n: (thought) Just hope things won't get more embarrassing.
???: (laughter) After that you were taking to the hospital which were the doctors and nurses chuckled because how you died.
Kazama: No no no no! Shut up shut up shut, I don't want to hear it!
The girl walk up to Kazama and whisper something to his ears that made Kazama even more embarrassing.
Kazama: Is this hell all of a sudden because it sure feel like it!
Y/n: (thought) Jeez he has a rough day.
???: (smile) That was pretty funny, I haven't laughed that much in my life.
Kazama: (thought) Oh you mother-
???: But at least you did something heroic watger die in a embarrassing way Y/n.
Y/n: Um thanks Miss......?
Aqua: Oh how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself haven't I? I am the goddess of water, you my call me Aqua.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow your a real goddess! I always thought they live in heaven?
Aqua: That is true but I am in charge of letting others to their after life or to their resting place.
Y/n: Huh guess that make sense.
Kazama: So "Goddess" what are we gonna do here?
Aqua: Well I can give yous a choice. You can go to heaven and live out the rest of your soul floating around and do nothing or I can sent yous to another world were you go on a magical adventure and defeat the devil King.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait you can do that?
Aqua: Of course I can, I am a goddess after all so I can snap my fingers and you be in another world.
Y/n: (smile) Then sign me up to this other world option because I'm in.
Kazama: (smile) Yeah sounds badass, I'm in as well.
Aqua: That's Excellent now here is the things that I will give you.
Then Aqua summon a large book and hands it to Y/n and he opens the book while Aqua explains.
Aqua: You will have ability to understand peoples language and words within the other world and you will have magic powers once there. Due rambert there is side effects to language and word understanding? such as exploded head or something like that.
Then Aqua cover the warning signs within the book as Y/n looks up at Aqua and asked.
Y/n: Wait what were the side effects about language and word understanding?
Aqua: (smile) Huh I didn't say that.
Kazama: (thought) I swear I blame her if we die again once we arrive to this world.
Then paper start to fall down from the sky and lands on the ground as Aqua said.
Aqua: Choice any of these papers that will lead you to your quest, it could be a monster or a little friend, choice what ever and they will guide you.
Y/n: Awesome I can see this will be awesome.
(Couple of minutes later)
We see Aqua eating a chip as she watch Kazama and Y/n on the ground looking at many papers on the ground to search for a allie so he or she will go with them.
Y/n: (thought) Jeez this is kinda hard to decide which one to choose, they are all so good but which one?
Aqua: Would you two hurry up, A goddess can't wait that long.
Kazama: (whisper) Woah what a prick.
Y/n: (whisper) Look I know your mad but it's not like there is a way to get your pay back.
Kazama: (smirk)......maybe there is.
Y/n: Huh?
Kazama: (smirk) So Aqua, I can choose what ever I want is that right?
Aqua: Yeah anything your want.
Kazama stands up with a evil smirk on his face and he slowly move his arm and he points at Aqua and saids.
Kazama: Then I'll pick you.
Y/n: Eh?
Aqua: Huh?
There was a moment of silence before a blue magic circle appeared below both Kazama and Y/n as Aqua get off the chair and saida.
Aqua: OK get ready so I can......wait what did you choose again?
???: They have called you.
They all turn to see a large bright circle appear and a female angel came down as she spread her wings as she turn to them and said.
Female angel: You have been choosing to help both Y/n and Kazama on a quest to defeat the devil King and save the world.
Aqua: What?
Y/n: (thought) Way a go Kazama, Way a go.
Female Angel: You Y/n.
Y/n: Me?
Female Angel: Yes and gods have seen your heroic actions and they decide to hand you this as your reward.
Then golden magic circle appear on the ground near Y/n as a sword rose up out of the circle and hover in the air as Y/n was faced with a sword.
Female angel: This sword was forge by the gods and it can be only be used if someone's heart is true bravery and truth to others, you are chosen to use it for your adventure.
Y/n was surprised by this and he reach his hand towards the sword and he grabs the handle and he looks at it with amazement as another blue magic circle appear below Aqua as Aqua see this and said.
Aqua: Hold on this must be mistake, I cannot go to another world. No No this has to be a mistake. (Start to panic) You can't do this, you can't sent a goddess to another world! This has to be illegal, it must be illegal!
Female Angel: I wish you good luck lady Aqua and while your away I will take over your place until you will defeat the devil King.
Then they start to float up towards a huge portal above them as Aqua get even more panicked and said.
Aqua: (panic) You must be nuts if I be able to defeat the devil King, I'll die!
Female Angel: Fear not Aqua, Y/n will keep you safe as long he has that sword, I'm sure yous will win.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait like I'm her body guard?
Female Angel: Something like that.
Then Kazama made a evil laughter as Aqua and Y/n turn as Kazama points at Aqua and said with a evil smirk.
Kazama: (smirk) This is what you get for laughing at my death so your coming with us and there is nothing you could do. I will tap into to your power and have a better life!
Aqua: (scared) No! Please don't made me go with a pervert please!
Y/n: (thought) I'm starting to feel sorry for Aqua now, way a go Kazama.
They go up to the portal until they go through the portal and then the portal close leaving the Female Angel left alone as she said.
Female Angel: I wish yous luck.
Y/n open his eyes once again and was shocked to see that he, Aqua and Kazama arrived at another world with many people wearing old clothes and see many old buildings around them as Kazama said in surprise.
Kazama: (surprise) Wow this is awesome, we're in another world! This is gonna be the best adventure ever.
Aqua: (crying)
Kazama: Jeez light it up a bit will you Aqua.
Y/n: You do realise you were the one that forced Aqua for being here.
Kazama: What ever but still it is pretty lucky you have that awesome sword, bet I will get something extra like a magical stuff or a legendary potion. It's far I get something-
Aqua shakes Kazama back and forwards while crying while Y/n just watch this while everyone around them stop and stare at them before Kazama push her away and said.
Kazama: Jeez would you come down. If you are want to go pack then go.
Aqua: (panic) Don't you see I'm stuck here you idiot! I have to stay here and help you defeat the devil King!
Kazama: (anger) Don't blame me for your mistake, you should have laugh at my death so there!
Y/n: That's enough! Everyone is watching us so let's try not get in trouble ok?
Aqua: He's right and I'm gonna stay with Y/n so he can protect me.
She rap her arm around Y/n's which made Y/n blush bright red as he can feel her breast but he try to ignore that and turn to Kazama and said.
Y/n: We-We should find a guild so we can join and go do some jobs.
Kazama: Right let's look around for one and join there.
Y/n: Alright.
So they walk around town looking for a guild to join. While the walk Y/n took out his sword and looks at it and feel and the power within it which amazed Y/n as he thought to himself.
Y/n: (thought) This sword is very strong and powerful, I wonder what it dose in battle?
Kazama: Here we are.
Y/n looks up and they arrived at a guild as they walk to the door and open it. They enter inside and they see many people there before a female waiter walks up to them and saids.
Female waiter: (smile) Welcome, if you are here to eat then find a site and I'll take your order. If you are here to join a guild go to the counter over there to get started.
Before she left she winks at Y/n and walks away. Y/n blush a little and Kazama was jealous a little. They walk up to the counter and once there a woman with blonde hair was at the other side and saids.
Luna: (smile) Hello my name is Luna, are yous here to sign up to be a pat of this guild?
Kazama: (smile) That's right.
Luna: (smile) Excellent, I need your money so we can get started.
Kazama: Wait we need money to get into the guild?
Luna: Yeah my apologies but it is the only way to be a member of this guild.
Kazama: Oh. Well any of yous have any money on yous?
Aqua: Not me. I didn't even have a chance to grab my money before we came here.
Kazama: (thought) Man she is useless.
Y/n: Wait I have something.
He pulls out a small bag and he opens it to reveal golden coins. He noticed a note on it and it said " I hope these will be enough for you, good Luck." Y/n have a feeling it was the Female Angel that given him the bag but still he hand the coins to Luna and she count them up and said.
Luna: (smile) Excellent now may yous place your hand onto this crystal here.
She points to the crystal next to her as she explains.
Luna: This crystal can scan through and see what type of job that will suit you.
Kazama: Sounds simple guess I go first.
Kazama place his hand onto then crystal and then a laser shot out and written something onto the paper and once done Luna looks at it and saids.
Luna: Huh I see your luck is pretty high and your combat is in between but luck will not do for jobs like monster hunting or anything that involves combat. Maybe still with harmful jobs for a while.
Kazama: Huh?!
Y/n: Guess luck isn't everything Kazama.
Kazama: Oh shut up!
Aqua was next and she place her hand on it and Luna look at the paper and she was shocked.
Luna: (shocked) Oh my your power is incredible!
Aqua: Really?
Luna: You may have low of luck but your powers is very impressive. You can be what ever like a holy priestess or something that involves magic!
Aqua: Hun I guess a Holy priestess will be good.
Then Y/n was next as he place his hand onto the crystal and the crystal written down on the paper. Then once done Luna looks at it and she was shocked even more and Y/n asked.
Y/n: I there something wrong Luna?
Luna: (shocked) Yeah it's just that........Your magic, skills and all else is off the roof!
Everyone in the guild heard this and they were surprised as they walk over and gather around as Luna saids.
Luna: (shocked) This is incredible, in all my life I never see this paper go off the roof in my life. You must have amazing abilities because this is incredible.
Y/n: Um thanks? I bet there not that great.
Luna: (shocked) Not that Great! You must be the most powerful person we ever have. You can be anything as you want and go in many jobs even if they are dangerous or not!
Random guild guy: (shocked) Woah this kid must be strong.
Radnom guild guy 2: (shocked) Yeah no kidding, he maybe able to defeat the devil King.
Random guild girl: He looks so cute as well, I bet he's singal.
Random guild girl 2: I call dips!
Then everyone call out to Y/n which surprised Y/n as he never get this much attention as they cheer for Y/n while Kazama was jealous cause he never get that attention while Y/n smiles to himself and knew this was his second chance and he will not waste it.
But within the crowd a cloak figure stares at Y/n as he grinde his sharp teeth with anger and frustration before he turned to leave the guild and walks away to report to someone of what he found out.
To be continued..........
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