Chapter 3: Giving a Crimson Demon a Helping hand.
After the heretic got beating and said sorry while i force feed him my f/f we went to the barn to sleep, then i waked up early to find a new job and had breakfast.
and once i finished breakfast i took some jobs like a boy who lost his pet wolf, Training a boy how to use a sword and begin a test subject by some crazy wizard, it didn't even break my shield.
after getting paid for the three jobs and it was getting dark i return to the guild and saw kazuma and aqua depressed while eating fired frog legs.
Y/n: Hey wait's wrong?
Aqua: I got beating by two frogs
Y/n: Small ones or larger one?
Aqua: Larger one.
Kazuma: we suck i only got a short sword and aqua got swallowed by two frogs.
Aqua cries.
Y/n: That sucks, how many you killed?
Kazuma: Two that sallowed aqua.
then rose came to us.
Rose: Ello why the long face?
Y/n: They got beating but only killed two Giant frogs.
Rose: An't that bad.
Kazuma and aqua gave rose a you don't know the rest face.
Rose: What?
Aqua: Never mind that we need to find some allies!
Kazuma: We got 5,000 eries per frog, we make that our part time jobs without getting eaten.
aqua takes a bite of the fired leg.
Aqua: They are delicious a little tough but the taste is divine, Want some y/n?
Y/n: No thank you i had something to eat on my way back.
Kazuma: Back to the allies thing, I totally agree with you but who is going to party with a couple of beginners who have no gear.
Y/n: (Coughs to get their attention)
Y/n: I have s class gear and i'm the beginner too.
Aqua tries to talk but she had a mouth full of frog.
Aqua: (Muffed talk with frog meat)
Kazuma: Would you sallow before you talk!
Aqua drinks her mead and sallow.
Aqua: y/n is a Vault hunter, Rose is a mage bard and i'm a arch priest, do you know how many people will kill to have someone like us in their party!
Rose: Yeah the blue hair lady is right, the three of us are unstoppable!
Aqua: Okay i'm going to ignore you but Yeah we are unstoppable!, Once i spread the word out, people will be in line shouting, Please take me take Me! You'll see!
Then she took kazuma's fired frog and hand it to rose but she has no hand so y/n took it and feed it to her.
Y/n: I have an idea for a poster that people might like.
Aqua: Good idea y/n, and stop worrying already kazuma (Giggles and took a bite on her fired frog)
Kazuma: Your welcome.
The next day i made a poster and put it on the bored
Kazuma: Are you serious?
Y/n: What?
Kazuma: The Crimson Raiders? what a kind of name is that? and who the hell is the Black guy?!
y/n pulls out a pan and.
Kazuma: Ow what the hell y/n?!
Y/n: First of all that's for being racist and Secondly his name is Roland, the founder of the crimson raider and the best character in borderlands 1 & 2, but he was killed in the second game so i decide to call our party in honour of him.
Rose: Aw it sounds like Roland is someone you look up to.
Kazuma: So you named our party after after a game group made by some character that you loved?
Y/n: Yep any objections?
Kazuma: (Gulps) Nope.
Aqua: It's perfect, We are the elite party group of the adventures guild Ever! and y/n helped me writing a motivation quote.
We are Looking for some adventurers to join the crimson raider and fight back against the devil king, the legendary Vault hunter Axton, the mage bard rose and the beautiful Arch priest Aqua welcomes you.
Then she pretend to be future adventures who is saying positive about the party
So we waited...
And waited.
But nobody came it turns out that everybody is sleeping in due to be Saturday.
Y/n: well this sucks
Rose: Aye.
Aqua: (Sniff) But i thought.. I thought.
Y/n: Well how about i help you by killing three more frogs since it's Saturday.
???: I Happened to notice your recruitment poster.
we heard someone behind us and saw the girl spoken to us.
???: Hehehe that we would meet is a fate chosen by the world itself, I have Anxiously waited the arrival of those such as yourselves.
then she does a pose with her cape moving on it's own.
Megumin: I am Megumin! My calling is that of an Arch Wizard, One who controls explosion magic, the strongest offensive Magic!
as she finished her cape went to normal.
Kazuma: Hmm?
Megumin: Do you, Too, Desire my Forbidden strength, Which is So Almighty, I've Been Ostracized by the Entire World?
Kazuma: What?
Megumin: Then show me Thine Resolve to Peer into the Ultimate Abyss with me! When man stares into the abyss, The Abyss stares Back.
but before kazuma could speak i put my hand on his mouth and greeted her.
Y/n: well Good afternoon Madam My name is Y/n Axton L/N, the lady with dress is aqua our arch priest, the harpy is rose and this boy is kazuma.
Megumin: So your the one had some kingdoms talking about, the one who slain thunder beck.
Y/n nods and gives a handshake to megumin who she shake with y/n's hand.
Y/n: Now Before I give my say on whether you should join or not, I'd like to ask a few questions, Is that Okay with you?
Megumin: No problem ask me anything.
Y/N: how old are you?
Megumin: I'm 17.
Y/N: Okay then how skilled you are with explosive?
Megumin: I am the best there is with Explosion Magic.
Aqua then saw her eyes.
Aqua: That red eye. Are you a crimson demon?
Megumin: Indeed! I am Megumin, user of the finest magic crimson demons possess!
Y/n: Wait she's a demon?
Rose: Nope silly husband that's is what they call themselves.
Y/n: Oh whoops sorry.
Megumin: My Lethal magic demolishes mountains Sm ashes Boul-der.
Megumin almost collapse to the floor but was caught by y/n.
Y/n: Holy hell are you alright?!
Then megumin's stomach growled.
Megumin: I haven't eaten anything for three Days, Do you have anything I could eat?
Rose: Whoa but how is she still alive?
Y/n: Oh you poor thing, Sure thing be right back.
y/n carried megumin the the bench and went to the chief to give her the guild's favourite.
Chief: Ah Axton what can i get for you?.
Y/n: Sorry to be a bother but i have someone who is need of a feed, she hasn't have any for three days, i'm going to order her F/F.
Chief: Hehe good choice and that would be 5 sliver coins and i will sent a waitress to give her the food.
Y/n: Thanks mate Here you go (Hands him 5 sliver coins)
y/n went back to the table and saw kazuma pulling on poor megumin's eye patch as she begging him to stop, so i went up to him i wrack him with the pan and manged to catch the eye patch and slowly put it back without hurting her eye.
Megumin: Thank you Y/n.
Kazuma: What was that for?
Y/n: Cause your a little bitch. (if you get the reference you get a feast) Oh megumin do you have a card?
Megumin: Sure here.
as she handed us her card a waitress came to us hand put the F/F severed with chips to megumin.
Waitress: Okay here is the F/F with the chips to megumin.
Megumin: Wha? This is for me?
Waitress: Yep you should thank y/n for that.
Then megumin gives me a big hug and saying thank you 3 times and digs in the f/f and when she took a bite, she to had a food orgasm like aqua.
Megumin: HMMMM (Swallow) Thank you y/n so much. (and she digs in)
Y/n: Hey so what does it say?
Kazuma: It says her magic is very high.
Aqua: You can't forge adventures cards so this is the real deal.
Y/n saw megumin sighing happily after finished the F/F.
Y/n: So megumin we are going out to kill some frogs and your coming with us to show what you can do.
Megumin: Hm I won't let you down!
we are walking back to the guild with megumin on kazuma's back, She showed us her explosion magic and MY GOD it was big, so big that Mr Torgue would be damn proud, but it turns out if she use her magic it drains her stamina render her useless, she even almost got eaten by a frog not for my Railgun kill.
Rose can't come cause she went to her parents for 'our' wedding.
Aqua on the other hand was covered in slime and blood, why? Cause i hand her my Chroma and told her just in cause if her magic doesn't work, she got chomped on by the frog and she shot the frogs insides thus why she is covered in slime and blood.
but she got her very first kill.
Kazuma: That's it, from now your banned from using explosions Magic Aside from when it's under Dire circumstances.
Megumin: That's not possible.
Kazuma: Why Not?
Megumin: I don't know how to cast any other spells.
Y/n: what really?
Megumin: Yes.
then a girl is chasing after her chickens maybe i should help her if i got the time.
Aqua: But, if your level is high enough to use explosions, should't you be able to use other magic too? why, Even I Couldn,t learn to use all the Arch priest Spells when i needed to Until I learned all the party tricks.
Y/n: Which is useful to entertainment people, but useless at the field.
Megumin: I Am an Arch-Wizard That love Explosions Magic more then anything, I can't stand other spells. They Suck! Explosion is the one for me.
Y/n: Well i have to admit i do love big explosion.
Megumin: See even Y/n is honest, Everyone loves explosion!
then a small frog was swimming in the river
Megumin: i'll admit quest would be easier if i learn other spells, BUT I REFUSE! I LOVE THE EXPLOSIONS MORE THEN ANYTHING! I don't care if i can only use it once a day or it drains me so much that it knocks me on my face, i will always Always love explosion, When i started i chose to walk the path of the arch wizard just so i can cast that one Glorious Spell!
Y/n: Now that's something to love about.
Kazuma: what?
Aqua: Wonderful! simply Wonderful! Inefficient though it is, I'm moved by your romantic pursuit!
Y/n: Oh and don't forget i have some alchemy that can make you do more than one explosion spell.
That got Megumin attention.
Megumin: R-REALLY?!
Y/n: Yep i just level up to 86 and i got an alchemy skill that means i can greatly enhance your skills and the three important things in your life Health, Mana and Stamina.
Megumin & Aqua: WOOW!
But kazuma wasn't listening.
Kazuma: I see! I'm sure the path ahead of you will be thorny, but do your best, Once we reach the guild, we'll split the reward evenly then when we get a chance, let's meet up somewhere..
Y/n: Hold up are you trying to get rid off her?
Kazuma: No.. maybe?... YES! Cause she is Useless, She only use One spell ONE SPELL!
Y/n: Yeah so?
Kazuma: No way i want her in my party!
he manged to get her off and starts to leave her and she begin's to cry, and that pissed off y/n.
Y/n: Hey introvert!
Kazuma: I AM NOT A.
But kazuma didn't get to fished as y/n ready his fist and yells out.
Kazuma falls to the ground.
Y/n wals to the crying megumin and gives her a hug,
Y/n: Hey don't cry you still join in our team.
Megumin: (sniff) really?
Y/n: Yeah and 'm the one who made this team not him, if i said you can join then that's final.
Megumin was still crying probably tears of joy
Y/n: hey want a piggy back ride? ill bet it will make you feel better.
Megumin: (Nods)
Y/n: Alright then hop on milady
then y/n let megumin hop on her back and gave her a piggy back ride.
(Like this)
Megumin: Thanks Y/n.
Megumin: (Giggles) I have decided that you will be my boyfriend.
Y/n: Ha well your not the only one (Points at aqua) so you just have to share.
Megumin: You have a harem huh hmmpp very well but i'll be your first wife!
Y/n: Sure let's go.
then kazuma wakes up.
Kazuma: Oi you ass hole you punched me why?
Y/n: You made her cry wanker.
But before y/n kept walking he heard
Girl 1: How kind Y/n to save that young girl when that creep is going to leave her on the street.
Girl 2: Yeah both girls covered in slime who knows what will happened if y/n didn't punch that Pervert in the face.
Girl 3: Just what kind of sick game does that pervert play?!
Kazuma: Oh come on i'm not a pervert!
Then y/n felt megumin's Malicious grin on her face.
Megumin: Oh Y/n You saved us from that Devious pervert, He wanted to leave us for the Wolves to be Sexual assaulted your our hero!
The three girls turned away in Disgust and i laughed while Kazuma was in shocked.
Kazuma: Alright I'm sorry! Welcome to the party!
y/n splashed healing potion on kazuma and the four headed back
Adventure's guild 6:20 PM
After we got back we took a bath, i was about to go in the mans bath untill the girls dragged me to the girls bath, it turns out the three girls from 3 hours earlier told the rest of the female guild members about me sucker punch kazuma, But kazuma wasn't welcome.
many girls were naked and trying to rub on me but as for me?
I had a bucket on my head to not stare
after we got out i got something to eat leaving the three getting paid and they came to my table.
Kazuma: so the reward is 36,000 eris and it just the four of us is-
Y/n: Three, i got my own money so i'm good.
Kazuma: Oh thanks (Yawns) well i'm heading to bed.
Aqua: Yeah coming you two?
Megumin: Sure you?
Y/n: I'll be there soon.
Aqua & Megumin: Bye Love!
Y/n: what?
Kazuma: Ah no fair!
They left for bed while Y/n eats his dinner.
After finshing his dinner and gave back the plate y/n sat back down to clean his weapons and Luna told y/n that the egg will hatch in 3 days, then he heard someone behind him speaking.
???: I happened to see your recruitment poster.
Y/n: Huh?
Y/n turned around to see who's behind him.
It was a female blonde knight.
???: Are you still recruiting new members?
Y/n: Um yes Yes! we are always looking for new people to join.
???: I see. Thank goodness. I have anxiously awaited the arrival of someone such as yourself.
Y/n: (She seems very determined to join our group)
But then
???: (Breaths in sexually)
Y/n: (What?)
Darkness: My name is Darkness.
then she begins to stutter.
Darkness: My... My calling is that of a crusader.
she breaths in out is like she just had sex.
Darkness: Please let me... Please let join your... p'p'p'p'p'p'p'p'p'p'party!
Y/n: ( Aw shit here we go again.)
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