Chapter 2: a job Gone right? Gone Sexual?? Gone BADDASS!!!
after you three joined the adventures guild, you slept in the barn for tomorrow. kazuma and aqua was puking by the smell of horse droppings but you didn't mind the smell and slept peacefully.
after getting up, doing stretches and having breakfast in the guild, Y/n went to the quest broad, there were some jobs on the board
Until he saw one job that caught his eye.
A griffin has terrorised farmers and livestock and it's nest is on the abandon tower, the Landlord has put up a 50,000 reward to kill it, and it has 10 red skulls, so i took the paper to luna for permission.
Luna: Good morning Axton how can i help today?
Y/n: Good morning Luna i brought this request page for your permission.
Luna: Oh okay then i see you going to hunt down the griffin, well sense you're just a beginner i can refuse the request but you're level 81 and have s class gear i let it slide for now.
Y/N: Oh thanks see you later.
Y/N goes to see aqua and kazuma but he saw them doing labour work.
Y/N: Hey lads i'll be off doing work!
Aqua: Bye y/n good luck!
But Kazuma didn't heard me.
Y/n: Kay bye.
so y/n left the guild and went to the farm that the griffin attacked.
After many minutes of travelling he arrived to the location then the land lord came to him.
Landlord: Excuse me good lad are you from the adventurers guild?
Y/N: Yes sir name's Y/n or Axton sir and you are?
Krieg: My name is Krieg good sir thank you so much for helping us with the griffin problem.
Y/n: (Whoa his name is kreig?) No problem so how many times it happened?
Krieg: It happen in 2 weeks ago it attacked our pigs, the cows, and it stole the hay on our farms then it's getting worse, but now you're here you can help.
Y/n: I'll be happy to help now do you know the location of the Griffin?
Krieg: yeah thanks to my son who keeps getting himself into trouble who has the location of the griffin.
Krieg hands you the location of the griffin nest.
Y/N: The Blue-moon Tower?
Krieg: Yes it used to be an ancient tower for the great wizards but now it's a griffin nest.
Y/N: Alright I'll be right back do you want me to bring it skull as proof?
Krieg: That's would be great.
Y/n sets out to the Blue-moon tower to hunt down the griffin he had killed some mountain wolfs on the way and saw the tower.
Y/n: (Whistle) it could fit a dragon in there.
He went inside and heard some little wings flapping.
Y/n: What the?
you saw a harpy garbbing you and tries to fly off with you.
But she can't lift you up cause you have s class gear and armour
Y/n: Mind i ask my kidnappers's name?
Rose: I'm harpy the rose, No i mean rose the harpy Yeah!
Y/n: So why are you kidnapping me?
Rose: I want to have some kids to pamper with! i want to love and be happy, also what brings you here?
Y/n: I'm here to kill the griffin that is attacking farms
Rose: You here to kill thunder beak?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA No one is able to kill him he can slash you're chest open.
Y/n: Well i have S class gear.
Rose: (Gasp) Really? (Y/n Nods) Yeah! You can kill it and i can leave without getting eaten.
Y/n: How did you get here?
Rose: well i was searching for a husband but the griffin came here and made this places it's nest if i tries to leave it would eat me up, but now you're here, i can come with you!
Y/n: (Oh boy) okay then if you want to come with me what skills can you do?
Rose: Well i can sing magical songs that can heal, buff allies and can make enemies asleep on the battlefield.
Y/n: Well wait here, once i killed it i can come back and you can come with me.
Rose: Okay i wait here honey.
Y/n: Suuree.
y/n walks up the steps while killing skeletons on the way, he open the door, But then he heard heavy wings flapping.
Y/n: Oh no.
he tuned around and saw the griffin.
Then it dives at you.
you dodge it and pulls out the pistol and shoot 4 bullets at it but its wings creates a force filed that blocks the bullets.
Y/n: That's not good.
you begin to run to the top, with the griffin following you.
then you reached top top and the griffin lands on the ground.
Y/n: So this bird can generate electricity to block out bullets, well (equips his lighting bolt grenade) Lets see if you like your own medicine! LIGHTING BOLT!
The bolt destroys the barrier and stunts the griffin and tries to fly away.
Y/n: Oh no you don't!
Y/n: Shoots it wings and rendering them useless.
the griffin then charges at you.
You point the gun at the charging griffin but left one bullet.
Y/n: It's High Noon.
then you shot the bullet and it went though the skull killing it, you step aside for it's corpse sliding across the floor.
Y/n: boom head shot, now time to get it's skull.
You pull out your king sea axe and start cutting it's head off and pull out it's flesh off, and washing the blood off.
Y/n: Done.
Y/n: Perfect (Sees something) What the?
he saw something on a homemade nest made by some stolen hay.
Y/n: An egg?
Y/n thought he could have a pet to fight with him, or a great breakfast.
He picks up the egg and puts it in his bag, as he walks out he saw rose humming and called out.
Y/n: Hey rose!
Rose: (Gasp) You're back and the thunder beak?
Y/n shows rose the skull.
Rose: Wow That is Awesome so ready to go?
Y/n Yup lets go.
Y/n and rose left the Blue-moon tower and head back to the land lord
Krieg: Ah your back! and you brought a friend, but is the griffin dead?
Y/n shows him the skull.
Krieg: Whoa you did it.
Rose: Yep he slain thunder beck!
Krieg: wait thunder beak? The Infamous Thunder beak?!
Y/n: Who's thunder beak?
Krieg: Thunder beak was the most infamous monster that had killed 3 Gold type adventures and destroy the king's army, some rumours say it that thunder beak is the pet of the devil king.
Y/n: Huh an't that something a newbie slain the legendary beast that killed 3 gold adventures.
Rose: Yup that's what i love about my husband he's a badass!
Krieg: She's right you know sence you killed thunder beak i decide to give you a land for you to built a home.
Y/n: Whoa are you sure?
Krieg: I insist it the lest i can do that you saved my family and my land.
Y/n: Thank you sir I'm honoured.
Rose: Yeah! A new home for our babies!
Krieg: Well i wish you luck with you're new Um... wife.
Y/n: Thanks but we are not married yet (Oh boy what will they think about this)
After getting paid and getting the paper of proof for Y/n's new house, y/n and rose head back to the guild.
Y/n: (Opens the door) Heere's Axton!
Adventures: Hey axton! Hi, sup man!
Then kazuma and aqua came to me.
Kazuma: Y/n where the hell have you been!?
Y/n: I told you at morning i was doing work.
Kazuma: What no you didn't.
Aqua: Yes he did, and also who's she?
Y/N: Her name is rose and...
Rose: (Hugs his arm) I'm his wife!
Adventures, Kazuma & Aqua: WHHAAATTT?!
Luna: Oh well she's a harpy and i guess she chose y/n to be his wife, that's harpy culture. (I Can't believe that freaking harpy stole him!)
Aqua: (How dare this monster girl steal y/n from me)
Y/n saw the girls giving the harpy murderous glares and as well the harpy.
Y/n: Umm girls please just calm down, maybe we can resolve this solution peacefully.
The girls were thinking about what y/n said and came up an idea but rose beats them to it.
Rose: Well i always wanted to have some wives as well so i can share him.
The girls were surprised to hear that rose is going to share and wanted to have some wives.
Luna: Umm sure we can do that, and also how's the job Y/n?
Y/n: It was good.
Rose: Good?! PPPHHHHHFFFTT HA More like Lucky You killed thunder beak, got some wives and the land lord gave you some land for your new home!
And again the adventures went wild.
Adventure 1: Thunder beak?!
Adventure 2: The one that has killed 3 golden type adventures?!
Ruffian: Whoa now that's badass a newbie has slain the legendary ferocious Thunder beak!
Kazuma: But not only that you got a house in your first job what the hell?!
Adventure 3: Hey axton you got any trophies?
Y/n: Yeah i got two.
he pulls out the skull and the golden egg and the crowd gather around the the items
Luna: Whoa you got the skull of the thunder beak and a golden griffin egg!
Y/n: Yeah so do you want the skull to hang it up?
Luna: Oh yes please and we can engraved your name next to it.
Y/N: Cool thanks and aqua can you use any spells that detects life in the egg.
Aqua: Oh okay (Use life detector) Whoa There's a baby in the egg!
Luna: Whoa a baby griffin can be a great pet and a flying Companion.
Y/n: OH very nice, also i like to rose to join the guild, i'm paying.
Luna: Oh okay follow me please rose. rose followed Luna to the desk and got registered and rose chose Mage Bard, Then we celebrated.
Thanks to the money i got we had a party in honour for me for killing thunder beak and getting the Golden egg.
Kazuma and aqua had chicken legs while i had my (F/F) thanks to my cooking in the kitchen and the staff allowing me to cook there.
And some people wanted to try out the (F/F) As well, and they bloody love.
Adventure 1: Hmmm this is Good!
Adventure 2: Indeed this is the most delicious meal i ever had!
And as for rose.. Well i Spoon feed her some.
Luna loves it as well and.. My god all the people in the building ant my f/f to be immortalised so i name it Axton's F/F.
Aqua took a bite and she had an food orgasm.
But for Kazuma...
All the of the adventures in the guild was glaring at him with a Bloody murderous intentions to kill him.
Kazuma was sweating in fear for what's about to happen.
And Y/n on the other end.
( 0:13 And replace Steve with y/n and ash with kazuma and gets blown up in the air)
Kazuma: (Screams like a girl)
As he crashes down on the ground.
All the adventures charged at kazuma including rose.
Aqua: HAHAHA That's call karma! HAHAHA.
Y/N: Never disrespect The F/F.
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