Chapter 1: The Town of Axel
after the blinding light faded we were standing on the side of a road that the carriage moved
Y/N couldn't believe this is happening we was in Axton's outfit with the space knight helmet and saw he has some other armour on him. (See the bio)
kazuma was also happy to start a new life but aqua wasn't.
then he felt something on his waist he grab it and saw that he never stop gasping of excitement.
the echo device and there was a note is said
"To Y/N This device can help you good luck From Eris.
Y/N: Who' eris?
y/n wasted no time to check the gear and the skill tree (Check out the skill tree, weapons and class mod)
but he didn't hear aqua whining
Y/N was jumping with excitement on the inside and he saw his gear was now upgraded to OP8
But one thing that when aqua said a bonus and that bonus is
Y/N: (Wow my ammo can regenerate!)Hey Aqua! once i get some money i promise to.
But she didn't hear me because she was coking kazuma while crying.
Kazuma: HEY quit it!
Y/N: (that's called karma)
Kuzma: Alright aqua i'm sorry if you hate it here so much just go back to where you came from we can mange it on our own, and where is Y/N?
Y/N: I'm here.
Kazuma: Whoa Y/n is that are you?
Y/N: Yes It's me you Introvert.
Kazuma: I am not a Introvert!
Aqua: Haven't you been paying attention? I can't go back that's the problem, I'm stuck here with You a creep, literally i'm stuck and i don't know what to do.
Y/n: hey you want a hug? (Aqua Nods and hugs him) there there, Don't worry i'm here with you (Whispers to her) and thanks for the bonus you gave me, and once we got money i promise to buy you dinner.
But then aqua kisses you on your helmet and saying thank you 6 times also leaving kiss marks all over your helmet, when she let you go she was embarrassed to see what happened she apologies and gave you her handkerchief to wipe the marks off.
Y/n: Okay then in must fantasy games there is a guild that People can sign up to be members and getting Information about this world.
Aqua: Wow that's a very great idea y/n you really are smart!
Kazuma: Hey what about me?
Aqua: Nah.
Kazuma:(Scoffs) What ever Goddess , let's go find that guild.
Aqua: Oh We right behind you, By the way i don't mind you calling me goddess, but i'm worried it might cause a commotion here, Call me aqua Instead.
Y/n: Sure thing m'lady Aqua.
Aqua: (Giggles) Aw thank you y/n.
Kazuma: Hey Wait,since you are a goddess and all you should know where something like an adventure's guild is at.
Aqua: No sorry i don't, i deal with tons of worlds i can't know every details about them.
Kazuma was disappointed that aqua is useless
Kazuma: man she's useless.
Then y/n slaps him on the back of his head.
Kazuma: Ow what the hell man?!
Y/n: It's not her fault, she was doing her job for whatever god how long and never caught a break, anyhow i have something to lead us to a guild.
Kazuma: Wait you have A GBS?!
Y/n: No an echo device.
Kazuma: same thing That's no fair!
Y/n: Well consider that for kidnapping aqua and calling her useless. follow me.
Aqua ran up to y/n and hug his arm.
Kazuma: This sucks.
After aqua and kazuma have followed Y/n with his echo device and see a baby gets squashed by a large cotton candy (A/N: Poor kid) they found the guild.
Y/N: And we have reached the destination.
They heard glass break.
Aqua: Epp!
Kazuma smirks while i put my tomahawk on my holster just in case.
Aqua: Are you sure about this?
Y/N: Nah Don't worry.
as they enter the guild a bar waitress welcome them.
Bar waitress: Oh hello welcome, if you here to eat grab a seat where you can, and if you looking for work head on to the counter.
Y/N: Thank you madam.
there were adventures and many waitress serving, there was a skeleton of a monster and a statue of probably the founder or a hero.
we were in awe then someone in the front called out to us.
???: Hey!
???: I never see you two before.
Aqua: (Scared squeal)
???: Yous got some weird ass clothes going on over there.
Y/n: True we are not from here.
???: Oh yeah? were are you from.
Y/N: I fro..
Kazuma: Well i be happy to te..
he was interrupted from y/n by getting wracked in the head
Y/N: Hey he was talking to me you Introvert Wanker!
Kazuma: Hey I'm not a Introvert and i don't masturbate!, well were was..
???: He's right i'm not talking to you piss off.
Kazuma left sulking while aqua follows.
Y/n: Thanks he was annoying
???: Yeah i can tell, so were are you from?
Y/N: Well me and my friend aqua are from fyrestone and while Kazuma is from the trash coast, and may i ask the name of a fellow Badass?
Ruffian: The name's Ruffian and your's?
Y/N: The names Y/n or you can call me Axton.
Ruffian: so axton what brings you here?
Y/N: well i have nothing to do in my hometown sense i killed some bandit kings wannabe, such as Nine toes, sledge, Mad Mel, Krom and other bandits, after i got bored and i thought, might as well travel.
Ruffian: Ha you'l fit right here (Stands up) well i gotta go.
ruffians walks away but before turning to y/n.
Ruffian: Oh and welcome to hell (Laughs).
while he left y/n catch up with the two.
Aqua: Ah Y/n got any money?
Y/N: Why?
Kazuma: Cause we have to pay the registration fee.
Y/n: I don't know ah let me check. (sarcasm)
Y/n digs his pockets just to mock kazuma but he felt coins in his pocket and pulls out his pockets.
Y/n: Huh well would you look at that, guess i do got some.
Aqua: YAY! You're a life savoir Y/n!
Kazuma: WHAT?! NO FAIR!
Y/n walks to the counter.
Luna: Hello how can i help?
Y/n: Hi i'm here to pay the registration fee for the three of us.
Luna: Thank you let me get something to get you three in.
she takes the coins and picks up a device and sets it on the table.
Luna: Allow me to explain on how all of this works, adventure is a generic class and your skills are important, which brings us to your Registration Card, it keeps track of your level based on all the monster you killed, when your level increases you'll earn points that you can trade in to learn new skills, Work hard and you raise your level in no time.
then she showed us the device.
Luna: On to the next step, would you please place your hand over the Crystal sir?
Kazuma: Okay here it goes
then the crystal begins to glow while it mechanical parts starts moving ten it shoots a blue laser at an blank card.
Luna: With this, you will each learn your current status so please choose your desired occupation based on your stats.
Y/N: (I wonder how high my skills is?)
Luna picks up kazuma's card.
Luna: Alright lets see your stats, Kazuma satou interesting name ah here we are, hmm average across the board, your intelligence is high that's good, oh Wow your luck is way above average but unfortunately that's not the required stats for the adventure class, with this much luck i recommend you to be a merchant instead or something like that.
Kazuma's dream was shattered while we try not to laugh
Kazuma: She's trying to squash my dreams of being an adventure, Screw that!, no offence But, i still like to be an adventurer Please.
Luna: Don't look so sad! once you start levelling up you can pick something better.
Kazuma: Yeah? I sure hope so. (So much for being rad.)
Luna: Okay next please.
Y/N: Ladies first.
Aqua: AW thanks but since you helped me when he dragged me how about you go first.
Y/N: Oh okay thanks aqua.
Y/n puts his hand over the crystal it begins to glow but then it turn Purple and the machine goes fast and shaking.
Y/n: Umm is that normal?
Luna: No but.. WHOA! What is that?
many adventure heard what happening and gather around of what's happening.
then the laser starts going crazy on the card, then it stop and Luna pick up your card then her eyes where widened.
Luna: Oh Wow your card is showing that Your s stats is ALL MAX OUT! And you're level is 81 and your gear is all S class!
many adventures were gasping and whispering about this knight at level 81
Adventure: Whoa Level 81!
Adventure 2: That's awesome!
Adventure 3: how is that possible?
Adventure 4: he could rival against any champions!
Luna: And you have three max out skill trees but there is 3 more skill trees.
Y/n: Wait let me check that!
Y/n saw that he has 3 more skill trees but empty there were the Ranger class, the warlock and the knight skill trees and he saw a symbol on the back of his card, a symbol that only y/n knew.
Y/N:(That's the crimson raider's symbol huh neat)
Luna: But with the max stats you could be anything!
Kazuma: (that's not fair!)
Y/N: So i can give myself Any Class?
Luna: Yes you can be anything like a Crusader, a Assassin, Or a Wizard.
Y/n: Well then, My name Is Y/n Axton L/N and i like to be this world's very first Vault Hunter!
The people around were confused of what i picked for my class.
Adventure: Umm what a vault hunter?
Y/n: Well a Vault hunter is a type of adventurer that goes into dangerous dungeons, kill large monsters and doing crazy and insane stuff for the thrill.
Adventures: Ohhhh. (Begins to clap)
Then aqua puts out her hand over the crystal and it begins to glow.
luna told her that her stats were high as well but not intelligence, aqua chose the class arch priest.
After that many adventures are cheering for us and now Luna and other staffs welcomes us.
Luna: I welcome you to our adventure guild Axton and lady aqua, Best of luck to the two of you we look forward to your exploits.
waitress: I never heard someone starting as a priest!
Waitress 2: Yeah and even a vault hunter!
Ruffian: A hot ass chick and a badass hunter like yourselves have a shot of beating the devil king!
But kazuma was not happy.
Kazuma: This is such BS they stole my thunder.
Aqua: Axton and kazuma today we set a life of adventure!
Kazuma: I thought you hated adventure.
Aqua: Phhfff Nah with Y/n by our side we can beat anything!
The crowd: (YEAH!!)
Y/n: Now everybody i have something to say and i want you all to say it with me!
Aqua: Oh oh! i know what are you going to say!
Kazuma: Please no.
all of the crowd adventures, Aqua and staff: ADVENTURE TIME!
Y/n: Now tomorrow i will get a job.
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