Chapter 7: Naruto and I Have a Fight

Hinata's POV

"So you and Sasuke-kun a - are a thing now?" I blinked, surprised. It was the following morning to be specific, it was Friday.

Sakura, Ino, and I have an off period so we were just hanging out in the girls' bathroom so Ino could touch up on her make up, not that she really needed.

"Well," Sakura's cheek turned the same color of her hair, "Yes and no. Our first date is this evening."

"Do you know where he's taking you for this very special occasion?" Ino asked, throwing her lip gloss into a pouch.

She shook her head, "He just told me to meet him in front of Student Hall."

I smiled, "Remember, h - he can be a c-class A cheapskate. "

"You're right," Sakura laughed. "I'll keep that in mind, thanks Hinata."

Her emerald eyes turned to me with warmth. When Sasuke found and walked her back to our dorms last night, she, for some weird reason, was kind of pissed off at me. Me, hating people hating me, asked her what's wrong.

She ignored me for a second before sighing and asking how I felt about Sasuke. I was confused so I answered her truthfully saying that he's my brother and closest friend.

Sakura ended the conversation with the biggest smile ever then proceeded talking about what she should wear for the date. I helped her out and we settled on a long turtleneck dark pink dress with a black skirt and black leggings completed with a pair of my leather black combat boots. Ino's in charge of her hair.

I still don't get one thing though. Is there supposed to be a certain feeling I'm supposed to be feeling about Sasuke and Sakura ever getting together. So many people expect me to be. In my opinion, one of the cutest couples to ever Konoha High's halls was about to be born.

Cue the mental fangirl.

Once we left the bathroom, Ino suggested we go to the library, to further the conversation. My phone rang before then and I told the girls to walk on ahead.

Walking in the opposite direction, I headed towards the courtyard. Finding a bench I sat down and pulled my phone out.

A feeling of... dread? Fell upon my stomach when I saw the caller ID. I drew a deep breathe before sliding the green phone button to answer.


"Hello daughter," the old voice replied. "School has been treating you well?"

"Just cut to the chase, Father," besides Naruto, when addressing my father, I don't shutter. It's a sign of weakness and there us no way I'm showing my dad that I'm the same weak daughter I was years ago.

"Yes well," he cleared his throat. "I heard from my sources-"

"Neji-nii-san," I corrected.

"That there is a new boy enrolling at your school, is that correct?"


"I also heard that he is of the Uzumaki blood, correct?"

"Why does his surname matter to you?"

"I want you to steer clear of the boy."

"Why? What has he ever done to you?"

"It is not what he did to me that I'm worry about, Hinata. It's what he...did in the past that makes me worry about you well being, daughter."

I rolled my eyes, "Since when did you ever care about me?"

"Now, I might've sent you to a boarding school, but I am still your father," he snapped. "I demand the upright respect from you, young lady."

My old man is so loving...

"I understand."

"And what are we going to do about this boy?"

I bit my lip, tears coming to my eyes. Yeah, I have strong feelings for Naruto but... my loyalty and respect is to my father first. He really has nothing over me but he's the only parent I have left. My mother died of cancer when I was only a few years old and right after my sister, Hanabi, was born. My father knows this so he uses it to his advantage all the time.

"Steer clear of Naruto," I replied simply and short.

I could feel his smile, "Good and remember, I have my eyes on campus even if I'm not on campus."

And he hung up.

Whoever said having the richest man on earth as your father would be the best thing in the world... well that person is lying.

"Hinata?" No, now is not the time.

Immediately, I wiped the tears that have formed during my talk with my dad with the sleeve of my uniform.

Naruto suddenly appeared at my side, "What are you doing out here in the cold? Are you crying?"

I turned away, "I'm fine really."

"No you're not," he answered, annoyed.

I am getting irritated. He has no right to be angry at me and determine what emotion I should feel.

"And here I thought you weren't affected by Sasuke' s and Sakura's new relationship," continued Naruto. "You're angry and frustrated. Trust me, I know how you feel. I feel miserable right now."

"Just shut it!" I snapped springing to my feet, his once beautiful blue eyes are nothing but betrayal to me now.

"This has nothing to do with Sasuke or Sakura," I continued. "Why can't you people just understand that and also don't think you know how I feel because you know absolutely nothing about me!"

With that, I turned my back to him and headed towards the school building. I'm so angry that tears seems to be such a foreign thing to me right now.

If that's not a way to end a friendship then I don't know what is.


Naruto's POV

Did I do something wrong? I've never seen Hinata act that way in my life. Dang, she must really be affected by their relationship.

But that doesn't give her the excuse to ignore me the whole day. Every time I happily call her name out or smile at her, she turns her back to me or just full out ignores me.

Fine, if she's going to be that way to me, I'll do the same. But it's kinda hard if she is my history partner and we have to do in class work together.

When the teacher placed the packet on our shared desk, she took it without a word and started working on it quietly.

"Uh, Hinata it's supposed to be a partner assignment," I pointed out.

No answer just the scribing of her pencil.

"For someone as smart as you, I'd think you knew the meaning of the word but I guess not."

No answer.

Angry, I snatched the pencil out of her hand. Instead of being frustrated, she just gave me am irritated sigh.

"Just give me my pencil back, Naruto we need to finish this assignment," she replied.

I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm just doing you a favor since history isn't your strongest point."

"Aw thanks for caring so much about me but I didn't ask you to," I snarled.

Her pale eyes flashed surprise but it was quickly replaced with a dull emotion.

"Just give me the pencil so I could finish the damn assignment and we go on our own ways for the day, agreed?" She murmured.

No! I want to know what's eating you? What happened to the Hinata that looked so happy whenever she's with me? What happened to the Hinata I actually cared about?

Of course I couldn't say any of those thoughts. But I gave her the pencil back nonetheless.

And those were the last words she said for the whole 45 minutes.

She even forgot to call me Naruto-kun.


She escaped right when the bell rang, using her small body and weaving between the students in the halls and right out of my sight.

I need answers! Why did Hinata get angry at me? Like me, did she not support Sakura and Sasuke getting together since she's in love with Sasuke?

What did I do wrong?

I wearily walked to my locker, greeting some girls who doesn't know to stop squealing whenever we're breathing the same air. As I turned the dial, the more frustrated I became.

I just don't get what happened! I need her back in my life! She... her smile soothes me, the fact that she doesn't shutter around me, and how I know I could count on her to back me up.

It's only been a month and we've been so attached. Having her leave me like that... it's way more painful than getting punched during a fight.

"Hey Naruto, what's up?" Sai suddenly appeared beside me, his black backpack over his right shoulder. He crossed his arms and leaned against the orange lockers as he studied my expression.

"You alright?"

I shook my head, "I'll survive."

Said raised an eyebrow, "Where's Hinata? Doesn't she always come with you to your locker after school?"

I bit my lip, "I think Hinata and I had our first fight."

Sai chuckled, "You make it sound like you two are an item."

"N-no we don't," I frantically shook my head, embarrassed at the thought.

"See? You even picked up her shuttering habit."

I ran my hand through my blonde hair, "Shouldn't you be with Ino?"

Sai blinked, "I was heading over there right now. Apparently, we're going to be stalking Sasuke's and Sakura's date with Hinata. I swung by thinking that she was probably with you but I guess not."

When I didn't answer, Sai gave me a pat on the shoulder, "Well I'll see you around."

He walked around me but I stopped him, "Let me come."


"Let me stalk with you," I cleared.

Sai blinked again.

"I want to have a chance to make up with her as well," I answered, shyly adding the next part. "I need Hinata back in my life."

Sai smiled and shook his head in disbelief, "If you two ever do date, you'd be whipped pretty bad."

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