Chapter 3: Naruto is Our New Friend
"The new guy did what?!" My ears rang as all four girls yelled, eyes widened. I just finished telling them what happened at lunch today.
There was a bump underneath my bed followed by an, "Ow."
"Careful, Forhead," Ino snickered at Sakura. "You'll dent the bunk."
"Shut it!" Snapped Sakura.
Sakura wasn't too please that Naruto and I were hitting it off fine while everybody else acted jealous because I had permission to be close to Naruto. But I know deep down they don't mind. They've been bothering me to get a boyfriend ever since I broke up with Kiba last year. Ino is dating an artist that occasionally hangs out with us but since he's working on an art scholarship, he's been busy as hell. Temari is with Shikamaru, and Tenten is dating my older cousin by a few months, Neji.
Sakura and I are the only single ladies. My pink - headed friend dated some wacko who is now somewhere on the streets performing puppet shows. They're cool; it's just his red hair and emotionless eyes creeped all of us out. If I remembered correctly, his name was Sasori?
"Hinata!" Ino clapped her hands in front of my face. "Repeat what you just said."
"Because we want to hear you talk to make sure that bad boy was really the cure to your shutters," she said, rolling her eyes.
I blushed and looked away, "It's not completely gone. There's still h - hints left."
They all groaned. Geez, and here I thought they actually liked who I was.
We were just hanging out in Sakura's and my dorm room. The girls and boys dorms are in the same building. There's a giant lodge splitting the two and tons of security guards walking 24/7. So for those who sneak between dorms in the middle of the night doing you know what, they're always caught. Not one escaped; especially since Kiba's dad was one of the guards. The man has the sense of a dog!
"Nothing happened," I sighed hugging my pillow closer to my body. I was looking down on Temari and Tenten, Sakura was on her bed probably laying down while Ino was in my personal space. "He just said he'll c - cure my shutters. Didn't work, though."
"There might have been something else added to that treatment," Temari called up from her goldfish game with Tenten. "You definitely have more sass."
I shook my head, "I c-can be sassy without Naruto-kun's help."
"Sure," Tenten giggled.
I was going to continue arguing when there was a knock on our open door. By the pattern of the knock, I could tell it was Sasuke. Sakura did, too; considering the giant bump making the top bunk almost bounce.
The said person poked his head in with a smirk, "Afternoon, ladies."
"Hey Sasuke," Temari and Tenten said halfheartedly, their goldfish game suddenly getting more intense. Ino just flopped down beside me while I gave him a wave.
Different familiar heads started poking in. Kiba, Neji, Shikamaru, the short haired artist that made Ino instantly shoot up from her lazy form Sai, and Choji also showed up, much to Sakura's and my disappointment. Don't get us wrong, we love Choji with a passion but there are always chips on the floor after he leaves.
"And we brought a new friend," Sasuke continued. "To play 20 questions."
He dragged into our sight, a pretty angry looking Naruto. The bad boy ripped the arm of his sleeve out of Sasuke's grasp. I could tell he was literally dragged here.
"I said I didn't want to play!" Naruto snapped angrily at Sasuke, ignoring the girls in the room.
Ino and I exchanged a look. She was surprised while I was worried. Seriously, not like Sasuke to be dragging people around at all.
Sasuke never lost his smirk, "Oh why not?"
"Because it means you guys can get your nose in my damn business!"
Sasuke held his gaze, "Is there something you don't want us to know about?"
I could see the rest of the guys looking a bit uncomfortable by the bickering pair but if fists were going to be thrown, they'd side with Sasuke without a moment hesitation.
Naruto was shifting now, "Why can't I keep a damn secret to myself?"
"Because you could be some serial killer and we will never know," my best friend said slowly.
Everybody has stopped breathing, even myself.
Ino recovered first, "You should make your presence known."
I didn't hesitate, "Naruto-kun."
And just like that, the tension in the air melted as the said boy turn to face me, surprised.
"Hinata!" he said. "I didn't know you were here."
"I do sort of live here."
A grin flashed on his face, "Well it's nice to see you again!"
"So how about that 20 questions?" Neji quickly asked, eyeing the new student.
"Sure why not?" Without another word, he walked around Temari and Tenten then climbed up the bunk and finally settling himself beside me with a huge relief sigh.
I couldn't calm my breathing as his vanilla cologne reached my nose, oh and Naruto is sitting on my bed!
My guy friends sat on the floor around Temari and Tenten. Neji's back to back with his girlfriend while Temari sat between Shikamaru's legs. Sasuke sat, his back to us leaning against Sakura bed.
Those two have a kinda weird tradition. Which is really cute since the girl is madly in love with him. Every time he comes over or visa versa, he'd sit between her legs and let her braid his hair or try to put it in a ponytail or just play with it.
I'm pretty sure that's what's happening right now. Ino was the only one surprised with Naruto's sudden intrusion. Normally, I forbade any guy, including Sasuke from coming onto my bed. Sasuke once kept in trying to get on my bed but I kept pushing him off until he was close to concussion. Even then, I let him on the bed with me at my desk at the opposite end of the room, glaring at him.
Ino quietly jumped off the bed, her eyes never leaving a relaxed Naruto. She nearly tripped over Kiba as she made herself comfortable against her own artist.
Sai was the only one that looked rather calm during this whole situation.
"There is a rule to this 20 question," Sasuke said suddenly spoke, making a few jump, "We all go around asking Naruto a question. Every time all of us finish, he gets to ask one of us a question."
Naruto looked like he was about to protest but Sasuke didn't stop, "Since all of us have known each other for more than five years, we know almost everything. The only one we don't know much about is Naruto."
That shut Naruto up.
"I'll go first and we'll end with Bookworm, good?"
Everyone nodded, including myself.
"How old are you?" Sasuke.
"16," Naruto.
"Where were you born?" Sai.
"Konoha, Japan," Naruto.
"Where did you live before coming here?" Ino.
"Why did you leave?" Neji.
"It's complicated."
"What was America like?" Tenten.
"It was amazing."
"Then why did you move?" Shikamaru.
"Because I had to."
"Do you prefer poker or blackjack?" Temari.
"I prefer to play war."
"Do you prefer chocolate cake or lemon cake?" Choji.
"Chocolate for life!"
"Favorite band?" Kiba.
"Almost all girl bands from South Korea. To be specific, Miss A."
We all looked at Ino who was gaping like she just met her new best friend. That girl is KPOP all day every day or just basic Koreans.
"Why are you here?" Sakura.
"Because I have to. Didn't I already answer this question?" He rested his body on his elbow.
"Favorite food?" Me.
"Ramen all the way!" He cracked the biggest smile ever.
"Now answer why you had to come here." Sasuke.
Naruto's eyes widened and ran a hand through his soft blonde hair.
"I'm not in the mood," he growled.
"Come on," Sasuke continued. "I'll bet Hinata would want to hear about it, too."
In all honesty, I was really curious. But Naruto made it clear that he didn't want to talk about it.
"I don't really care," I answered. "Naruto-kun can tell us whenever he wants to."
Shocked, Sai turned to his girlfriend, "I don't think Hinata has ever spoken that much without shuttering."
Ino nodded, dumbfounded.
Naruto sighed, "Fine. I'll tell you idiots so you'll stop prying."
And just like that everyone's surprise from my full sentence turn to Naruto.
"I lived in California with my parents after moving to America when I was ten," he said. "My parents owned a huge company and everything so they were never around. I was a lot closer to my godfather than my parents but that didn't mean I didn't love them as much."
Okay, so good so far.
"One day about a few years later, my parents were in a hurry to leave the house and everything," his voice cracked. "So they were rushing... I was eleven. My dad was driving, there was a lot of rain, bridge..."
He looked down at his lap. I wanted so much to hug him, I'll do anything to hug him. But since I was the number one coward in the world, I only patted his shoulder as they shook.
My friends were all registering the story. Then where the hell did the rumors of fighting come from?
"I got into countless fights afterwards," Naruto glanced at me. Did I just voice that out loud?
But he didn't look angry, "So my godfather, who is the headmaster's best friend, made me transfer here."
Silence filled the room, well it's more of guilt considering everyone but myself thought this guy was dangerous.
"What makes you smile?" Me.
He lifted his tear strained face and looked at me, "What?"
"What makes you smile?" Me, repeated.
Naruto then grinned before tackling me with a hug. I couldn't register anything until I collapse in my bed with the air whipped out of me. His beautiful crystal eyes watched my pale eyes with warmth and gratitude. Myself, well, I'm practically dying!
"Ramen." Naruto.
Well, that killed the mood so fast.
"Uzumaki! Get your hands off her!" Sasuke's voice suddenly yelled but no action followed. "Ow! Sakura! What the hell are you doing?"
"It's okay, I got him!" Sakura called, the room bursting into a fit of calm laughter.
"I'm not damn horse!"
"Just shut it," Sakura snapped. "Oh and Naruto?"
Naruto sat up and looked over the bed.
"My name is Sakura," she said calmly. Curious, I hang over the railing watching as she held a free hand out. "I am one of Hinata's best friends. Glad to have you here at Konoha."
I smiled, she finally came over to the light, good.
Naruto took her hand and shook it, "Thanks!"
"This idiot isn't usually that mean but because you were messing with his little 'sister', he became an asshole," Sakura gently yanked Sasuke's hair.
"Sorry," Sasuke murmured.
"It's okay, I have plenty of time to get pay back."
Just like thay, we spent the whole afternoon talking, laughing, Naruto and Sasuke trying to prove who was better at what, playing war, etc.
Dinner approached two hours later and none of us were even out of our uniforms yet. The guys half rushed half dragged themselves out of the room. Ino, Temari, and Tenten went back to their own rooms to change; leaving me and Sakura alone to a pretty messy room with cards everywhere and of course, crumbs if food on the carpet.
"I hate having boys over," Sakura groaned.
I agreed. We're going to be the last ones to dinner.
As we set to work cleaning, I asked, "W-why the change of h-heart?"
Sakura picked up a card and examined it, "He's had a hard past and he's dangerous for a reason. In a way, it's probably sympathy."
I understood.
"By the way, Hinata, quick question," she looked at me, her green eyes growing serious.
I was looking through my drawer for a shirt and settled with a black Konoha High hoodie instead.
"W-what?" I pulled the hoodie over my head.
"Do you like Sasuke?" She asked. "Or Naruto?"
... Now that's a rather hard question to answer, even for a bookworm like me...
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