Chapter 17: Naruto the Fighter

"Van Brooks, I see you're out of the hospital. But I thought they locked you in the cockoo cockoo hut."

Van dropped his head, "You'd actually think you can lock me in there forever? You thought wrong, buddy. They released me the second the found out I wasn't mentally challenge."

"Well, you are," Naruto grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him. "Considering you faked a head injury just to get admitted into the hospital."

"You pushed me so hard that I hit my head against a van," Van said slowly. "You were lucky your guardian was able to save your ass by getting you out of the country. I never thought you'd show your face again. Especially since you caused Jiraya so much trouble."

Immediately, Sasuke was by Naruto's side, "Hi I'm Sasuke Uchiha and I'm this idiot's new friend," he introduced himself, making us all face palm. Now the time to be making friends, Sasuke!

"So I'd say you best better watch what you're saying to him," my best friend pointed a thumb at Naruto.

"He's your friend even when he nearly caused someone brain damaged?" Van questioned. "Than the world might not be at justice at all."

"You do know," Shikamaru had also joined the party, "That Naruto doesn't pick fights for any reason. He harmed you becuase you probably opened your mouth and said something stupid. I don't get why we're wasting time with you anyway."

Van looked at Naruto, "So you didn't tell them? You didn't tell your new friends anything, did you?"

"No, he did tell us," Sai added. "He told us about his family, about his sins and now he's atoning for them by hanging out with us."

"It's three against six," Kiba cracked his knuckles. "If Naruto beat the hell out of you once, I don't get why we can't either."

"Because you don't know the true story," the blonde spoke.

True story? What other true story is there then Naruto getting into fights because he had no parents to back him up. These guys are just Satans from the past back to bite Naruto in the bun.

"Your friends might not know but you know what you did," Van closed in on Naruto. His eyes flicked to mines and my hand instinctivily grabbed Naruto's shirt. "And I'll bet your new little girlfriend will be happy to know."

Naruto's fist suddenly collided with Van's jaw, sending him back. Breathing heavily Naruto growled at his enemy, "Don't you dare go near her. Don't you dare talk her or better yet, even breathe the same air as her!"

This was the first time I've ever seen Naruto so angry. It sort of scared me a bit and I was afraid he might lash out on me. All his playfulness from before vanished into thin air and now he looked like he could actually kill someone. Sudden visions of him slamming Van's head against a van flashed through my mind. It was rough and I couldn't take it. So I let go of his shirt and backed away from him. Naruto's blue eyes met mines in shock before worry settled into them.

"Hinata... I'm sorry," he said. Then, a fist met his side cheek sending him to the side.

"Naruto!" Everybody called out. Sasuke managed to punch Van in the same exact spot the Naruto did. Ino, Sakura, and I rushed over to Naruto who sat upright, wiping his busted lip with the back of his hand.

"You alright?" Ino asked looking at him, thoroughly. The three of us went through a first-aid class so we were able to heal simple wounds.

Naruto looked at me cupping my cheeks with his hands, "Are you alright? Did they get you?" His blue eyes frantically scanning my face for any wounds.

I shook my head, "No, Sasuke-kun was able to get payback."

"Good then," Naruto brushed Ino's hand away. "I'm fine, Blondie. Let me take care of these jerks."

Temari and Tenten were able to rush over to us but Naruto was already running away from us to the scuffle happening not far away.

"How bad is it?" Sakura asked, standing up.

"Pretty bad for the other guys," Tenten explained. "Considering they're taking on five now six 2nd degree blackbelts in a fight."

"But our guys did let them land a few punches to not burst their ego too much," Temari added. "Now we need to treat those prideful idiots."

I watched the battle. Van was getting roughed pretty badly by Naruto and Sasuke. Shikamaru took on the blonde. Sai and Kiba took care of the brown-head.

Van through a few punches that Naruto let hit his stomach and his other cheek. I had to hold back a scream when Van's combat boot planted itself in the middle of Naruto's chest. A wave of pain passed through Naruto but he was able to easily overcome it. Sasuke tried to fake a punch but Van was able to catch it, momentarily distracted by the punch. Naruto took the opportunity grabbed Van's attacking leg; disabling it from any further use, before hooking Van's other leg out from under him. Sasuke started ramming his fist towards the floor, increasing the effect of the fall. Van landed on the concrete parking lot quite heavily on his back. Naruto quickly scored two punches in succession across Van's face to mark their victory. Sasuke gave Naruto a hand to stand up and the two high fived a job well done.

At the same time, the blonde tried to rush over to help his friend, but Shikamaru grabbed the guys shirt and threw him against our rented van. He easily but quite roughly gave the blonde a beautiful knuckle sandwich to knock him out.

"That was too much work," Shikamaru complained before focusing on the battle between the brown-head with a team of Kiba and Sai.

The brown threw sloopy punches everywhere, allowing our friends to easily avoid them without a sweat. Finally, Sai caught on of the punches and Kiba threw a knee into the boy's exposed stomach. He crouched over, screaming in agony. Sai silented him with a punch across his face.

"They're so scary fighting," Tenten admitted. "I'm so glad Neji wasn't here as well. Otherwise somebody would've been dead."

I nodded my agreement. Neji is a 3rd degree black belt in karate, kung fu, taekwondo, taijutsu, and ninjutsu. Wouldn't want him to beat up people randomly on the streets.

"Come on, Sakura, I think you need to drive," I pointed out. "Getting punched in the heads probably put a damper on their vision. Let's not all die tonight."

Sakura nodded her agreement, "Then let's go."

Shikamaru dragged the blonde away from our van and placed him next to his buddies. Out of all of them, Shikamaru didn't have a single scratch but there was a bruise on his arm Temari found by accidentally grabbing it.

Sakura sat up front alone as she listened to her GPS. Everybody else was either hurt or tending to the hurt. I had to watch both Kiba and Naruto. We didn't have any medicine or bandages around either. Just perfect...

"Alright, we're here," Sakura announced. "Hurry, get them out one by one."

"There should be a back door," Sasuke said, wiping his busted lip. "Naruto seems to be the only one in bad shape around here. Bookworm and Kiba can take him through the back. The rest of us can just go through the front. Here, Bookworm. Keys to get in."

He threw me the key, "Thanks Sasuke."

"You could sneak around and we'll have the elevator ready," Sakura jumped out of car and slid the sliding open. "Go, go!"

With Kiba on one side under his shoulder, I was on the other. We took careful steps until we touched the ground.

"Guys, I'm not that badly injured," Naruto exclaimed.

"But you looked like you just survived the Revoluntionary War," Shikamaru followed behind. "Just get on Kiba's back and don't argue."

With Shikamaru's help, we hauled Naruto onto my ex's back, "Alright, let's go."

The side alley of the resort was dark. But with Kiba's dog-like senses, we were able to get to the metal door without much trouble. I, on the other hand, fumbled with the key too much.

The sound of voices and footsteps gave me the sudden burst of adrenline.

"Hey! Who's there?!" Someone shouted loudly in English just as I opened the door. Kiba with his quick feet jumped inside with me closely behind, shutting and locking the door.

The night guard started banging on the metal door, "Who are you kids? Come on out!"

Kiba and I started running around the dark hallway towards the light. Just as we emerged, hands grabbed ours and hauled us into the elevators. I didn't panic but Kiba looked like he was ready to enter a battle.

Sai and Sasuke held up a finger just as the door slid closed.

"What took you guys so long?" Sai asked. "We thought something bad happened."

Naruto slid off Kiba's back to his own feet, "Your stupid guard nearly caught us."

"He was only doing his job," Sasuke retorted. "How you feeling though? You got the worst of the blows."

Naruto flexed his arms making sure nothing was broken, "Nothing Hinata can't fix up."

"Hey, she's not your nurse," Kiba said.

Naruto only smiled just as the elevator rang; signalling our floor. Naruto was able to walk with a small limp towards out rooms at the end of the hall.

"Well, good night guys," I said to the two guys behind us.

"If he does anything, just leave the room without a single doubt," Sasuke started.

"Then knock on our door or just the girls' and stay there," Kiba finished.

Naruto's heavy sighed filled the hallway, "I'm not planning to do anything to her at all. At least not until she's my wife, that is."

That left all of us speechless. We've only been dating for about what, ten hours and he's already thinking about marraige! I need air, I need air!

"Now come on, Hinata I got some wounds that needs your attention."

I bowed at then and wished them good night before catching up to Naruto, "I'll see you in the morning."


"Ow, ow, ow, Hinata be a little more careful, please?" he squirmed under my hands. It's so distracting... especially without a shirt on and his muscular back isn't helping at all!

"I'm sorry," I said, nicely and trying to keep my thoughts in check but my stupid teenage girl horomones were killing me slowly.

I continued to apply the Neosporin around the wound like I was trained by one of the doctors at my internship last year. I seriously had no idea how he got these scratches in the first place...

"Okay I'm done," I annouced throwing the used cotton swabs into the trash can. "Just let it dry for a bit, then put your shirt back on."

Naruto nodded so I climbed out from behind him on the sofa. I started cleaning up all the first aid stuff I laid out all over the coffee table and packed them back into the box.

"How's your arm?" I asked. "They didn't reopen your stichings?"

"Nah, I think my arm's all fine," Naruto said.

"Good," I continued to pack up. "You can put your shirt back on now; it should be fine."

"Why? Is a shirtless me to distracting?" he smirked.

"Shut up," I smiled. "I'm going to go take a shower and get ready for bed."

Naruto pulled his v-neck over his head and stood up, "Don't you want to eat something? Patching me should work up an appetite."

I could feel his cocky smirk at my so I turned away. There's light in the room; he would see me blushing.

"Are you blushing?" He asked in a sing-song voice. "Is my adorable Hinata blushing?"

I'm ... his? He's becoming to much for me to handle.

His arms wrapped around my hunched over waist, "That's it. You're way too cute for me to handle!!!"

The heat was getting too much for me. I can't take it anymore and if he continued being so flirty, well let's just say I'm gonna be spending the night in the hospital.

I pushed him back. It all happened so fast.

The look on his face when I did told a different story. It registered surprise than hurt.

"So you are afraid of me," he stated it as a statement not a question.

"N-no Naruto-kun," I waved my hands.

"And you shuttered proving that you are afraid of me," he turned his back to me. "I'll shower after you." Then he walked into the kitchen.

His actions hurt me. But there is no way I'm leaving the room and running to one of the other ones. It'll hurt my man pride if I did.

Instead, I called, "Alright," before heading towards the bedroom getting ready to cry myself in the shower.

Told you it isn't quite over!

Until Next Time:

March 4, 2015

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