Chapter 13: Naruto's a Protective Idiot
I sat, staring at the man as he took a sip of the cheap hospital coffee and read the newspaper. He hasn't said anything yet but if Itachi does suddenly show up in front of you, he defiantly needed something.
"Come on, Hina," Itachi flipped the page. "I know you know I need something."
I narrowed my eyes, "You're very creepy."
He looked at me, amused, "Wow. Since when did you get so feisty?"
I rolled my eyes. I liked Itachi, we have that kind of love - hate relationship but he's always so busy... running the giant Uchiha Hotels that are international...
"What is it that you want, Itachi?" I asked.
"What? I can't see my favorite little sister anymore," he pinched my cheek with a smirk.
I smacked his hand away, "I'm not your little sister. Sakura is now."
He blinked, surprised, "Since when? Why not you? I thought my little booger of a brother loved you."
I sat back feeling a little awkward, "That was never a thing."
"How could you be so sure?" He narrowed his eyes. "And why aren't you shuddering?"
Why am I not shuddering? Naruto isn't even around here...
I scanned the lunchroom for any familiar faces. Sure enough across the cafeteria, the spiky blonde hair was sticking out. Tenten had her head down... protective idiots.
"I just met someone who I actually liked," I replied, my eyes returning to the man.
Itachi didn't look convinced, "Do you love this someone instead of Sasuke?"
"I never had feelings for Sasuke-kun," I replied, bluntly. "He will always be my best friend and I'll love him... but only like a brother. Nothing more. I love you the same way, too so don't be disappointed."
Itachi sat back, "How did Sasuke take it when you told him?"
"He never asked me directly but I already dropped a lot of signs," I said.
Itachi nodded his understanding quite slowly. I was never nervous around this idiot but the way he's looking at me... I am nervous. His familiar black eyes judging me.
His eyes suddenly brightened, "Alright, alright. Just forget about everything I just said to you, okay? Now onto important business, I need your father's number. We're starting a deal but I forgot to ask for his number the last time I met with him."
"You could've just texted me and I would've given it to you."
"I know but you know how hackers are these days. Wouldn't want your father getting prank calls now do we?"
"Fine," I took my phone out and recited the number for the older man. He nodded every other number than turned his phone off.
I put my own phone in my lavender jogging jacket, "Great you got what you want. Can I go now?"
"Nope, I have something for you and a friend," He pulled two tickets out of his expensive black suit. "Here, tickets to an Uchiha Resort in Los Angelos. Take a friend."
"You've seen the people I hang out with," I snapped. "I'll never survive if I only take one of them with me!"
Itachi waved his tickets. "Come on, you know you want it, Hina. When was the last time you've been on vacation? And must I ask; Los Angelos is one of the warmest places to be during the winter. Why not take a 7 days 6 night trip, then? Especially for the beautiful Hyuga heir."
"Because it's in the middle of school year and I highly doubt my father would like to recieve calls from the school about me not showing up to any of my classes for a whole week."
"Go during Winter break! It's only several weeks away. What better way to spend Christmas with the special someone."
I wavered on the thought. A week away from the school with a friend would be a way better way to spending two weeks locked up in the Hyuga mansion in the middle of Tokyo learning about business.
Itachi smirked when he saw my face, "Take it, Hina."
"Fine, you win," I gently slipped the tickets out of his hands.
"That's a special ticket for a couple," he laughed when my face turned bright red. "Wouldn't it be fun... especially at night?"
I smacked him across the head, "S-stop talking, pervert!"
Itachi Uchiha only continued laughing.
After Itachi left, I went over to where Tenten and Naruto were hiding from me. I just casually slid into the booth next to Naruto; still studying the tickets in my hands.
They were dark blue and had a giant red heart in the background of a couple's heads. I grew pink again, I cannot believe he actually gave me couple tickets to a hotel!
The nerve of that guy...
"Oh hey, Hinata didn't see you there," Tenten laughed nervously. "I just wanted to get something to eat and Naruto wanted to tag along because he was worried about you."
Naruto waved his uninjured arm frantically, "That's not true! I went with you because I was hungry, too."
"Was my ramen not enough for you? I made it the same exact size that usually fills you," I didn't look up from the tickets when I asked.
"No, no that's not it, Hinata. I just wanted some sweets to munch on," he said again.
I nodded but was still stuck on the thought of the stupid tickets.
"What's that?" Tenten asked. "and who was the hottie?"
"The 'hottie' was Sasuke's idiotic billionare of a brother," I replied before sliding the tickets across the table to her. "And he gave me couple tickets to a winter break resort in Los Angelos."
Tenten was immediately interested, "Really? Who are you going with?"
The blonde's interest suddenly perked beside me, "You're actually going?"
"I never said that," I blinked. "I wasn't planning on it so I was gonna give it to Tenten and Neji-nii-san. At least he's her boyfriend. I don't have one, remember."
Naruto nodded his understanding and took a sip of his Ginger ale.
"You could always go with Sasuke," Tenten pointed out. "You guys have only slept together for like a million times over the years."
The boy immediately choked on his soda and started sputtering. Panic surged through my veins as I slapped his back over and over. Hopefully the poor guy doesn't choke to death.
"D-don't put it like that!" I snapped at Tenten.
Naruto finally recovered, "You slept with Sasuke before?"
"Oh, I forgot 'sleeping together' has a completely different meaning these days," Tenten sighed. "What I meant is that they used to sleep over at each others... mansions every weekend or whenever they don't have any homework when they were younger. I promise you they never did anything."
"Ohhhhh," Naruto nodded. "Oh well, that's a relief."
"Why?" we both asked simontanously.
For the first time ever, the blonde looked quite nervous about the question. He started playing with his hospital gown as he scratched his brain for an excuse or some way to answer the question.
I was feeling quite generous so I dropped the question, "But I'm serious about the tickets. You take them and go with Neji-nii-san."
"But the guy gave them to you," Tenten looked at the tickets, longingly. "Plus it's too embarrassing staying in the same hotel room as Neji. He's so awkward..."
She slid the tickets back to me, "You take it."
"It'll be far more awkward if I took one of the guys with me," I slid it back to her. "And I don't want anybody judging me if I take one of you girls with me. Annnnd, Sakura will kill me if it wasn't her. So would Ino and Temari."
"Nope, I'm not taking them," she slid them back to me.
A giant hand suddenly snatched the tickets off the table. We both glanced at the bad boy sitting next to me.
"Then I'll take 'em," he replied before staring straight at me. "And I'm taking Hinata with me. It'll be nice for her to see my home town."
It's gonna be a two-parter this week since I skipped a week on you guys!!!
Heyo guys! New Naruto Fanfiction written by yours truly! Here's the link! Enjoy!
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