Episode 1 The Adventure Begins Part 11
Third Person's POV
The crowds cheered, and smiled at the giant gorilla eating and munching on fruit. Amy and Jonesy were monitoring him on the ground, while Manami was on the West side of the exbibit. And now, Kong was a lot calmer than the day before.
Amy: " Well, I was monitoring Kong all night. He seemed normal."
Jonesy: "It definitely looks like he's back to his old self. Maybe it was just a bug."
Kong was in the middle of his exhibit, munching on fruits. He then let out a loud, " BBBBBLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEHH!", and continued eating.
Jonesy: " [ Laughs] Oh, yeah! The big guy's back. Good thing, too, because the ticket office says the place is gonna be jammed. Apparently, Richard ran some king of one-day-only special promotion deal that's packing them in even higher than usual."
Kong was now on his tower, smiling and waving to everyone below. All was going well until Kong's collar started to come on. ( Guess who did it. It should be pretty obvious. -_-). Kong started to roar in pain and jumped down. That got Manami's attention. She was talking to some workers. She saw that Kong was in complete pain. She started to run. Down the stairs, and running into the scared crowd, who/that were running away from Kong.
What Manami is wearing.
* Manami's dagger and gun are in the bag, along with 2 water bottles, a few tools, and a first aid kit.*
Manami pushed herself through the crowd. There were so many people!! After running for 3 minutes, she saw Amy being knocked over by a man. Manami sprinted. Once she was close enough she yelled'
Amy turned her head in Manami's direction and smiled. Manami helped Amy to her feet, and picked up Amy's phone, and gave it to her.
Amy: " Manami, what is going on?"
Manami: "Oh what do you think?! Do you see that Kong is holding his collar!?!"
Amy's eyes widened but didn't say anything. Manami groaned in frustration. Kong then climbed out. Jonesy was near, doing who knows what. Kong was now out and banged his fists on his chest. Kong went back to pulling on his collar. Then he hit the ground and started running. Manami ran after him.
Manami: "KONG!"
Amy and Jonesy: "MANAMI COME BACK!"
Kong kept roaring in pain as he ran. In the running crowd, there was a familiar little girl. She fell, and Kong was coming her way. When Kong saw her, his eyes widened. He then used his arm to flip himself over the girl and landed on his back, pulling at his collar again. Manami saw the girl, helped her up, and ran towards Kong.
Manami tried to get Kong's attention, but he was too distracted with/by his collar. Kong was then on his feet, roaring in pain and trying to pull off his collar. Manami was starting to get sad. Then she saw Richard's bionic pterodactyls. She should have known. Her sadness turned into rage. Her eyes turned yellow and her pupils turned into crosses.
The pterodactyls then knocked over Kong. Manami pulled out her screwdriver from her bag. The Kong started running into the "Dinozone". Manami ran as fast as she could and jumped.
She was able to land on his ankle and gripped onto it. The pterodactyls followed. Manami growled under her breath and climbed up to Kong's shoulder as fast as she could without falling off.
Kong stopped in the middle of the zone. All of a sudden, a robotic triceratops came out of nowhere knocked both of them over. Kong stood up. Then, two triceratopses came running at Kong left and right.
Kong jumped into the air and gripped onto the fake volcano top, caused both bots to run into each other and caused their heads to fall off. Then Richard's voice came on the speakers.
Manami rolled her eyes and now her eyes turned dark red and her pupils turned into slits. The pterodactyls came back and flew towards both of them. Manami took a deep breath before jumping on the first one, causing the robot to flew away from Kong. And the other two followed. Kong was confused until he saw Manami. He was hooting and roaring.
Meanwhile, with Manami, the damn robot was moving so much. She took her screwdriver and stabbed it in the eyes. It screeched so loud. That made Manami's ears hurt. So, she took out her wrench and bashed it on the head 3 times. The pterodactyl came crashing down.
Once close enough to the ground, Manami jumped off and tumble-wheeled herself on the ground. When she stood back up, she saw Kong fall into a pit. Her eyes grew wide as they changed from dark red to light baby blue and her pupils turned into squares.
A few seconds later, she saw him again, but this time, with a Tyrannosaurs Rex robotic. Manami whimpered a little. The T-Rex robotic charged at Kong. And Kong dodged by jumping behind the Rex. The robot charged at Kong again, this time with open jaws. Kong held the upper jaw up, and the lower jaw down.
He then threw the head to the side but ended up getting hit with the tail. The RoboDino walked closer to Kong, and Manami was panicking. She prayed Lukas and Danny will be back very soon. The Dino stood in front of Kong. Kong looked up at it and glared. The Dino attacked Kong again, roaring at him.
Kong grabbed the head and tried to keep it down. But the thing was too strong and was now pushing him backward. Manami jumped out of the way. The robot got Kong on the ground, but Kong grabbed one of the "trees", put it in the dino's mouth, rolled out of the way, and stood up on his feet.
The bionobot snapped the tree in half and turned to Kong. Kong roared and the T-Rex roared back. Kong then leaped up in the air, raised his fists, and bashed the dino on the side.
Manami smiled then her eyes grew wide when Kong ripped the head off. Kong was really confused. Kong roared again and pounded his fists on his chest. Kong then ran over to Manami, picked her up, put her on his shoulder, and started running out.
At the Monorail
People screamed as Kong can closer to them on the cart, but Kong jumped over them and started climbing the monorail like monkey bars. Then the robotic squid grabbed Kong's leg with its arm.
Kong grunted in surprise and saw the arm. Manami saw the arm too, and she got so scared. The squid then pulled both in the water. Manami screamed and lost grip of Kong's fur. Kong roared as he tried to reach for Manami, but couldn't get her in time.
Once Kong was in the water, he saw the squid and glared at it. He tried to escape, but a tentacle kept its grip on his foot and pulled Kong closer to the mouth of the robot.
Kong got free from the squid, he looked around and his eyes widened when he saw Manami a few feet away from him. Kong tried to swim to her, but the squid wrapped a tentacle around him and pulled him deeper into the water.
Kong panicked and struggled to get free. He then closed his eyes and grunted when he opened them. Kong roared as he ripped off 3 of the arm. The squid started to sink. Kong then swam to Manami and scooped her up in his right hand.
He used one of the tentacles to launch both of them out of the water. Kong gripped onto the rail with his left hand. He looked at Manami and hooted sadly. Manami managed to open her eyes and smile up at him. She started to cough a little
Manami: "It's ok. I am just fine. Now let's get you outta here."
On the Golden Gate Bridge
The Duo was nearly on the bridge until Kong's collar started to activate again. Manami saw that it was on, but she was so tired and soaked. Kong roared in pain but kept climbing. He climbed his way up onto the streets.
Cars horns honked and cars swerved. Kong started to run, making sure not to hit any cars. Manami heard whooshing from above. She looked up and saw jets. Her grip tightens on Kong's hair. Kong felt her grip get tight and saw the jets, he roared and started to run faster.
The jets kept circling the two. Kong stopped and put Manami down so she won't get hit, and roared. Police boats closed in on them, and a Chopper that had Richard and Botila in!! The pain in Kong's collar became worse and worse. Kong roared in pain again and pulled at his collar.
Just as it couldn't get any worst, the pterodactyl that chased Storm, came back and hit Kong on the head. It started to circle around them. Manami glared at the robot. It charged at Kong, claws extended. Kong jumped up arms out and roaring. He tried to catch the robot, but it dodged.
Things didn't look good for Kong and Manami. Both were at the top of the bridge!! Kong had grabbed one of the jets in his hand, while Manami clung for her life on his shoulder. Kong was roaring and moving a lot. Manami's hair was out, and she had a scratch on her cheek. What they didn't know is that Lukas, Danny, Storm, and Lavender were back from their mission, and were right above them.
Lukas was at the Chopper's door, while Lavender was at the wheel, and Storm was perched on her shoulder.
Lukas: "Alright Lavender, when I give the word, veer clear, then activate the auto-piolet right after I jump."
Lavender: "Got it
Danny squinted his eyes at Kong's shoulder and his eyes widened.
Danny: "Lukas, Manami is on Kong's shoulder!!"
Lukas, Storm, and Lavender: "WHAT!?!?"
Lukas looked at Kong's shoulder and there she was. Manami was clung to Kong's fur, tired, cold, wet, and afraid. All of a sudden, Kong's big hand swung at them, nearly hitting it and almost caused Manami to lose grip on the fur.
Lukas: "Lavender get ready. Now go!" [Lukas jumps out]
Lavender: "LUKAS!"
Lukas fell from the Chopper, landed near Manami, and grabbed her hand. The Chopper that everyone that was in, flew away towards the Island.
Lukas: "MANAMI!! I'm here!!"
Manami's eyes shot open at his voice turned her head in his direction. She was so happy to see him.
Manami: "Lukas! You're here!"
Lukas smiled and tried to stand up but couldn't keep his balance...and fell( NICE THINKING LUKAS -_-). Manami's eyes widened and tried to reach his hand, as Lukas gripped the fur.
Manami: " Lukas!!"
Lukas: "Kong! Help me, bro!"
Lukas couldn't hold onto to fur for much longer. He fell...
Lukas: "BRO!"
Luckily, Kong caught him with his big hand and brought him up to his face. Manami sighed in relief.
Lukas: [Chuckles] "Thanks! You had me worried there for a sec. That's good Okay, now, you need to put down the plane... The plane, Kong..."
Kong grunted and glared at the plane in his hand and then he roared at it, which woke Manami real quick!!
Lukas: "No! Kong, I understand how you feel, but I know you really don't want to hurt anyone. So put the plane down...[Stutters] gently!"
Kong set the plane down.
Lukas: "That's good, bro! Very good. Now can you put me down?"
Kong then set Lukas on the perch that he was sitting on.
Lukas: "Thanks, bro! Now hand me Manami."
Kong grunted. He didn't want Manami to leave, but he did and way. Kong laid her gently in his hand, and slowly brought his hand over to Lukas. Lukas slowly slipped his arm under Manami's legs and back, and picked her up bridal style.
Sleepy, Manami nuzzled her face and head into Lukas's shoulder, while her check was still bleeding. Lukas smiled, put his hand under Manami's chin, and turned his attention to Kong.
Lukas:" Thank you, bro! Now, listen to me. Kong, you have to go to our secret place. Understand? [emphatically] Our secret place!"
Kong's eyes widened as he heard those words.
Lukas: "Trust Me."
Kong remembered those words. He heard them a long time ago...THE DAY HE MET LUKAS.
Past Lukas: "Trust Me."
Kong remebered that day well.
Lukas: "I'll meet you at our secret place. Understand?"
Kong smiled and nodded. That's when his collar started to act up again, and Kong roared, waking Manami a little.
Lukas: "GO! Now!"
The police ship below started to shoot up laser bullets at Kong. But, Kong managed to dodge them when he jumped down, slid on the rail, and started to run towards the forest. Lukas turned his attention to his brother, Richard, and glared at him.
Lukas: "You did this to Kong! And you hurt Manami!!"
Richard: "You'll never be able to prove it. And for Manami, I never meant to hurt her. Also, don't worry, I'll make sure everyone does think of her as a fugitive like Kong. Get us out of here."
Richard said with a smirk, and he and Botila flew away in their Chopper.
Lukas: "Your hatred has destroyed everything...as always."
Lukas then looked at Manami. She was asleep, head nuzzled in Lukas's shoulder, a smile on her face, but her cheek still bleeding.
Lukas's POV
As I looked down at Manami, I felt all my rage fade away. But I still had to cover up her cheek. I saw Manami had a bag on. I knelt onto the metal ground and laid her down. I slowly grabbed her bag and pulled out her First Aid kit. I found some rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and a bandaid the will be able to cover up that scar. I got to work.
After putting the bandaid on, and putting her stuff away, I brought Manami onto my lap. She looked so....peaceful. I blushed slightly and kissed her on the cheek. She also blushed a little. I smiled warmly. Maybe, later I'll tell her how I feel.
I will tell her.
Whoa, Everyone. 2,530 words! I'm sorry this took so long to get out.
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