Episode 1 The Adventure Begins 10

Third Person's POV


"Nearly one year to the day That the Remy Natural History and Marine Preserve opened, its founder, Dr. Leo Remy, has passed."

Kong wiped his tears with his hairy arm, but then started wailing and crying a little ( OMG, that was the saddest scene in the show).

Lukas: " I know, bro...I miss him too."

Said Lukas, calming his friend a little. Lukas was also comforting Manami. He and Manami were both on Kong's shoulder. And Manami couldn't help but cry. Dr. Leo Remy was like a father to her. And all of her creations, (except for Lavender and  Laura), were sent to Africa, and the male lion, Thomas, had passed 16 hours ago. Lukas knew she was in pain.

Lukas: " Manami..."

Manami: [ Looks at him] " Y-yeah?" *Sniffles*

Lukas: [ Hugs Manami] "I know it hurts. But, I, Jonesy, Anita, Amy, Danny, and Kong are here for you"

Manami: " It's just,...Dr.Remy was like a father to me, my creations are everything to me no matter if they're new or old, and I met Thomas, Samantha, and Lilliana when I was 20 years old."

Lukas: " Listen, you two, we can get through this. Humans and animals go through this. It's the circle of life." ( TwT)

Lukas then smiled and gave Manami a kiss on her forehead. Manami blushed. Kong and Lukas laughed. Looks like the feelings for these two are starting to get larger.


Richard: "Find someplace else to put that thing. Construction on my new dinosaur habits starts today."

Abe: "Lukas and Manami didn't say anything about moving the seal."

Richard: "I'm the boss while my brother and Manami is away!"


Lukas: " What are you doing?! Don't tell me you're trying to take away this poor creature's habitat!"

Shouted Lukas, walking over to his brother with Manami right behind him. Lukas broke his arm during the rescue mission he and Manami were both on.

Manami: "It's okay, Abe, the seal is staying right here."

Both Lukas and Manami glare at Richard.

Richard: " We are supposed to be entertaining our visitors. One useless seal is about as exciting as watching paint dry."

Lukas: " Animals aren't just for your entertainment, Richard. And, anyway, don't worry, Jonesy, Manami, and I plan to rescue a lot more."

Richard: "You could have a hundred, but it can't compare to the prehistoric shark show I've designed."

Danny and Kong were up on the tower, listening.

Danny: " Yeah, right. A fake-looking old shark."

Back in the ground.

Lukas: " You keep forgetting. Dad's dream was for us to save as many animals as we and from extinction."

Richard: " I suppose one of them did that to you?"

Manami "No, the poachers trying to exterminate her did,  which is why we need more sanctuary space, not less. Which is what we came to talk to about in the first place!!"

Lukas: " On the flight home, I decided to go over the books. Turns out, you already exceeded your bionobot budget by several million."

Richard: " You can't stop me. We're equal partners. Equal vote in the business."

Lukas: "You forget, Dad left Anita 10%. And he left Manami 35%."

Manami: "Anita agrees with us. The real animals come first."

Lukas: "And don't even think about trying something like this again when we're away on a rescue mission."

Lukas then purposely bumped his shoulder into Richard's before walking away, and Manami held the middle finger to him and ran to join Lukas.

Richard: "This isn't over."

Lukas replied without looking back,

" Actually, it is, Richard...so live with it. And now I've got to go see how the ligers we rescued are doing."

Manami: "Yay! Yay! Yay!"

Lukas chuckled at her excitement, and they both started to leave. Before Manami was 9 yards away, she turned to Richard and said,

Manami: " I actually thought you changed."

Another Timeskip

Danny and Kong were waiting at the exhibit where the ligers were being brought to and Danny was so excited.

Danny: " I can't believe I'm going to get a chance to communicate with a real, live hybrid! Wonder which language it's gonna speak, lion or tiger?"

Both him and Kong laughed at that. Then Jonesy, Lukas, Manami, and Amy walked out with the two ligers. The bigger one started growling, but the baby one was just chilling in Amy's arms.

Jonesy: " Maybe you can ask her."

Amy: " Easy, everyone, we do not want to frighten the cats."

Danny: " What are their names?"

Manami: " Your sister decided  that since she's such a beautiful creature and majestic creature, we should call her "Lady"

Danny: " Sweet! So, how come you guys had to rescue Lady?"

Then Lukas walked over and petted Lady.

Lukas: "Unfortunately, some people think it's cool to have an exotic pet. Then,  when they discover how dangerous they can be, they release them into the wild, without realizing most of these animals never learn to survive in nature. Especially not with poachers hunting them."

Kong then jumped down and scared the ligers when he landed, causing Lady to roared and move a lot.

Lukas: "Kong, you better back off."

Kong hooted softly and sadly.

Amy: "Danny, see if you can talk to her."

Danny: "All right."

Danny then slid down Kong's, jumped off, and landed on the ground. Danny started whispering to Lady, causing her to stop growling, and to start licking Danny and lay onto him. Danny laughed and shouted up at Kong,

Danny: "It's okay now. She gets that you're an overgrown softy." 

Amy: " And so is this lovable  little fella." 

Said Amy while holding the smaller liger and a bottle, then handed both to Danny.

Amy: "They were very lucky you found them when you did. Another day, and..."

Danny: " Hey, that's a perfect name for you! Lucky!"

Danny started to feed Lucky, and Kong wanted to try to.

Danny: "Uh, Kong wants to feed him."

Amy: "Okay, but be very careful. You don't want to scare him."

Kong held out his big and for Lucky to climb on. When Lucky was on, Kong started to feed him with the bottle. Then Kong put him back down.

Manami: "Looks like he is gentle as a mother with a child."

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