Kong in 3D Episode 3

Third Person's POV

Manami woke up, feeling the sunshine on her face. Manami stretched and smiled she got out of bed and got ready. She went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Then she went to her room to get ready. 



She grabbed her bag and made her way downstairs. Once she was down, she saw Lukas looking at a news report about Kong and her. She slowly made her way back upstairs, she heard Lukas say,  "I'd like to know where the heck Manami and Kong are, too. Has anyone seen them?"

Manami knows something was off, so she quickly snuck back upstairs and hid.

Panchi: "I didn't even know they left."

Danny: "I saw Kong deck out before sunrise and Manami was still sleeping when  I checked. I can't believe Kong would go back to the island to try and finish off Richard. And take Manami, she could've gotten hurt."

Lukas: "I can't either...except we just saw it with our own eyes. [Sighs] I guess I should talk"

Manami shrunk in her hiding spot. Then she heard footsteps, giants footsteps, so she knew it was Kong.

Kong: [Grunting Happily]

Lukas: "Kong, your attack on Richard is all over the news. What do you think you're doing?"

Kong: [Confused Grunting]

Lavender: *Snickers*

Lukas: "Come on, bro, we saw you and Manami on the island."

Kong: [Grunting]

Danny: "He says he didn't leave the Redwoods, and he thought that Manami was sleeping."

Chatter: "Bawk! Pants on fire!" [Squawks]

Lukas: "If Manami was sleeping, then where were you?"

Kong: [Sad grunting]

Lukas: [Signs] "No translation needed. He has no excuse. And neither does Manami. Excuse me."

Lukas walks away and heads up the stairs. Manami's heart raced, so she quickly scurried to her room and pretended to play on her phone while sitting on her bed. Lukas knocked on the door.

Lukas: "Honey, in there?"

Manami: "Yes, love. I'm here."

Lukas opened the door and sat on the bed, right next to her.

Lukas: "Manami, answer truly, please?"

Manami: "Sure."

Lukas: *Signs* "Did you go with Kong back to the island?"

Manami looked back at him, with DEAD. ASS EYES. Causing Lavender, Danny, and Panchi to snicker on the other side of the door. Lukas stared back at her, slightly scared.

Manami: "No, I did not leave."

Lukas: "Oook, but you need to stay here because everyone in the city, thinks that Kong takes you a hostage

Manami: "...Alright."

Lukas: "Thank you, honey."

Lukas kissed her temple and left. 

There was another news report about Kong robbing a truck full of the world's rarest diamonds at night. And it showed him snatching  Manami and her screaming out. Lavender rolled her eyes, Snowflake gave an annoyed huff so did Darknight.

Lukas: "I don't understand what's happening with Kong. Attacking Richard maybe...but stealing diamonds and snatching Manami? That makes no sense."

Anita: [Scoffs] "Kong would do such a thing. He's a good boy and he loves Manami!"

Danny: "Kong! Manami!"

Manami: "I'm in the kitchen!"

Kong heard him and walked toward him, popping his head through to open space on(?) the floor. That caused Danny to gasp, and Manami walked out of the kitchen.

Danny: "Kong, where have you been?"

Kong: [Grunts]

Lukas: *Walks over to Danny and Kong*

Danny: "All he'll tell me is that he swears he didn't leave the forest."

Manami: *Walks over to them* "Plus, I'm right here! *Pets Kong on the head*

Lukas: "Guys, we really wanna believe you two."

Jonesy: "But we just saw the both of you swan dive off the Golden Gate Bridge."

Manami: *Growls and stomps up the stairs, everyone watching her.*

Panchi: "Wait...Kong and Manami are dry! If both were just in the water, Kong's fur would still be wet, same with Manami."

Danny: "Panchi's right. Plus, Kong doesn't know how to swim so he'd never dive into the water!"

Kong: [Grunting]

Danny: Especially since he knows he can just swing across the bottom of the bridge. Which he won't do if he has Manami, after the Squid incident."

Panchi: "But we still wish you would tell us where you were, Kong."

Kong: [sad grunts]

Lukas: "It's okay, everyone is entitled to their secrets. I'm really sorry I didn't believe you, bro. Forgive me? Finger-five?"

Lukas and Kong fingered-fived.

Panchi: "So if it wasn't Kong and Manami, who was the ape  and girl on the bridge on the bridge?"

Jonesy: "And who attacked Richard on Kong Island?"

Manami: "That's what I would like to know too." *Walks downstairs*

Lukas: *Walks over to Manami and wraps his arms around her* "I'm sorry babe. I should have thought twice. Can you forgive me?"

Manami: *Tries not to laugh but fails* "Fine, you little pup!"

Lukas: *Laughs and kisses her*

Manami: *Kisses back*

Amy, Danny, and Panchi: "Awww!"

The next day, MORE KONG NEWS.

Jonesy: "Man, the way this guy gets around, it's hard to believe it's just one ape."

Panchi: "One giant ape is amazing, but two is incredible!"

Lukas: "True, but Kong had to come from somewhere. For all we know, he could have a whole family out there."

Manami: "Hey, Kong, maybe you have a twin brother!"

Danny: "Yeah! Like Lukas and Richard."

Panchi: "But what if it's an evil twin like Richard?"

Kong: [Grunts]

Danny: [Groans} *Sorry, bud, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your family."

Manami: "BLEH! GROSS!"

A couple of minutes later, Lukas, Jonesy, and Manami were discussing the "Imposter Kong" situation. And they figured put s situation, and that included Jetpacks. Soon everyone had on. Kong did, Panchi flew around with hers, Danny got one and So did Manami.

Danny: "Ready for your first flight, bro?"

Kong: [Grunts]

Lukas: "Good to hear, because that other ape has been seen again."

Manami: *Activates hers* "All right! Time to fly!"

Lukas: "Hold on. You guys aren't--"

Manami: "Lukas, you might as well face the facts. We're a team now. Where Kong goes--"

Panchi and Danny: "-We go!"

Kong: [Grunts]

Lukas: [Signs and Chuckles] "Okay."

Danny:  *To Kong* "Just remember, stay steady. and lean in on the direction you want to go."

Kong activated his jetpack and zoomed up into the air, screaming, causing Manami to laugh.

Chatter: "Bawk! Rocket ape!"

Kong panicked a bit as he flew about the clouds, and that's when Manami, Danny, and Panchi came.

Danny: "No, Kong. Like this!" 

Danny and Manami did a little spin. Kong felt a little calmer and Zig-Zagged.

Manami: "That's the way, bud!"

Panchi: [Exclaims] "You've got it, amigo!"

Kong grunted and followed them as the three zoomed away, and all of them soared through the sky and pass the moon. Then they heard that they were now flying to Mexico, to see the other 'giant ape'. 

It was now morning and the gang was almost there, to where Botila was. And when Manami saw her, she growled under her breath. That's when the fake ape appeared. Kong landed and took his jetpack of, and stared at the hologram in confusion.

Danny: "It's a Kong-sized hologram! "

Manami: "No kidding Sherlock"

Kong tried punching the hologram, but it just went through it. He tried grabbing it, that didn't work. He tried to headbutt, but NOPE.

Danny: "Kong, stop!"

The trio flew down to the 'two' apes.

Danny: "He's not real."

Manami: "Yeah, look!"

The trio flew through the hologram Kong.

Panchi: "See?"

Kong saw this and stuck his head through the hologram, causing him to laugh. Then the chopper flew over. Botila saw it and flew up to it and shore a laser bullet at them.

Manami: "LUKAS!"

Botila saw Manai and smirked. That's when Lavender zoomed out of the chopper and flew in front of Manami, Panchi, and Danny.

Lavender: "You and Me."

Botila: [Chuckles] "With pleasure"

Lavender and Botila zoomed up in the sky.


The gang was back at the Fortress, watching the news about Kong that happened that day.

Lukas: [Signs] "Could one day go by without Kong making big news?"

Panchi: "Yeah, where is Kong?"

Kong popped his head in the hole.

Manami: "Disappeared in the woods again, huh?"

Danny: "You're up to something."

Panchi: "What's Jonesy doing?"

Lukas: "Oh, he's messing with Richard's latest toy."

Manami: [Giggles]

Jonesy: "Danny picked it up at the mine, and if I figure out how to fix it, we can give Richard a taste of his own medicine."

Manami: "Hell yeah!"

Danny: [Chuckles] "Now, that's something I'd like to see."

Lavender: "Oh count me in!"

The Next Day.

Manami was sitting on the couch, watching TV.  Anita walked out of the kitchen and stood in the doorway. She looked back a Lavender and nodded quickly. Anita walked and tapped Manami on the shoulder.

Manami: "Yes Anita?"

Anita: "Can you put these on?"

Manami turned around and saw Anita holding a dark gray outfit. Manami looked at it confused.

Manami: "Uh...sure."

Manami took the clothes, and got dressed:

Manami signed. Manami walked out and Anita gasped.

Anita: "Just like when you were little. Come here so I can do your hair."

Manami, still confused, walked over to Anita and squatted down so Anita could do her hair. After a short while, Manami stood up and looked in the mirror, Her hair was in a braid, with a black bow. Manami asked, "What's going on?"

Anita: "Well, do you remember the day Lukas showed you his secret hide-out when you two were kids?"

Manami: ".....Yeah...?

Kong picked her, startling her. Kong then laid Manami on his shoulder and leaped through the forest.   ....it was now sunset and Kong was finishing up the tree fort when Panchi and Danny came.

Danny: "So this is why you've been sneaking off! Building a tree fort! Cool!

Panchi: "Why didn't you tell us?"

Manami: *Walks from her hiding spot* "He wanted it to be a surprise."

Danny: "Hey Manami!"

Manami: "Hey kiddos!"

Lukas flew through the forest with his jetpack and saw them and the tree fort. His eyes landed on Manami, and he chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye. He then flew towards them.

Lukas: [Laughs] "Wow, Kong built you a fort just like the one we made when we were kids. Now, you two have your own special place just like we did."

Manami: [Giggles] "That's right!"

Danny: "Whoa! You built this for us...without any help."

Kong smiled and jumped onto the fort, and smiled. Then the fort started to shake. Manami tried to keep calm. Lukas swooped and got her, carrying her bridal style. Manami turned red as a tomato, causing Lukas to laugh. The fort fell. Kong sadly grunted and covered his eyes.

Danny: "Hey, what is it they say? It's the thought that counts. [Chuckles]"

Both Kong and Danny Fingered- fived. Manami gave Kong a smile and the group headed back for the Fortress.

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