Chainsaw Monkey


"You Guys! Hurry Up And Eat This Freak Already!"

In the abandoned building, which was either a barn or a warehouse, it was filled to the brim with an undead zombie army, all letting out threatening and hungry growls. At one end of the building was the one controlling all these walking corpses, also known as the Zombie Devil. On the other side, the zombies were surrounding and chasing after a young blonde man.

'These guys already had plenty, yet they wanted even more?'

The blonde just simply looked at the large horde of zombies in confusion instead of fear.

'They had money, friends, women, they even had me on their leash like a Goddamn dog.'

He recognized most of them, people who already had a lot in their life, more than he could ever have.

'How could these guys want even more than what they already have?...'

Yet he didn't understand why they would want even more, going so far to make a deal with a literal Devil.

'Oh... I get it now.'

That was, until he fully thought about it.

'It's because they all have dreams too.'

He could imagine that the reason all these people did this was because they had something important to accomplish, something clearly significant enough to make a contract and become a zombie.

'Just like me... And Pochita...'

Before being piled on and stabbed or eaten by the entire horde of zombies, the blonde took a moment to look at his chest, seeing the cord hanging out of it, which he gently held in his hands, before being pinned down by the army of undead.


And in a moment, what emerged from the pile of zombies was a man with chainsaws, roaring loudly as he used his spinning bladed arms and head to cut up all the zombies on his body.


The Zombie Devil was clearly shocked to see a once-normal blonde human reveal himself to be some kind of hybrid devil, specifically the Chainsaw Devil. This man of chainsaws, the Chainsaw Man, didn't hesitate to lay waste to the entire horde of zombies, slicing, cutting, and ripping apart every single undead he came across, sparing no one and leaving nothing but bits and pieces of blood, guts, and flesh.

"You know, as a Devil Hunter, I get paid a lot for whenever I kill a Devil."

Soon, all that remained was the Chainsaw Man, the Zombie Devil, and the dead undead, littering the floor with their corpses and blood.


The Chainsaw Man lets out an insane yell, as he then charges towards the Zombie Devil. His blades spin ever faster. Once close enough, he jumps, raising all his spinning blades up high, and is about to use them all to cut down the Devil of Undead.


Though just as the Chainsaw Man was about to slice through the Zombie Devil, he was suddenly interrupted and stopped by receiving a powerful kick to the chest, which shattered all of his ribs. He was then sent flying back to the other end of the large room, slamming against the wall, breaking his spine, and cracking it before falling back down to the ground.

"About Time You Stupid Macaque Chief!"

And the one responsible for kicking away the Hybrid and protecting the Zombie Devil was some kind of large gray-white monkey creature, wearing red shorts, beads, and a traditional assortment. It had a large sword and was known as the Macaque Chief. It was hard to tell if it was alive or another zombie.

"This Freaking Devil Could've Killed Me If You Didn't Show Up!"

The Zombie Devil just started complaining and whining to the Macaque Chief, almost ignoring the man with chainsaws, who was struggling to even stand up properly.

"Now Stop Being Useless And Kill This Idiot Devil Already!"

By the time the Hybrid was able to get back up to his feet, the Zombie Devil had already ordered the Macaque Chief to do something, who responded by letting out a loud and wild animalistic yell, which confused the man of chainsaws at first, before he suddenly felt the ground starting to shake, as well as the entire area getting colder, even freezing the blood on the floor due to the dropping temperature. This lasted for quite a while, before bits and parts of the ground started to break and pop, opening holes in the floor. Once the holes were made, a large army started to climb out of the ground, more specifically, it was a Clan of Frozen Corpses. Unlike the last group of zombies, these particular undead seemed to be more "battle-ready," judging by their weapons and strong bodies obviously meant for fighting.

"HAH! More Zombies?! That's All You Got?!~"

This of course didn't scare the Chainsaw Man, in fact, he started to intentionally mock and laugh at what he was seeing.

"Just Watch Me Cut Them All Up Again!"

Being very confident and extremely cocky, the Chainsaw Man then started to charge towards the new group of zombies, no doubt planning to do the same as before and just rip and tear them all. Unfortunately, it wasn't so simple. Instead of simply cutting through their bodies, the first Frozen Corpse immediately blocked the chainsaw swing. A second Frozen Corpse used its sword to cut off one of the chainsaw arms, and a third Frozen Corpse did the same, cutting off the other arm. The last Frozen Corpse, who had a mace, used it to smash into the Hybrid's face, not only breaking the chainsaw head but also sending him flying back to the same spot. This time, he was unable to get back up.

"HAH! Take That You Stupid Devil! No One Is No Match For My Zombie Army!~"

The Zombie Devil mocks and laughs at the easy defeat of the man with chainsaws, who could only groan and grunt in pain, doing his best to move or get up, but had lost so much blood and suffered too many injuries to do anything.

"Now then, finish off this freak so that we can go after our next group of humans, I need to regain my army of zombies again, ugh..."

The Zombie Devil, assuming the fight was over, ordered the Macaque Chief to finish his job. The Macaque Chief did as he was told and yelled out again to his Clan of Frozen Corpses. They all pulled out their weapons and charged forward, jumping up and about to bring down their full might upon the Hybrid, who could only watch with wide eyes.

'Well this was a short lived dream...'

Though just as the Chainsaw Man was about to prepare himself for his 2nd death, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the wall he was leaning against burst into a hole. A large pillar-like object pushed through, hitting all the Frozen Corpses that were about to murder the man with chainsaws. This not only caught everyone's attention but also made them wear very shocked expressions, clearly not expecting this and unsure how to respond. Soon after, the same large pillar-like object that knocked away the Frozen Corpses was slowly pulled out of the hole. Once it was removed, everyone could see who was responsible for what had just happened.

"Hello everyone, I hope I'm not interrupting anything~"

A new voice could be heard, a voice full of carefree calmness, and the same voice that came in through the hole that was made. Once they entered the building, the Hybrid was finally able to bear witness and see the person who had just saved him. That being a young woman, maybe somewhat older than himself, she had pale skin, cheerful brown eyes, a small happy smile, brown hair that was tied with a special string, clipped with a very long phoenix feather, and had a golden crown adorning her head. She wore some kind of clothes meant for easy travel and combat, with a tiger pelt around her waist, a bottle on her hip, red beads around her neck, and seemed to have a weapon on hand, that being a red staff with golden designs. Though what really stood out to the man of chainsaws was the monkey tail she had behind herself, which happily wiggled and wagged without a care in the world.

'Woah... Never thought the first girl I'll meet would be a monkey...'

The Chainsaw Man didn't know whether the monkey element made the lady hotter or not, though he wasn't really given a chance to think about that much, as the Monkey Girl in question turned her head and looked at him with a curious expression.

"Oof, definitely not your day~"

The Monkey Girl giggled at the Hybrid situation, as she then gave him her full attention and kneels before him.

"Tell me, should I consider you an enemy or a friend?~"

The Monkey Girl tilted her head curiously as she asked this. However, as she knelt down and talked to the man with chainsaws, she was aware of some of her chest being exposed to him. It wasn't a lot, but he was able to see enough.


Which seemed to be enough for the Chainsaw Man to answer the girl with the monkey tail, who just smiled silly at this.

"Yay! I Made A Friend!~"

After hearing the answer the Monkey Girl liked, she reached and grabbed her bottle from her hip and took a big drink from it.

"A toast to friendship!~"

After the Monkey Girl took her drink, she then pulled it away from her mouth and began to pour it into the mouth of her so-called new friend.

"Woah! I Feel Like A Million Bucks!"

And in nearly an instant, the Chainsaw Man felt so much better than he ever had before. Not only did the drink somehow cure his hunger and give him newfound energy, but all the injuries he suffered were completely healed, bones fixed, refilled with blood, and both of his arms were brought back again.

"Say new friend, wanna play with me?~"

Once Hybrid was back to full health, the Monkey Girl offered her hand to him, as she smiled brightly at him.


Which was enough motivation to not only trust her, but also accept the idea of "playing" with her without hesitation. The Chainsaw Man quickly grabbed her hand and let her help him stand back up.


After the two new friends finally stood up and greeted each other, the Zombie Devil had enough of this and yelled at the Clan of Frozen Corpses to start killing again. The Macaque Chief gave the command, and the army did as they were told, all running and charging towards them, weapons raised and ready to be stained by their blood.

"First One To Kill The Devil Wins!~"

"You're On!"

But that didn't stop the Monkey Girl and the Chainsaw Man from dashing towards the Clan. The man of chainsaws did much better than before when handling the Frozen Corpses. Not only had he learned from his mistake of not underestimating the enemy, but thanks to having his body fresh and energized, he was able to cut up any and all cold zombies that came his way, with little to no effort. As for the lady with the monkey tail, she effortlessly took out every single Frozen Corpse that came her way, basically toying with them. She masterfully blocked and attacked with her staff, which she was somehow able to control the size of, making it long enough to either smack away or stab multiple cold zombies at once, or making it as big and heavy to just simply crush whoever was unfortunate enough to come across her. Of course, they didn't just kill them separately. The two fighters also worked together, with the martial artist smacking a Frozen Corpse towards the Hybrid to slice into ribbons, or when the man of chainsaws cut down another Frozen Corpse and smacked their weapons away, the lady with the monkey tail would kick the weapons away and make them stab into any zombie that was close by. Even though they just met, it was very clear they were getting along well together and having a lot of fun with each other.


The Zombie Devil was beyond horrified to see its entire Clan of Frozen Corpses getting so easily defeated by all these two "Friends".


The Zombie Devil looked at the Macaque Chief and was about to make him do something to fix this, though the Red-buttocked baboon just hissed at the Devil before jumping away through the hole in the ceiling and basically abandoned his Devilish partner.


This, of course, caused extreme rage for the Zombie Devil, which once again turned back to pure fear when they heard the sound of revving chainsaws, turning around and seeing the man with chainsaws jumping up towards them.


The begging of the Zombie Devil was ignored as the Chainsaw Man just used all three of his spinning blades to cut the Devil into pieces, leaving nothing but a pile of blood and guts.


The Chainsaw Man laughs crazily as he embraces the feeling of being the victor of this game and being the one to kill the Zombie Devil.

"Hehe, yup, you sure are~"

The Monkey Girl walks up to the Hybrid and admires what he just accomplished.

"So What's My Reward For Winning The Game?!"

The Chainsaw Man looked at the lady with the monkey tail, expecting to be given a reward for winning the game.

"A congratulated pat on the head~"

Which said reward turned out to be the Monkey Girl patting the head of the man of chainsaws.

"... HELL YEAH! Best Prize Ever!~"

This was somehow enough to make the Chainsaw Man very happy and accomplished with life.

"You're funny~"

Something that the Monkey Girl couldn't help but find funny and even giggled at.

"Now come on, we gotta go before the Devil Hunters find us and ruin the fun~"

Though once all was said and done, the Monkey Girl then turned around and started to leave the area, all while shrinking her staff and putting it back in her ear.

"Huh? Where are we going?"

Which confused the Chainsaw Man, not really sure what she was doing or what she meant by that.

"Taking you to my home of course~"

The Monkey Girl simply answered, as if it wasn't already obvious.

"Well, unless you don't want to come live with me?"

The Monkey Girl turns her head and tilts it, as she asks if she wants to join her or not.

"O-Of Course I Do!"

The Chainsaw Man didn't hesitate to accept and wasted no time running and following his new friend, not wanting to miss the opportunity to be with her some more.


This, of course, made the Monkey Girl even happier than she was before as she led her new friend out of the abandoned building and into the outside world, where a bright new future awaited them, a future of adventure, action, and so much fun.

"By the way, what's your name Chainsaw guy?~"

"Oh, uh, you can just call me Denji, what about you?"

"Kobeni Higashiyama, but people like to call me the Monkey Queen~"
As you can already tell, Kobeni is acting a lot different than she was before, well, that's because she's 1: The daughter of Sun Wukong, and 2: She is both powerful and Immortal, I'm sure anyone would be more happy and carefree with life, so yeah, unfortunately, sorry for those who wish to see her be a crybaby, I'll probably add that somewhere somehow.

(Not only did I decided to make her more independent and away from Makima, but I also gave her a crew, specifically the children of Tang Sanzang, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and the White Horse Dragon)

/Existing Characters\

Aki: The Son of Sha Wujing.

Himeno: The daughter of Zhu Bajie, yes that means she's a pig girl.

Asa: She was adopted and raised by Tang Sanzang.

Power: BTW, Power is not the daughter of the White Horse Dragon, you'll see what I mean later.

(Anyway I thought it was fair, since I made Kobeni the Daughter of Sun Wukong, I decided to do the same for others, what do you think? Do you like the idea or should I change it?)

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