Werewolf Doggy And Cute Kitty Cat


"Do you think I was too harsh with Denji and Power?"

In the middle of a city street, Kobeni Higashiyama could be seen driving her car with Aki Hayakawa sitting next to her as both company and someone she can talk about certain things, like what she just asked him.

"Don't know how you can be "Too Harsh" with a Thug and a Fiend like them."

Aki, who was in the middle of smoking and looking out the open window, gave his honest answer to Higashiyama's question, which made her frown slightly.

"But I'm their squad leader, isn't it my job to treat them right?"

Kobeni couldn't help but feel conflicted to what Hayakawa just said, as she wants to disagree with what he just said, especially with her kind of role in the team she has.

"All I know is that if they do good, they live, if not, then they die, simple as that."

Aki continues to give his blunt opinions and viewpoints, as he took a deep breath from his cigarette and blew the smoke out of the window.

"... Would those rules apply to you too?"

Kobeni glanced at her teammate with an even deeper frown and wore a more upset expression, as if not liking what she was hearing.

"If I was worthless, then yes."

Aki replied without hesitation, a moment of silence fell between the two after giving such a quick answer, not only because of what he said, but from the many things that gave the Transforming Girl a lot to think about, mostly as her roles as a leader and how she should treat her group.


However, before Kobeni could make any tough decisions and make choices that could possibly change how she deals with her squad, both her and her fellow Devil Hunter were startled when the peace of silence was broken by the sound of destruction and noticing a large Devil-like creature crashing into a nearby building, which definitely caused the public to panic and make the civilians run for their life.

"Damn Devils, they don't hesitate causing trouble for us."

Aki couldn't help but growl and frown in annoyance, but before he could do anything about it, he stopped himself when he noticed his leader wasting no time getting out of the car and throwing her car keys to him.

"Get Himeno And Any Devil Hunters Available! Focus On Protecting The Civilian!"

Kobeni didn't give her partner a chance to reply as she ran off towards the direction of the chaos that was being caused by the Devil, Aki just watched her leave for a couple of moments before letting out a sigh, shaking his head from this.

'... Why is she trying so hard?'

Meanwhile, at where the destruction was taking place, the Devil responsible for all this was none other than the Bat Devil itself. Not only was it causing more chaos and death with every move it made, but it was also currently in the middle of dealing with and defending itself against a certain Chainsaw Man who definitely gave the Bat Devil some nasty deep cuts with his spinning blades. However, soon enough, said Chainsaw Man was smacked away by the Bat Devil, crashing into a nearby building and destroying its walls upon landing.


But as Denji was trying to get back up to his feet, he was suddenly met with a car, which still had a human inside it, being thrown at him by the Bat Devil.


Though not only was the Chainsaw Man able to catch the car.

"I Can Give A Shit With Helping These Assholes!"

But the Chainsaw Man also throws the car back at the Bat Devil, luckily the human in the car was able to get out just in time, because as soon as the car hits the Bat Devil, the vehicle exploded and both knocked back and engulfed the Bat Devil in flame, which it screams in agony from having itself be burned alive.

"If I'm helping anyone, it would be-"

However, before the Chainsaw Man could finish the job and put down the flaming Bat Devil for good, it suddenly aimed its mouth, which somewhat resembles a barrel or a tube cannon, and lets out a blast of pure sound that not only put out the fire from it's intense shockwave but also destroyed everything in its path due to the sheer power the Bat Devil was able to release from the sound it made. Luckily, a certain werewolf-like creature was able to save him and carried him to safety before he could be literally blown away.


And once the Chainsaw Man was moved to a safer location, he was able to recognize and saw that the werewolf that saved him was Kobeni herself, who was in her "Hakken" transformation.

"Where's Power, Denji?"

After Hakken made sure that Denji was alright and not injured, immediately asked where his partner was, obviously worried for her safety as well, while also feeling suspicious about what happened.

"Are you talking about the Blood Devil?"

But instead of the Hybrid answering the Werewolf Kobeni, it was the Bat Devil that decided to speak up, which caught both Devil Hunters' attention.

"She tasted horrible, but she definitely made it worth it for her blood quantity~"

And what the Bat Devil said, it definitely affected the Transformed Higashiyama greatly, something that the Devil Human noticed.

"No one hurts my teammates..."

The first feeling that Hakken felt was heartache and sadness from the knowledge that her teammate, Power, was eaten by the Bat Devil.

"Denji, let's tear him to shreds."

But then, tears turn into rage, as Hakken got on all four and growls viciously at the Bat Devil, bloodlust and primal killer Instincts filled her mind, heart and body, no doubt murder was all she could think about.

"Don't need to tell me twice!~"

Which was something Chainsaw Man was all in for, pulling his string on his chest and revving up all of his chainsaws again. The Bat Devil saw all this hostility and wasted no time defending himself, resummoning his mouth sound cannon and started blasting, something that the Collared Creature returned in kind, splitting her mouth open in four parts and unleashing her own sound attack. The colliding soundwave was powerful enough to cause a big shockwave explosion, destroying everything at the center of the blast while sending dust, rocks and remains of cars or other objects everywhere, which did momentarily blinded the Bat Devil, a weakness that was taken full advantage of by both Denji, who did not hesitate to use his chainsaws to start slicing the Bat Devil, and the Werewolf Kobeni, who pounced onto the Bat Devil, clawing, scratching, biting and ripping it's flesh, the Bat Devil tried to smack away or even fly away from its attackers, but Devil Human was able to cut off the wings, arms and legs of the Bat Devil, being completely defenseless and unable to protect itself. The Transformed Higashiyama was able to continue her brutality, using her jaws and claws to rip open the throat of the Bat Devil, which made it start choking on its own blood, however the Collared Creature wasn't done just yet, as she then dives into the open throat of the Bat Devil, crawling deep within it, this caused it to choke even more so, as it tried to cough up the one that was inside it. But unfortunately for the Bat Devil, a certain pair of chainsaws were used to keep it's mouth shut and prevent it from throwing up the person inside it.

"What's wrong, ain't something that didn't agree with your stomach?"

The Chainsaw Man mocks the Bat Devil, which looks at him with fear and desperation. Luckily, he doesn't have to feel such terror for long, as the sound of the howling can be heard within the Bat Devil before it then suddenly bursts open like an over-inflated balloon, sending blood and guts everywhere, most of which gets on Denji.

"Bwah! Gross! Fuck!"

The Chainsaw Man, who returned back to his blonde self, started wiping and rubbing the blood off of his face and body in disgust.

"Maybe I should visit a Shower Devil or something, bleh..."

After Denji cleans his face of blood and chainsaw remains, he was able to look up and see the Transformed Higashiyama standing at the center of what remains of the Bat Devil, which made him smile and quickly started to walk up to her.

"Hey Kobeni, are you ok-"


However, before Denji could reach the Collared Creature, he suddenly stopped when a loud and anguished cry could be heard. Once he paused in his tracks, he was able to see who was responsible for making such an upsetting sound: Power, who was currently crying in pure heartache agony as she held her dead, mangled, and bloody cat.

'I... I'm sorry...'

Denji decided to say nothing after seeing what the situation was, which made him hold his chest in response, specifically holding the pulling string on his chest tightly.

"M-My Meowy... My cat... She's dead... She didn't deserve to die..."

Power struggled to accept that her cat was dead, as more tears fell from her eyes, which made the Werewolf Kobeni, who was in the middle of hugging and comforting her in arms, make her pet her head and try to calm her down.

"W-Why did you have to die?..."

Power looks up at the Transformed Higashiyama with such a tear waterfall devastated expression, as if asking her Queen why this needed to happen.

"... I'm sorry, Power."

Hakken couldn't help but start tearing up as well, as if seeing her own teammate sadness made her sad as well.

"If I knew your pet was in danger, I would've done everything to save your Meowy..."

Not only that, but Hakken felt like such a failure for making the Blood Devil emotionally suffer like this, as if she could've done more and prevented the cat being killed so brutally.

"C-Can't one of y-your monsters fix M-Meowy?!"

Power immediately begs and becomes desperate to the Collared Creature, as if thinking she still had a way to fix this, though the person she was begging to could only sigh in response and shake her head.

"I'm not sure if I can just fix the cat-"


But just as Hakken was about to explain to the Fiend how her request wouldn't work, her collar suddenly came to life, as not only did it speak, which was enough to startle and surprise everyone, but shoot a white beam at the dead cat.

"W-What the-"

Hakken was shocked at what was happening, as she was about to try and stop whatever was happening, but it was too late; in a flash of white light, she was suddenly transformed back into her human form. Not only that, but the beam had stopped and left something that made everyone go wide-eyed.


And with that, the collar powered off and began recharging. However, everyone didn't seem to care about that as they were all now focused on the once dead cat slowly rising back up to her feet. Her bloody, mangled, and torn body was replaced by something more "monstrous".


Which did make Power hesitate, as if not sure if this, "Cat?", was the same Meowy she came to know and love before, yet, despite all the doubt and denial, it all washed away when the unnatural kitten looked up at the horned blonde, gave a cute familiar mew, and then nuzzled her face with a comforting purr.


This was enough for Power to accept the mutations of a cat as her Meowy, pulling the usual feline into her arms and hugging her tightly with so much relief and love, tears still falling down her cheeks, but because of joy instead of sadness.

"Woah, I didn't know your collar could do that."

As the Blood Devil and Meowy were hugging and nuzzling each other, Denji was able to stand next to Higashiyama and watch everything with a surprised face.

"Neither did I?"

A feeling that was shared with Kobeni, who clearly did not expect any of this to happen, looking down and rubbing her collar, both curious, and slightly worried, on what her advanced device could do now in the future, only hoping it was nothing terrible.

"You dared kill my Boyfriend..."

However, before anyone could properly process what was going on, an unfamiliar voice immediately brought everyone out of their deep thoughts. Before they could react to this new development, another Devil showed up, which seemed to be a disgusting and horrifying version of a leech, a very angry leech that made some worry. The Hybrid was out of blood, the Collared Human couldn't use her weapon at the moment, and the Fiend was more worried about losing her Meowy again.


Though this Leech Devil could care less if they were worried or not, as it lets out a very loud and rage filled scream, before launching all of it's tendrils at the three Devil Hunters, though before they could hit them or before the three could run away, Meowy then suddenly aimed both her diamond and molten rock fist, and did not hesitate shooting a large stream of fire and sharp shards at the Leech Devil, who then screams in agony as it got cut up, stabbed and burned alive by the mutation kitty, both Kobeni and Denji watch with wide eyes to see such power from a unnatural looking cat, as for Power, who was startled and shock as well, but also tried to play it off and wore a very smug expression for what her pet was able to do no doubt.

"Hehe, I always knew Meowy could do that~"
Welp, looks like Kobeni has a new member in the team, which is a Mutant Cat named Meowy, let's see how that will turn out~

(Should the Deviltrix have its own character? Basically I'm saying should the collar also be its own person, like how Iron has Jarvis or Master Chief has Cortana?~)

/Meowy 11 New Abilities\











11. Meowy love, loyalty and cuteness.

(Also here's a pic of Kobeni as Big Chill)

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