Trust, Knowledge And Dreams


"So, um, your room will be next to Denji, I'm not sure how your last home was, but I hope it fits your needs."

Back at the luxurious yet simple penthouse apartment, aka the home of Kobeni Higashiyama, who she was currently showing it off to Power specifically, much to her amazement as she looks around in awe.

"I am thankful for your generosity, my Queen."

And after being accepted and welcomed in Higashiyama Ward, Power bows to her so-called Queen, who was already used to her antics and just nods in response.

"Well, unless you need anything else, I'm gonna take a shower, please enjoy yourself while you're here."

With Kobeni having nothing more to say to her new roommate, she walks away to her own room, leaving behind the Blood Devil who just simply watches her go on without her.

"... So why didn't you tell the Queen about my deception?"

And after the Transforming Girl was completely gone, Power quickly then turned her attention to Denji, who was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Is it because you still desire to feel my beautiful chest?~"

When Power said this, while also teasing the Devil Human by holding up her own chest towards him, which was enough to make him look back in interest.

"I am tempted, but no, I don't want to touch them."

But despite Denji being very interested, he still refused the offer and looked back at watching TV, which definitely surprised Fiend.

"Oh, then what do you have to gain to defend me?"

Power was now both confused, and slightly suspicious at what the Hybrid might be after, which he sighs in response, getting up from the couch after turning off the TV.

"I just hope that you take good care of Meowy."

And when Denji turns around to face the horned blonde, whatever negative reactions she may have had were replaced with something more positive when she sees her mutated kitty cat, "Meowy", who mews as she jumps into her owner's arms and nuzzles her.

"I will..."

This made Power smile as she cuddles and nuzzles Meowy back, holding her closer and tighter in her arms.

"Then we're even Steven, now if you excuse me, I'm gonna make toast with all the flavors I can find."

Denji wore a more relaxed, yet slightly sad, smile, as he then walked past the Blood Devil and went towards the kitchen to make himself some toast.

"Denji is such a perplexing mortal that I have ever met, heh."

Power gave the blonde a sideways glance as she watched him walk away, before turning her attention back to Meowy, who licked her nose and purred, which made her giggle as she then walked away to do her own thing as well.

"Let me bathe you, Meowy~"

Meanwhile, back with Kobeni, she was currently in the middle of taking a long and relaxing shower, letting the soap and warm water wash away any aches and stress she might have suffered for the day. She enjoyed the moment of peace and relaxation it brought to be alone in the shower, a time where she could truly be away from all of her problems that came with being herself. It made her wish she could be like this forever, experiencing eternal bliss.

"... Hi?"

Though, despite having such a nice moment of stillness, Kobeni knew there was a certain something she couldn't ignore forever, and that said something was the device around her neck.

"Can you hear me?"

Kobeni remembers how the collar spoke to her when she was fighting the Bat Devil and reviving Meowy, resulting in her becoming a malformation of many unknown creatures that she was unfamiliar with.

"Can you talk?"

Which was why Kobeni was trying to get her collar to speak again, to see if it wasn't a one time fluke, or if her collar could do more than she once realized.

"Please say something?"

But so far, no matter what Kobeni says to the collar, it would not speak up again, acting as if it never happened before, which honestly made her feel like she was going crazy, as talking to an inanimate piece of technology did not help with her peace of mind and anxiety.

"Do you understand me?"

Kobeni gently smacks her head against the shower wall, the feeling of defeat and giving up fills her as she gets nowhere talking with her collar, which makes her sigh.

"Respond, Confirm Command?"


But just as Kobeni was about to quit the idea of talking to the collar, she immediately got startled and slipped in the tub when the collar spoke to her for once, luckily she didn't get injured from the fall, but was still freaked out by this.

"S-So you can talk?"

Kobeni looked at her collar with wide eyes, even though she was trying to make it talk again, she was still not expecting it to actually do so.


Higashiyama couldn't help but get more nervous when the collar not only continued to speak, but also knew who she was as well.

"Y-You know who I am?"

Kobeni didn't know how to handle this situation, even though she brought it on herself.


The endless shock and surprise never stopped coming the more that the collar revealed to its user.

"A-Are you serious?"

Kobeni grips her head, no doubt feeling like her privacy was being invaded by the collar.


"I-I got it! Thank you..."

The collar was about to prove itself with how much it knew about Kobeni, though she quickly put a stop to that before it could say anything embarrassing to her, once she silenced the collar, she let out a tired groan and laid her head against the wall, as if already giving up with the situation she was in.

"What are you?"

After more or less accepting this new truth, Kobeni decided to move on, not like she could do anything about it in the first place, and take the chance to learn more about her collar.


"1,000,912 A-Aliens?!"

Though what the collar, which is now known as the Deviltrix, what it just said now, it blew away whatever sane shocked mind Kobeni had left in her head.


Once the Deviltrix gave such an answer, its user was left in momentary speechlessness, as she was trying to process all this sudden information she was just given, it was very clear that she didn't know how to properly react to this.

"W-Wow, I knew you came from space, but I never imagined aliens being real..."

But despite Kobeni having her perspective change so dramatically, it was also comforting in a way, to finally be given some explanation about anything, even if it wasn't a lot or even if it sounded unbelievable at first.

"Wait, does that mean you were made by aliens?"

However after Kobeni did process the information, she couldn't help but immediately realized something and quickly asked her collar about it.


Though the answer that the Deviltrix gave next, or lack of an answer to be more specific, definitely left Higashiyama dumbfounded.

"Huh? You don't know?"

Kobeni was now confused, as she didn't understand the reason why her collar would not know how it was made, given how smart and knowledgeable it already was.


But even if the user didn't understand why, the Deviltrix still couldn't answer her question, which did make her think deeply about it and decided to see if it knew anything else then.

"Why can't you remember?"


"Well, what about why you were sent here?"


"Why did you attach yourself to me?"


"... Why were you made?"


"I-I see..."

But no matter what Kobeni asked, question that would be considered important to her, the Deviltrix would just give her the same response over and over and over again, "Information Not Found", and once she asked all the questions that actually mattered to her, and be given absolutely nothing in return, all she could do now was just let out a deep defeated sigh and lay her head back, as if not sure what to do now at the moment.


The Deviltrix noticed its user's sudden change in behavior, wondering if something was wrong or if it had failed her in some way. Before it could try to correct what it possibly did wrong, the Collared Human simply shook her head in response.

"No, you gave me more than I had before, thank you, Deviltrix."

Kobeni lets out a tired chuckle, yet wears a more unburden smile, even if she knew less than what she wanted to know, what she was given was enough to lift her shoulders and make her feel lighter in general, which surprised her collar.

"... You are thanking me?"

Not only was the Deviltrix surprised to see her sudden change of tone, but to also be thanked, it felt unnecessary, yet, at the same time, it didn't reject it either, which only made it more confusing.

"I am, s-should I not have to?"

Kobeni instantly got worried and nervous, thinking she had just offended or even angered the collar.

"Why would you thank a simple device like me? I am only doing what I was programmed to do?"

But once the Deviltrix explained further about its confusion, Higashiyama was finally able to understand what it meant and decided to be the one to answer the questions instead of asking them.

"Because you did so much good to me and others around me."

Kobeni sat up and gently held and caressed the collar that was around her neck.

"I will admit, I wasn't too happy to be forced into this at first, but you really helped me so much, not only for my work, but with others as well, like what you just did with Power's pet cat, it was really nice for you to do."

If Kobeni could hug the collar for all the good it has done for her, she would, but for now, all she could do was just give it a light yet very happy smile.

"I'm... I'm just glad you exist, and for choosing me, thank you, thank you so very much, Deviltrix."

After Kobeni properly thanked the collar, a real thank you with real emotions and care in her face and voice, it was left in stunned silence, as it didn't know how to respond to such kindness.

"... You're welcome, Kobeni Higashiyama?..."

"Please, just Kobeni is fine, Deviltrix."

Once all was said and done, as Kobeni had a better understanding, and even a bonding connection with the Deviltrix, she had finally finished her shower, as she dried herself, brush her hair a bit, and then put on her robe, as soon as she was all freshen up and felt more comfortable with her new clean self, she exited her bathroom and was about to leave her bedroom, though once she opened her door, she was immediately startled when she saw a certain blonde at the other side of the door, who was about to knock on said door.

"Oh! H-Hey Kobeni, you finished taking a bath?"

Denji quickly steps back or two once he sees the Deviltrix user open the door, as well as trying his best not to look at her, "Cleaned", body.

"I have, why? Do you need something? Is it about Power?"

Kobeni tilted her head, now a bit curious on what the Devil Human could want from her.

"N-No, I was just asking..."

Denji continues to avoid eye contact, though he couldn't help but sneak some glances, seeing enough to make him blush softly, which he tries to cover and hide with his hand.

"Actually, I have a question I wanted to ask you?"

Denji decided to change the subject and suddenly ask something, which did catch the Collared Human attention.

"A question? What's your question?"

Kobeni's curiosity quickly turns to interest, wanting to know what kind question the Hybrid had for her.

"Um... Do you have a dream?"

Though the type of question that was asked by Denji, it was definitely something that Higashiyama wasn't expecting.

"A dream?"

Kobeni raised an eyebrow, a bit unsure on what the blonde meant by what he asked.

"Yeah, like a goal? Bucket list? Something you wish to accomplish in your life?"

When Denji gave a more detailed explanation on what he truly meant, the Deviltrix user was finally able to understand what he truly meant by what he asked of her.

"Oh? I see..."

And once Kobeni completely understood the question, she actually took the chance to think deeply about what kind of answer she wanted to give to the Devil Human, who was now looking at her in curiosity, wondering what she might say to him.

"I wanna eat all the ice cream in the world."

But what Kobeni did say to the Hybrid, instantly made him go wide eyes and speechless.


Denji waited to see if the Collared Human was joking, yet after a bit, she said nothing else, which only confused him more.

"T-That's really your dream?"

To say Denji was not expecting to hear such a thing from Higashiyama of all people would be an understatement.

"I know it's silly, and I should probably focus on something more important in my life, like sending my brother to college or helping my family by sending them more money."

Kobeni rubbed the back of her head, as she wore a slightly embarrassed expression to reveal such a silly dream.

"But, I just remember how tasty eating ice cream was when I first tried it as a kid, and how happy it made me."

Though when Kobeni looked at the blonde, he was able to see the innocent yet joy on her face, it was as if he could imagine her as a little girl who tasted ice cream for the first time and how it just made her so happy.

"But it's a stupid dream, I-"


Seeing a face like that on Kobeni was enough to not only make Denji stop her from insulting her own dreams, no matter how stupid or silly it might be.

"Don't Let Anyone Tell You How Dumb Dreams Are! A Dream Is Still Your Dreams! No Matter How Big Or Small They Are! If You Want To Eat Every Ice Cream In The World, Then God Damn It I Will Help You Accomplish Such An Awesome Dream! Fuck Whoever Tell You Otherwise, Just Do What Makes You Happy!"

But it also motivated Denji, it motivated him to protect such a dream, it motivated him to support such a dream, and it even motivated him to do whatever he can to help the Deviltrix user to accomplish such a dream he thought was important and wonderful. Though his motivation was only met with gentle giggles from the same person who made such a dream.

"Thank you Denji, I hope your dreams, whatever they may be, will be accomplished and fulfilled too."

Then, much to the Devil Human surprise, Kobeni went up to him and hugged him tightly, as her way to express her thanks and support to him. This suddenly gave him a large range of emotions, he felt happy by her words, he felt comfort by her hugs, and, well, let's just say that he was, "Overjoyed", to accomplish one of his dream at this very moment. Especially since the two of "DREAMS" he just accomplished were currently being pressed against his own body. But he decided not to mention that and just simply return the hug he was given, now just wanting to enjoy the moment he was given by the person that he was hugging.


Though the moment between Kobeni and Denji was immediately interrupted, and even ruined, by the Deviltrix saying something that either confused or deeply embarrassed them.


I have decided to make the Deviltrix it's own character, like unlike the original Ben 10 Omnitrix, I wanna make have feelings, personality, thoughts and even gender, maybe give the Deviltrix a hologram form like Cortana from Halo, but obviously it's own style and looks, unless you just want the Deviltrix to be a voice? I'm open to suggestions on how to develop the Deviltrix~

(OFF TOPIC and RANDOM IDEA, since I decided to add 10 new aliens in this story, I decided to be fair with Chainsaw Man and give them a few new Devils to, and while they won't be too important to the story, it would still be a fun addition to include~)

/My Devil Ideas\

1 . Redemption Devil: Charlie from Hazbin Hotel.

2. Puberty Devil: Butt Witch from 12 Forever.

3. Witch Devil: Brainless Witch.

4. Ice Devil: Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill.

5. Vampire Devil: Alucard from Hellsing.

6. Evil Devil: Black Hat from Villainous.

7. Time Devil: Kurumi from Date A Live.

8. Abstract Devil: Caine from Digital Circus.

9. Weird Devil: Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls.

10. Chaos Devil: Discord from MLP.

(You can add some Devil to, but unlike last time, you can only pick 1 Devil, also they have to be a concept that the Chainsaw Man story didn't use yet)

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