Topnotch Topknot


"So this is our target, Captain Kobeni?"

In some kind of abandoned factory building, a large hive nest, which seemed to be made entirely from living flesh and human body parts, could be seen standing at the center of the area. Over a dozen, possibly hundreds of bee or wasp-like Devils surrounded their home, either to protect it or add more human corpses to make their hive bigger. It was definitely such a grotesque and terrifying sight to witness, and unfortunately for a certain trio-specifically Kobeni Higashiyama, Aki Hayakawa, and Denji-they were forced to watch the whole thing with mixed but mostly negative reactions.

"I-I mean, Miss Makima said t-the Devil we would be h-hunting was a Wasp type, o-or was it a Bee?"

Kobeni nodded in confirmation to Hayakawa's questions about what type of devil they would be hunting, though it didn't really fill her with excitement to deal with them either way, no matter the classification.

"Ugh, I always hated dealing with those little stinging fucks back when I was kid, nearly died from the stings."

Denji couldn't help but stick his tongue out in disgust, clearly not really eager to relive his past agony, but was ready to kill them so that he could forget.


Aki could only give the Devil Human a side eye glare, before looking back at his Captain.

"How should we handle them?"

When Aki asked for the specifics from his lead, she could help but tense up and wear a slightly nervous expression.


Kobeni couldn't help but feel very stressed out, as she struggled to think of something on the spot for their mission. However, once she felt her collar around her neck while thinking, she couldn't help but suddenly be inspired and thought of something that might fit the task at hand.

"O-Oh! I got the right monster for the job!"

Kobeni, now feeling a bit more confident about her situation, quickly messed with her collar, twisting the dial a few times to switch between her so-called monsters, which showed up through holograms, until she found the one she was looking for. She then pressed the dial and in a flash of white light she transformed into a humanoid black and white moth creature, wings spread, and took to the sky.


Kobeni, now in a transformation known as Mothra, took a deep breath and let out a stream of frost from her mouth towards the many Wasp Devils, who had just enough time to notice her before being completely frozen solid in ice.

"I-I'll freeze as many Wasps a-as I can, you two j-just stay close to me!"

Both of Mothra's teammates understood what they needed to do, as the trio then got out of their hiding spots and went towards the hive nest, where more disgusting Wasp Devils came out from their fortress. The Moth Kobeni was the main MVP in the team, as she would continue to use her ice breath to freeze as many Wasp Devils as she could before they got too close. But for the few that did get close, she was still able to counterattack, either physically (like punching, kicking) or just simply rip them apart with her bare hands. She could also use her other abilities that came with the transformation, like becoming intangible and letting the Wasp Devils fly through her body, not only causing them to miss but sometimes sting their own allies, and slowly become frozen in the process. Though as the Transformed Higashiyama took the full force of the Wasp Devils, both of her partners acted as her support: the Hybrid, who hasn't transformed this time, used his axe and hammer weapon to deal with all the frozen Wasp Devils, killing them before they could break out of the ice; while Hayakawa made sure to deal with all the Wasp Devils that managed to avoid getting frozen, using a mixture of excellent marksmanship of his gun and the amazing skills he was able to show off when he used the stingers of his enemies to either stab or cut down the Wasp Devils to size. The Trio were a nearly perfect combo, taking down and killing many Wasp Devils as they can, before finally reaching the main nest, where the collared creature used her ice breath to completely freeze the hive, allowing her blonde partner to use his weapon to destroy and break the entire thing, revealing a very horrifying sight of the Queen of these Wasp Devils, who was much bigger and disgusting compared to the rest, as it continuously lays eggs and makes more Wasp Devils soldiers.


But once the Queen was discovered, Mothra shouted out to her Topknot partner, who wasted no time making a specific hand gesture at the big Wasp Devil that stood before them.


And with a simple word that came out of Aki's mouth, a very large and monstrous Fox Devil appeared out of nowhere in a cloud of steam and smoke. As she did so, the Queen Wasp Devil was eaten whole by one big bite.


This was totally something unexpected for someone like Denji, clearly wasn't expecting to see such a thing.

"Hmph, I dislike this taste, you owe me twice the payment for such a disgusting meal."

The many eyes of the Fox Devil glared at her master with annoyance, clearly not happy in what she was forced to eat.

"... Fine."

Aki could only sigh in response, as the Fox Devil then disappeared the same way she came in, in a cloud of steam and smoke.

"W-What was that?!"

Denji couldn't help but question his fellow Devil Hunter, still confused and surprised at what he saw.

"The Fox Devil, she's my Contract."

Aki wore an annoyed expression with the Devil Human talking to him, but before he could say anything more about it, or probably just simply ignore him, the Moth Kobeni flew and landed in front of him, it was hard to tell, but her face was filled with concern.

"W-What did she take t-this time, s-show me please?"

When Mothra asked this of Hayakawa, he just did as he was told, lifting up his shirt and saw all the skin from his entire pecs were removed, which made her gasp.

"I-I'm sorry, I should've j-just killed the Wasp Devil myself, I didn't-"

"It's fine Captain, you made the right call, it's always to kill a Devil with such efficiency."

But before Mothra could apologize and express regret from her partner getting hurt, Aki was able to reassure and let his leader know that it was both alright and the right move she did in the situation, though she seems happy about it still.

"D-Denji! Can you please hand me some of the Miira bandages I gave you?"

Mothra, wanting to make things right, looked at the Hybrid and requested some bandages from him, which he hesitated and wanted to say no to sharing with Topknot.


But Denji knew he couldn't say no to the person he had a crush on, so reluctantly, he gave his bandages, that he got as a gift from transformed Higashiyama, back to her, which she thankfully takes with gratitude. She used some of her ice breath to make the bandages clean, wet and slightly cool, before using it to wrap around her fellow Devil Hunter injuries.

"I-I will clean up the mess a-and call the authorities, you both can head home."

Once Mothra was able to treat Hayakawa, she decided that she would stay behind to deal with the situation here, while allowing her teammates to leave to relax.

"I can help!"

Denji quickly tries to volunteer to help with the collared creature, but she shakes her head in response.

"No, I-I need you to make sure Aki gets medical treatment, c-can you do that for me please?"

And instead, Mothra asked her blonde partner for a favor, which was to look after his Topknot teammate.

"Ugh... Alright..."

Which made Denji whine some more, however said nothing more and did as he was told.

"I'll see you both later."

With that, Mothra stayed behind to deal with her situation, as both of the Devil Hunters left the area, either heading towards the doctors or simply going home. Both of them just walked in silence together, never speaking or even looking at each other.

"... Hey, are you dating Kobeni?"

Though after a few moments of quietness, Denji got bored, and very curious, as he then started to ask Hayakawa some questions about his love interest, though the person he was questioning didn't reply.

"Because if you are, then I guess it's fine, I don't want to be a party crasher."

Denji admits that, while he would be upset to know that his crush would be taken, would still be respectful enough to not interfere if it was the case.

"But if not, THEN I CALL DIBS!"

However, if it wasn't true, Denji got defensive and claimed the girl he likes all his, and refused to share with anyone.

"Come with me."

But before the blonde could say anything more, Aki decided that he had enough and just led him to a random alleyway, which he did follow, much to his confusion.

"Why are we here? Is this where you l-ACK!"

Though before Denji questioned Topknot on why they were in such a place, he was only met with a hard kick to the stomach.

"You should quit."

Aki then followed that attack up with punching the Devil Human in the face, knocking him down into a pile of trash.

"If you show up tomorrow, I'll give you another thrashing."

After promptly beating up the Hybrid, Aki pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, as he took the chance to warn the same person he knocked down.

"W-What's your problem?..."

Denji, coughing in pain as some blood leaks from his nose, clearly didn't understand why he was suddenly hit by the Devil Hunter.

"Maybe my kindness isn't getting through to you."

Aki took a deep breath from the smoke of his cigarette, before explaining his reasoning for beating up the blonde.

"The people who goes into this job do it for shallow reasons, whether it be for money, glory or just for the fun of it, they always end up dead."

Aki blows out some smoke and points at the knocked down Devil Human.

"Let me guess, you only became a Devil Hunter because of Kobeni, right?"

When Aki asked this question, the hybrid just replied with a smile.

"D-Ding ding..."

Denji weakling jokes, much to Hayakawa annoyance.

"Then I was right to beat you up."

Aki then flicks the cigarette onto the blonde's chest, before spitting on both him and his lit cigarette.

"Only those with strong conviction can survive."

With nothing more to add, Aki then turns away from the Devil Human and starts to walk away from him.

"I'll do you a favor and say you ran away because of a Devil, hmph."

However before Aki could leave the alleyway, he was suddenly met with a surprised kick to his balls by none other than the hybrid himself, much to the extreme pain and shock from the person who had just been kicked in the testicles.

"You sure are a nice guy..."

But even when Topknot fell over in agony, it didn't stop Denji from kicking him even more so.

"WHEN I!-"



Kick kick.


Kick kick kick.


Kick kick kick kick.




After Denji feels like he kicked the Devil Hunter's nuts enough time, he lets out an exhausted sigh and wipes some sweat from his brow, before just simply glaring at him.

"When Kobeni found me, instead of treating me like shit, she instead gave me a home, my own bedroom, a bathroom with warm water, food, drinks, we even sat down and watched a movie together!"

Denji crossed his arms as he explained new life to Hayakawa and how he was grateful to have it.

"Yeah, my reasons for becoming a Devil Hunter might be shallow, but it's a life I'm willing to die for."

So grateful that Denji promised to do everything to protect his new life and the person who gave it to him.

"Because she looked at me like a real person instead of a dog."

Though when Denji mentioned the idea of being treated like a dog, he couldn't help but rub his chin and thought about how his life would be if he did become a dog to Higashiyama.

"Though not that I wouldn't mind it if she asked me to become one."

But this type of thinking was enough for Topknot to stand back up and punch Denji in the face again.

"A thug like you has no place working with us!"

Unfortunately for Aki though, he was only met with another kick to the balls by the blonde


"W-Why do you keep aiming for the balls!?"

However, just as Aki and Denji were about to continue fighting each other, a blast of frost was suddenly blown at them, encasing the two in ice, not enough to hurt them, but definitely stopping the two from moving and hitting each other more.


Mothra then landed in between her two frozen partners and glared at them harshly.



This definitely shocked both Aki and Denji, as they never saw the Moth Kobeni, who was usually shy and a crybaby, be so mad before.


Which Mothra pointed said anger at the Devil Human first.

"Y-Yes Ma'am?!"

Denji didn't know if he should be scared, or, "Feel", something different at this very moment.

"Please stop kicking your teammates... Neither region... OK?!"

Mothra couldn't help but feel embarrassed that she had to say what she just said to the hybrid, but after she was able to say it, she glared at her fellow Devil Hunter next.



Unlike the blonde, when Mothra yelled at Aki, he took it more seriously and was ready to receive whatever she had to say to him.

"I understand your feelings and dislike towards those who become a Devil Hunter for bad reasons, but Denji is still your partner, so please, treat him kindly OK? Also if there is a problem, then I will handle it, because I'm the leader of this squad, so it's my responsibility to take care of or deal with trouble teammates, understand?"

Though what Mothra did say to Hayakawa, he couldn't help but falter and frown deeply at what he was told, struggling to accept such a thing.

"But I-"



But before Aki could voice out some protest, he was immediately shut up by the cold tone of Mothra, which he submitted to and listened to.


Mothra then lets out an exhausted sigh, as she then uses her wings to both break the ice and warm up her teammates, before transforming back to her collared human self.

"I-I'm sorry f-for snapping at you two..."

The once angry Kobeni, was immediately replaced by her normal nervous and apologetic self.

"I... I just want us to get along, ok?"

But despite being back to such a crybaby personality, Kobeni still looked up at her two partners, still hoping they would get along with each other.

"It's fine."


Which both Aki and Denji couldn't say no to, powerless to talk to their sensitive leader, which made her smile.

"I-I'll bring my car a-around, it has a h-heater to warm you b-both up, plus some towels."

With all said and done for the day, Kobeni quickly ran off so that she could get her car and help both Denji and Aki get a ride home and give them something to warm them up. Leaving the two Devil Hunters to shiver and think about what just happened as Higashiyama left them.

"... She's pretty hot when she's mad."

"Shut up you thug."
Does Kobeni seem like the type to care so much about her team she's leading? To defend Denji and Aki, as well as protecting them?

(I might as well have some fun with this story, so I have decided to add 10 Aliens to this Crossover story, and no I'm not talking about adding XLR8 or Atomic and all that you see in Ben 10, nope, I'm adding aliens from outside of Ben 10, like Saiyans from DBZ or Viltrumite from Invincible, leaves some suggestions or ideas in the comments~)

/Rules To Leaving Aliens Suggestions And Ideas\

RULE 1 . You cannot suggest Angels, or Heavenly or Hellish or Gods or anything similar to that, it has to be Aliens, or at the very least monsters or magical beasts, so characters like Kratos or King Kai or Soul Eater Death or Hazbin Hotel Helluva Boss Characters aren't allowed, however God of War Jormungandr, Giants and Valkyries are acceptable, but Dante from DMC or Death The Kid are a maybe, since they're technically they're own species like Nanomech from Ben 10, and for things like SCP 682, 343 or Sun Wu Kong, it depends what lore or cannon you believe in.

RULE 2. You can only have 10 Aliens in your lists.

RULE 3. You can only use 1 alien species from each Games/Show/Movie/Cartoon/Comic/Anime/Manga, example would be if you pick Saiyans from DBZ, but you can't add Piccolo or Frieza races in the list since you already used an alien from the same show.

RULE 4. The aliens have to be different enough, basically I don't want Saiyans, Viltrumite and Krypton in the same list, obviously they're not the same and have different powers, and you can still pick one of them, but they're to similar, like how they all look like humans or have flying, speed and strength, it's similar enough for me not to accept them, hopefully you understand what I mean.

RULE 5. Not entirely necessary, but it would be nice if each alien were given a predator, like a Predator and Xenomorph or Superman and Doomsday type of thing.

RULE 6. Aliens like Elements Benders from Avatar, Wizards like Harry Potter or Ultra Instincts/Hakai/Specifically Abilities you have to learn don't count, like you can use Unicorn magic or a Saiyan Ki, but won't have Goku special techniques or Twilight spells.

RULE 7. Man made Aliens are allowed, like Terra Formars, Alex Mercer Black Virus, and Ultron from Marvel, but you can only pick one.

RULE 8. Aliens like Quirk's or X Men Mutant are not allowed, because they're abilities and such are to different, but Soul Eater weapons, Steven Universe Gems and RWBY Faunus are acceptable, because while they're different they share a theme, like Weapons, Gems and Animals.

RULE 9. I need 10 different types of aliens, 1: Elements Or Magical Alien like Infamous or Unicorn, 2: Intelligent Smart Alien like Ultron or Dwarf from GOW, 3: Attack/Offensive Alien like Viltrumite or Predator, 4: Defensive Alien like a Pokemon or SCP 682, 5: Fast Alien like Boros or Transformers, 6: Flying Alien like a Dragon Maids or Birdperson, 7: Horror Monster Alien like Halo Flood or Creepypasta Monsters, 8: Special Unique Wildcard Alien like DBZ Saiyan or RWBY Salem, 9: A OP Alien like Krypton or Godzilla, and 10: Basically an Alien similar to Alien X like Bill Cipher or Discord.

RULE 10. This isn't a rule, but I wish to let you know now, do not expect to see your favorite characters in this story, what I mean is, just because you included Saiyans, doesn't mean you'll be getting Goku or Vegeta in this story, or if you choose Viltrumite, doesn't mean you'll get Omni Man or Mark, at best you'll probably get King Vegeta or Thragg, since they're the rulers of their world, but that's about it.

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