The Start Of Your New Future
"Here's the room of your new contract."
In some unknown dark locations, which appear to be some kind of hidden area, almost giving a prison vibe, which technically was, though these solitary confinements didn't hold humans, no, they held Devils, and it seems that Aki Hayakawa, being led by two Devil Hunters, was about to meet one of these contained Devils.
"The Future Devil, correct?"
Aki looks at his fellow Devil Hunters, making sure he was at the right place.
"The one and only."
The Devil Hunters nod, though instead of their answers reassuring Hayakawa, he couldn't help but frown deeply instead.
"... Remind me, why did the Future Devil want me specifically?"
Aki was beyond suspicious to meet a Devil who requested to meet him personally.
"I have no idea, when I asked why, they just kept replying with, "Mirai Saiko", pretty annoying to be honest."
The Devil Hunters sighs with an exhausted and annoyed expression.
"I see..."
Seeing that Aki wasn't gonna get anything from asking his fellow Hunters, he might as well just ask and deal with the Devil himself.
"Are you sure you want to make a deal with this specific Devil? We could always find another one, safer to use and less threatening."
The Devil Hunters, while they were the one who brought Topknot to this area, they still expressed concerns and offered another alternative, which did make him think for a moment.
"... Open it."
However, in the end, Aki made up his mind and was ready to see what would happen next. The Devil Hunters could only sigh in response, before unlocking the door and letting him in. He just walked into the room, unsure but confident about what might happen next.
"Future Devil, I came as you requested."
Once Aki was inside and stood near the center of the room, he called out for the Devil who wanted to see him. It only took a few moments of silence before the Devil revealed himself, hopping out of the dark side of the room and standing before the Devil Hunter.
"About God damn time, I've been waiting forever for you to finally show up~"
This monstrous looking tree thing was the Future Devil, and he seemed very excited to have finally met the man he had requested.
"Just tell me what you want from me."
Aki crossed his arms, not looking impressed at all and seemed to want to get things over with already.
"Heh, aren't you eager? Well, so am I, you have no idea how long I wanted to work with you~"
The Future Devil chuckles, equally eager to be working with Hayakawa.
"But before I do, I wish to reveal some spoilers to you, I think you might find them interesting~"
Though before a deal can be made, the Future Devil wanted to have a chance to talk with Topknot first, clearly having a lot to say to the man.
This of course made Aki raise an eyebrow. Obviously, he didn't trust this Devilish Tree, especially since it was the tree who wanted to meet with him. However, seeing as it was a creature who could apparently see the future, it was hard to ignore that fact. So, he had no choice but to listen, not like he was given an option either way.
"Spoiler 1: Blood and Chainsaw will lose control~"
The Future Devil wasted no time revealing these so-called "Spoilers", and it seems that the first one had already made the Devil Hunter go wide-eyed in surprise.
"Spoiler 2: Your soon to be wife will go through a lot of suffering~"
The 2nd Spoiler that the Future Devil revealed had turned Hayakawa's surprise into shock.
"And Spoiler 3: Kobeni will be your "Death"~"
And the last Spoiler that the Future Devil revealed had turned Topknot's shock into horror.
"W-What does any of that even mean?"
Aki clearly understood none of this, yet when this Fortune Teller revealed and mentioned how his friends and, well, "Loved One", let's just say he wasn't taking any of this information very well.
"Sorry, but if I reveal any more hints for the future, Paradox will get mad at me again, hehe~"
And unfortunately, the Future Devil refused to explain any more than what he just revealed now.
"Speaking of which, that's one of my two conditions in being your new contract, keeping what I just said to you a secret~"
In fact, the Future Devil even made it part of the deal, which no doubt very much frustrated the Devil Hunter.
'So I can't even talk about what I just learned, how typical of a Devil...'
Even though this upset Aki beyond belief, so much so that he clenched his fist tightly enough to make his nails dig into his skin and cause small bleeding, he was at least glad to be told something so important now rather than later. Even if he couldn't share the information, at least he knew now and could, hopefully, plan carefully, maybe.
"Fine, and what's your 2nd condition?"
Aki sighs, deciding to worry about the information for the future later, and so he just continues on with making the contract with the Devilish Tree, who then lets out a chuckle as he reaches the young man and lifts up his chin.
"I want to live in your eye, you know, the same as in the original~"
The Future Devil 2nd request was also equally very strange, again surprising Hayakawa.
"Original, what?"
Aki just didn't know anymore with this Fortune Teller, first revealing devastating predictions, and then asking for something so simple and none harmful, he just didn't understand his motivation and what he could possibly have planned.
"Don't worry about that, just accept my two conditions, and in return, I'll let you use my powers however and whenever you want~"
Once the Future Devil made his demands final, making it very clear on what he wanted, Topknot was left momentarily quiet, as he was in deep thoughts and carefully thinking what he was getting himself in.
"... Just answer me with this one question..."
Though before Aki could make his final choice, he then looked up at the Devil of Tomorrow and wanted to ask one last question.
Which of course made the Future Devil tilt his curiosity on what the Devil Hunter might ask, even though he probably knows what that question might be.
"Will we win in the future?"
And once Aki asked his burning question to the Devilish Tree, there was a moment of strong silence between the two.
"Heh, hehe, hehehehe, hah, haha, ahahahahah, AHAHAHAHAHAHA, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!~"
Before the Future Devil started to laugh out very loudly, a horrible sound with pure sadistic, evil joy, such an unsettling sound no doubt made Hayakawa feel a bit more anxious and worried, though soon the laughter just suddenly stopped and the Fortune Teller looked at the human.
"Not without a terrible sacrifice~..."
All six of the Future Devil eyes opened and revealed such an eager expression after answering the question for Topknot, who could only also get wide eyes in response.
'A sacrifice...'
"Hey Aki, you ok?"
Aki suddenly snapped out of his memories of the Future Devil, the deal, and the information he was given. He quickly shook his head, trying to ignore it and focus on what was happening now, which was walking through the deep ends of the forest, with Himeno: The Ectonurite Hybrid, by his side, and she was also currently looking at him with such a worried eye.
"Sorry, just... Worried about the future I guess..."
Aki rubs his temples, already forming a headache with what he's been through today.
"You can always worry about the future in the future, right now, you should just focus on the now~"
Himeno quickly wrapped her arms around the Devil Hunter's arm and leaned on him, trying her best to comfort him, as well as letting him know that he shouldn't worry too much.
"You're right, you're always right."
Aki couldn't help but smile slightly at the Ghost Lady, despite what he had learned, especially about her. He just wanted to ignore it all and instead listen to and rely on the one who could make him smile and feel calm.
"I know I am~"
Himeno just gave Hayakawa a bright smile, which made him chuckle as he smiled back. With that, the two just continued to walk together without saying much more, just simply enjoying each other's company as they moved through the forest.
"Hey sorry we're late, hope we didn't keep you waiting for too long, Captain~"
Soon, Himeno and her partner arrived at the location they were supposed to be at, which was an open area at the center of the forest. Once they arrived, they met none other than Kobeni Higashiyama herself, who seemed to be waiting for them.
"It's fine, I just hope you two are ready for my training, it might be a little difficult for you both."
Kobeni gave them a welcoming yet nervous smile, no doubt glad they came to her, but also worried about what she had planned for them.
"Well I'm ready to show you what this new Himeno can do!~"
Himeno seemed hyped and ready to start, with Topknot, not as excited, but still nodding in agreement.
"Aki, did you get your new contract?"
Kobeni quickly asked if the Devil Hunter had what he needed for today's training.
"Yes... Unfortunately..."
Aki sighs, clearly not happy with the fact, but didn't explain why, which his team didn't press on, assuming it was just a "Devil being a jerk" type of thing.
"And what about your weapon?"
Kobeni noticed that Hayakawa wasn't carrying his normal sword, which he took out and showed off to them.
"I had to replace it, as, um, as it became too dangerous to use now."
Aki held the sword carefully in his hand, seeing his own reflection on the blade.
"About time, maybe now you can finally learn to live a little, and I mean that literally~"
This made Himeno happy to see, no doubt viewing this as seeing her partner wanting to live longer instead of giving his life away with the Curse Devil Contract, though what she said made Topknot frown slightly in response.
'I can't really tell Himeno I have two years left to live... Was this what Future meant about her suffering?...'
Aki tightly clenched and shook slightly at his sword, though on the blade's reflection, he was able to see the Devil of Tomorrow pop out from behind his eye; if he could smirk, he would be by now.
'It's a start~'
The Future Devil mocks, which just made the Devil Hunter glared at, luckily his negative thoughts were quickly interrupted by the Deviltrix host speaking up again.
"Alright, well, if you two are ready, we can start."
Kobeni reached her hand to her Deviltrix and started to get her transformation ready to use.
"So what are we gonna do specifically? Martial arts training? Or maybe just simply improving our overall speed and strength?"
Aki decided to ask for the specific type of training they'll be receiving.
"My training probably involves learning how to use my new body."
Himeno hums and looks at herself, still not entirely happy with her body, but she was eager to see what she could do now in this new form.
"Well, actually, it's a bit more, um, unorthodox."
Kobeni suddenly looked more nervous, well, more nervous than usual.
"How so?"
Both Aki and his partner were curious on what the shape-shifter could possibly mean by what she had in mind.
"... I want you to kill me."
Though when Kobeni finally revealed the training plans and what it was going to be, well, let's just say that both Devil Hunters were clearly not expecting it that's for sure.
"B-Before you say anything! The Deviltrix agreed to revive me after my death, so please don't worry about me staying dead, right Deviltrix?"
Of course Kobeni quickly explained herself, as well as reassuring her teammates that she would be fine even if she was killed, even having her Deviltrix confirm what she said.
"That... Still doesn't explain why you want us to kill you?..."
Though that didn't really help Aki and his partner feel any better or even understand about all this.
"Yeah, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the idea of just murdering you in cold blood, even if you can revive."
Himeno even expressed and wanted to refuse this training idea, which made Higashiyama frown and slightly clenched her fist.
"The Samurai Sword was able to kill me almost effortlessly."
Kobeni didn't hesitate to remind everyone how she was killed by Samurai Sword, aka the Katana Man who attacked them all last time.
"And I don't mean to sound rude, but if he could kill someone like me, then you both are as good as dead, even more so since you both lost your Devil Contract."
Kobeni also didn't hold back on letting her teammate know that they weren't strong enough to deal with the threat, especially since they lost their previous weapons or Devil Contract.
"Oof, our Captain just called us weak."
Himeno, even Hayakawa, didn't really know how to respond to having someone like their usual meek and sad team leader calling them basically useless.
"I-I'm sorry, but as your leader, you both are my responsibility and it's my job to make sure you two are strong enough to fight with me."
Which Kobeni apologized for insulting them, but she only said those things because she worried about said team.
"Seeing one you die because of my failure was... It was... I-I just don't want you both to die because of me..."
Kobeni clearly cared so much about her team that she even started to cry. The idea of seeing them die was too much for her to handle. Her crying wasn't anything new for Topknot and Phantom Woman, but that didn't mean it made them feel better about it. Especially since they knew the context for why she was crying, both Devil Hunters looked at each other and sighed, as if knowing what to do to make her stop.
"... Alright then, we'll try to kill you, so you better not hold back."
Aki held and aimed his sword at the Deviltrix host, which caught her attention and made her stop crying.
Kobeni wipes her tears away and is surprised to see one of them accept her training method.
"Yeah, but after we kill you, you better treat us to something nice, maybe taking me to a fancy bar would be a start~"
Himeno also seemed to agree, getting in a fighting stance that involves having her claws out and being ready to use, though she requested for a drink after this training session was over.
"You can just buy me a new pack of cigarettes."
As for Aki, he just wants another pack of cigarettes as a reward.
"Heh, beers and cigarettes, you got it~"
This just made Kobeni giggled as she placed her hand on her Deviltrix, finding the alien she wanted and was finally prepared to get everything started.
"You ready?"
"Bring It!"
As soon as Kobeni confirmed that both Aki and Himeno were officially ready to continue, she pressed down her Deviltrix and in a bright flash of light, she began to transform. What was once human was now replaced with a phantom, ghost-like alien, with black skin flaps with white line designs, which allowed her red eye to travel through said lines. Of course, she was equipped with two sharp claws, which could no doubt cut and slice anything it touched.
Once Kobeni, now known as Sadako, had finally transformed, both Hayakawa and the Ectonurite Hybrid were about to move in and start their training. However, in almost an instant, the Phantom Higashiyama had already appeared before the two, grabbing both of their faces before slamming their heads down on the ground. It was obviously not enough to cause any real damage, but it was still rough and forceful.
"Sorrrrry for that, but IIIII just wanted to shooooow you how hard thisssss will be."
Sadako gave a quick apology to her teammates before letting go and disappearing, leaving the two laying on the ground. Again, they were left unharmed, but being defeated so easily, and so quickly, well, it was definitely a reality check for them for how weak they were now.
"Y-Yup, just reminded why she's our Captain..."
Himeno groans, and with that, their harsh training with their Captain had just officially begun, and for the rest of the entire week, both will experience true hardship and horror.
Day 1: They couldn't even move from their spots without being put down on the ground.
Day 2: They were able to at least move and dodge from Sadako's first attack, but the next one resulted in the same fate of being put down on the ground.
Day 3: Things were starting to change. Aki had finally gotten used to his new Devil Contract, which allowed him to see a few seconds into the future. This gave him the advantage to prepare and act accordingly, lasting more than 1 or 2 attacks. It was almost a fight, unfortunately, with Sadako's superior speed and strength, the fight never lasted long. As for the fellow Himeno, well, she was also starting to learn how to use her powers, like how to fly or even turn intangible. Unfortunately, being very new to her body and its abilities, she had absolutely no control over it. It even resulted in her flying head first into a tree. Though instead of crashing into the wood, she just phased into it and got stuck within said tree. The rest of her day was spent learning how to get out of her wooden prison.
Day 4: Himeno decided to spend most of her time learning how to control her powers. She wouldn't try to fight Sadako every once in a while, but she needed to learn more about herself before she could even join up with Aki in the training. Speaking of which, Topknot had to fight the Deviltrix all on his own. Luckily, he improved a lot since last time. The fight was still short, but now he was actually able to deliver his first real damage. This definitely startled the Ghostly Kobeni when she received a large cut across her chest. Apparently, it seems that his new sword was able to touch and even harm ghost-like enemies. This was a very fitting weapon for a very fitting opponent.
Day 5: Himeno felt more confident in fighting today as she now had more control over her own body and powers after having a whole day of learning about herself. Of course, she wasn't a master at it yet, but at least she was now able to stand by Aki's side when facing Sadako. With the two facing their opponent at the same time, they were able to get their hits in finally, though it wasn't a lot of damage. The Ghost Lady was only able to land a few punches, and the Devil Hunter only managed to give simple cuts instead of another large gash. At least now they were able to have a real fight with the Phantom Higashiyama.
Day 6: By this time, both Aki and Himeno were starting to become a real threat to Sadako. After 6 days of almost non-stop training, from early morning to late at night, with only breaks for meals or when the Deviltrix needed to recharge, they had a lot of time to improve. The Phantom Woman was getting better with her powers each day. She could fly as well as she could run and could even turn intangible without trouble. As for Hayakawa, he had mastered both his future vision and his sword, using them with such efficiency and skill that, despite his lack of power and speed, he made up for it with his fighting skills and ability to harm their opponent. What were once simple punches and cuts had turned into the Deviltrix host losing an entire arm, a definite improvement since day 1.
Day 7: This is when everything changes.
"I think we should just call it."
Kobeni stood before both of her teammates, watching them on their knees, panting and sweating profusely, not to mention covered in dirt, cuts, and bruises. It was clear that today's training had been especially hard on them.
"You two improved so much, there's no reason to continue our training."
Kobeni was considering just ending it, as she felt more confident and reassured that her team would be able to survive, no longer doubting their abilities and was even proud that they had gotten so strong in such a short amount of time.
"S-Sounds like someone is starting to get scared of being killed by us~"
Though it seems Himeno and her partner didn't seem satisfied with what their leader just said, as the two started to slowly get back up to their feet.
"O-One more round, just one more..."
Despite both Aki and his partner being very exhausted and hurt from today's training, they were still willing to fight again. It seems that they were too stubborn to give up now after getting as far as they could. This made Higashiyama frown slightly, as she thought it was unnecessary to push past their limits.
"... OK, just one more, and after that, your training will finally be complete."
But Kobeni couldn't but sigh in defeat, not really having the heart to say no to them, though she did make it very clear that this would be the last fight they will ever have.
As the Deviltrix host was getting ready to transform for the last time, Aki quickly whispered to her partner.
"Yeah Aki?"
Which Himeno listened closely to what he had to say to her.
"Let's try working together this time."
Aki gave his partner a reassuring and confident smirk, which only made the Ectonurite Hybrid smile eagerly in response.
"You got it, partner~"
It seems that Himeno knew what her partner had planned for them, and she was all for it. Once the two understood each other's intentions, Kobeni had transformed back into Sadako again.
"Prepare yourssssself."
Was all Sadako had to do before flying towards the two, being the first one to start the fight and was about to deliver a right hook punch.
"She's going for a kick!"
"Wait what?"
Though what Aki said immediately confused Sadako and made her pause in what she was doing, he didn't hesitate to take advantage of this momentary distraction and slash the stomach area of Ghost Kobeni, causing her pain and forcing her to fly back before disappearing.
"Nope, don't you think about it!~"
However, Himeno refused to let the Phantom Higashiyama go invisible and hide away. Stepping forward, she shot out her striped tendril hair, managing to catch her disappearing opponent. Since they were both ghost-like girls, the Deviltrix host was unable to phase away, which allowed Ghostly Lady to swing and smash her opponent into trees and down to the ground without fear of her escaping. However, she didn't keep her hold for long, as when she was pinned down to the ground, the Ghost Kobeni was able to release two of her own tendrils, phasing them down to the ground and appearing under the Phantom Woman. Wrapping around her feet, she forced her to trip. The fall broke her focus and loosened her grip on her opponent enough to free her arms and use her claws to cut herself free and disappear again.
"Ow damn it, worst haircut ever!"
Himeno winces in pain and annoyance as she holds her head/hair in discomfort after receiving such a nasty cut to her tendrils. Though as she was trying to recover and regenerate her lost hair, Topknot suddenly stood before her and started swinging his sword around. At first, it just looks like he's swinging at nothing, but with each swipe of his blade, a tendril piece would appear and fall to the ground.
"Go, now."
Aki whispers to his partner as he defends himself against the invisible onslaught of tendrils. The Ectonurite Hybrid nods before disappearing. A few moments later, all the invisible tendrils not only stop but reappear before the Devil Hunter.
"Sorry about this Captain!"
Himeno had also appeared again, this time seen holding back Phantom Higashiyama with one arm, while using her free hand to shove her claws through her back and out her chest, though that didn't end there as Hayakawa jumped towards his opponent and thrust his sword through her chest and out her back.
No doubt very painful for Sadako, but she was able to bear with it as she then reached out and grabbed both of the faces of her teammates and then threw them away from herself, making them crash into trees. Luckily, it wasn't enough to shatter their backs, but it did knock the breath and spit out of them.
"Training is overrrrr!"
Sadako, now frustrated and wanting to end the training, grabbed her suit jacket and shirt before ripping them open, releasing and sending out a ton of her tendrils, all at once, using her many tendrils to finally catch and hold them tightly. She lets out a sigh, thinking she had won again against them.
"Heh, hey Kobeni."
Though before the Deviltrix host could end it officially, Himeno suddenly spoke up and caught her attention.
"Wanna see a new trick I learned in secret?~"
Himeno looked up at the Ghostly Kobeni with a very wide and mischievous smirk, which confused her before she let out a loud grunt in pain, as the sword that was stuck into her chest suddenly glowed in purple energy and then pulled out and away from her body, as it then flew around and cut off all the tendrils all at once.
"Now your chance Aki!"
Once freed, the Phantom Higashiyama was able to realize that it was Himeno who was responsible for making the sword float around and land in Topknot's hands. Who wasted no time charging forward, no doubt planning to deliver a fatal swing to his opponent. She was about to try and disappear again.
But like last time, the Deviltrix host was stopped again by the Ghost Lady, this time opening up her own shirt and stomach to release a large amount of tendrils to catch and hold her still, which not only prevented her from escaping, but also left her unable to defend herself once Aki got close to her.
Sadako went eye wide as the last thing she saw was the Devil Hunter thrusting his sword right towards her head and then, everything went black...
With training finally over, Kobeni had kept her promise and took both Aki and Himeno to a very fancy bar, which allowed smoking. All three held large mugs, two of which were strong alcohol and one was normal beer. Glasses clinked before all drinks, as if it was some kind of special occasion.
Himeno was the only one to drink the entire mug in one go, seemingly already drunk from one glass.
"Drinking after finally winning against your Captain makes it taste all the better!~"
Himeno giggles as she gestures to the waiter to bring more alcohol. The waiter looks disgusted when told what to do by the Ectonurite Hybrid, but has no choice but to listen and comply.
"Sorry for killing you, I honestly didn't think our plan would work."
Aki, while lighting up a fresh cigarette from his new pack, quickly apologized for what he did to Higashiyama.
"It's fine, I'm just glad how strong you two have become~"
Kobeni meant what she said, wearing a very relieved smile on her face, no doubt thankful to have them become stronger than before, hoping now she could be worry-free about their safety if attacked again.
"Heeeyyyyy Captain, I bet we can totally beat up the rest of your other creatures nooowwww~"
Himeno drunkenly teased and challenged the Deviltrix host, as she grabbed her new mug of alcohol and started chugging it.
"Um... Himeno?"
"Huh? What?"
Himeno stopped drinking when she realized Aki was calling her out, which confused her at first, especially when she saw him pointing down at her, though when she looked, she saw all the alcohol that she had just finished drinking was currently spilling out in between her skin lines.
"Ahhhhh damn it, I guess I put in my guts wrong..."
Himeno groans in annoyance as she sees all of her alcohol go to waste as it continues to spill out of her body, she then stands up, stumbles a bit, and starts walking off.
"I'll be in the bathroom, be sure to save my beer until then!"
Himeno had left the table and went towards the bathroom, scaring a lot of citizens along the way, leaving both Higashiyama and Hayakawa by themselves together.
"Do you mind if I ask you a question?"
Aki, after having a puff of her cigarette, started to speak with the Deviltrix host.
"What is it, Aki?"
Which of course Kobeni replied back to Topknot.
"Why didn't you use your telekinesis on us? I thought you wouldn't hold back against us during our training?"
Aki couldn't help but slightly narrow his eyes at the shape-shifter, even though he and his partner won the fight, he couldn't help but feel cheated.
"It's because Sadako can't use telekinesis, or at least, I don't think I learned how to yet."
But to the Devil Hunter surprise, Kobeni mentioned how she didn't hold back, as she was equally surprised that Himeno was able to use telekinesis.
Aki was now confused, not understanding how someone like Higashiyama could not know more about her Ectonurite transformation than Himeno.
"Do you know how she learned it? I would also like to know how to use it."
Though this fact only made Kobeni curious, as she now wants to learn more about Himeno abilities and if she could do the same.
"She just told me that it came to her one day, as if her body just knew how to do it, as if she always had it."
However it seems Aki had no clue about how Himeno learned her new powers, which honestly made him more suspicious about it.
"Huh, it must be because of her new body."
Kobeni unfortunately didn't notice anything wrong with it, as she just assumed it was another side effect of Himeno's new body.
'Hehehe, she isn't wrong~...'
Which the Future Devil in Aki's completely agreed with, which made Hayakawa frown and clenched his fist, now having a very bad feeling about all this.
"Ugh, I hope I can learn how to fix my organs soon..."
Meanwhile, in the public bathroom, with only Himeno inside, she was standing before a sink and using the running water to clean her face.
"I would hate to have everything I eat or drink to just fall out of me..."
Once Himeno turned off the water and dried herself with the towel, she then grabbed her eyepatch, which she had removed so it wouldn't get wet when cleaning herself, and was about to put it back on, but before she did, she looked at the mirror and saw her reflection, more specifically, she saw the reflection of a glowing pink eye, where her empty eye socket was supposed to be.
This no doubt startled and freaked Himeno enough to make her stumble and fall. She shook and stared at the mirror with wide eye, panting and trying to calm herself from such an unexpected fright. After she relaxed and slowed down her breathing, she stood back up and looked at the mirror again. This time, the pink eye was gone, and her empty eye socket was empty again.
"... I must just be drunk..."
Himeno decided to just ignore what she saw, thinking it was nothing and was just the crazy imagination of her being drunk.
"Maybe having the beer spill out of me was actually a good thing... Doesn't mean I'll stop drinking though..."
Himeno quickly put on her eyepatch and wasted no time leaving the bathroom, hoping to forget what she saw and just hope she can have a nice time with her team, all while praying the alcohol and food won't spill out this time...
'Hehehe, one step closer to freedom~...'
Yes yes yes, it's what you think it is when involving Himeno and the Future Devil, hehe, we'll just see what happens next~
(BTW here's a list Himeno new abilities, let me know if i missed anything)
/Himeno Abilities\
Superman Physical Ability: Faster, stronger, senses, all that jazz.
Moving her eye: Just as it sounds, she could move her eye around her body through the lines on her body.
Ghost Powers: Invisibility, intangible, possession and all that.
Regeneration: She can heal from almost anything, but not when the lights are out.
Night Empowered: She's not exactly weak to light, but she would be stronger when there's no light.
Telekinesis: move stuff with her mind.
Energy Blasts: She can shoot energy blast from her hands or when she opens up her stomach, the power depends if she's in darkness or not, and using too much would make her tired.
Ectonurite Slaves: Basically can make any human or animal, that is weaker than her, turn into Ectonurite and become her Slaves.
(And that's all I can remember or see, BTW she hasn't learned most of this stuff yet, but she will soon in the future)
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