The End Of Endless



Deep within the pits of the Eternity Devil, full-on brutality and carnage can be seen being made by Kobeni Higashiyama herself, specifically in her transformation called "Namazu", an angler fish mermaid alien monster form that comes with a lot of features for her, increased speed and strength to help her either dodge or defend against the onslaught of the Eternity Devil's attacks, having razor-sharp claws on both her webbed hands and feet for quick counterattacks and inflicting light but numerous injuries onto her enemy, and lastly, but also her most major ability she has to offer, she has the most powerful pair of jaws that no one on Earth, no human or animal, could ever match, along with all of her large pointed fangs, and she uses this to do some very serious damage, which is why she was using it against the Eternity Devil itself. Whenever she got the chance to get in close, she would grab as much flesh and bone as she could get in her mouth and rip it all out without hesitation, which only adds to the pain and agony for the enemy. All these abilities that came with this transformation were beyond helpful for the Mermaid Kobeni, and are the main reasons she was able to both survive for so long and give the Eternity Devil a hard time; she was unstoppable from how she handled the situation.


Unfortunately, such a thing couldn't last long, as the Deviltrix revealed. The Collared Creature was beginning to dry up and struggle to breathe, resulting in degrading strength, decreased speed, and weakening bite force. She became increasingly less powerful until eventually she was hit hard and pinned against the flesh walls of the Eternity Devil.

"I-I finally caught you bitch..."

The Eternity Devil sounded both relieved, from being able to stop the Mermaid Kobeni from hurting it, and very pissed, from how she was able to hurt it at all in the first place.

"I am glad you refused the contract."

After capturing the transformed Higashiyama, the Eternity Devil couldn't help but start mocking her, as sadistic bloodlust filled its multiple voices and faces.

"Because I would've passed up on the opportunity of eating you~"

Though just as soon as the Eternity Devil said this, with its many endless mouths starting to reach for the Collared Creature, with the obvious intention of eating and ripping her apart alive.


The Eternity Devil was immediately interrupted by the yells of Denji, who not only jumped into the pit of Eternity, but also pulled his strings and transformed into his Infamous Chainsaw Man, once on this form, he did not hesitate to start swinging all of his spinning blades around, slicing and cutting in deeply into the never ending flesh of the Eternity Devil.


But Denji wasn't alone with fighting against the Eternity Devil, as Power herself also jumped into the pit with him, just as bloodlusted and angry with the Devil, as she summons two large mace in both hands and slammed them both down upon the ground of Eternity, allowing the huge spikes from the weapon to stab deeply within it's flesh, which only adds onto the agony that the Eternity Devil felt from these two newcomers, so much pain that it momentarily forgot about the Mermaid Kobeni, dropping her so that it could deal with the two new Devils.

'D-Denji? P-Power?...'

Namazu was both surprised, yet slightly glad to receive their help, and she wanted to both thank and help out in the fight as well, but before she could do or say anything, she immediately gasps and grabs her own throat, as breathing was becoming much more difficult as well as feeling her fish skin beginning to dry up quickly.

'I-I can't b-breathe! I-I n-need water!'

Before Namazu could panic more about her situation, she glanced at the flesh ground underneath herself and noticed a cut on the body of the Eternity Devil, which had blood seeping out of it, this made her grimace and whine slightly, as if she knew what she needed to and how unhappy it would make her, but with little choice in the matter, she went for it, opening her jaws widely and takes a deep bite into the flesh, her large sharp fangs digging in greatly, as she then, with a bit weak struggle, ripped out the big chunk of meat.


This only caused it more suffering for the Eternity Devil that it was already experiencing, as pools of blood began to fill the hole that was made into its body thanks to the Transformed Higashiyama, which she then dips her head into it and took a deep breath of it, this simple action of using blood to both breathe and hydrate herself was just the boost she needed, and once she was fully recovered, she did not hesitate to get back into the fight, joining both the Hybrid and the Fiend in causing the most amount of carnage and damage to the Eternity Devil.

"Well, don't I just feel bad, just sitting here and watching them fight out there without helping them at all."

Though Namazu kept biting, Denji kept slashing and Power kept bashing, back up above in one of the rooms, both Himeno and Aki Hayakawa could be seen looking down below and just watching the brutal fight taking place in the pits of Eternity.

"We can't regenerate like a Devil can, nor are our abilities particularly useful in this situation like the Captain."

Aki didn't seem to bother, unlike his partner, as he understood and casually accepted that they were basically useless at this moment.

"I mean, unlike your Fox Devil, I can still use my Ghost Devil, but I can't really do as much as those three down there."

Himeno still sighs in slight guilt in not being able to help, resting her head on her partner's shoulders while pouting a bit.

"I guess we'll just have to make it up to them later once this job is over."

Aki just shrugs in response and lets her do what she was doing.

"I have a few ideas then."

Himeno then reached into her pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, pulling two out of the small box, placing one of them in between her lips.

"Smoke break?"

All the while Himeno offers the 2nd cigarette to Hayakawa, which he politely accepts.

"Thank you."

And with that, both Aki and his eyepatch lady friend had themselves a little smoke break, lighting up their cigarettes and just continued to enjoy the bloody show that was happening down in the pit with three crazy Devil Hunters in it.

"H-Here's my heart..."

A show of endless biting, slashing, and bashing caused torturous pain and agony that lasted for a few days. On the last day of suffering, the once evil and sadistic Eternity Devil was nothing more than a broken and ruined pile of flesh, wanting it all to end. It offered its heart to the trio that caused it so much hurt.

"J-Just stop the torture, p-please..."

When the Eternity Devil offered a chance to be put down for good, the Devil Human did not hesitate to go for it, raising his chainsaw and was about to cut it into bits and pieces. However, before he could do so, he was quickly stopped by the Blood Devil herself.


Power was trying to hold back the arm that had the chainsaw, all the while complaining that she should be the one to end the enemy.


Of course Denji refused such a thing and was currently trying to shove the horned blonde off of his body, all the while claiming he deserves the kill more than her.







Namazu could only sigh in complete exhaustion at seeing Power and Denji once again fight and argue with one another. Not wanting to deal with this anymore, she tiredly walks up to the Eternity Devil heart, quickly bites it, eats the whole thing, and finally kills it once and for all. The living flesh dies as the hallway goes back to normal, causing everyone to fall over from the correction of gravity.


And once all is said and done, the Deviltrix flashes red and returns Namazu back into Higashiyama, who just groans as she lays on the ground.

"L-Let's just go home already..."

Was all Kobeni could say, before slamming her own face to the ground and instantly unconscious, which the Hybrid and Fiend watched happen.

"... I claim to carry the Queen."

"No! I do!"

Which only sparked a new kind of argument between Power and Denji, though as that was going on, Himeno, who stumbled out of the room and rubbing her aching head, no doubt caused by everything returning back to normal, looked at and noticed the dead Eternity Devil, the unconscious Deviltrix host and the two Devil that were fighting for the right to carry their Queen.

"Oh, I guess they're done."
I guess to clear up something, the Deviltrix is not a prototype, it has everything that the official Omnitrix would have, plus a little extra, of course certain things are locked from her by Azmuth, but she'll get it eventually, BTW! I like to consider myself as a Ben 10 fan, but are there any special features I'm missing, or maybe I could include for the Deviltrix?

(I wish to share my basic plans I have for this story, would love to hear your opinion about them~)

/Arc Ideas\

Arc 1: Most of the Chainsaw Man story, all the way to the Darkness Devil moment.

Arc 2: Mixing some Alien Force Highbreed story with some Ben 10 Classic, and a hint of road trips to visit Kobeni family.

Arc 3: More Ben 10 stuff, Kobeni becomes world famous, adventures with Gun Devil Aki and Magical stuff like Charmcaster, Hex and Anodite.

Arc 4: All new types of Alien Invasion and new threats from Devils.

Arc 5: Denji X Kobeni and maybe X Power? Plus Zs'Skayr stuff.

Arc 6: Aggregor and something to replace Kevin mutations related to Power and Meowy 11.

Arc 7: Dagon and Falling Devil.

Arc 8: Evil Makima and her sisters, and Jujutsu Kaisen, plus Malware and Alpha.

Arc 9: Alien X trials and higher levels stuff with Paradox and Eon and Darkness Devil.

Arc 10: Vilgax/Multiverse/Ending.

(I will let you know that these are just ideas maybe, but I'm open to suggestions on what i should change, include or take away some Arcs here and there, but hopefully you could probably get the pictures of what I have planned)

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