Tears Always Need To Be Shed



In a random hospital room, the Chainsaw Man, aka Denji, could be seen slowly waking up on the bed, fully recovered and had no lasting injuries unlike before, once he was longer unconscious, he was able to start slowly sitting back up, though with slight struggle and trouble, no doubt still feeling a bit sore and uneasy from being cut in half, as well as probably having a headache from when he got shot in the head.

"Hey, are you ok?"

Though as he tried to recover and regain all sense and control over his own body, he suddenly tensed up when he heard a familiar voice speak to him, when he opened his eyes fully and looked at the one who was talking to him, to say he was shocked at who he saw would be a understatement, because who he just saw now, was none other than Kobeni Higashiyama herself.


Denji was doing everything to understand why he was seeing Higashiyama in front of him, alive and well no less.

"Yeah, I guess I am."

Kobeni also seemed confused, even though she already accepted the fact that she was alive, it was still something new and unexpected for her.

"B-But, how, I saw you get your head cut off by that Sword Fucker!"

Denji could still remember seeing the Deviltrix host having her whole head removed from her shoulder by the Katana Man, having those memories burned fresh in his mind, it made his heart be filled with rage and hate, for both letting it happen, and how he couldn't do anything about it.

"Apparently the Deviltrix can do more than transform me into different creatures."

As Kobeni explained how she was alive, she decided to comfort and calm her partner, noticing his feelings and just pat his back in response as she sat next to him.

"You could even say it made me somewhat Immortal, just like you, though I don't know how to feel about that in all honesty."

Kobeni lets out a small hum, as she starts to think about this deeply now and what it could mean, though as she does so, the Chainsaw Man, after just fully accepting this as fact, lets out a sigh of relief.

'S-She's alive, Kobeni is alive, thank god...'

Denji clenched his chest, letting the small ache in his heart go away, and let the fast beating return into something more steady and relaxed. Once he felt more comfortable, a smile couldn't help but show up on his lips.

'I had no idea what I would have done if she had actually died on me like that...'

Though Denji had finally calmed and felt more reassured with his crush still being alive, he couldn't help but notice some intestines still connected and hanging outside of his stomach, which immediately confused him. Before he could say anything about it, they quickly went back inside his body and healed up, as if nothing had happened.

'The fuck was that?'

Denji's confusion definitely caught the love of his life's attention.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

Kobeni tilted her head and looked at the Hybrid with a curious yet concerned expression, which quickly snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Y-Yeah! Yeah, just, you know, recovering from being cut up and shit, the usual crap we go through I guess."

Denji clears his throat, trying to change the subject and make Higashiyama not worry about him so much.

"That just makes me upset to know that this isn't the first time, and how it won't be the last..."

Though what he said only made Kobeni sigh with a sad impression, clearly not too happy how normalized something so horrible was, something the blonde couldn't help but agree with.

"Hey? Where's Power, Aki, and Himeno?"

After a moment of depressing silence, Denji decided to ask a question that made the Deviltrix host tense up.


Kobeni seemed to be struggling on how to answer her partner's question, which he raised an eyebrow in response.

"Power, after she healed up and saw me that I was alive, her reaction was kind of similar to yours, though a bit more dramatic in all honesty."

Kobeni started answering the Chainsaw Man question by bringing up her teammate Power first.

"I can imagine that."

And from what she said so far, Denji was able to believe and even imagine Power acting in such a way.

"Yeah, she was even declaring herself to be my sole protector and guardian, to make sure that I don't die again, though I was able to distract her with Meowy before she could do anything extreme."

Kobeni sighs tiredly, as she remembered very clearly of how Power was acting around her, and how if she hadn't had Meowy, she probably would've been followed everywhere by the Blood Devil without being convinced otherwise.

'Damn it, she said it first before I could, now it won't sound as cool when I do it...'

Though the only reason that Denji was upset about it was because he wasn't the one to say it first, and how if he did it now it wouldn't be as cool, and would even make himself look like a loser, something he can't accept while around the Collared Lady.

"As for Aki, well, he is still recovering from his injuries, but he should be waking up by now, we could visit him together if you like?"

Kobeni sounded more tense when she talked about Aki Hayakawa, again something the Hybrid noticed.

"Nah, I'm not that close to that asshole yet, but you can say hi for me if you want."

But Denji, while not really hating Aki, didn't really care about him that much, so he didn't bother to worry about it too much.

"I'll let him know that, yeah."

Kobeni could only nod in response.

"What about Himeno?"

Though Denji didn't have much of a connection to Aki, Himeno did come to his mind and was now curious on what happened to her.


But when Denji asked this, the tensed face he noticed on Higashiyama's face, had turned into something more depressing.

"She's... She's no longer with us..."

And when Kobeni finally said why she felt that way, the blonde was able to completely understand why she acted in such a way.

"Oh... Wow..."

The answer that Denji was given, well, to say he didn't get upset about it would be a lie, looking away from the Deviltrix host and just took a moment to process what he was just told.

"That... That actually kind of sucks..."

The more that he realizes that Himeno was actually dead, the more that Denji's memories of his fallen Devil Hunter began to repay in his head.

'I don't know if this will mean anything to you, but I promise that I won't die or become a body part of yours.'

Specifically the memories of Himeno promising and comforting the Chainsaw Man about how she would be his friend and won't die on him.

"Guess she couldn't keep her promise in the end..."

Denji lets out a deep and disappointed sigh, while he wasn't as close to Himeno as he was with the Collared Lady, it still brought him in a bad mood and frowned deeply because of it.

"Makima offered us a few days to rest and recover, so if you want to continue to be in the hospital to heal, or go back home to relax, you can."

Kobeni saw this and quickly tried to change subjects, bringing up something that she would hope would make him feel better.

"Vacation days, sweet."

Which did work a little, as Denji did like the idea of slacking off and relaxing, though it didn't completely erase the fact that someone he liked was still dead.

"It's always nice to have days off, yeah."

But Kobeni knew that it was better than nothing and it was a start of recovery, so she didn't press too hard and rush things with the Hybrid.

"I'll be ready by the time you finish talking with Aki, and we can go home together, sounds cool?"

Denji then started to stretch, trying to find the motivation to get out of bed, as well thinking about what he should do now once he leaves the hospital with Higashiyama.

"Mhm, I'll see you till then."

Kobeni just accepted the arrangement and said nothing more about it. She gave her simple goodbye before leaving the room and giving Denji a chance to be alone to do what he needed to do before leaving. Though once he was alone, he couldn't help but be in deep thoughts and think deeply about something he just couldn't get out of his head that made him feel "Uncertain".

'... We're both Immortal... Why does that sound so lonely yet so comforting?...'

Meanwhile, back with the Deviltrix host, after leaving Denji, she started to walk towards her next teammate's room to visit, specifically visiting Aki. With each step she took, her heart grew heavier, and guilt consumed her mind even more. This feeling only worsened when she stood in front of the door, hearing light sobbing from behind.

'Oh Aki...'

Kobeni couldn't help but also let tears fall from her own eyes as well when she heard this, but as Aki's leader and Captain of her Division, she forced herself to put on a brave face for him, so after a moment to calm herself and to wipe away her tears, she walked in the room.

"Aki? Are you alright?..."

Though Kobeni's effort was basically for nothing when she saw such a broken hearted Aki just staring at the eyepatch with tears filled eyes.

"... I-It's funny isn't it?..."

Even more so when Aki started to speak to his Captain with an empty tone that made her flinch.

"W-What is?"

Kobeni tried to avoid eye contact with Hayakawa, as if she couldn't bear the sight of such a broken man without breaking herself.

"How someone like you, Denji and Power can still be alive."

Though what Aki said next was enough to make the Collared Lady crack.

"Yet someone like Himeno is the only one to actually stay dead."

Aki clenched the eyepatch in his hand, as if struggling to even speak without unleashing everything that he felt all at once.

"Life can truly be unfair..."

But Aki just let out a breath of defeat and stopped clenching the Eyepatch he was holding, a moment of silence then fell around everyone when he stopped talking.

"Do you actually miss her?"

Kobeni, after taking a second to take in what Topknot just said to her, asked a question that she would soon deeply regret asking.

"... I do..."

More tears then started to fall down Aki's cheeks.

"It's stupid that I miss her though, we're both Devil Hunters, we knew what we signed up for, we knew that it was a bad idea to get close, and how much it would hurt."

Aki's entire body started to shake, as her teeth clenched tightly and her fist started squeezing itself again.

"B-But I couldn't help myself, I knew the risk, yet I still did it anyway, I still got close to her even though I shouldn't have."

Aki wanted to scream, wanted to yell, wanted to blame someone, anyone, blame the Ghost Devil that actually killed Himeno, blame the people that attacked them, blame Higashiyama for letting herself get killed, blame Denji and Power for doing less than they could, and then, blaming himself for being able to do nothing, he so badly wanted to hate and get mad at someone, anyone.

"And because of that... I lost her... The same way I lost my family..."

Yet, Aki couldn't do that, whether or not his hate, anger and sadness was justified, he just couldn't let himself be like that, become what he knew Himeno wouldn't like to see.

"A-And it h-hurts just a-as m-much..."

So, all that Aki was able to do in the end, was just continue to let out more tears and quiet sobbing, with the Deviltrix host getting next to him, hugging him and just started crying with him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Was the only thing that Kobeni could given to her broken teammate, her broken friend, she never felt so helpless and useless, as all she could even give was empty words of comfort, she didn't know what to do, she wanted to do something, anything, to help Hayakawa, yet she couldn't, she couldn't do a damn thing for her sad friend, to fix what was unfixable, to heal what couldn't be healed, and unbreak what was already broken, like, it wasn't like she could just simply revive those who just died-


Topknot got startled when a crying Kobeni suddenly turned into someone acting more seriously and demanding.



Though Aki wasn't given a chance to ask what was happening before Kobeni reached and took away the eyepatch from his hand.

"Deviltrix! Scan To See If There's Any Leftover DNA From Himeno!"

Once Kobeni got what she needed, she then held the eyepatch in front of the Deviltrix and allowed it to scan it, her friend was so confused.


The Deviltrix had finished scanning and gave its analysis and report to its host, which just continues to add on to the confusion for Hayakawa.

"Kobeni, what are you-"

"Can You Revive Her Like How You Did Meowy?!"

But just as Aki was about to ask what was happening, and probably get mad from whatever was happening, the moment when Kobeni said "Revive Her", to say he was surprised would be under-selling his true feelings on the matter.


So Hayakawa said nothing more and watched the Deviltrix speak with its host, and how whether or not it was possible to bring back Himeno.

"Please! Do Whatever You Can To Save Her!"

Kobeni begged to try either way, very much hoping that what she was asking was even possible.


With nothing more to say, the Deviltrix just did what it was told. It then shoots a powerful beam of energy at the eyepatch. The light was so bright and intense that both Devil Hunters had to shield their eyes, though that didn't stop them from looking and witnessing the eyepatch suddenly start floating in the air. Whatever DNA was left on the piece of fabric started to grow out like a plant growing under the sun, but instead of stems and roots, it was veins, bones, muscle, blood, skin, nerves, skin, and more. Definitely a horrifying sight to behold for anyone who was watching a body be formed right before their eyes, though luckily it didn't last long because under a minute later, what was once a simple eyepatch was now being worn again by its wearer, Himeno.


Though as the Deviltrix just mentioned, Himeno was more different than she was before, what was once a normal human woman, was now a Hybrid between human and a species called a "Ectonurite", evidence by her gray loose skin, sharp claws at her fingertips, and hair made from black and white tendrils, it was very clear that she was not the same as she used to be.

"Thank you, Deviltrix, thank you so much."

But Kobeni was still thankful that Himeno could be saved at all, and while she wasn't fully human like before, she knew that she wasn't back as a monster or some kind of evil mutation. So far, all she was, was someone who was confused to be alive again.

"... Y-You're welcome Miss Kobeni, recharge time will be 30 min..."

Deviltrix, after feeling embarrassed again to be thanked by its user again, quickly powered off and allowed itself to recharge.


Aki, once able to process the fact that Himeno was once again alive, quickly got out of his bed and rushed towards her, Higashiyama didn't stop him, even though she knew he was injured and should be resting, she did not want to take this moment away from him.

"Were you actually crying for me?..."

Himeno, could only be confused and shocked, looking at herself in complete disbelief in what happened to her body, as well as then Hayakawa suddenly got in front of her and hugged her very tightly, which definitely made her blush brightly in embarrassment, to both be hugged by him and realizing that she was completely naked, though not only that, she also couldn't help but noticed tears coming out of his eyes, which she asked about.


Which Aki was not ashamed to admit, which made Himeno gasps, before suddenly letting out her own tears from her eye, quickly hugging him back and begin to cry with him, both relieved to not only see each other, but to see how much they really mean for each other, something that made Kobeni both tear up yet smile to see.

"Yes I was..."
To be honest, the only reason I even revived Himeno was because of her Ghost Devil, if she had any other Devil, I probably would just ignored her, though once I realized her relationship with Ghost, I already had plans for her, you can probably assume what they are, BTW, unlike Kobeni and Denji, I have no reason to hold back with Aki X Himeno, so expect some romantic moment between them~

(Aki needs a new arm in the future, so here's some fun ideas~)

/New Arm For Aki\

Golem Arm: After somewhat fusing with an arm from a magical Golem, Aki now has the ability to either summon Golems, or even give the Fox Devil extra boost in strength and durability by fusing her with said Golem.

Charms Of Bezel Arm: Aki would be given a new arm with 5 Charms, each one with unique abilities, 1: Charm of Revival, 2: Charm of Luck, 3: Charm of Elements, 4: Charm of Teleportation, and 5: Charm of Telekinesis, in the classic series they were different, but I felt like some could be better so I hope you don't mind the change.

Anodite Arm: A gift from Sunny, now Aki has basic abilities similar to Gwen and an Anodite, though obviously not as strong as them, unless he fully transformed into a Anodite.

(Extra Info: I have decided that Makima Ben 10 Classic Pet will be Kevin, because Ben never got the Omnitrix, so they never met Kevin, which means Kevin and Gwen never became a thing, so on so forth~)

/Himeno New Body\

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