Swords, Chainsaws And Raptors
"As for me and Denji, we'll take care of the person who ruined our breakfast..."
In the elevator that was currently going to the top floor of the building, Kobeni Higashima and Denji, the Chainsaw Man, could be seen standing next to one another, just waiting for the elevator to reach its destination and start the mission they were here for.
"... Are you sure you want to do this?"
Though as the two waited, Denji decided to break the silence and speak with Higashiyama, who glanced at him and listened to what he had to say.
"I mean, I trained really hard to be a badass, and I think I am awesome enough to capture the Samurai Sword guy."
The more that Denji tried to speak, the more obvious it was for the Deviltrix host to see that he was nervous and worried about something.
"So, um, you don't have to be here if you don't want to..."
And it was very clear to the shape-shifter of what Denji was concerned about.
"Are you concerned about my safety?"
Kobeni couldn't help but smile softly at this, finding it very thoughtful and touching to see someone care so much about her.
"... I saw you die once already, and it would just make me feel really shitty if you died again..."
Denji sighs and looks down with a frown, no doubt that seeing Higashiyama die once was enough to make him feel, "Upset", as of late.
"How about we make a bet?"
Though before the Chainsaw Man could continue to feel sad, Kobeni decided to suggest something that would cheer him up.
"A bet?"
Which did catch Denji's attention, confused on what she was trying to do.
"If I die first, I'll do one favor to make it up to you, no limits."
And what Kobeni said instantly caught Denji's interest.
"But if I live, you will buy me a gallon of ice cream from your own paycheck, ok?~"
Kobeni gave a silly smile, it was clear that she was mostly doing this to make the blonde smile again and have fun with him.
"Heh... You know, it's kind of fucked that we can gamble our lives like this without consequence."
Luckily it seemed to work, though Denji couldn't help but point out how making these kinds of bets and games was, "Morbid", to put it kindly.
"Yeah, being immortal sucks..."
Kobeni agrees, once again reminded of her new immortal life, she couldn't help but sigh, still unable to process what this could mean for herself. Another small moment of silence fell between the two Devil Hunters, clearly with a lot on their minds, and a lot of things to consider.
"... Can my favor be a kiss?"
"Then it's a bet~"
But fortunately for them, such downer thoughts and negativity didn't last between them, as both Denji and Kobeni were able to make each other happy and in good moods again. Just in time, too, as the elevator stopped and the doors opened, revealing their target, Samurai Sword, standing before them. This made both of them ready to either pull the cord or press the dial on their collars.
"Hold your horses, how about we talk about this first?"
Though before any chaos and violence could happen next, the Samurai Sword held up his hands, as if not looking for any trouble with them just yet.
"Why should I let you talk? Last time we did, you cut off my head?..."
"Yeah! Fuck that noise, Sideburns Man!"
Something both Kobeni and Denji find unconvinced or hard to believe.
"Look, just listen, I am even willing to surrender depending on our conversation."
Yet when the Samurai Sword mentioned the possibility of surrendering, as much as the Deviltrix host wanted nothing more than to hurt the person who had hurt both herself and her friends, she couldn't bring herself to do it.
"... You better make it quick then, I've been getting less patient with others lately, so don't waste it."
So, against her better judgment and what remained of her kindness, Kobeni decided to give the Katana Man an opportunity to talk, much to the Hybrid's disappointment. However, he didn't disobey and listened to his Captain, though both were still prepared to transform if needed.
"Kobeni, remember when we first met? How you told me to continue taking care of my Grandpa?"
The Samurai Sword didn't waste the chance, even mentioning something that made the glare of the shape-shifter look less harsh and narrow.
"Well, I can't really do that because this man right here killed him in cold blood."
And the Samurai Sword used his excuse about his dead Grandpa to blame it on the Chainsaw Man that stood before him.
"Hey, I only killed them because they were zombies-"
Denji tried to defend himself, but was interrupted by an angry outburst from the Samurai Sword, which was also cut short by Higashiyama clearing her throat, as if warning him to continue and not waste any more time.
"Look, Denji already has no humanity left within himself, but you, I know you have something left."
Samurai Sword sighs and just went straight to the point.
"And if you are still human, you should understand what I'm going through, and why you should let me kill this heartless bastard."
Specifically the Samurai Sword tried to play into the sensitive and kind side of the Deviltrix host and paint her Hybrid partner as the monster.
"So what do you say? Let me rip out his Devil heart, and I'll surrender to you without fighting back, ok?"
Once the Samurai Sword had said what he needed to say, all he could do now was wait and see what the shape-shifter would say or do next, something that the blonde was also curious about.
"Is that all you have to say?"
"I see."
Kobeni just sighs in response to what the Samurai Sword said and just simply shakes her head.
"Thank you for wasting my last bit of patience I had left."
Kobeni didn't hesitate in answering the Sideburns Guy, before pressing down on her Deviltrix, seemingly choosing violence instead of peace.
This no doubt pissed off the Samurai Sword very much as he then removed his hand and revealed the blade underneath.
Which Denji returned the favor by pulling his cord and wearing a very crazed, mocking expression. In a flash of light later, all three of them could be seen bursting out of the side of the building and landing on top of another.
Both Denji and the Samurai Sword were in their familiar Chainsaw Man and Katana Man forms, respectively. However, Kobeni was in a new and different transformation. Her body took on a form similar to that of a raptor, but with ball wheels attached to her feet, bulky three-fingered claws on each hand, and a cone-shaped helmet-like head. Her face was exposed, white, with black lines on her cheeks and over her black eyes. The face was then covered by a mask with a unique design, featuring two streaks of red resembling her hair clips. This transformation was known as Supido-Kyo, and she intended to use this new form to help her partner and defeat her enemy.
"I've learned from my mistake last time, so this time."
Samurai Sword glared at the two and kneels down and ready himself.
"I won't hesitate..."
And in a blink of an eye, the Samurai Sword disappeared and reappeared before the transformed Higashiyama, though instead of slicing through her, it was simply blocked and stopped by her claws, much to his surprise.
"I've learned from my mistakes, too..."
The Katana Man was able to recover from his shock quickly enough to jump back away from Supido-Kyo and avoid being cut by the Chainsaw Man, though the Sideburns Guy's distance was already closed by the Devil Trigger host appearing before him this time and thrusting her claws forward, aimed at his chest. This forced the enemy Hybrid to parry and deflect with his swords, before attempting to slash back at the raptor Kobeni, who parried and deflected just the same. From the looks of it, both the Samurai Sword and the transformed Higashima were equal in skill and blinding speed, neither having a real clear advantage over the other. Well, all except one, and that came in the form of Denji, who took advantage of Katana Man being distracted in the fast-paced fight by tackling him off the building.
Both Katana Man and Chainsaw Man clashed with their blades and chainsaws, sending sparks everywhere. It seems that the Hybrid was able to hold his own for quite a while against the Sideburns Guy thanks to having superior strength, though it didn't seem to last long before being kicked away and down onto the top of a moving subway train.
"Ugh, never gonna get used to this falling thing..."
Chainsaw Man groaned as he slowly sat back up, but he did, he was suddenly very confused, not seeing the other Hybrid anywhere.
"Huh? Where did he go?"
"Above You Denji!"
As Chainsaw Man tries to find his enemy, he both hears and sees Supido-Kyo running next to and as fast as the subway train. While chasing after the train, she quickly tries to warn him to look up. He does so and is met by a Samurai Sword coming down from above, which kicks him through the roof of the train.
Both the Chainsaw Man and the Katana Man find themselves inside the train, which is full with many scared and screaming people.
"Ah shit, this ain't good."
Chainsaw Man was able to recognize that he wasn't really in the best spot to fight, especially since there was a young woman on the ground before him, looking up at him in fear. But despite such obstacles, it didn't seem to stop the hybrid enemy, as he was seen kneeling again, which tensed up Denji, already familiar with this specific pose.
The Sideburns Guy didn't listen to the Chainsaw Man. He then disappeared and reappeared before both him and the woman, preparing to slash them into pieces. Fortunately, however, the blade was suddenly deflected, and the woman was moved by a familiar Deviltrix host.
"Just hold off the Samurai, I'll handle the people!"
Supido-Kyo, after saving both the Hybrid and the innocent woman, reassured her partner to continue fighting, who felt relieved to have her here and did as he was told. The Devil with the chainsaws turned his attention back to Samurai Sword, just in time to block his sword swings. This started another clash between blades and chainsaws, both swinging their weapons at each other, all the while not worrying about the people around them, especially since the raptor Kobeni was there, using her speed to move all the people that were inches away from getting sliced up by the two and took them out of the moving train and into safety.
"Haaaah, haaaah, fuck you're definitely hard to kill..."
Both the Chainsaw Man and Katana Man were currently trying to catch their breath. By this time, all the people in the train had left, leaving only the two Hybrids alone together in the train.
"But with all the people now gone, it means I can finally kick your ass for real!~"
The Chainsaw Man smirks as he prepares his two chainsaws, ready to continue the fight, no longer holding back. However, just as he makes such a claim, both of his arms suddenly fall and slide off, apparently they've been cut the entire time.
"... Shit..."
Now the Chainsaw Man was worried once he realized his arms had been sliced off and were now laying on the floor uselessly.
"All too predictable..."
The Samurai Sword said coldly, before ducking and avoiding getting pierced in the head by the transformed Higashiyama claws, as well taking the opportunity to slice off one of her legs.
Supido-Kyo yells out in pain as she then trips and falls over due to a lack of balance and not slowing down enough when having one of her legs cut off. Luckily, Denji, despite not having any arms, was still able to quickly catch her.
"You ok, Kobeni?"
"I-I'll be fine, better than having my head removed..."
As the Chainsaw Man made sure Supido-Kyo was alright, they both heard and saw Sideburns Guy slowly walking up to them, licking the blood off his blades and regenerating any damage he had suffered in the fight.
"Why didn't you accept my offer?"
The Samurai Sword then stopped a few feet before the two Devil Hunters.
"I truly had no animosity towards you Kobeni, I could've just let you go and forgiven all this."
Specifically the Samurai Sword glared at the Deviltrix host.
"So why not just let me kill Denji?"
The Samurai Sword just couldn't understand why someone like her would defend someone like the Devil with the chainsaw.
The mask lifts up and reveals the glaring face of Supido-Kyo.
"O-Only I'm allowed to kill him..."
Supido-Kyo struggles to get up and move, but is very difficult when only having one leg.
"And I-I promised to only kill him once I start to hate him!"
Though before Supido-Kyo could do anything, she was held back and stopped by Denji, as if trying to protect her and make sure she doesn't overdo it.
"Hmph, whatever, not like it matters anymore, you're both defenseless and good as dead anyway."
The Samurai Sword let out a disappointed huff, as he no longer had a reason to continue reasoning with the raptor Kobeni and decided to finish this finally.
"Hey! I ain't defenseless! I still have my chainsaw head!"
The Chainsaw Man started to get up and stand in between the annoyed Katana Man and the worried yet confused transformed Higashiyama.
"Is that right?"
"Denji Wait!"
Supido-Kyo tried to stop her partner, but it was already too late, as the Samurai Sword had dashed past and appeared a few feet behind the Hybrid, who fell to one of his knees, as the chainsaw blade on his head shattered and broke.
"Kobeni, since you can't die, I'll still let you go, but not without cutting off your arms and legs first."
The Samurai was still willing to show mercy towards the Deviltrix host, but in his own cruel way. She responded with a growl and was about to do something to both defend herself and her partner, but everyone was interrupted by the sound of the Devil's chainsaw laughter.
"Heheh, thank you for aiming my head instead of legs dipshit!~"
The Chainsaw Man laughed loudly and mockingly as he raised one of his legs, revealing that it had become a chainsaw. The Sideburns Guy only had enough time to gasp in shock before blood started spraying everywhere, and he fell to the ground in two pieces.
"And that's why the beast should never trust the hunter!~"
The Chainsaw Man continues to act smugly at the now defeated Katana Man. The raptor Kobeni couldn't help but giggle softly and lay on the floor with a very relieved expression, as if glad the fight was finally over.
"Heheh, I see Kishibe taught you well~"
Soon, after the train made a complete stop, and having a chance to recover from their injuries, both Kobeni and Denji, who had returned to their normal human form, stood before the Sideburns Guy, who was also human again, but was in nothing but boxers with his hands tied up by chainsaw chains.
But that didn't stop Sideburns Guy from acting all violent and struggled to do everything to get revenge upon the Chainsaw Man and Higashiyama.
"My God, what a sore loser."
Denji just huffs and smirks at the defeated Samurai Sword.
"Good thing he was able to fix himself the same way as me, though seeing him dead would've been equally fine."
Denji hums, as he glanced at the Deviltrix host, noticing her hanging up her phone and seemed to have just finished her phone call.
"Back up should be arriving soon, so all we gotta do is just wait here until then."
Kobeni sighs softly, clearly very tired with today and just wants to go home already and relax.
"Anything from the rest of our squad?"
Denji felt the same, but he still made an effort to stay by the shape-shifter's side and keep her company, even having a conversation with her to distract her from today.
"Power and Kishibe just finished up clearing the zombies, and Aki and Himeno had just dealt with Akane, though they were forced to kill her."
Kobeni hums as she was confused by the last report, hoping Aki and Himeno would be OK if they were forced to kill Akane.
"Eh, don't really feel bad for that bitch anyway."
Denji just shrugged, not really having any strong feelings either way. In fact, he was glad to know Akane was dead, which made him feel better about himself.
"Thank you for saving me Denji, I guess that makes us even?"
Kobeni decided to take the chance to also properly thank her partner for saving her. She genuinely sounded grateful for what he did that claimed their victory for the mission.
"Mhm, though since none of us died, I guess neither of us was able to win the bet we had."
Denji nodded and smiled at her, thanking her, though he also couldn't help but pout slightly once he realized that the bet they had didn't really matter in the end.
"Well, we could always make a different bet at another time I suppose."
Kobeni just shrugged in response.
"Hmmmmm, OH! I have a new bet idea!~"
Denji wore a deep, thoughtful expression, rubbing his chin as he tried to figure something out, before having an idea a few moments later.
Which definitely catches Kobeni attention and curiosity.
"Whoever can make Sideburns scream the loudest while kicking his nuts~..."
Denji let out a mischievous smirk as he suggested a new kind of "Bet", which involves the Katana Man and his "Pairs".
"That... Isn't really professional for a Devil Hunter."
Kobeni couldn't help but grimace at the idea, as the new bet seemed like something she wouldn't do normally.
"Ah, I see..."
Denji couldn't help but pout, but didn't do anything to force something that Higashiyama was uncomfortable with.
"... Am I allowed to use my transformation for this bet?"
That was, until Kobeni reached for her Deviltrix, planning to transform again as she started to walk up towards the Sideburns Guy, which just made Denji smirk cruelly as he watched the shadow of Higashiyama loom over the now very worried Samurai Sword, who tried to back away in nervous fear.
"A-Aren't you supposed to be the sensitive one?..."
I'll let you use your imagination on what alien Kobeni used to kick Samurai Sword balls.
(Reminder: Supido-Kyo is supposed to be XLR8, and yes, the Samurai Sword is nearly the same speed as Supido-Kyo)
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