Spending Time With A Pirate
"Miss Makima gave us a job to hunt down a Devil, which is located here in this Hotel."
At the early, close to the middle of the day, Kobeni Higashiyama could be found standing in front of a random hotel building, she also wasn't alone, specifically she was with her entire team, which was made up with Denji, Power, Himeno and of course Aki Hayakawa, all looking ready to follow and listen to their leader.
"And thanks to Aki, who found this bullet from his previous mission, we know now that this Devil we're hunting is connected to the Gun Devil, so please be careful once we enter the building."
Once Kobeni explained the mission they were in, as well as the assignment they needed to accomplish, someone like Hayakawa and his human partner seemed to have understood the game plan and simply nodded in response.
"No need to worry about us Kobeni, I bet once we go in, we'll instantly find it and kill the shit out of that Devil!~"
"He's right my Queen, it won't be long until I devour the Devil's flesh and blood~"
Though two certain Devils, specifically Denji and Power, were all too eager to get things started and impress their leader, which made Higashiyama tilt her in confusion from such eagerness, while someone like the Eyepatch lady couldn't help but giggle at.
"So Aki, you've been around Kobeni's new recruit, what are your thoughts about him?"
Himeno, after she stopped giggling, turned to her Topknot partner and asked him a question about the new recruit, aka the blonde Hybrid.
"He is both amateurs and stupid, always making a mess whenever he gets the chance."
Though not only was Aki blunt with his response, but his opinion for the Devil Human was not at all high.
"He must be a real trouble maker huh?"
This made Himeno hum at such an answer as she crossed her arms and looked back at the Hybrid, who was currently arguing with the Blood Devil.
"He would be, though since Kobeni is here, he might actually behave and listen for once."
Aki just lets out a simple sigh and simply shakes his head, clearly not too eager to be working with the blonde again.
"My my, Kobeni sure has these two Devils on a leash, and she didn't have to make a contract with them, kind of jealous~"
Himeno chuckled at what her fellow Devil Hunter said, as well as seeing for herself when she saw the Deviltrix user calming down her two Devil teammates.
"More like one is listening because of lust, and the other from force."
Aki's negative feelings and opinions for the two blonde Devils had earned him a poke to the cheek from his own human partner.
"Such a downer, have more faith in our leader and her ability to lead."
Himeno tries to cheer up Hayakawa, as well as teased him a bit more, which he just glanced back at her and just gave her a simple hum in response.
Soon the entire group of Devil Hunters had entered the building they were assigned to investigate, some like the two humans were on guard and ready for anything, and those like the two Devils were just eager for some action. However, as for the leader, she was extremely anxious and worried, not for the mission to hunt a potentially scary Devil but in the hopes that she was leading her team the right way. Clearly, it was very stressful for her; however, with a few deep breaths and holding her Deviltrix for comfort, she was able to calm down and find the confidence to look back at her squad.
"I will be doing a wide general sweep around the area."
Kobeni, after a lot of consideration, started to explain the game plan to her teammate, with her specifically taking charge in the search.
"I want you all to handle checking all the specific parts in the hotel, like rooms and hidden spots."
As well as Kobeni making sure her squad knew what they needed to search for and where.
"We'll meet up around the top floor or if we find anything important, ok?"
Once Kobeni finished filling in her group on her plan, making sure they all accepted the idea and had no objections, she reached for her Deviltrix and pressed her dial.
After Kobeni transformed into Mothra, she immediately spread her moth-like wings and turned intangible. She then took off flying and left her teammates behind to search throughout the entire building.
"See You Later Kobeni!~"
"Stay Safe My Queen!~"
Denji and Power both said their goodbyes to the Moth Kobeni, though before they could express how much they would miss her, Hayakawa cut them both off as he then grabbed the Blood Devil shoulder.
"Power, with me."
When Aki said this to the Fiend, he was instantly met with hostility and refusal.
"Huh? And why should I follow you-"
Though just as Power was about to insult and most likely curse out Topknot, she was cut off when he then showed her a piece of gum.
"Right away my King."
Which made Power instantly turn docile and even called the Devil Hunter her King, which earned her a piece of gum, which she happily took and started chewing it with the wrapper on.
"I guess you're with me, huh?"
As Hayakawa took the blonde with horns with him to start their search, Himeno immediately took this chance to wrap her arms around the other blonde and hold him close to her.
"The name is Himeno, but you can call me Himmy if you like~"
Despite Himeno trying to be all friendly with the Devil Human, he did not seem amused at all by her attempts.
"Hi Himmy."
Was all Denji said to her, as he carefully removes himself from her friendly hold and tries to walk on to do what he was assigned to do in the mission.
"Awww, someone pouty, did you want to follow and be with our tiny leader?"
Himeno giggles to see her new Hybrid partner act in such a way, and even tries to tease him on why he was expressing such a pouty face.
Which Denji didn't hesitate to reply to Himmy assumption, which only earned him another hug from behind.
"That's so cute, do you have a crush on her or something?~"
Himeno pressed her cheeks against the blonde's face and gave him a knowing yet mischievous smirk.
"H-How do you know that?!"
Denji gasps to see the Eyepatch lady knowing his feelings and who his crush was, though his reaction only earned him a heartfelt laugh from her.
"Oh so you do! Awwww, so adorable I could pinch your cheeks!~"
As Himeno said, she started gently pinching and pulling the Devil Human cheeks, causing him to struggle and whine in annoyance.
"Hey! Quit it!"
After a bit more struggling, Denji was able to escape the grasp of his partner pinching, rubbing his sore cheeks as he started grumbling under his breath.
"Come on, tell me, what do you like about her~"
Himeno seemed very persistent in wanting to both bother him, yet was genuinely curious on how her Hybrid partner felt.
"And why should I tell you?"
Denji looks away with a grumpy face as he crosses his arms, clearly not enjoying his time being around Himmy.
"Booo, don't be like that."
Himeno puffs her cheeks in response to the blonde refusal to tell her anything.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your little secret, also unlike my dear friend Aki, I won't judge you."
But Himeno put her happy smile back on her face and tried to be friendly again with him.
"In fact, maybe I could help you get closer to our dear leader, probably make her like you back~"
Himeno offered him something that both caught his attention and very much interested him.
Denji looked back at the Eyepatch lady with newfound eagerness and curiosity on how to impress and get closer to a certain someone he calls a crush.
"Hey, we're a team, partners in crime, brothers and sisters basically, I will always have your back~"
Himeno nodded and gave the Devil Human a confident smile, as she seemed willing and ready to help him out, both because they were teammates and most likely for her own amusement.
"What do you say?~"
Once Himeno made this kind of offer to him, he couldn't help but deeply think about it and heavily considered whether or not to accept such an arrangement with her.
"Damn, and here I thought I had a shifty life."
Though in the end, he seemed to have accepted Himeno's offer, and soon, while continuing the search for the Devil they were hunting, both were having a deep conversation, which started with the Hybrid explaining why he liked Kobeni, to him explaining his past life and experiences.
"It wasn't that bad, once you get used to only eating once every few weeks, maybe a whole month even, it becomes a cup of cake."
Denji shrugs off his own tragic past, opening random doors from the bathroom and seeing if anyone or anything was inside them.
"But still, forcing a child to carry their parents' debt, that's just plain horrible."
Himeno, after checking under the bed to see if anything was underneath, sat on said bed and sighs at the thought of what her blonde partner went through.
"Yeah, it did suck, especially since they took most of my money away, but I always had Pochita by my side, which did make surviving much more bearable."
Denji decided to do the same and flop on one of the beds, after looking around and finding nothing in the room they were in.
Himeno looked at the Devil Human with a tilted head when he mentioned a name that sounded important to notice.
"He was my Devil dog buddy, who not only helped me get money for those Assholes, but also kept whatever was left of me together during my shit days."
Denji explains who Pochita was to his Devil Hunter partner.
"It might be weird to say this about any Devil, but I miss him, I really miss my first and only real friend I ever had in my life."
Which made Denji both happy from the memories he made with Pochita, and sad because he knew he would most likely never see him again.
"Is he dead?"
Himeno wore a sympathetic expression after hearing how close her Hybrid partner was with his Devil dog.
"I honestly don't know, since he fused and became my heart, but I guess it doesn't really change the fact that he's gone."
Denji clenched his chest, specifically where his heart and pulling string was.
"And I'll never be able to hug him again and share my new life with him."
Denji became more depressed when he kept reminding himself how much he missed Pochita, though he let out a defeated sigh since he knew there was nothing he could do about it.
"Yeah, I know how that feels, to lose someone you were close to, it fucking sucks huh?"
Himeno looked at the ceiling and went into deep thought, as she also started to remember all the people she lost during her time as a Devil Hunter, and how much those deaths affected her.
"I don't know if this will mean anything to you, but I promise that I won't die or become a body part of yours."
But Himeno shook her head and dashed those negative thoughts and feelings away from herself, looking back at the blonde, as she attempted to both comfort and reassure that she would be here for him and not die on him.
"Thanks, I guess."
While Denji didn't feel particularly close with Himmy, he did appreciate what she said to him, and accepted the thoughts of her comforting him.
"Hey, I know how to make you feel better."
Himeno realized that she heard more than she needed to, and just decided to be a friend to the Devil Human by telling him a way to be happy again.
"Oh yeah, how?"
Denji lazily rolled over on the bed and looked at the Eyepatch lady with a raised eyebrow.
"By killing the Devil we were assigned to kill!~"
Though what Himeno did offer to her Hybrid partner, only served to confuse him.
"How would that make me happy?"
So far Denji didn't seem to understand how killing a Devil, something that he was already planning to do, would make him feel better.
"Because if you kill the Devil first and take all the credit, then you might get a special reward from your favorite person~"
However, with a few simple yet very persuasive words from Himeno, the once uninterested blonde had suddenly become very much more motivated.
"Y-You think so?!"
Denji quickly sat up from the bed and looked at his Devil Hunter partner with a hopeful expression.
"I know so~"
A simple yes from Himeno was enough to make the Devil Human jump to his feet and look beyond eager and determined.
And with that, Denji ran out of the room, to look for the Devil he was assigned to hunt, all in the hopes of getting a special reward from the girl he liked.
"He's so easy to motivate, heh."
Himeno chuckled as she watched her Hybrid partner leave her behind, but then she sighs and wears a small frown, as if she just realized something that made her disappointed with herself.
'I probably shouldn't have promised that to him...'
Meanwhile, back with Kobeni, who had returned to human form, appeared to have finished her search within the hotel building and was currently walking down stairs in the hopes of meeting up with her teammates.
'This is so strange, this Hotel is completely empty.'
Though as Kobeni continues to climb down the stairs, she couldn't help but be in deep thoughts about everything she found in her search, or more accurately, all the things she didn't find.
'I mean, there's the remains of people's clothes and baggage, but no bodies.'
Kobeni's lack of finding any humans or Devil in her search, it did honestly put her at ease slightly as it appears that she luckily didn't find anything truly horrible in her search, but at the same time, also made her very anxious and nervous, as she felt like she was most likely going to experience something very nasty soon.
'Did the Devil escape?'
Though before Kobeni could prepare herself with such a possibility of something bad happening, while also still confused on where their target was, she stopped her own thoughts when she heard some very familiar arguing.
Higashiyama reached the bottom of the stairs and saw both Power and Denji in the middle of another heated argument with one another, while Aki watch with a unamused frown and Himeno watch with a very amused smile, which was nothing new for the Deviltrix use, however, what did catch her attention was the Devil that was lying on the ground, surrounded by blood and cuts, and very much dead.
"Is... Is that the Devil we were sent to kill?..."
Kobeni couldn't help but be very confused with seeing such a non threatening Devil laying on the ground dead already.
"It sure was, you can thank me for killing it~"
Denji pushed aside the Blood Devil once he saw the Collared Human and immediately tried to take credit in the hopes to impress her.
"No! It Is Me You Should Be Praising For This Kill, My Queen!"
Which Power was having none of that, also trying to push away her fellow blonde and wanting to be the one who earns compliments from her Queen.
"Shut Up And Stop Stealing My Credit!"
"It Is You Whom Is Taking My Rightful Glory!"
Though in the hopes of earning praise, both Denji and Power went straight back to fighting, which only made Himmy laugh more, though Hayakawa could only shake his head in disappointment.
"We covered most of the floors in the building, this was the only Devil we found during our search."
Aki decided to be the only voice of sanity, as he explains what actually happened and how the Devil they just killed was the only one they could find.
"I see..."
Kobeni honestly did not know how to process this, as she felt very underwhelmed from what she was just told, as if she was expecting this mission to be more difficult than it should have been.
"Sooooo, does this mean we get to go home early for a job well done?"
Himeno, after calming down from laughter, looked back at her leader and looked hopeful that her job was done and they were able to call it quits for the day.
"Hmm, I'm not sure..."
Unfortunately, Kobeni was still confused and unsure about this whole thing, almost refusing this mission to be so easy and over with, even though she kinda wished it was the case.
"Can you and Aki check the outside of the building and see if there's any place where the Devil might be hiding or running off to?"
Kobeni, after having a moment to think about the situation, gave both human Devil Hunters a new assignment to take before they could officially call off and end the mission, which Topknot nodded in acceptance.
"Come on Himeno."
"Boo, we could've gone out for drinks..."
As Aki walked off to carry out his task, with a very pouty Himeno following after him, Higashiyama faced the two Hybrid and Fiend Devil Hunters.
"Power, Denji, follow me, we'll head for the security room and check the cameras, ok?"
Once Kobeni gave them their new assignment, which they also nodded in response, she turned away and started walking back upstairs, with the two following after her.
"Kobeni will reward me for killing the Devil."
"Shush you foolish mortal, my Queen's prize will be mine!"
Denji and Power were about to continue their bickering, deciding on who should actually be rewarded for the kill, though before such arguments could start again, they suddenly stopped when they bumped into Kobeni back, which confused them and was about to ask what was happening, though that kind of questions were stopped when they look up and saw that both Aki and Himeno, who were supposed to be down stairs, were suddenly above them instead, much to everyone shock and surprise.
You know, I have decided to scrap the whole "Aki X Gwen" and "Kevin X Himeno" idea, it will now be "Aki X Himeno", unless you guys have any objections to this idea? Also since I want them to be a thing, they will also be living together, separate and away from Kobeni, Denji and Power.
(WEIRD QUESTION! Since I will be adding Jujutsu Kaisen in the near future, I am thinking of adding a Ben 10 X Kobeni equivalent to this story, another word, basically a character in JuJu Kai that is not only similar to Kobeni, but said character will be given a weapon or power like how Kobeni has the Deviltrix, I already have the power/weapon in mind, but I don't know who should get it, any recommendations?)
/Jujutsu Kaisen Characters Candidate\
Kasumi Miwa: Honestly from what I know so far, she is the perfect character, however since I'm not an expert on JuJu Kai, I'm not entirely sure, she is on the top of the list for sure, but still maybe.
Maki Zenin: For someone who has no Curse Energy, or at least that's what I am told, she would make a excellent subject to be give something different that isn't like that rest of JuJu Kai, however she is currently going through a important Arc, basically giving her some MC vibes unlike Kobeni side character status, so she is like lower in comparison to Kasumi.
Utahime Iori: I definitely see pros and cons in using her, however she isn't as top tier like Kasumi or Maki, I mean definitely interesting enough to make it to 3rd place in the list, but she is more like a last resort character to use for emergencies, not sure.
(Who would you pick of the three I suggested? Or do you have another character in JuJu Kai that works better and is more similar to Kobeni? I'm open to suggestions and other ideas, though I have to let you know that it can't be Main Characters like Yugi or Gojo or Main Villains like Sukuna or Jogo, it has to be at least Side Characters or 2nd Characters that aren't the MC)
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