Master And Pet


"Whopper whopper whopper whopper, junior triple double whopper."

A car could be seen pulling up in the drive through of a Burger King, and inside said car would be a certain someone who happily sings the theme of the particular fast food place, that being Makima herself, who was clearly looking forward to ordering from the small restaurant.

"Um, you sure do love your Burger King?..."

And in the passenger seat next to the Control Devil would be her partner, or 2nd Boss, Kobeni Higashiyama, who just simply looked surprised to see someone love Burger King so much.


Makima just simply shrugs in response, clearly not bothered by her own love for Burger King.


Kobeni, while not particularly bothered either, was still struggling to comprehend someone like the Devil of Domination to like the fast food place so much.

"Welcome to Burger King, may I take your order?"

But before anything more can be said, the speaker at the drive through finally spoke up and was ready to take their orders.

"Do you want anything Kobeni?"

Makima quickly asks Higashiyama if wants to order, which definitely snapped her out of her confusion.

"O-Oh, um, a simple combo meal and soda is fine?"

Kobeni decided to not question it anymore and just order something simple for herself, as she was pretty hungry herself.


Makima nods and turns her attention back to the speaker.

"I'll take one combo meal with a soda."

"Alright, anything else?"

Once the speaker took the first order, Makima took a moment to think deeply and look through the menu, considering what she wanted for herself.

"Yes, I would also like a Whopper Jr. with onion rings, also make it a meal so I can get a drink."

After a moment of consideration, Makima begins her requests on what she wants to eat.

"Alright, that will be-"

"No, I'm not finished, that's not everything, can I please get a Double Whopper with no cheese? Can I please get a number two with a large drink?-"

The speaker assumed Makima had finished her order, but was cut off when she started to make another order, which definitely startled a certain Deviltrix host.

"A-Are you really gonna eat all that?"

Kobeni went wide-eyed slightly at the amount of food swirling eyes was getting for herself.

"I got money, so I don't care how much it cost me,

also just throw in some extra fries; don't make 'em salty, that'll be all."

Which again, Makima wasn't bothered by it and just finished up her last bits of her order, the shape-shifter looked at her own pregnant, and slightly plump body, with a new conflicted expression.

'And I thought I was eating too much...'

Soon, after the two Devil Hunter Bosses got their food from Burger King, they both drove up and parked before a movie theater, in which they got out of their car and started heading inside the building, with their meals in their arms.

"Um, Ma'am, you can't bring outside food-"

"[Don't worry, we won't make a mess, now please let us in]"

The movie theater guy noticed the two bringing in outside food and was about to stop them, but it seems that Makima was able to "Convince Him" in letting them in.

"O-Of course, please enjoy both of you."

The movie theater guy didn't say anything else and just let the two enter.

'I guess being the boss gives us some special privileges?'

Kobeni let out a thought and unsure hum, but before she could consider her so called "Privileges" that was just demonstrated to her, she had arrived in the theater room with the Control Devil.

"Oh? Not a lot of people are in here?"

Which Kobeni immediately noticed how nearly empty everything was, only a small handful of people could be seen.

"We did arrive early, but even so, I like to think those with less people for a movie, means the movie might actually be worth watching."

Makima, while looking and sitting on her assigned seat, didn't seem to mind the small number of people in the room, and even gave her reasoning for so.

"You think so?"

Kobeni, taking her seat next to the Devil of Domination, tilted her head curiously, as she considered what she said and whether or not that's true or not.

"I like watching movies."

Makima just simply shrugs as she then started eating her Burger King meal once she was comfortable in her seat.

"Really? That's surprising."

Kobeni, as she said, was surprised to learn this new fact about the one with swirly eyes.

"Oh? How so?"

Makima looks at Higashiyama with an interested expression on what she meant in what she said.

"I just, well, I'm just used to seeing you being a professional person at work, that I forget that you have a life outside of our job."

Kobeni rubbed the back of her head and wore a slightly sheepish expression, worried that she was coming off as rude when she said this.

"It's understandable, we never hung out or even got a chance to know each other before."

Luckily, Makima wasn't offended, and was understanding how or why no one really knew her and what she does when she isn't working.

"B-But since we're friends now, I wanna change that."

Kobeni then started to become more shy.

"Actually, I might see you more than my friend..."

As Kobeni, very softly, spoke of her desire to be more closer for her fellow Devil Hunter Boss.

"... Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"

Which Makima immediately took it the wrong way.

"N-NO! No, damn it, why does everyone assume that..."

Something that very much embarrassed Kobeni as she tried to clear up the misunderstanding and what she truly meant in what she meant.

"Then may you please clarify what you mean by seeing me more as your friend?"

Makima raised an eyebrow, slightly confused and more curious on what the Deviltrix host was talking about, who sighs and then takes a deep breath, having a moment to collect herself and think about what she was about to say next.

"Makima, you have literally given me almost everything I could ever want in my life."

Kobeni, once she knew what she wanted to say, finally said it to the Control Devil herself.

"You mean the money?"

"A-And Other Things!... But yeah, mostly money..."

Kobeni groaned softly when Makima mentioned that, which she wasn't wrong in saying, but she didn't want to come off as "I only like you for the money", even if it was a little true.

"And while I, admittedly, hate being a Devil Hunter, you managed to make it worth staying here."

Kobeni continues to reveal more about her feelings, both about her job as a Devil Hunter, and how the Devil of Domination meant to her.

"Again yes, money was a part of it, but you also gave me new friends and family, which comes in the form of my team, and without them, I would feel so... Alone..."

And the more that Kobeni spoke, the more emotional she sounded, even starting to tear up slightly.

"And while the position of being their leader is beyond stressful, it feels nice to not only have someone support you, but have something worth fighting for, it just, I don't know how to explain, but it just makes me realize I have a life, and I would do anything to keep it and defend it."

Thankfully Kobeni didn't cry, but she made it very clear for the swirly eyes on how she felt, with her new life and who gave it to her.

"I'm glad to know I gave you such a good life."

Makima just simply smiles and seemed "Happy" to make the shape-shifter happy.

"And because of this new life you have given me, calling you just a friend sounds, "Inaccurate?", because you're more than my friend at this point."

Kobeni looks up and in the eyes of the Control Devil, as she feels prepared to say what to say next.

"You're almost like, my older sister I never had, who did everything to make her little sister happy..."

And what Kobeni said definitely caught the attention of the Devil of Domination.

"An older sister you say?"

Makima was definitely surprised by this, not really sure on how to respond to that.

"I-I know it's stupid, and we can just stay normal friends if it makes things less awkward for you, but I'm just letting you know how much I'm thankful for your kindness, and you deserve my full trust."

Kobeni, despite being very embarrassed right now, didn't really take back how she felt towards the one with swirly eyes.

"I will do anything to support you, like how you supported me."

Kobeni went so far as to declare how she would basically do anything for the Control Devil, which made her "Smile?" In response.

"I'm honored to know you think so highly of me."

Makima then started to "Giggle?"

"And I don't particularly mind being called your "Older Sister", it makes me, "Happy", to be a part of your so called "Family", heh~"

Makima teasingly sticks her tongue out and wink at Higashiyama.

"Y-You don't have to take it literally, if you don't want to, but thank you, just thank you."

Kobeni blushes softly at the teasing, but still tries to be thankful towards the Devil of Domination.

"You're welcome, my young sibling~"

"I-I'm already regretting this..."

As Kobeni felt regretting everything in what she said and wanting to take it all back, all while deciding to eat her Burger King meal now, Makima, she was currently struggling to hide back her smirk and pleased expression.

'This is progress, I might be unable to control her just yet, but knowing she views me in such a way, it's only a matter of time before she becomes officially mine.'

Makima felt so impatient, wanting nothing better than to "DOMINATE" the Deviltrix host, but she knew better than to start something she wasn't ready for just yet, and so she did nothing.

'I just need to wait a little longer, once she's fully under my control, then everything I worked so hard for will finally be complete...'

Before Makima could continue going down her deep and dark thoughts for the future, the theater room lights started to dim down, as the big movie screen started to light up.

"Oh look, the movie is finally starting."


This of course signaled them both that the movie had finally begun, and so Kobeni and Makima made sure to stop whatever they were doing or think about doing, as they gave their full attention to the movie screen before them, and started to watch what it was showing them.


And when it finally finished watching what the movie showed them, definitely made them react in a very "Certain" way, like for example, the infamous "Crybaby Kobeni" had officially come back for this moment.

"What a good movie..."

As for Makima, while she wasn't as dramatic as the shape-shifter, she also did release some tears, from how emotional the movie was.

"Want to see it again?"

"Y-Yes please..."

Yet despite how emotional the two were, both Kobeni and Makima were willing to watch it again, clearly wanting to experience the movie again, and now hopefully appreciate what they were seeing after knowing what would happen the first time.

'Nothing wrong with having fun with my new pet before controlling them~...'
At the moment, I can't see a reason why Kobeni wouldn't feel close towards Makima, I mean, given all that Makima did for Kobeni, you can't say Kobeni wouldn't feel "Something" for Makima.

(Random question, what's your thoughts of the Control Devil having a full name? Like "Makima Nayuta"?)

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