Interesting Turn Of Events
"Ah! What The Fuck!?"
A random Japanese man can only shout out in shock and anger when he opens the door of his ice cream shop that he owns and sees nothing but absolute destruction. Everything is either knocked down or broken. The entire walls and floors are covered in cracks, scratches, or stains. What immediately stands out to him is seeing all the ice cream he owned, which is just simply gone, leaving nothing but empty buckets and storage containers.
"Damn it, ugh, why does this have to happen to me..."
The man could only sigh and grumble in frustration, obviously not happy about all this. But just as he was about to pull out his phone to call the proper authorities, or probably just start finding a way to clean up the mess, he was suddenly stopped when he heard something moving in the kitchen area of the ice cream shop.
"Huh? Who's There?! Are You The One Who Trashed My Shop!?"
The man, immediately assuming that what he heard and saw was the same person who had ruined his shop, didn't hesitate to walk up and confront the mysterious stranger, grabbing a random kitchen knife and preparing to handle the situation he was about to face.
"What the hell?..."
However, when the man finally arrived at the source of the sounds and movements, he was once again met with a shocking sight, going wide-eyed and starting to be filled with fear, because instead of meeting another Japanese person, what he saw, well, it was definitely not human, nor a normal animal, and if it wasn't either of those options, he could only assume it was one thing.
'A-A Devil!'
Luckily, this "Devil?" didn't seem to realize that the man was here, seemingly too busy eating all the ice creams that were in the freezers. With that in mind, he attempted to slowly walk back and try to leave the area. Unfortunately, he didn't make it far, because his foot then stepped on a random ice cream cone, and with a loud crunch, the "Devil?" was almost instantly in front of the man's face. He gasps and whimpers as the "Devil?" examines his face, hearing it hiss and growl at him, sniffing him as well, as if trying to see what he was to this "Devil?". As for the man in question and how he was feeling about this entire situation, well, let's just say he was going to need a change of pants. But before anything more can happen between the man and the "Devil?", another visitor has entered the building, catching both their attention.
"In The Name Of The "Public Safety Devil Hunter", You Devil Are Targeted For Extermination!"
Standing at the entrance of the shop were two Devil Hunters, specifically a woman known as Michiko Tendo and a man known as Yutaro Kuro, both had their weapons and the Punishment Devil Contract ready to be used. Seeing the immediate danger and risk of harm, the "Devil?" realized it wasn't worth the trouble, and with insane speed, faster than anyone could react, ran away, crashing through a wall, and leaving nothing but a big hole that was made by the "Devil?".
"Tsk, it got away..."
Yutaro was really happy about this outcome, putting away his weapon and his contract.
"We need to report this to Makima immediately."
Michiko quickly pulls out her phone to start making a call, to inform their Boss on what just happened, Kurose could only rub his temples and sigh at this.
"Let's just hope this new Devil won't be causing us any real trouble anytime soon..."
Meanwhile, back at the familiar penthouse, both Denji and Power, who was holding her Meowy in her arms, were standing in front of the door of the bathroom, which was currently locked at the moment.
"Um, Kobeni? Are you ok there?..."
Denji knocks on the door of the bathroom, as he sounded worried when he tried to talk to the one in said bathroom, that being Kobeni Higashiyama, though the only response he received was the sound of very violent vomiting.
"Do humans usually barf this much?..."
Power also sounded concerned for the wellbeing of the Deviltrix host, as she has never experienced seeing her "Queen" act so ill before.
"I don't know..."
But before Denji and his Blood Devil could comment more about this, the sounds of the toilet flushing and then the door unlocking and opening.
"Sorry you had to hear that..."
Revealing the shape-shifting Deviltrix user herself, Kobeni, who was an absolute mess, her face expressed nothing but tiredness and misery. Her hair wasn't even fixed, nor did it have its usual hair clips. Even her clothes weren't spared from her messy appearance.
"O-Oh my..."
"U-Uh, Kobeni?..."
Which did allow a blushing Power and Denji to notice that a certain area of the shirt to be unbuttoned and "Reveal" something that shouldn't be seen.
"Damn it, have my shirts been getting smaller in the dryer? They've been so tight on my chest lately..."
Usually Kobeni would have been extremely embarrassed and crying about it from such a thing, but she was too sick to care at the moment, only weakly complaining as she struggled to button up her shirt.
"So, I, hm, are you ok to go to work?"
Denji could only be more concerned when he saw Higashiyama look so, well, sick.
"I don't think so..."
Kobeni replied honestly as she held her head, trying to focus while suffering from major headaches and dizziness.
"I might need to call in sick, ugh..."
Kobeni grumbles, as she hates the idea of missing work, but she literally didn't feel good enough to go.
"Let Aki know that he's in charge until I feel better..."
Kobeni then started to stumble out of the bathroom and just headed straight towards her bedroom, no doubt to rest in her bed.
"Would you like me to stay and take care of you, my Queen?"
"Hey! If anyone should take care of Kobeni, it should be me!"
Both Power and Denji wanted to take care of the Deviltrix host, though this almost resulted in them butting heads again.
"No, no, you two go to work without me, I'll be fine, I'll probably just take some medicine and go back to sleep, I should be fine..."
But luckily Kobeni was able to stop the two before that could happen, as well as telling them to go work without her.
"Are you sure?"
Denji frowns, clearly not wanting to leave the shape-shifter by herself, but at the same time, not really having a reason to refuse what she says.
"Yes, now go, I don't want you two to be late because of me..."
Kobeni nods, and just gives her two partners a reassuring smile, as if letting them know that it was gonna be ok.
"Alright, if that's what you want."
"I'll Be Sure To Kill Many Devil's In Your Name!"
With not much to say, both Denji and Power did as they were told, but making sure Higashiyama had everything that she needed before leaving, which did make her happy and warm her heart to be treated so kindly by those she would call her friends.
'It feels nice to have people care about me~...'
Soon after Kobeni was left alone, she took her medication, wore something more comfortable and loose around her chest area, and just lay in bed with a cold, wet rag on her forehead.
"I just feel so miserable..."
Yet no matter how much medicine Kobeni took, or how much she tried to rest, her sickening feelings still lingered.
"I feel like throwing up yet I'm so hungry..."
Kobeni groans as she covers her mouth, trying her best not to vomit or drool from hunger.
"I feel so bloated..."
Kobeni once she felt like she wouldn't throw up, she would then use her hand to rub her stomach, which felt stiff and tight for some reason.
"And my chest is all aching and swollen..."
And with the second hand, Kobeni would try to massage her sore and tender breasts, hoping to make them stop aching, but the extreme sensitivity made her whimper.
"Among other horrible feelings..."
Kobeni just whines and lies on her side, grabbing and hugging her pillow, desperately trying not to cry. For some reason, she was getting overly emotional, well, more than usual for some reason.
"Hey Deviltrix?..."
After successfully calming herself down and not starting to cry, Kobeni then started speaking with her Deviltrix, needing something or someone to distract her from her overall nastiness.
"Yes Kobeni?"
Which the Deviltrix was happy to comply and respond to their host.
"Do you know what's wrong with me?..."
Kobeni asks weakly. She doesn't know why she asked this question specifically. She already assumes it was just a simple stomach bug or cold, maybe even the flu. Maybe she just wants something to blame, or whatever.
"Why yes I do."
Though surprisingly, the Deviltrix did apparently know the answer to her troubles.
"Huh? Really?..."
Which definitely caught Kobeni's attention, as she wasn't really expecting for her Deviltrix to know the answer to her problem.
"Of course, it's my function to know the biological functions and changes of my user."
The Deviltrix simply stated, which the host was able to understand and believe, since she already had experienced how connected they were before.
"So you know why I'm sick then?..."
But now that Kobeni knows there was a reason she was sick, or at least she could figure out what kind of illness she had, it did make her feel better about herself. Now she might be able to find a way to solve it, or at least know how to deal with it more properly to make things easier for herself. However, as Higashiyama was about to prepare and plan something, the Deviltrix suddenly revealed something that, well, let's just say it was the type of information she wasn't ready for, both now and in the future.
"You're not sick, you're just pregnant Kobeni."
"... E-Excuse me?..."
Yup, if you know Ben 10, you can probably guess what I'm planning to do, hehe, though before I continue, I have to ask, should I make Kobeni show some signs? Like I already showed Kobeni having cravings and, well, slight increase size in the chest area, but should I go the extra mile? Of course she's not gonna have a normal 9 Months, it might only last a week or 1 month at best, but still, I think it might be fun to write Kobeni having the full experience of Motherhood, both the good and bad, plus it would be nice bonding moment with Denji and others.
(BTW! Wanna guess the alien I'll be choosing? You probably already know the answer if you know me, but i still like to have with you all guessing~)
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